
My daughter sends letter to state prosecution in Munich re. Jobcenter München

English   version  (for  chronological   documentation  and  presentation at   the   USCIS.gov)

State  Prosecutor  München  I
Linprunstraße  25
80097  München

AZ:  ER  II  GS - 6711/15 and complaint  of  Jobcenter München  in  2012  AZ  18  Ns  112  Js  203869/12

I  am the  daughter  of  ... and  would  ask you  to  send  me  a  copy  of  both  complaints  filed  with police  in  Munich.  These  complaints  intervene  massively  and  ruthlessly  in  my  right  to  personal freedoms guaranteed  in  the  basic  law  of  Germany.  I  intend  to  file  a  suit  in  both  cases against  the concerned  individual(s).

The  complaint  of  2012  was without  any  doubt  filed  by  the  Jobcenter  Munich.

 In  the  case  File  #:  ER  II  GS  - 6711/15  I  am  convinced  that  the  Jobcenter  Munich  filed  the  complaint  as well,  just  as it  did  in  May  2014  in  a  third  case  which  is presently  with  the  German  constitutional  court.

I  am being  harassed  by  this German  government  agency  Jobcenter  Munich  relentlessly  since  2013 and  in  the  most  massive  way.  This government  agency  is doing  everything  to inflict  harm  on  me, obstruct  my  school  education,  to separate  me  from  my  father  and  is  bent  on  ruining  my  future.

My father  has  contacted  lawyers in  the  United  States  to apply  for  asylum  in  the  US  for  me.  I  do not feel  safe  anymore  in  Germany  after  the  latest  incident  with  armed  police  seizing  all  our  IT  equipment. Furthermore,  I  have  absolutely  no confidence  in  the  Bavarian  judiciary.

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