
Frank-Jürgen Weise liest Weihnachtsandacht in syrisch-Arabisch

Frank-Jürgen Weise liest Weihnachtsandacht in syrisch-Arabisch (1)
Diese Weihnacht, die Weihnacht 2000 und fuchzehn, steht unter einem besonderen Stern. Frank-Jürgen, ex Gebirgs-Marine Admiral, und Ende Mitte Zwei Null Fuchzehn zum Exekutiv-Komitee Leiter der Behörde zur finalen Endlösung unwiderrufbarer teutonischer Eingliederungsunterwerfung belobglaubigt worden, wird seine behördenchristlichen Wünsche anlässlich des Festes in syrisch-Arabischer Sprache den geduldeten Wirtschaftsflüchtlingen widmen. Des ungeachtet, laufen die Düsen der bundesdeutschen Abschiebejets verlässlich warm.

Kissmas with lots of hugs!

(1) behördliche Verpflichtung verhinderten die BAMF, das Bild zu aktualisieren.


Labor minister Nahles, this tweet about the IKEA Hadolf table should qualify for a third computer confiscation

IKEA Hadolf table - hoax?
Yesterday I enthusiastically tweeted about the IKEA Hadolf table. The talented folks at 'knusprig.titten.hitler' pointed me at this, well what can I say, more than timely offer.

I was wrecking my brains what to gift my mother for Xmas and along came this. It incorporates everything a distinguished and more or less fully accomplished braggadocio like me could wish for: history, design, craftsmanship, and it is sexually square.

So was I disappointed when news spread that it's prolly a hoax.

On the other hand I thought this should be just another fatty fat chance for the  government agency Jobcenter Munich, a government agency that so delights in infringing free speech, to give a holler to the police or right away to the more or less bald Munich prosecutor Peter Preuss in order to get our computers confiscated a third time. After all, this is Bavaria and Fuck Free Speech!

Back to my dilemma, I am really in a tough spot here. The JC Penney Hitler Tea Pot
has been discontinued, so what options with a historical connotation and usefulness would I have? Besides, my mother is not much into tea.

Oh right, there's the good folks in Italy. They purvey a fine line of wines all steeped in history. Full-flavored bottles adorned with images of Adolf, Benito, Heini Himmler, Hess and for good measure there's also Che and Stalin featured.


Meine Tochter an Münchner RAK Mediator ProfDoc Steike

Mr Steike,

I hear you are a mediator in Munich in law cases. I have read the correspondence between you, my father and attorney Muth, the court-appointed attorney of my father. In the end you dismissed my father's legitimate and based on facts request.

The court case was about free speech and how the Munich court denied it! So if I understand you correctly, sitting in court hearings absolutely mum, being completely unprepared, caring nil about the interests of the client, knowing nothing about the internet, although it was an internet-related case, and finally mailing the final verdict without a proper address to my father, that is all A-OK with you? You seem to be a jolly chap.

You do not even consider it odd to address the other side with 'dear fellow lawyer'? Are you out of your mind? This is blatant mingling with the other side. I wonder what kind of professional ethics you have.

It is obvious that you do not possess the most basic requirements to conduct a complaint without prejudice and impartiality. You should be ashamed of yourself. Your unprofessional conduct does not merit any further comment other than that my father had to call on the federal mediation office in Berlin.

Meine Tochter an RAin Aglaia Muth

Mrs Muth,

You were the court appointed attorney of my father in a case that was about free speech. From what I heard from my father about you and what I read about your appearance in court and out of court I wonder, why the heck are you in this profession?

If the case is above your head and/or if you show no interest in it, then you have a moral duty to say so and lay down the case, or don't accept it in the first place.

If you have no knowledge about the internet, then do not pretend you know a little, as you did during the first phone call with my father. As it turned out during both court hearings you do not know and understand basic  internet stuff and you were unprepared in all hearings. In a civilized country this is called malpractice.

Asking money for a service for which you did not have the slightest interest and know-how is plain and simple called fraud! I could not believe when my father said that did not even prepare a single written sheet of paper for the court hearings. What are you, a day dreamer? If you want to sleep, stay at home in bed, but don't take other people's money. I am surprised you are not even embarrassed how ridiculous you are.


