
Ludwig Wittgenstein: 'In case you want an Emetic, there it is.’

Neville Chamberlain
"Peace for Our Time," September 30, 1938

The following statement was made by British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, in front of #10 Downing Street, London, after his arrival home from the notorious Munich Conference of 1938:
My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it is "peace for our time." Go home and get a nice quiet sleep".
. . . . . . .

Wittgenstein sensed a different smell:
In the midst of all this anxiety, the sight of Neville Chamberlain returning from Munich proclaiming ‘Peace in our time’ was too much to bear. He sent Gilbert Pattisson one of the postcards printed to celebrate Chamberlain’s ‘success’. Beneath a picture of Chamberlain and his wife the legend reads: ‘The Pilgrim of Peace. Bravo! Mr Chamberlain.’ On the back Wittgenstein wrote: ‘In case you want an Emetic, there it is.’
(Ray Monk - Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius)

Reading Lounge

1. That Time Pavarotti and James Brown Got Together For an Unforgettable Duet

2. “Billion Dollar Whale,” an Absurd Tale of Financial Fraud

3. 'The most destructive own goal:' A decade on from the Irish bank guarantee

4. Meet the most successful host of Kabukicho, Roland

5. “fat otaku happiness"

"We find that exposure to talk about fake news may lower individuals’ trust in media and lead them to identify real news with less accuracy."

Their esteem of other people's IQ seems to be pretty low but they do have some points.

Priming and Fake News: The Effects of Elite Discourse on Evaluations of News Media

Permanent talk about fake news does more harm than the product itself. There you go. Live with it.
We explore how the prominence of talk about fake news has effects on overall media trust and the ability of the public to accurately distinguish between real and fake news. Second, we add to research on media skepticism (Tsfati & Cappella, 2003) by offering causal evidence of the relationship between exposure and overall media trust. Finally, we offer evidence that accurately identifying news as real or fake may not be explained by ideology like other priming effects (Watts et al., 1999). Our findings suggest that discourse about fake news may be doing more harm than exposure to fake news itself.
Those believing to be in the know are probably less so.
Individuals primed with elite discourse about fake news identified real news with less accuracy than those who were not primed (H1b). As expected, political knowledge related to accurate identification of real news, where the more knowledgeable were more accurate than the less knowledgeable. Neither of these findings were true for the identification of fake news. 
Then take into account the extreme form of "media nihilism".
Considering that our results differ from media skepticism associated with political ideology, it is possible that the phenomenon exhibited here is an extreme skepticism that impedes one’s ability to identify truth, what we call “media nihilism.” Beyond media skepticism that questions the fairness of both fake and real news, media nihilism is a skewed perception ofnews media that assumes falsehood even in the face of truth. Our data reflect this skewed skepticism of real news after exposure to elite discourse about fake news. Taken together, findings suggest that the prominence of fake news in elite discourse is problematic for democracy. As fake news continues to be a point of elite attention, it becomes a more prominent standard for the evaluation of news media as a whole. These results have practical implications for how fake news is discussed publicly. Although elites may have good intentions in drawing public attention to the issue of fake news and misinformation more generally, this may highlight a minimal problem at a great expense. When discussing fake news, it may be important to provide context to qualify the extent to which it is actually present. Moreover, as news organizations look to distinguish themselves from fake news alternatives, they should do so with linguistic caution. Simply echoing the language of “fake news” may have a boomerang effect on the public’s trust in and evaluations of their own work.
More here

Funding was meager.
"This work was supported by the the Center for Media Engagement ($500)."


"Results suggest that a callous indifference and a lack of perspective-taking may underlie abusive behaviour in the employment interview."

"Microsoft is famous for its brutal refinement of the form, subjecting candidates to a withering barrage of brainteasers and “unanswerable” questions to separate out the logical, motivated, unflappable, innovative thinkers. (p. 18)"

Dark Motives and Elective Use of Brainteaser Interview Questions

Brainteaser interview questions such as “estimate how many windows are in New york” are just one example of aggressive interviewer behaviour that lacks evidence for validity and is unsettling to job applicants. This research attempts to shed light on the motives behind such behaviour by examining the relation between dark-side traits and the perceived appropriateness of brainteaser interview questions. A representative sample of working adults (n = 736) was presented with a list of interview questions that were either traditional (e.g., “Are you a good listener?”), behavioural (e.g., “Tell me about a time when you failed”), or brainteaser in nature. Results of a multiple regression, controlling for interviewing experience and sex, showed that narcissism and sadism explained the likelihood of using brainteasers in an interview. A subsequent bifactor analysis showed that these dark traits shared a callousness general factor. A second longitudinal study of employed adults with hiring experience demonstrated that perspective-taking partially mediated the relationship between this general factor and the perceived helpfulness and abusiveness of brainteaser interview questions. These results suggest that a callous indifference and a lack of perspective-taking may underlie abusive behaviour in the employment interview.

On the hiring side, we found that brainteasers are a complete waste of time… They don’t predict anything. They serve primarily to make the interviewer feel smart. (laszlo Bock, senior vice president of people operations at google, quoted in Bryant, 2013)

More here


Rosebank Gang

"If a jury is deciding whether or not a politician is guilty, having a corruptible-looking face might create a negative impression, which might influence the jury's decision"

"Another possibility is that corruptible-looking politicians are not any more corruptible than honest-looking politicians, but because of their looks they are more often suspected of, investigated for, and convicted of corruption."
Be that as it may ...

Corruption is hard to hide if you're a politician whose face is wide

Face wideness -- technically, the facial width-to-height ratio -- has been shown in previous research to be correlated with aggressive behavior in men. That is, men with wider faces have a greater tendency to be aggressive and threatening toward others than do men with thinner faces. Studies have also shown that wide-faced men are perceived by others to be more threatening than men with thinner faces.

The new Caltech study is the first to show that observers have a knack for picking out corrupt politicians based on just a portrait and that observers perceive politicians with wider faces as more corruptible.

"It might be difficult to understand why you can look at others' faces and tell something about them," says Chujun Lin, study co-author and Caltech graduate student. "But there is no doubt that people form first impressions from faces all the time. For example, on dating sites people often reject potential matches based on pictures without reading the profile."

However, it's important to note that the researchers are not claiming that politicians who look corruptible are inherently more corrupt than those who look honest. Their research shows a connection between facial appearance and corruption, but, they say, there could be many explanations. One possibility is that if a face conveys a sense of dishonesty, the politician might be offered bribes more often. Another possibility is that corruptible-looking politicians are not any more corruptible than honest-looking politicians, but because of their looks they are more often suspected of, investigated for, and convicted of corruption.

"If a jury is deciding whether or not a politician is guilty, having a corruptible-looking face might create a negative impression, which might influence the jury's decision," says Lin, who adds that the "clean" politicians used in the study might not actually be clean. "Maybe they just haven't been caught."

Read more here

Reading Lounge

1. Brunello Cucinelli

2. Google’s AI to detect toxic comments can be easily fooled with ‘love’

3. The Brains of Jazz and Classical Musicians Work Differently, New Research Shows

4. Who Is Michael Ovitz?

5. The color Red

6. These Newly Released Nuclear Test Videos Are Horrific And Beautiful At The Same Time

7. The rising use of recycled plastic in design is "bullshit" says Jan Boelen

8. Every Wes Anderson movie ranked in order of greatness


Einsicht in schriftliche Begleitungen des Vorgangs von Jürgen Sonnecks hastigen Wechsels vom Jobcenter München zum Referat für Bildung und Sport gefordert

Morgen im Jobcenter und Stadt München,

Im Juli 2017 erfuhr der damalige stellv. GF des JC Jürgen Sonneck das Privileg eines Karrierewechsels als Beamter zu einer nichtkomplementären Behörde, dem Referat für Bildung und Sport München.