Gestandene Hartz 4 Rezipienten lechzen nach einem, nach Selbstbestätigung. Also ward das 83,7te Buch über Hartz 4 geboren.

Ein Buch ward geschrieben. Mit einem netten Titel. Friss oder Hartz.

Ein gestandener Hartz 4 Rezipient lechzt nach einem, nach Selbstbestätigung. Nach Selbstbestätigung, dass es ihm schlecht geht, dass es ungerecht zugeht, die Verteilung ungleich ist und Joe Ackermann ...

Damit ist für einen Author vom Schlage Laurent Joachim das Rezept vorgegeben: diese Urgemütslage, diese urdeutsche klagende Disposition gilt es zu kitzeln, zu erregen, zu befriedigen und zu bestätigen, damit es schlussendlich unserem gestandenen Hartz 4ler nolens volens gut geht. Stöhnenderweise natürlich. Und adaptiert.

Also schickte sich freischaffender und engagierter Journo Laurent an, das 83,7te Buch über Hartz 4 in Pixelform zu bringen. Jedem halbwegs normalen Menschen wird es nach dem 15. Pornovideo langweilig; beim Thema Hartz herrscht Dauerkonjunktur.

Laurent erfuhr auch die Ehre, für den deutschen Boulevard Investigativo Günni Wallraff ein Vorwort zu komponieren. Wallraff, der die Sprosse zum Echauffierungs-Porno Produzenten beim Prolli-Sender RTL erklommen hat.

Das Inhaltsverzeichnis im 'Infotext-multilink' Pdf lässt keine Behandlung der Gründe für Hartz 4 erkennen, dafür scheint es auf konsternierende Episoden von Bangladesh-ähnlichen Selbsterfahrungsexempeln aus den Gruften des deutschen Unternehmertums hinzudeuten. Dafür wird er woanders von einem Labournet Interviewer dann gedeckelt, denn schliesslich sei die Beschäftigungslage doch glänzend. Also nicht viel neues. Stattdessen heisst es dort u.a.:
"Das  Prinzip  der  Wohlstandsökonomie  im  Dienste  aller  Bürger  wird  zunehmend  abgelöst, damit die unverschämten  Ansprüche  von  wenigen  bedient  werden  können. Partikularinteressen  werden  wider  besseres  Gewissens  und  wider  des  Gemeinwohls durchgesetzt."
Das ist im besten Fall nebulös, denn eine Wohlstandsökonomie im Dienste aller Bürger hat es nie gegeben. Diese hat ein kapitalistisch marktwirtschaftlich agierender Staat niemals im Sinn. Es war nur mit der souveränen Währung DM einfacher, die Wirtschaftsinteressen durchzusetzen.

Dass SPD Mitgliedschaft und Gewerkschaftskungelei kein Widerspruch sind oder irgendwie vermuten lassen, hier könne irgend etwas in der Genese von H4 ausser acht gelassen worden sein, bestätigt dieses seltsame Interview mit einem Heini vom Labournet. Immerhin nimmt Labournet für sich in Anspruch, ein "Treffpunkt für Ungehorsame, mit und ohne Job, basisnah, gesellschaftskritisch" zu sein. Das Interview hätte so von jedem Journo des arrivierten teutonischen Blätterwalds geführt werden können, ohne sich verbiegen zu müssen.

Ich will hier nur auf einen Absatz im Interview eingehen, denn er zeigt, wie Laurent Joachim die wichtigste Komponente von Hartz 4 völlig verkennt, die makro-ökonomische.

LJ gibt zu bedenken:
"Ein  Beispiel:  Das  Wachstum  des  Handels  im letzten  Jahrzehnt  hat  nicht  zu  einem  besseren  Leben  der  Menschen  in  den  betroffenen  Branchen geführt,  ganz  im  Gegenteil:  Im  Einzelhandeln  erhielt  2012  jeder  Fünfte  weniger  als  8,50  Euro  die  Stunde [S. 157].  So  muss  der  Staat  diese  Hungerlöhne  mit  Sozialleistungen  in  Höhe  von  1,5  Milliarden  Euro  pro Jahr  unterstützen  beziehungsweise  „quer-finanzieren“  [S. 246].  Gleichzeitig  stiegen  die  Firmengewinne im  Einzelhandel  zwischen  2000  und  2010  von  11,8  auf 21,5  Milliarden  Euro  [S.  246],  subventioniert  vom Steuerzahler,  wenn  man  so  will."
Nähme man diese Feststellung so hin,  würde es bedeuten, der Staat wüsste eigentlich nicht recht, was er tut, wenn er jährlich wie in diesem Beispiel mit 1,5 Milliarden Euro Löhne subventioniert oder wie es LJ nennt "quer-finanziert". Die Firmengewinne werden auch nicht vom Steuerzahler subventioniert, nebenbei bemerkt.