Zufälligerweise deckt sich dieser Zeitraum mit einigen dezidiert scharfen Kommunikationen meinerseits mit Bundesministerien in Berlin sowie dem Polizeipräsidenten von München in Bezug auf eben jenen Jürgen Sonneck. Kommunikationen, in denen ich eine Untersuchung dieser Person Jürgen Sonneck forderte.

Der Wechsel des Jürgen Sonneck in seiner damaligen Funktion des stellv. GF und somit also potentieller GF des Jobcenter München zum Ref. f. Bildung und Sport ist eine klare Demotion. Diese Demotion fand offenkundig und auffällig in Windeseile statt und zeitlich kongruent mit meinen Kommunikationen.

Solche Vorgänge werden natürlich in schriftlicher Form begleitet. Diese schriftlichen Begleitungen des Vorgangs begehre ich nun einzusehen aus den bekannten Gründen. Ich verweise auf SGB Erstes Buch (I) §§ 13 und 15.

Darf ich von einer Erledigung bis zum Freitag, den 05. Okt. 2018, ausgehen. Des Klimaschutzes als auch des Fortbestands der Pinguine wegen bevorzuge ich die Pdf Form o.ä. Digitales.


Spot the Butterfield

There is an article about Uber & Co. in Market Watch.

Drivers for Uber, Lyft are earning less than half of what they did four years ago, study finds

You are excused when you are not surprised by this. After all, Uber is burning cash left and right and top to bottom. But here is the first paragraph of the article.
Drivers for online platforms including Uber and Lyft are making less than half of what they did four years ago, even as more and more people are drawn into working for them.

Brighten up! You can smell a woman's potential fertility

The scent of attractiveness: levels of reproductive hormones explain individual differences in women's body odour.


Individuals are thought to have their own distinctive body odour which reportedly plays an important role in mate choice. In the present study we investigated individual differences in body odours of women and examined whether some women generally smell more attractive than others or whether odour preferences are a matter of individual taste.

We then explored whether levels of reproductive hormones explain women's body odour attractiveness, to test the idea that body odour attractiveness may act as a chemosensory marker of reproductive fitness. Fifty-seven men rated body odours of 28 healthy, naturally cycling women of reproductive age. We collected all odours at peak fertility to control for menstrual cycle effects on body odour attractiveness. Women's salivary oestradiol, progesterone, testosterone and cortisol levels were assessed at the time of odour collection to test whether hormone levels explain body odour attractiveness.

We found that the men highly agreed on how attractive they found women's body odours. Interestingly, women's body odour attractiveness was predicted by their oestradiol and progesterone levels: the higher a woman's levels of oestradiol and the lower her levels of progesterone, the more attractive her body odour was rated.

In showing that women's body odour attractiveness is explained by levels of female reproductive hormones, but not by levels of cortisol or testosterone, we provide evidence that body odour acts as a valid cue to potential fertility.

However, "Using 26,000 diary entries to show ovulatory changes in sexual desire and behavior we did not find predicted effects on partner mate retention behavior, clothing choices, or narcissism."

That's a real bummer. More here.

Ich mag die plump-dumme Art dieser Deutschen (Anwälte)

"Sicher interessiert es Sie auch, was meine Tätigkeit kostet. Ich rechne meine Mandate zu einem Stundensatz ab. Dieser beträgt 300,00 € pro Stunde." 

So antwortete RA Udo gleich in seiner ersten Email.

Ich mag ja diese plump-dumme Art dieser Deutschen. Wie die so gleich mit der Waschmaschine ins Haus fallen.

Aber warum unterbietet RA Udo, aka "Champions League der Abzock-Anwälte", sich selbst ex ante?

'How precise first offers create barriers-to-entry in negotiations and markets'

Udo, denk doch einmal über den Bierdeckelrand hinaus.

Wie tief hat sich Udo im August von der Hartz 4lerin runterhandeln lassen?

Come again, da Udo wollte "law" und "blog" als Markenzeichen sichern??? Udo ist ein ganz goldiges Frätzchen. Arbiter für free speech. Oh fuckety, fuckety, fuck.

Es fällt mir immer wieder dieser US-based Anwalt ein: "A lot of German lawyers are assholes". Und Idioten.

Jürgen Sonneck auf Twitter


The Kimono Gallery II

And some Tokyo Fashion

STRAFANZEIGE gegen Jürgen Sonneck - Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Bildung und Sport, Bayerstr. 28, 80335 München

Work from Home? NINE!
Aber nur unter falschem Namen.
Staatsanwaltschaft München I
Linprunstraße 25
80335 München

24. Sept. 2018

Ich erstatte hiermit


gegen Jürgen Sonneck - Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Bildung und Sport, Bayerstr. 28, 80335 München

wegen des Eingriffs in meine freie Meinungsäusserung Art. 5 GG und Verleumdung § 187 StGB in Verbindung mit der
  • Verletzung des Grundrechts nach Art. 6 Abs. 1 und 2,
  • Verletzung des Artikels 10 EMRK,
  • § 193 STGB und
  • § 226 BGB.
  • Als Beamter verstiess Jürgen Sonneck gegen die §§ 60, 61 und 77 BBG sowie Art. 64 BayBG. 

Am 07. Mai 2015 schickte Jürgen Sonneck um ca. 20 Uhr eine vermeintlich genial und ca. sechs Monate vorher geplante Online Anzeige gegen mich an die Bayerische Polizei von der IP Adresse (siehe Fallakte Az. 18 Ns 112 Js 168454/15). Um seine Raffinesse weiter zu unterstreichen schlüpfte Jürgen Sonneck in eine bayerische Burka und wählte den Namen "C. Paucher", um seine charakterliche Verrottetheit zu verschleiern und unerkannt zu bleiben. Siehe hierzu den Polizeibericht vom 24.06.2015 mit AZ BY 8644-000804-15/7 vom Kriminalfachdezernat 44 München (ebenso in der Fallakte).

Klare Evidenz von der Täterschaft des J. Sonneck wurde mehrfach in Schreiben an das AG München (unbeantwortet!) in 2016, insbesondere im Beweisantrag zum Termin vor dem LG am 15. Feb. 2017, als u.a. Jürgen Sonneck trotz meines Ladungsantrags nicht geladen wurde (!) und überzeugend zuletzt zusammengefasst in meiner Beschwerde an das LG vom 15. Aug. 2018 mit Az. LG - 15 O 4865/18.

Die Online Anzeige demonstriert ungeschickt kaschierte Dümmlichkeit und liest sich so:

Am 07.05.2015 um 19:58 ging über das Kontakt-Internetformular der Bayerischen Polizei folgende Nachricht ein: 

Hinweis: Zuständige Dienststelle: München - Kriminalfachdezernat 4 Hinweis, Frage oder Anregung: 

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, 
bitte schauen Sie sich diesen Link an. Hier wird doch wohl Hetze betrieben. 
http://meinjobcenter.blogspot.de/2014/11/martina musati wie stehts mit work from.html 
Muss ich formell Anzeige erstatten oder ermitteln Sie von Amts wegen ? 
Viele Grüße, 
C. Paucher 

Beschreibung Sonstiges 
ld: Kontaktformular/ 1431021460 
IP-Adresse des Absenders. 21 7. 253. 91. 237 Port Adresse des Absenders: 50592 
Zeit: Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015/ 19:57:40 Uhr 

Die Anzeige bezog sich auf einen Blog Post mit einem photogeshopten Bild der damaligen Geschäftsführerin von Yahoo Marissa Mayer mit einem applizierten Text (siehe Anlage). Jeder im 21. Jahrhundert Lebende und auch Zeitgenossen, die noch in der Lage sind, einen Spiegel anzuhauchen, weiss, dass es sich hier um ein Meme handelt. Eine Ausnahme sollte man der bayerischen Polizei zubilligen und sie nicht über ihren intellektuellen Weiswurst-Horizont hinaus überstrapazieren. Der oben erwähnte Polizeibericht bietet exemplarischen Beleg.

Dass Jürgen Sonneck diesen Fakt eines ostentativen Memes übersah, wo er doch einen veritablen Intellektualismus allein schon über seinen opulenten Kopfschmuck ausstrahlt, düpiert. Noch beschämender aber ist, dass die Münchner Staatsanwaltschaft, also Personen, die auf acht Semester Studium eines nichtwissenschaftlichen Sozialhandwerks zurückblicken können, offenkundig das Wesen von Memes überhaupt nicht verstanden haben und/oder verstehen woll(t)en.

Nach Dictionary.com ist ein Meme
1. an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
2. an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users, often with slight variations.
1. ein Element einer Kultur oder eines Systems des Verhaltens, das von einem Individuum zum anderen durch Nachahmung oder andere nichtgenetische Mittel weitergegeben wird.
2. ein Bild, ein Video, ein Stück Text usw., typischerweise humorvoll, das von Internetnutzern kopiert und verbreitet wird, oft mit leichten Abweichungen.
Nach Wikipedia ist ein
"... Internet meme, commonly known as just a meme, ... an activity, concept, catchphrase, or piece of media that spreads, often as mimicry or for humorous purposes, from person to person via the Internet."
"... Internet meme, allgemein bekannt als nur ein Meme, ... eine Aktivität, ein Konzept, ein Schlagwort oder ein Stück Medien, das sich, oft als Mimikry oder für humorvolle Zwecke, von Mensch zu Mensch über das Internet verbreitet."
Dawkins definierte es 1989 in seinem Buch 'The Selfish Gene' als “the basic unit of cultural transmission, or imitation” ("die Grundeinheit der kulturellen Übertragung oder Nachahmung") und im English Oxford Dictionary als “an element of culture that may be considered to be passed on by non-genetic means” ("ein Element der Kultur, das als nicht-genetisch vererbt angesehen werden kann").

Zur Verdeutlichung für die Münchner Staatsanwaltschaft, deren mir bekannte Vertreter mich bislang intellektuell noch nicht in ihren Bann zu ziehen vermochten, habe ich, so hoffe ich, zur Erleichterung verständniserweiternde Hervorhebungen vorgenommen.

Das Marissa Mayer Bild ist offenkundig ein Meme und bezogen auf eine Entscheidung des Yahoo CEO, die bis dahin geltende Möglichkeit der Arbeit von daheim zu diskontinuieren. "Nine" steht zum einen für 'Nein' bzw. den nine to five job, also die für Memes so typische Doppeldeutigkeit. Das Wort 'Nine' wurde auch benutzt in Anspielung auf strikte deutsche Haltungen wie z.B. in den EU Verhandlungen gegen Griechenland. Die Nazi Uniform ist ein offenkundiges Vehikel zur optischen Übersteigerung. Nur von Lobotomie Begünstigte würden hier eine NS Propaganda vermuten und damit bestätigen, das Wesen eines Memes überhaupt nicht verstanden zu haben. Das Bild war hier zu sehen: http://www.classicforwards.com/memes/marissa-mayer-work-home-meme/ und ist mittlerweile auf Pinterest zu sehen (https://www.google.com/search?q=marissa+mayer+work+home+meme&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjaqqGL3tDdAhUkuVkKHaClAccQ_AUIESgB&biw=800&bih=1280#imgrc=xCpd1R4OrnYohM). Es wurde in dieser Form von mir heruntergeladen.

Jürgen Sonneck besass die Frechheit, eine Hassrede zu unterstellen und mich damit zu verleumden. Feige, wie er war, unter Angabe eines falschen Namens. Der Blog Post vom November 2014 liest sich:
"Würden Sie Marissa von Yahoo zustimmen wollen?
Sehen Sie, geschätztes Fräulein Martina Musati, genau solche Bilder mit Nazi-Symbolen werden wir vor dem obersten Gericht klären. Das Jobcenter wird jedenfalls nie mein Recht der freien Meinungsäusserung beschneiden!"
Es ist diejenige Martina Musati, GFin des Jobcenter München bis Mitte 2015, die in 2012 die schnodderige und völlig ridiküle Rotzfrechheit besass, mich unter Androhung einer Vertragsstrafe von € 10.000,- zu nötigen, einen Blog Post zu löschen.

Besagtes Meme mit Blog Text als Hassrede zu denunziieren, kann nur begründet sein im Fakt von genuin-genetischer Dummheit und Boswillen des Jürgen Sonneck, die ultimativ in den Treppenwitz der Umkehrung münden: "Arbeit von daheim? Aber ja, und zwar unter falschem Namen!" denn ich bin die Geisteskoryphäe Jürgen Sonneck und benutze nicht mal einen Anonymizer.

Dass Jürgen Sonneck der hinterhältige und ultimativ über seine eigenen Beine stolpernde und charakterlich verrottete Denunziator ist, wurde zunächst, wie aus der Fallakte ersichtlich, mit zahlreichen äusserst auffälligen Indizien belegt, die sich chronologisch schlüssig aneinander reihen. Schlussendlich wurde er aber zu heiss für das JC München in den Monaten Juni/Juli 2017, denn es folgten meine scharfen  Emails, Pdfs bzw. Briefe:
  • Am 01. Juni 2017 an das BMAS und auf Twitter: "German Labor Minister Nahles, reign in your criminals. Stop the Nazi methods! Have you heard of free speech and Article 6 ECHR?"
  • Am 27. Juni 2017 Pdf per Email gesandt an "Innenminister de Maizière, Amtshilfe erwünscht zur Beschlagnahme und forensischer Untersuchung des Heimcomputers von Jobcenter München Jürgen Sonneck".
  • Ebenso im Juni 2017 weitere Pdf an "Innenminister de Maizière, Amtshilfe erwünscht zur Wohnungsermittlung von zwei Geschäftsführern des Jobcenter München nach Strafanzeige unter FALSCHEM Namen im Mai 2015".
  • Am 27. Juni 2017 Email an das BMAS "Anregung an Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Jobcenter bei nächster Anzeige unter FALSCHEM Namen etwas versatiler zu sein". 
  • Am 11. Juli 2017 Pdf gesandt an das Polizeipräsidium München und als Blog Post veröffentlicht "Amtshilfe erwünscht, bei der Telekom die IP Adresse ausforschen zu lassen. Es geht um den Zeitraum 07. Mai 2015" und cc per Email an Justizminister Maas, BMAS Nahles, Sozialgericht München, bcc Jobcenter München.
  • Am 11. Juli 2017 Pdf an das Polizeipräsidium München und als Blog Post veröffentlicht "Bitte um Amtshilfe zur Feststellung der Wohnadressen im Mai 2015 von Jobcenter München MA Martina Musati und Sabine Nowack" und cc per Email an Justizminister Maas, BMAS Nahles, Sozialgericht München, bcc Jobcenter München.
Belegt durch eine Rundum-Email war Jürgen Sonneck noch am 13.07.2017 unter seiner Jobcenter Emailadresse erreichbar. Ende Juli 2017 war der Jürgen nicht mehr über seine JC Emailadresse zu erreichen und schon beim 'Firmenlauf 2017' am 17. Juli wird der gute Jung beim Referat Bildung und Sport geführt. So werden im stinkend korrupten Bayern Rechtsbrecher systemimmanent verschoben.