Der Staat weiss sehr gut, was er tut. Durch die brutale Lohndeflation, die Deutschland mit der Agenda 2010 - im übrigen durchgepeitscht durch die SPD und die Gewerkschaften, mein lieber LJ - iniziierte, war und ist Deutschland in der Lage, eine in der Welt einzigartige Exportdominanz und damit Exportabhängigkeit zu erreichen. Die Dominanz ist so stark und so erfolgreich (in einer Union wohlgemerkt!), dass in der EU die Südländer stark verschuldet sind und immens hohe Arbeitslosigkeit herrscht. Deutschland praktiziert eine 'beggar thy neighbor' Politik. In einer Union wohlgemerkt!

Dadurch steht Deutschland als DAS wirtschaftliche Star-Land da und erfreut sich im Vergleich zu seinen EU Nachbarländern der niedrigsten Refinanzierungskosten. Forbes schreibt dazu:

Despite Losing Tens Of Billions Of Euros, Germany Is Making A Profit Out Of The Greek Crisis
"Between 2010 and 2015 Germany profited from the ongoing Greek debt crisis to the sum of €100 billion, according to a new study. The billions consists of money saved by lower interest payments on funds the German government borrowed amid investor “flights to safety”."
Der Grund?
"This is one of those things that you think just cannot possibly be true but it does appear that it is. Germany is at risk of losing perhaps as much as €90 billion as a result of the Greek debt crisis. That’s how much it could lose if Greece defaults. But recent research has shown that Germany has made more than that as a result of that very Greek crisis. Because everyone worrying about the crisis has made people pile into German government bonds, lowering the interest the country has to pay on its outstanding debt."
Deutschland hat also innerhalb von 6 Jahren 100 Milliarden Euro an Zinsen gespart und da fallen 6 x 1,5 Milliarden Lohnsubvention nun wirklich unter "Peanuts".

Recht hat Laurent, dass dieser legale Steuer- und Sozialabgabenbetrug nicht Jahrzehnte weiter laufen kann mit all den intrinsischen Folgen. Nur braucht dies heutige Politiker nicht zu interessieren, denn die sind dann längst in üppiger Pension. Sie muss es noch viel weniger interessieren, weil es unter Hartz 4lern keinerlei Solidarität gibt, dafür aber die bekannten Charlatane und SGB-Kurse Schmarotzer die vorgeblich 'Tacheles' schwafeln.

Soviel ist sicher, Hartz 4 oder Hartz x wird keinen Bestand haben, denn Lohn-Dumping lässt sich replizieren.

Appell an RA Petersen dem, ehem, Ehrenkodex der Jurisprudenz Tribut zu zollen,

cc u.a. an Sozialgericht München

... der protestantischen Arbeitsethik gemäss einer leistungsaffinen Honorierung in Konkordanz zu gehen und ex post die ex ante erfolgte Honorierung partiell zu reversieren.

Dass dies überhaupt einer Schriftform bedarf ...

Am 12. Mai 2014 überwiess ich aus freien Stücken und ohne Aufforderung von Ihnen € xxx.

Am 08. Sept 2014 überwies ich € xxx nach Ihrer Aufforderung.

Es ging um den a) Einbehalt des Sommerferienverdiensts meiner Tochter, b) Schulwegkosten meiner Tochter, c) Wahrnehmung des Umgangsrechts meiner Tochter und d) Kosten Kleidung etc. für eine erfolgreiche Job-Bewerbung meiner Tochter.

Bis heute ist in allen Punkten nichts erreicht worden. In den letzteren zwei Instanzen nach 15 Monaten nichts!

Am 14. Jan. 2015 überwies ich Ihnen € 238 für Ihre Verteidigung in der Berufung wegen der Anzeige der kriminellen und rassistischen Sozialverbrecher-Behörde Jobcenter. Sie sprachen u. a. die Einsicht in die Klageschrift an.

Fakt ist: Sie haben nicht ein einziges Wort mit mir bis zum Prozesstermin am 06. Mai 2015, also über vier einhalb Monate, über die Angelegenheit gesprochen. Sie haben kein einziges Wort mit meiner Tochter gewechselt und um die ging es letzlich bei der Anzeige der Rassisten-Behörde. Eine Anzeige, die in einem zivilisierten Land als "frivolous lawsuit" rausgeschmissen worden wäre.

Die Klageschrift musste ich mir Wochen nach der Verhandlung selber beim Gericht holen. Die Zusendung des Verhandlungsprotokolls hielten Sie auch für dispensabel und ich musste es anlässlich unserer Verfassungsbeschwerde nach unserer Niederlage vor dem Kangaroo Court München anfordern.

Nicht genug damit, trugen Sie sich auch noch an, meine Revision für den wohlfeilen Obulus von gut € 400 übernehmen zu wollen. Da war einfach noch mehr Geld drin! Non olet.

Meine Tochter und ich haben in einem der korruptesten Kontinente dieser Erde gelebt. Ich habe noch nie ein so verkommenes und niederträchtiges Land wie das Billiglohn-Land Deutschland erlebt. Ein Land, in dem Anwälte Geld für Gleichgültigkeit nehmen, in der Paralleljustiz SGB bestens ein schmarotzerhaftes Auskommen finden, für maulfaules Herumgesitze im Gerichtssaal wie RA Aglaia Muth Geld berechnen, einer Provinz mit einem völlig ridikülen Mediator wie Prof Doc Steike (Angelegenheit RA Muth derzeit bei der Schlichtungsstelle Berlin), verlogene und mit billigen Tricks operierende Richter wie Richterin Bassler vom LG München.

So fordere ich Sie nun auf, die € xxx an mich zurück zu überweisen und da Sie unvorbereitet in die Berufungsverhandlung gingen, denke ich, € 100 genügen der Aufwandsentschädigung.


Munich prosecutor Peter Preuss slowly advancing in socio-cultural peculiarities

My daughter responds to Munich prosecutor Peter Preuss' refusal to disclose the name(s) of person(s) behind the charges against us based on chicanery.

English   version  (for  chronological   documentation  and  presentation at   the  
Prosecutor Peter Preuss learns
intricacies of Tibetan first names

State  Prosecutor  München  I
Linprunstraße  25
80097  München

AZ:  ER  II  GS - 6711/15 and complaint  of  Jobcenter München  in  2012  AZ  18  Ns  112  Js  203869/12

Dec.  12,  2015

Oh you  again,  prosecutor  Peter  Preuss.  At  least,  the  Munich  prosecutor  has this time  discovered  that 'xyz'  is always  female.  Interestingly,  you  did  not  mention  the  period  of  appeal.  You  are  so confident  in  Bavaria  and  I  am  just  a  stupid  migrant,  right?

I  believe  §  475 STPO paragraph  4  justifies my  request.  It  states:

(4)  Under  the  conditions  of  paragraph  1,  information  from  any  file  can  also  be  granted  to  individuals and  agencies.

What  could  be  the  'legitimate  interests'  of  the  persons concerned  be,  not  to have  that  information disclosed? Perhaps the  interest  to  cover  up  criminal  behavior?  Perhaps to  hide  racist  and discriminating  intentions against  me?

I  urge  the court of Munich  again  to tell  me  the  name  of  the  complainant!

Peter  Preuss,  are  you  not  getting  embarrassed  to  refuse  all  requests from  me  and  my  father? Would you  like  to prove  again  and  again,  the  Munich  court  is a  Kangaroo Court? I  have  witnessed  it  on  May 6,  2015  with  judge  Bassler.