Ich verlange, Ermittlungen gegen diesen Rechtsbrecher Jürgen Sonneck aufzunehmen und gehe davon aus, nicht nochmals von der Münchner Justiz auf niedrigem Niveau des LG wie OLG unterhalten zu werden mit der Bemerkung, dies seien alles nur Vermutungen.

Falls Rechtsbrecher Jürgen Sonneck eine alternative Sichtweise pflegt, sollte er Verleumdungsklage gegen mich einreichen. Ich wäre allerdings für ein paar Tage im Lachkoma auf meinem Hochflorteppich liegend ausser Gefecht.

Anlage: Angezeigter Blog Post


Why you should consider the liking gap in conversations

Too long a gap
The Liking Gap in Conversations: Do People Like Us More Than We Think?


Having conversations with new people is an important and rewarding part of social life. Yet conversations can also be intimidating and anxiety provoking, and this makes people wonder and worry about what their conversation partners really think of them. Are people accurate in their estimates? We found that following interactions, people systematically underestimated how much their conversation partners liked them and enjoyed their company, an illusion we call the liking gap. We observed the liking gap as strangers got acquainted in the laboratory, as first-year college students got to know their dorm mates, and as formerly unacquainted members of the general public got to know each other during a personal development workshop. The liking gap persisted in conversations of varying lengths and even lasted for several months, as college dorm mates developed new relationships. Our studies suggest that after people have conversations, they are liked more than they know.

Reading Lounge

1. Tourism, Nepal, Chopper scam

2. And more on that

3. Andy Xie on those trade wars

4. Japanese architecture

5. Women's anticipation of the employment effects of motherhood: Evidence and implications

6. Software disenchantment - must-read

Splurge and live longer

In news that will surely brighten your weekend, a new study claims that anti-inflammatory diets rich in beer, wine, and chocolate could reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. In other words, splurge and live longer.


In news that could brighten even the dreariest of Mondays, a new study claims that anti-inflammatory diets rich in beer, wine, and chocolate could reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

The study, led by Warsaw University’s Professor Joanna Kaluza, was recently published in the Journal of Internal Medicine, Metro reports.

Working with more than 68,000 participants, Kaluza and a team of scientists found that those with diets rich in fruit and vegetables, as well as beer, wine, and chocolate, which have anti-inflammatory properties, were up to 20 percent less likely to die prematurely than those who ate a lot of red meat, sugary sodas, and processed foods.

“It is known that fruits, vegetables, tea, coffee, red wine, beer, and chocolate are rich in antioxidants,” Kaluza told Metro.

Interestingly, smokers that stuck to the anti-inflammatory diet experienced even greater benefits, and were around 33 percent less likely to die in the next 16 years than smokers who did not.

“Adherence to a diet with high anti-inflammatory potential may reduce all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality and prolong survival time, especially among current and former smokers,” Kaluza said."

More on Metro.

Abstract of study is here.

Can't be long when another study suggests the opposite.

When investing trust people with low financial competence

As part of our weekly - or is it weakly? - consumer advice section today's topic is How to invest. You will love it because of this scientific paper.

Peer Advice on Financial Decisions: A case of the blind leading the blind?
Previous research shows that many people seek financial advice from non-experts, and that peer interactions influence financial decisions. We investigate whether such influences are beneficial, harmful, or simply haphazard. In our laboratory experiment, face-to-face communication with a randomly assigned peer significantly improves the quality of private decisions, measured by subjects' ability to choose as if they properly understand their opportunity sets. Subjects do not merely mimic those who know better, but also make better private decisions in novel tasks. 
Join up with a dunce and beat the index.
People with low financial competence experience greater improvements when their partners also exhibit low financial competence. Hence, peer-to-peer communication transmits financial decision-making skills most effectively when peers are equally uninformed, rather than when an informed decision maker teaches an uninformed peer. 
Qualitative analysis of subjects' discussions supports this interpretation. The provision of effective financial education to one member of a pair influences the nature of communication but does not lead to additional improvements in the quality of the untreated partner's decisions, particularly in novel tasks.

Reading Lounge

1. Italy's shadow economy

2. Bygone LA


4. Academic Activists Send a Published Paper Down the Memory Hole

5. Houston sex robot brothel gets pushback from religious group

6. And it's over to Japan

7. A taste of soulless luxury - we're back in LA

On my way now


Kurze Frage ans SG München, halten Sie mich für intellektuell auf dem Discounter-Wermut-Verschnitt Niveau?

Tag Herr Meier,

Sie verweisen in Schreiben vom 11.09.2018 in drei Fällen in Sachen Rüge der Verfahrensdauer (Az. S 42 AS 165/17 Vermittlungsbudget, SS 42 AS 1398/16 Wahrn. d. Umgangsrechts und S 42 AS 2594/16 gestohlener Ferienverdienst der Tochter) auf den § 201 GVG, wonach solche Fälle vor dem OLG verhandelt werden.

Herr Meier, versuchen Sie es beim nächsten Mal mich auf höherem Niveau zu veralbern.

Wir zwei beide kennen doch den § 202 SGG, nech wahr nech!


Fake news trends on Facebook and Twitter

Trends in the Diffusion of Misinformation on Social Media (Pdf)


We measure trends in the diffusion of misinformation on Facebook and Twitter between January 2015 and July 2018. We focus on stories from 570 sites that have been identified as producers of false stories. Interactions with these sites on both Facebook and Twitter rose steadily through the end of 2016. Interactions then fell sharply on Facebook while they continued to rise on Twitter, with the ratio of Facebook engagements to Twitter shares falling by approximately 60 percent. We see no similar pattern for other news, business, or culture sites, where interactions have been relatively stable over time and have followed similar trends on the two platforms both before and after the election.

Reading Lounge

1. This Organic Desert House in Joshua Tree, CA is at One With Its Environment

2. Is his death not a hoax?

3. Nursery rhyme nightmares solved by late-night crack team

4. “As a heart doctor, my opinion is that if you think an Apple Watch is nifty, buy one. But do not buy it for your health.

5. The Nepalis Fighting America’s Wars

"... for males, but not females, upper‐body strength correlates positively with support for inequality"

Upper‐Body Strength and Political Egalitarianism: Twelve Conceptual Replications
Animal models of conflict behavior predict that an organism's behavior in a conflict situation is influenced by physical characteristics related to abilities to impose costs on adversaries. Stronger and larger organisms should be more motivated to seek larger shares of resources and higher places in hierarchies.
Previous studies of human males have suggested that measures of upper‐body strength are associated with measures of support for inequality including Social Dominance Orientation (SDO), a measure of individual differences in support for group‐based hierarchies.
However, other studies have failed to replicate this association. In this article, we reexamine the link between upper‐body strength and support for inequality using 12 different samples from multiple countries in which relevant measures were available. These samples include student and locally representative samples with direct measures of physical strength and nationally representative samples with self‐reported measures related to muscularity. 
While the predicted correlation does not replicate for every single available measure of support for inequality, the overall data pattern strongly suggests that for males, but not females, upper‐body strength correlates positively with support for inequality.

Could this as well be a Berkson paradox?