Münchner Staatsanwalt Peter Preuss zeigt sozio-kulturelle Avancen

Peter Preuss
studierte tibetische Vornamen
Widerspruch meiner Tochter:

Staatsanwaltschaft  München  I
Linprunstraße  25
80097  München

AZ:  ER  II  GS - 6711/15 und Anzeige  des  Jobcenter  München in 2012  AZ  18  Ns  112  Js  203869/12

12.  Dez.  2015

Ach  Sie  wieder,  Staatsanwalt  Peter  Preuss.  Zumindest  hat  die  Münchner  Staatsanwaltschaft  diesmal herausgefunden,  dass 'xyz'  immer  weiblich  ist.  Interessant,  dass  Sie  auch  keinen  Hinweis  auf  die Widerspruchsfrist  beilegen.  Sie  sind  sich  in  Bayern  so  sicher  und  ich  bin  auch  nur  eine  doofe Migrantin.

Ich  glaube,  §  475 STPO Absatz  4  begründet  mein  Ersuchen.  Es  heisst  dort:

(4)  Unter  den  Voraussetzungen  des  Absatzes  1  können  auch  Privatpersonen  und  sonstigen  Stellen Auskünfte  aus  den  Akten  erteilt  werden.

Was könnte  das 'schutzwürdige  Interesse'  des  hiervon  Betroffenen  sein? Vielleicht  das  Interesse, kriminelles Verhalten  zu  verdecken?  Vielleicht  rassistische  und  diskriminiende  Intentionen  gegen mich  zu  verdunkeln?

 Ich  fordere  die  Münchner  Justiz  nochmals auf,  mir  den  Namen  des  Anzeigenden  zu  nennen!

Peter  Preuss,  ist  es Ihnen  nicht  langsam  peinlich,  sämtliche  Ersuchen  von  mir  und  meinem  Vater abzulehnen?  Möchten  Sie  immer  wieder  beweisen,  das Münchner  Gericht  ist  ein  Kangaroo  Court? Ich war  zugegen  bei  der  Verhandlung  mit  Richterin  Bassler.

Diesem  Brief  ist  eine  englischsprachige  Übersetzung  angehängt  zur Dokumentation  und  Vorlage  vor Gerichten  in  den  USA.

It would be impossible to imagine going through life without swearing,

Some would call swearing unnecessary, and Fry recontextualizes their argument like so: “It’s not necessary to have colored socks. It’s not necessary for this cushion to be here. But is anyone going to write in and say, ‘I was shocked to see that cushion there! It really wasn’t necessary’? No. Things not being necessary is what makes life interesting.”

Mrs Andrea Nahles, do staff from the German Labor Agency BA have problems getting into a brothel on time during work hours?

Labor minister Nahles,

I feel privileged to write to you and this is I guess my fourth time that I grant you my appearance in form of an email. In typical German fashion you chose to leave all prior emails without a reply, yet you had someone enquire about our postal address. Talk about German style and clandestiness.

You see, Mrs Nahles, you may entertain your personal prejudices about Hartz recipients and in particular those elitist ilk of the self-employed strata as being unable to create a sustainable business, and you are certainly aided in this by your dependable local press. However, you and your Jobcenter can certainly take credit for having wrecked my business in the five figures in just one year. That's quite an achievement and you should be proud of it.

Let's shelve that for a moment because prior to that I had had to write a complaint to the German Labor Agency BA in 2013. A complaint about a certain Ms Elisabeth Baum from the criminal and racist Jobcenter Munich. The reason being that Ms Baum had responded in a court case with a letter that contained lies from A to Z and I had detailed that with uncontestable proof. That received quite some response.

In my quest to find truth I made two valiant attempts with the heads of the Federal Labor Agency (BA) to acquire the name of this person. Matter-of-factly, I addressed my last email to the head honchos Heini Alt and Frank-Jürgen Weise on Nov. 17, 2015. Unfortunately and in typical German style the CEO combo preferred to reside in nonvocal equilibrium. The agency certainly has my full understanding as this is indeed a very delicate situation. A situation that calls for a subtle, rational and most sensitive handling in order to keep company morale up (no pun intended) to standard and, most importantly, avoid any form of arousal (again no pun intended).

The reply I received from a staff of the BA back then read as follows:

"When I read this crap it is clear that such an imbecile like you has trouble finding a job. The libel published here and the condescending style makes readers sick. Nothing in terms of grey matter, but jumping queue in a brothel. Well then good luck Germany."

The emailed comment was written on March 7, 2013 at 11:07 AM from the IP address This IP address is the address of the German Labor Agency in Nuremberg. This qualifies as proof in court!