Bitte an das Referat München um generöse Erlaubnis der Nutzung dieses piktoriellen Unikats von Rechtsbrecher Jürgen Sonneck alias C. Paucher

Jürgen Sonneck schaut aufem Kopp ungefähr so aus, nur das er
nur etwa 78 Haare auf der Platte hat. Bestens zu sehen auf seiner
Fuckbook Seite.
cc an RAin Sabine Richter (Amazone im Medienrecht), u.a.

Madame Champeimont,

Es ist mir ein Plaisir mit der "Redaktion Portal Millionendorf-Metropole", deren Leiterin Sie sind, heute Kontakt aufnehmen zu dürfen. Ich hoffe, ich habe Ihren melodiösen Namen richtig ausgesprochen. Französisch lag mir schon immer nah, insbesondere Chartreuse Verte und Agent Provocateur. Doch ich schweife ab.

Mein eigentliches Anliegen ist das Foto 1 (von 10) anlässlich des 'Firmenlauf 2017' der Millionendorf-Metropole. Es zeigt den Rechtsbrecher, Nazi-Stil Denunzianten und Beamten Jürgen Sonneck alias C. Paucher, also der lächerliche Typ ganz links mit den 78 Haaren uffem Kopp.

Ich weiss, Sie werden jetzt sicher in einem état confusionnel sein. Kurz zur Einordung, der Jürgen hat manchmal beruflich bedingt (oder sexuell?) charakterlich versiffte Züge und dann musste er einfach mal so am 07. Mai 2015 eine Online Strafanzeige an die Polizei senden. Natürlich nicht unter seinem Namen Jürgen Sonneck. Nein, C. Paucher sollte es dann schon sein. Der Jürgen fand das ganz intelligent.

Weswegen er jetzt beim RBS ist. Ich war zuständig für seinen Karrierewechsel. Es wurde einfach Zeit für den Jürgen, denn der Penis Neid beim Jobcenter München oder dem BMAS schien wohl zu oppressiv für ihn, wenn ich die psychoanalytischen Konzepte von Karen Horney und Jessica Benjamin richtig überrissen habe.

Es ist ja nicht so, dass mich in der korrupten Provinz Bayern noch irgendetwas erstaunt, aber Sie wissen ja selber, ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte. Auf der schicken Website der Millionendorf-Metropole heisst es:
"Alle auf muenchen.de enthaltenen Inhalte sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jegliche Verwendung (insbesondere auch in elektronischen Medien) bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Genehmigung."
Daher meine Bitte an Sie, um generöse Erlaubnis der Nutzung dieses piktoriellen Unikats eines bayerischen Meisterphotographen.

Ausserdem schrieb mich seine angehende amazonenhafte Anwältin an und hauchte mir lasziv in meine Muschel, der Rechtsbrecher Jürgen Sonneck wolle nicht mehr als Rechtsbrecher bezeichnet werden und der Rechtsbrecher Jürgen Sonneck wolle auch nicht mehr seinen Namen und Vornamen auf den digitalen Intergeweben genannt wissen. Haben Sie eine Ahnung, was der Beamten-Bengel raucht?

Darf ich Sie noch der Authentizität wegen bitten, eine notwendigige Aktualisierung  der Webseite vorzunehmen. Es sollte heissen

Schnellster Chef
Jürgen Sonneck alias C. Paucher, RBS

Frau Champeimont, darf ich auf Ihr bien sûr zum Bild hoffen?


Bayerisches Landessozialgericht Veep Michels erklärt in Bälde die "Personenidentifikation bei Telefax"

Ihr Zeichen: LSG-32 01-156-1

Danke Vize-Präsident Michels für Ihren Brief vom 27.08.2018 auf meine Email (!).

Herr Veep, warum versuchen Sie nicht einmal, mich mit Ihrer Intelligenz zu betören, indem Sie sich der Website des LSG zuwenden. Also der Behörde deren Veep Sie sind. Da heisst es doch glatt:
"Der Versand per E-Mail ist nicht geeignet, um dem Gericht rechtswirksam Erklärungen, Schriftsätze, Rechtsmittel usw. zukommen zu lassen. Bitte senden Sie uns daher derartige Post ausschließlich schriftlich oder per Telefax zu."
Sofern ich als Hartz 4 Shudra mein eigenes Pdf zu interpretieren in der Lage bin, semantisch und so, war das eine simple Anfrage. Es war also schon überhaupt keine rechtswirksame Erklärung, kein Schriftsatz und auch kein Rechtsmittel.

Kann ich Ihr Comportement so interpretieren, dass Sie sich bemüssigt fühlten, mich zu überzeugen, wie muffelig Bayern sind? Dies würde meine auf Vorurteilen basierende  Überzeugung bestätigen.

Zeitgenossen mit Stil hätten mein Pdf einfach an den Senat weitergereicht. QED.

Weitere Sorgen bereiten mir Ihre inkonsequente Anwendung der angeblichen Vorteile dieses urdeutschen De-Mail, nämlich positive Identifikation. MaW, ich hatte Ihnen per normaler Email ein Pdf geschickt. Daraufhin schrieben Sie einen Antwortbrief (ganz langsam noch einmal, denn wir sind hier in der Bananen Republik Deutschland, einen Brief auf eine Email!) an die im Pdf angegebene Adesse. Woher wussten Sie, dies sei die richtige Adresse des Unterschriebenen und/oder der angegebene Name sei korrekt? Wie konnten Sie annehmen, das Pdf stamme von mir? Schon überhaupt nicht klar ist mir eine Personenidentifikation bei Telefax.

Standesgemäss für ein Gericht, das dem neoliberalen Arbeitsministerium BMAS untersteht und damit kein unabhängiges Gericht ist, sehen Sie natürlich keinen Anlass zu einer gesetzeswidrigen Fristsetzung von 24 Stunden Stellung zu nehmen.

"Die Kultur, die Sprache, die Menschen: Ausländischen Fachkräften gefällt das Leben in Deutschland nicht. Einer beschreibt es sogar als „ein sehr kaltes und sozial isolierendes Land“, schrieb die FAZ.


“Lord, send us black students – but not just any!”

With apologies to Augustine and his confessions

“Lord, make me chaste (sexually pure) – but not yet!”

There is a paper about the admission practices of universities of black students. Basically, black is not black when it is too black.

We Want Black Students, Just Not You: How White Admissions Counselors Screen Black Prospective Students


Most historically and predominantly white institutions (HPWIs) now desire some number of black students on their campuses. However, recent theoretical scholarship suggests that HPWIs’ desire for and willingness to embrace black students is predicated on their racial palatability. The theory of intraracial discrimination stipulates that white gatekeepers are increasingly inclined to screen blacks to “weed out” those they perceive as too concerned with race and racism. In this study, the author assessed whether there was evidence of intraracial discrimination within the HPWI admissions regime. The data were derived through an audit of 517 white admissions counselors, employed at the same number of institutions, who received inquiry e-mails from fictitious black high school students who presented as more or less racially salient. The findings reveal that white admissions counselors are more responsive to black students who present as deracialized and racially apolitical than they are to those who evince a commitment to antiracism and racial justice. These findings provide convincing support for the theory of intraracial discrimination within the HPWI admissions regime. The author concludes with a brief discussion of the implications of these findings.


My study provides perhaps the first empirical test of Carbado and Gulati’s (2013) theory of intraracial discrimination. The findings contained herein provide convincing evidence in support of this theory. White admissions counselors were, on average, 26 percent less likely to respond to the inquiry e-mails of black high school students who evinced a concern about the continuing problem of white racism. White male counselors were 37 percent less likely to respond to these students. And when black female students sent these e-mails, white male counselors were almost 50 percent less likely to respond. These findings are disturbing, though not entirely surprising. One of the primary factors that likely contributes to this type of discrimination is the autonomy and discretion afforded to admissions counselors. There may be an institutional expectation that admissions counselors respond to all inquiries from prospective students, perhaps even allowing for some delay because of counselors’ recruitmentrelated travel schedules. However, for many counselors, this is not their practice. Approximately 40 percent of the 1,034 inquiry e-mails we sent to white admissions counselors went unanswered, and for certain subgroups of black students that percentage jumped to nearly two thirds.

Whether the observed differences in response rates reported in this paper are due to antiblack affect or a color-blind ideology that views critical race consciousness as repugnant, the effect remains the same: the marginalization of black students and foreclosed opportunities. Today, most HPWIs no longer actively attempt to prevent the matriculation of black students; rather, they now desire the presence of some black students. However, it is now evident that some HPWIs employ white admissions counselors who are screening black students to ensure that the “right ones” do matriculate and the “wrong ones” do not. Some of these counselors are acting in a way that suggests they believe black students with a demonstrated commitment to fighting white racism are not the “right ones.” 

This raises the question of whether and the extent to which these black students should “work their identity” (Carbado and Gulati 2000, 2013; Thornhill 2015) to allay white admissions counselors’ racial fears and concerns and thereby circumvent their racist proclivities, at least during the admissions process. Better yet, perhaps admissions offices at all HPWIs should establish a policy requiring all their staff members to treat all prospective students and applicants courteously and fairly, irrespective of whether these students express a commitment to naming, resisting, and working to dismantle the white racist architecture of U.S. society.

Furthermore, given the prevailing color-blind ideology and HPWIs’ rhetoric of diversity and inclusion, most white admissions counselors would not admit to intraracially screening black prospective students, often ignoring the e-mails of those committed to antiracism. My data show that many do. Indeed, my findings challenge the frequent claims of private HPWIs that they are or aspire to become sites of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Instead, some HPWIs employ admissions counselors who screen out black students who are arguably best equipped to identify and challenge racially unjust policies, practices, and traditions both on the campuses of HPWIs and in society more broadly.


Even in 2011, the rate of inter caste marriages in India was as low as 5.82%



Endogamy or intra-caste marriage is one of the most resilient of all the caste based practices in India. Even in 2011, the rate of inter caste marriages in India was as low as 5.82%. In this paper we explore whether education has any relationship with this age-old practice of marrying within one’s own caste. Using a nationally representative data set, the Indian Human Development Survey, we find that, in sharp contrast with the findings in the existing literature on out-marriages in the Western countries, education levels of the spouses themselves do not have any association with the likelihood of their own marriage being an inter caste one.

However, couples with a more educated mother of the husband have a significantly higher probability of being in an inter caste marriage. Increase in years of education of the husband’s mother by 10 years would lead to an increase in the probability of inter caste marriage by 1.86 percentage points which is equivalent to approximately 36 percent of the sample mean. Our analysis highlights the importance of recognizing the institution of arranged marriages in any analysis of Indian marriage markets.


We look at the relationship between education and the practice of caste endogamy, which is the defining and one of the most resilient features of the caste system in India.
An overwhelming 73% of marriages are arranged by parents, and spouses have very little contact with each other before marriage. Interestingly, this pattern holds true for inter caste marriages as well.

Our regression analysis brings out two important results. First, contrary to the findings of the existing literature on Western countries, the education level of an individual does not predict the likelihood of his/her marriage being an inter caste one. Our results are reinforced when we find the same to hold true even if we decompose the effects of education into its constituent channels – the ‘cultural adaptability effect’ and the ‘assortative matching effect’ – as identified in the literature (Furtado 2012). Second, complementing the observations from our descriptive analysis, we find that it is the education of the husband’s mother that has a positive and statistically significant association with the likelihood of an inter caste marriage. Our results are robust to the inclusion of a host of control variables, a wide range of variations in the sample, and a varied set of fixed effects, which includes district fixed effects, year of marriage fixed effects as well as district and year of marriage interaction fixed effects. We posit that education works through giving more voice to the mother in the household to implement the best outcome for her child, if the stigma or cost of an inter caste marriage is not too large. Given that the bride’s family disproportionately bears the stigma of an inter caste marriage, education of only the groom’s mother has a positive association.

 Thus our analysis highlights the importance of recognizing the institution of arranged marriage in any analysis of Indian marriage markets. Taken together, the two aspects of our result indicate that once the arranged marriage set up is recognized, one can easily understand the result that education has no effect on the decision of one’s own marriage, but only on the decision of the marriage of one’s offspring.

Being seen by others as incompetent is a better predictor of sexual harassment than one’s self-perceived incompetence.

There you have it, folks. Women, on the other hand, show no concern being viewed as incompetent. Who knew?

Feeling Powerful but Incompetent: Fear of Negative Evaluation Predicts Men’s Sexual Harassment of Subordinates


Although research has examined the role of power in men’s likelihood of perpetrating sexual harassment against women, less is known about specific personality traits that might predict sexual harassment. Building upon theorizing that men are especially prone to engage in sexual harassment to the extent that their social status is threatened (Berdahl 2007a), we conducted three studies with samples of adults (Studies 1 and 3) and college students (Study 2). In Studies 1 and 3, we asked participants to indicate their likelihood of engaging in sexual harassment of subordinates across a variety of scenarios. In Study 2, we experimentally primed power and had participants choose to send either neutral or sexuality-related articles to an ostensibly real female participant. Results demonstrated that concerns about being perceived as incompetent (i.e., Fear of Negative Evaluation scores) positively predicted men’s sexual harassment of female subordinates. Among women, Fear of Negative Evaluation scores were unrelated to sexual harassment of male subordinates. Further, this relationship held controlling for Narcissism, Self-Esteem, and Generalized Self-Efficacy scores, suggesting that the fear that others would see oneself as incompetent was a better predictor of sexual harassment than one’s self-perceived incompetence. Implications for the relationship between power, personality, and sexual harassment, and for interventions designed to curb sexual harassment, are discussed.

Passacaglia and fugue

The eyes of truth

H/T Nepali Times

Riding an e-bike increases BMI

Granted, increasing my BMI sounds better than I am gaining weight.

Transport mode choice and body mass index: Cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence from a European-wide study
Background: In the fight against rising overweight and obesity levels, and unhealthy urban environments, the renaissance of active mobility (cycling and walking as a transport mode) is encouraging. Transport mode has been shown to be associated to body mass index (BMI), yet there is limited longitudinal evidence demonstrating causality. We aimed to associate transport mode and BMI cross-sectionally, but also prospectively in the first ever European-wide longitudinal study on transport and health.
The results suggest a graded relation in terms of BMI: bike < walk < public transport < motorcycle or moped < ebike < car. Self-reported physical activity from transport (walking, cycling, e-biking) was not found to be a mediator in the association between transport mode usage and BMI.
Riding an e-bike increases BMI
For an average individual in the sample (height: 1.72 m) an additional day of car driving per week translates into a weight difference of 0.32 kg. Significant associations were found for car (increases BMI), bike (decreases BMI), and motorcycle (increases BMI), and a near-significant association (0.05 < p < 0.10) was found for e-bike (increases BMI).

The Kimono Gallery

With thanks to The Kimono Gallery

SURVEY AMONG "EXPATS": Foreign skilled workers do not like Germany

In August the German newspaper FAZ reported

Germany is becoming increasingly popular with foreign professionals.