Where I have been raised and where my home is, we do not send such things to other people.  All the more is it surprising to see such a demented and intellectually spartan comment come from a German government agency which, if I am still able to read the tea leaves correctly, is under your umbrella.

Following up on the text of that email several questions do arise and yearn for an answer:
  • Do staff from the German Labor Agency BA indeed have problems getting into a brothel on time during work hours?
  • The time stamp of the email showing 11:07 AM, are sexually hyper-charged staff at the German Labor Agency BA already so horny in the morning?
  • Could the purveyance of blow jobs ameliorate the dire situation?
  • Has an assessment about the effect on the work load been conducted? Viz testosterone overload!
  • Are staff distracted by this physical arousal and has essential work therefore to be postponed for the simple reason that a fuck was needed?
  • Did the leadership of the German Labor Agency BA consider installing cold showers in the offices of male staff?
  • If not, have there been tests conducted to see if perhaps wank rooms could solve this delicate inconvenience? Or perhaps jizz parlours. Rub rooms, beat the bishop boudoirs, wax the carrot counters?
  • Are offices of male staff perhaps overheated? Reducing temps by at least 15 degrees C would have a sizable ecological effect and in addition induce a certain shrink effect.
  • Could a purchase of some Real Dolls make the situation more bearable for male staff at the German Labor Agency BA?
  •  Would Ashley Madison be a game changer of sorts?
Real Doll for German Labor Ag.?
As a very concerned citizen of acquired, and may I add non-Christian, moral standards and, can I say this in all privacy to you, with an unblemished record of staunch heterosexuality, garnished with pretty good looks, a body steeled by decades of exercise in various fields and shaved legs, I take offence at such debouchery.

Companies in the civilized world employ content checking security software for their email servers  in order to ensure corporate compliance. Seems like Heini Alt and Frank-Jürgen Weise live on another planet, or in a Banana Republic.

Since I am father of a daughter with decent Asian upbringing, a cultural sensitivity and moral standards of Buddhist belief, I feel a certain apprehension of moral standards emanating from the environment of some German government agencies. From time to time we incur difficulties in coping with German unsophistication, but then again, we have no intention to adapt.

I am grateful you have lent me your attentive ear and I already feel very much relieved I could relate this emotionally disturbing experience to you. A healing coming out would be appreciated in the form of the name and address of that gentleman. Thank you so much.



Munich prosecutor Peter Preuss makes sure racism is well and alive in Germany and free speech gets kicked in the ass

Prosecutor Peter Preuss: Free speech? Never heard of.
English   version  (for  chronological   documentation  and  presentation at   the   USCIS.gov)

Munich prosecutor Peter Preuss refuses disclosure of name of complainant leading to confiscation of our IT equipment.

In his response to my daughter's request to disclose the name of the complainant, who with 99.9% certainty is from the criminal and racist Jobcenter Munich, Peter Preuss cites § 475 STPO.

Paragraph 4 of § 475 STPO  however clearly states:

(4) Under the conditions of paragraph 1, information from any file can also be granted to individuals and agencies.

This is yet another proof of the well-known institutional racism for which especially Bavarian courts are known. Add to that their affinity to Neonazis and you get a picture of how seedy the German government agency Jobcenter operates in order to suppress free speech. Any criminal means, any racist transgression is covered and protected by the Munich court.

The rotten court of Munich makes sure people who oppose the criminal and racist German government agency, whose mandate it is to press people into low-wage jobs, to haul young people out of school and into shitty jobs so that Germany can continue its export industry assault on other countries and press those countries into submission and wreck the future of their young people by ensuring high unemployment, get silenced by breaking any law and depriving you of internet communications.

This is called facism by democratic means.

In case you have any doubt how rotten the Munich court is, here is chief prosecutor Hummer absolutely live on stage:

"Apart from that, comparisons between the acts of the accused on the one hand and press and TV-coverage on the other hand are out of the question, because the latter regularly serve as political information, report on events of current affairs or history and therefore are according to § 86 no. 3 in conjunction with § 86 a no. 3 Penal Code exempted from the offense. The actions of the defendant, however, do not fall under that exception as the Court of Appeal has set out in detail and without any error of law (UA p.7)."

This his response when I pointed to historical falsifications in the movie 'Rise of Evil' in my appeals. In other words:

Do not criticize our Hitler propaganda shows on German TV !

 This is what a German lawyer wrote us in an email in August 2015:

 "I would discourage from filing a suit against the Jobcenter - CEO, even more so as it costs money. I do not think you will find a judge who will sentence the government agency or its CEO."


Universal legal coverage

Why you should care about access to justice - Andrew Pilliar

In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.

Albert Einstein

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Martin Luther King

Via crowddefend


German attorney Dr Aiko Petersen refuses to continue granting his deferred services; clearly contravening the ethics standards of his profession and foregoing the cookie on the dark side.

From the department of the low-wage country, neoliberal economics, parallel justice system and commensurate lawyers.

We are saddened. Our moral standards shaken to the ground. Emotionally wrecked. Cataclysmically struck. Devastated!

Is there nothing sacred anymore? Do values get trampled that easily? Does the ego fall by the wayside over petty events?

His Shock & Awsomeness Dr Aiko Petersen
Shocker by docRA Aiko Petersen. It hit us between the toes:

"Hiermit lege ich das Mandat in allen Angelegenheiten nieder." Dr Aiko Petersen

"This is to inform you that I am resigning from my mandate." Attorney Dr Aiko Petersen

What can we say, we are awestruck, apart from the propositional fallacy in that it's a little hard to stop doing what you have not done in the first place. But hey, logical thinking should in the heat of the day be discounted and, as is common knowledge, can't be merged in a legal paragraph.

This resignation letter has affected us deeply, profoundly, emotionally, conceptually, digitally.... whatevs.

Here is why:

We believe that we deserve the continued, the unabated, the unequivocal vacuous service of docRA Petersen to progress to the point where we were 14 months ago.

We believe we have the unwritten right to witness devoted and uncompromising negligence in order to  see our case resolved sometime towards eternity. Or later.

We have paid in the firm belief our cases will find proper justice ad calendas graecas latest. We were even prepared to chip in a couple extra days, make that weeks. We intend to continue on that path because we believe in nirvana.

Procrastination is our mantra; all the better if it's shared by our attorney.

We are ethically convinced, malpractice is virtue and a cornerstone in a Banana Republic.

We clearly understand the hardship that is placed on the august Knights of Justice. Duty permeats their life; yet as Nietzsche cautioned in his 'Dawn of the Day': "To demand that duty should be always rather burdensome, as Kant does, is to demand that it shall never develop into a habit or custom. There is a small residue of ascetic cruelty in this demand." Therefore we feel this emotional dichotomy placed on the tender nerves of these chevalliers and that is exactly why Doc Aiko should continue kicking legal ass for us.

We subscribe to the notion that every case has a gestation period and if that tallies to 15 months, heck, we can deal with that if that's the time it takes to get the mental juices flowing in a lawyer.

We believe only the sustained effort of His Shock & Awesomeness Dr Aiko P. aka el Numero Uno, the Bourne Identity, Mr. Big, The Godfather, Lord of the Rings, err, Taxi Driver, Naked Gun ... can offer us a nebulous idea of what justice could perhaps be.

While Elvis' 'A little less conversation, a little more action please' might energize some human beings, we accede to his meditative approach.

We are aware that pecuniar affairs can be funky and here we propose in an exercise of cultural appropriation to instead pay our dues in kind, like for example with Jutta ko Mala as our token of appreciation.

And we thought attorneys have brass balls, the Harvey Specter gait and shit rainbows at Pearson-Hardman. This much holds: "And I'm certainly not gonna let the likes of you tell me who I can and cannot blow." I am off to my mud bath.

The full Monty (in German only)


A tale of two narratives

(...una cosa sbagliata non può finire nel modo giusto. Da Charlie Brown ricevo e volentieri pubblico...)


This week  two market narratives were challenged: the narrative of Draghi always overwhelming markets  with policy moves  and the narrative of Yellen being strapped down and ready for a rate blast off.

Draghi under whelmed markets (and the Euro took off), and Yellen started speaking of a "dollar drag" on the rate blast off.

Germany has started two undeclared devaluation wars : one against the rest of the world (via Euro QE whose only true effectiveness rests in devaluating the Euro thus  making European goods more competitive in the US and elsewhere) and one against  its Euro partners (via internal deflation and wage compression). The ECB is the weapon used to wage the first war, the European Commission to wage  the second.