A month later the FAZ had to report some not very uplifting news about expats' feelings about Germany.

Foreign skilled workers do not like Germany

The article draws from a paper of the Munich Online-Netzwerk „InterNations“ but in true FAZ fashion does not link to it. Here it is:

Isolated by Language but Economically Secure in Germany

Here is the lowdown:
Expats in Germany feel secure in their jobs and trust in the German economy. However, making local friends and learning the local language are challenges faced by many.
  • Germany ranks in the bottom 3 for ease of settling in.
  • The majority finds it hard to make local friends.
  • 93% believe the German economy is stable.
  • 79% rate the quality of education positively.
  • The country performs poorly for digital life.
And it goes on
Germany has fallen from a previous 23rd rank in 2017 to 36th place out of 68 countries in the 2018 overall ranking. The fall reflects, among other things, Germany’s poor performance in the Ease of Settling In Index, where it placed in the bottom 3 (66th out of 68 countries). Germany has also dropped significantly in terms of quality of life, falling from 10th place to 26th out of 68 countries.
It seems the Germans do not offer the warmest of welcomes, either: over half the respondents (56%) find it challenging to make local friends, ...
It is no wonder that Germany ranks 62nd out of 68 countries in the Friendliness subcategory.
As one expat from the US explains: “The language is extremely difficult to learn and not knowing it creates a feeling of isolation.”
There are positives
In addition to the quality of the environment, expats are also satisfied with the level of medical care in Germany: 82% rate its quality as generally good, with only 13% stating that healthcare is largely unaffordable. A majority of 59% say they considered the healthcare in Germany a potential benefit before moving.
"I enjoy the financial stability, good job opportunities, and stable economy in Germany."

From a personal perspective I can add that my Tibetan daughter who was raised in S. Asia never felt/feels at home in Germany. Her best friends since years are Turks. Come to think of it. A Buddhist together with Muslim ... no problem whatsoever. They go on vacations together, no Germans around.

She speaks fluent German, excellent English and is often mistaken to be a native American. She has no intentions of staying in Germany or keeping her German citizenship. The country is just dead to her.

Reading Lounge

1. The body politic

2. Ugliness in design

3. Declassified Photos of Atomic Tests in Colour

4. When Aldous Huxley, Dying of Cancer, Left This World Tripping on LSD, Experiencing “the Most Serene, the Most Beautiful Death” (1963)

5. The New Science of Seeing Around Corners

6. Dupe throat - about that book on Trump

7. Ten Years After the Crash, We’ve Learned Nothing

8. The Welfare Queen - it's looong


Rechtsanwältin Sabine Richter, könnte der Jürgen Sonneck alias C. Paucher dem Penisneid zum Opfer gefallen sein, oder Vulva Oppression?

Pardon Rechtsanwältin Sabine Richter,

wenn ich noch mal reinschneie, aber wie schätzen Sie als Frau die Möglichkeit ein, der Jürgen Sonneck alias C. Paucher ist damals aufgrund seiner elitären Position des tretversitzstellenden GF des Jobcenter München unter einer weiblichen Geschäftsführerin (!) notabene und diese im prä-menopausalen Alter, alter kurz vor den Hitzewallungen und den damit zusammenhängenden launischen Eskapaden, dem Penisneid zum Opfer gefallen?

Mir scheint hier eine Befassung mit den psychoanalytischen Konzepten von Karen Horney und Jessica Benjamin unabdingbar und ich dachte mir, Sie könnten hier, sozusagen aus erster Hand (no pun intended), einen der Diskussion förderlichen Denkanstoss leisten.

Es muss in der damaligen Konstellation Jobcenter München einfach gestattet sein, die Frage in den Raum zu werfen: Ist Jürgen Sonneck Opfer des Penis Neids geworden? Oder etwa sogar der Vulva Oppression?

Schliesslich wird das Jobcenter München wiederum von einer Frau geleitet. Ich sehe hier die Politik in der Pflicht, eine 30%ige Männerquote gesetzlich zu verankern. Auch Jürgen hätte eine Chance verdient gehabt. Trotz der wenigen Haare.

Ich glaube, wir sind uns einig, die firmeninterne Ostrazierung des Jürgen Sonneck schlug und schlägt sich äusserst negativ auf seinen Gesamtzustand inklusive Äusseres nieder, z.B. im katastrophalen Haarverlust, so sein Foto auf Facebook kein PS-Job ist.

Bevor es mir entfällt, Sie hatten den Jürgen schon auf die wundersame Existenz des § 138 ZPO hingewiesen?!

Mit wissenschaftlichen Grüssen


The optimum strategy to get things done in a team is for most of them not to do any work

Finally good news.
"Ants create networks of narrow underground tunnels by excavating soil bit by bit as a team. To understand the strategies they use, Daniel Goldman at Georgia Tech and his colleagues placed 30 ants into a transparent container filled with soil-like particles made of glass.
For 48 hours, ants created tunnels, entering and exiting them hundreds of times to extend the network. But surprisingly only 30 per cent of the ants did around 70 per cent of the work. “Only a few… would do the majority of the work, with the rest just hanging out trying to avoid clogging up the tunnel,” says Goldman."

Want to learn more from these smart creatures? Of course you do.
Groups of interacting active particles, insects, or humans can form clusters that hinder the goals of the collective; therefore, development of robust strategies for control of such clogs is essential, particularly in confined environments. Our biological and robophysical excavation experiments, supported by computational and theoretical models, reveal that digging performance can be robustly optimized within the constraints of narrow tunnels by individual idleness and retreating. Tools from the study of dense particulate ensembles elucidate how idleness reduces the frequency of flow-stopping clogs and how selective retreating reduces cluster dissolution time for the rare clusters that still occur. Our results point to strategies by which dense active matter and swarms can become task capable without sophisticated sensing, planning, and global control of the collective.
Here is even more

Relatively high spending on engagement ring inversely associated with marriage duration among male respondents

'A Diamond is Forever’ and Other Fairy Tales:
The Relationship between Wedding Expenses and Marriage Duration

De Beers: “Isn’t two months’ salary a small price to pay for something that lasts forever?”

This was one of the campaign slogans aimed to link the purchase of a diamond engagement ring to the hope of a long-lasting marriage. So how are the odds?
"Overall, we find little evidence that expensive weddings and the duration of marriages are positively related. On the contrary, in multivariate analysis, we find evidence that relatively high spending on the engagement ring is inversely associated with marriage duration among male respondents. Relatively high spending on the wedding is inversely associated with marriage duration among female respondents, and relatively low spending on the wedding is positively associated with duration among male and female respondents."
Oops, De Beers, that sounds pretty bleak. Anything positive to report about the whole marriage ceremony? Fortunately, yes.
"Additionally, we find that having high wedding attendance and having a honeymoon (regardless of how much it cost) are generally positively associated with marriage duration."
Here are some important hints for men when purchasing an engagement ring. In short, go cheap and your marriage will last longer. Like $ 500 will do.
"Spending between $2,000 and $4,000 on an engagement ring is significantly associated with an increase in the hazard of divorce in the sample of men. Specifically, in the sample of men, spending between $2,000 and $4,000 on an engagement ring is associated with a 1.3 times greater hazard of divorce as compared to spending between $500 and $2,000. Furthermore, spending $1,000 or less on the wedding is significantly associated with a decrease in the hazard of divorce."
How significant are looks, church attendance and the size of the attendance at the wedding?
"In the sample of all persons, greater differences in age and education between husband and wife and reporting that one’s partner’s looks were important in the decision to marry are both significantly associated with a higher hazard of divorce. On the other hand, relatively high household income, regularly attending religious services, having a child with one’s partner, relatively high wedding attendance, and going on a honeymoon are all significantly associated with a lower hazard of divorce. Thus, the evidence suggests that the types of weddings associated with lower likelihood of divorce are those that are relatively inexpensive but are high in attendance."

RA Sabine Richter schnorrt Geld für Rechtsbrecher, Nazi-Stil Denunziant und Beamten Jürgen Sonneck alias C. Paucher

Jürgen Sonneck, alias C. Paucher, bevorzugt
den dunklen Siff der Anonymität.
Insbesondere auf dem Internet.
Hier ist er links zu sehen.
cc per Email an Jobcenter München, Ref. f. Bildung und Sport München, Stadt München, Beamtenbund

Tagchen werte Frau Rechtsanwältin Sabine Richter,

Also ich mag ja Frauen, die mir an die Hose wollen. Umso mehr, wenn sie forsch rangehen und so wie ich Ihre Epistel vom 29.08.2018 überschlage, geizen Sie nicht mit Ihren Reizen einer Auflistung geradezu myriader Gesetze und steigen auch noch in die Strapse der Jester Equipe aus Karlsruhe. Die mit den roten Bademänteln.

Kurz zusammengefasst verlangt also Nazi-Stil Denunziant und Beamter Schnullifuzzi Jürgen Sonneck alias C. Paucher:
  1. Seinen Vor- und/oder Zunamen nicht veröffentlicht zu sehen in den Intertüten.
  2. Bildnisse des Gesetzesbrecher Shlimazl Jürgen Sonneck alias C. Paucher nicht zu veröffentlichen auf den binären Interrohren und
  3. den Gesetzesbrecher  'Gaylord Fancypants' Jürgen Sonneck alias C. Paucher nicht als Rechtsbrecher zu bezeichnen.
Geschätzte Rechtsanwältin Sabine Richter, darf ich Sie dezent und chivalrös auf einen kolossalen femininen Lapsus hinweisen in Ihrem ganzen Konstrukt?!

Seit Monaten habe ich nun öffentlich und vor Gerichten und Staatsanwaltschaften als auch Bundesministerien, nicht zu vergessen Twitter, wiederholt den charakterlich verrotteten Behördetypen Frigtard Jürgen Sonneck als die Person bezeichnet ... Ach, gönnen wir uns doch einen Auszug aus meiner in Oscar Wildes Komma-Manier fein ziselierten Beschwerde an den Kangaroo Court LG München:
"Nazi-Stil Denunziant 'Gaylord Fancypants' Jürgen Sonneck
  1. baute auf die vermeintliche Sicherheit und Fortsetzung der Verweigerung der Akteneinsicht durch den Kangaroo Court München im Komplott mit der "Anwältin" und Betrügerin Aglaia Muth im Fall Az. 18 Ns 112 Js 203869/12 und RA Petersen im Mai 2015.
  2. In seiner rachlüsternen Dummheit übersah dieser Naivling, dass zu viele Leute involviert waren; irgendwann kippt einer und Jürgen landete im voiture-balai.
  3. Das Timing war stümperhaft, viel zu perfekt und überhastet.
  4. Und wer sonst als ein sykophantisch dackelnder stellv. GF sollte auf die Treppenwitz-Idee eines typischen Nützlichen Idioten kommen und einen Blog Post über ein lediges Fräulein im prä-menopausalen Alter, also dem Ende des femininen Haltbarkeitsdatums sich nähernd, damit ein Ladenhüter auf dem Heiratsmarkt und zufällig noch seine Chefin, als Grundlage einer Strafanzeige wegen #hatespeech zu nehmen, wenn dieser Blog Post schon sechs Monate alt ist?!
Jürgen Sonneck ist die Personifizierung der typischen Hässlichen Deutschen mit ihren zwei DNA-garantierten Charaktereigenschaften: Missgunst und Schadenfreude."
Vor diesem Hintergrund, meine Teuerste, ist in Ihren Auflistungen der 'Strafbewehrten ...'* ein eklatantes Manko zu konstatieren!!! Wie konnte Ihnen so etwas passieren? Je suis désolé mademoiselle.

Es mangelt doch ostentativ das Verlangen, nicht mehr den Behördentypen Jürgen Sonneck als den Sender der Online Strafanzeige unter Angabe eines falschen Namens zu bezichtigen und sämtliche Veröffentlichungen mit dieser Aussage sofort zu löschen. Sie müssen einfach Ihren Mandanten richtig vertreten; es sei denn, Zweifel überwiegen.

Der charakterlich verrottete Behördentyp Jürgen 'Sexypants' Sonneck will also diesen Fakt durch das Verbot seiner Namensnennung sanieren? Come again, Rechtsanwältin Sabine Richter.

Flanieren Sie ab und an in den Hängenden Gärten des BGH? Nun, kurz en passant zu Nr. 1 der 'Strafbewehrten ...', BGH VI ZR 259/05 liest sich interessant.

Zu Nr. 2 wäre VI ZR 197/13 eine Lektüre wert. Ich empfehle dazu einen feinen Blossom Hill Red. Di niente.

Darf ich Sie mit einer weiteren guten Nachricht betören? Schenken Sie mir Ihr Ohr, denn bis Ende November 2018 bleibt mir noch Zeit, meine Beschwerde beim Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte einzureichen. Daneben Antrag auf Wiederaufnahme des Falls, der natürlich abgelehnt wird von einem bayerischen Kangaroo Gericht, etc. Ein jedes Mal wird Jürgen Sonneck offen und mit vollem Namen und Arbeitgeber als der charakterlich verlotterte Beamtentyp hinter der Anzeige unter falschem Namen genannt werden.

Werteste Sabine Richter, geniessen Sie doch meine erlesene Prosa wie z.B. jüngst "Brief an Kanzleramt, BMJV, BMAS wegen Nazi-Stil Denunziant Jürgen Sonneck alias "C. Paucher". Wie ich finde, ein Elixier für den erlesenen Feingeist.
"Ein teutonischer Beamter, u.a. dem § 77 BBG verpflichtet, taucht also nach Dienstschluss in die behördlichen H²S-versifften Abwasserkanäle der rattenmässigen Anonymität ab, um unter konsekutiver Deckung durch Münchner Polizei und Kangaroo Court München (basierend auf meinen Erfahrungen seit 2013) eine sechs Monate vorab geplante Anzeige unter dem Red Herring #Hatespeech abzusetzen??? Welchen Level von Verrottetheit und Primitivität muss ein Beamter in diesem Rassistenland Deutschland vorweisen, um rausgeschmissen zu werden, wäre eine interessiert-rhetorisch und redundante Frage."
Ihre Kostennote erfuhr das generöse Privileg eines Left-swipes. Allerdings ist mir als Chevalier die Befriedigung der Bedürfnisse einer Frau oberstes Anliegen und hier war ich noch nie ein Mann der schmalen Schatulle. Suchen Sie sich doch etwas aus bei Victoria's Secret und schicken mir die Rechnung. Vielleicht auch ein Snapchatchen.


* Meine Brieftaube sollte unterwegs sein mit der "Strafbewehrten ...". Sie hört auf den Namen Willy. Sollte sich Willy bei Ihnen heute nicht einfinden, hat er bestimmt wieder unterwegs eine Täubin getroffen. Willy ist ein unverbesserlicher Schürzenjäger. Halten Sie doch bitte ein Schälchen Perrier Wasser bereit, das mag er sehr gern. Zur Not genügt auch Mövenpick.