That directly challenges American supremacy in the global monetary  game and also hampers American plans to normalize the US financial system which has been doped and warped by massive doses of QE since the Lehman crisis.

I would like to add that whatever the US does it will end up on top. If it does nothing (or very little) in terms of provoking true divergence,  it will bust the German devaluation offensive. That will make it even more imperative for Germany to toughen  its aggressive internal devaluation strategy vis à vis its Eurozone neighbours ( a million refugees are a good enough ammunition reserve for that). If the US does hike, it will draw massive amounts of savings from Germany thus fostering the vicious deflationary cycle in Europe (which feeds  German surplus), and the effects will be identical.

Full post by Charlie Brown here

Groove Dynasty


Fundraiser für Klage gegen Jobcenter München

Wir freuen uns, auf den Service eines demokratischen Landes zurückgreifen zu können. Eines Landes, das die freie Meinungsäusserung in seiner Verfassung eisern verankert hat und nicht wie in Deutschland als Feigenblatt trägt.

Seit heute, 3. Dezember, ist unsere Kampagne 'Harassed by German government agency' online bei Funded Justice aus den USA.

Wir sind zutiefst dankbar. Bedauerlich, dass es so etwas in Deutschland nicht gibt.

Unterstützen Sie uns in unserem Kampf für freie Meinungsäusserung und gegen Knebelung und finanzielle Ruinierung durch eine deutsche Behörde zur Garantie der Armut, dem Jobcenter.

Unterstützen Sie uns, einen verlässlichen und engagierten Anwalt zu finden, um gegen  Schikanen, Nötigung, fortgesetzte Computerbeschlagnahmen, rassistische Diskriminierung sowie der Verweigerung der freien Meinungsäusserung  durch das Jobcenter München, sowie einer Münchner Justiz, von der wir uns nur in Abscheu abwenden können, vorgehen zu können.

Danke & Namaskar
Meine Tochter & ich


German charity of Götz Werner buys someone a drink

We run a fund raiser to cover legal costs for a good lawyer to file a suit against the Jobcenter Munich. It is about free speech which the JC M together with the Munich court have a problem with.

So I turned to Götz Werner, the ex-CEO of the German drugstore chain DM. He now runs a charity because apparently, that's what people feel they need to do, once you have a billion or so (of other people's money).

That explains why he sports a Mercator 'Professor' title that he shares with among others a German TV news reader and a run-down feminist granny. So he's got quite illustrious company.

A website is as well his, where he touts the unconditional basic income (Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen) and you can contact him via his representative Mr Christian Grether. Doing so I received a canned reply that Götz Werner is a pretty busy guy, gets lots of mail and a response may take a little:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht an Prof. Götz W. Werner und das Unternimm-die-Zukunft Team. Da uns sehr viele Zuschriften erreichen, bitten wir Sie um etwas Geduld bis wir Ihre E-Mail beantworten können.
Freundliche Grüße
Christian Grether
vom Unternimm-die-Zukunft Team

That's German for "Thanks for contacting us but don't expect a fucking answer because THE GÖTZ is legend!" It's just a German habit not to answer.

That usually gets me set and turned on. So I waited deliberately for six weeks, no response as expected, and called on Christian again. Oh, Christian Grether is a widely interested dude and writes theater texts like here, so that could explain it. Christian did not disappoint in the least and did what he just had to do and that was sifting through his drawer and reply with another canned email. After all, can you blame Christian? You somehow have to get rid of these buggers. Here is Chrischan live:

vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. 
Lieder muss ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass juristische Hilfe oder eine finanzielle Unterstützung durch Herr Werner nicht möglich ist. Hintergrund für die Entscheidung ist zum einen, dass sehr viele Menschen, Initiativen und Vereine ihn um Unterstützung bitten und zum anderen, dass er sagt, dass man mit Projekten oder Initiativen innerlich substantiell verbunden sein muss, um diese glaubwürdig in die Welt zu bringen. Aufgrund der vielen Bitten und Anfragen ist es nicht möglich, sich mit allen Projekten, Initiativen oder Vereinen, so vertraut zu machen, um glaubhaft dafür einzutreten. 
Ich bitte Sie dafür um Verständnis.
Beste Grüße
Christian Grether
Presse- und Referentenanfragen an Prof. Götz W. Werner

Remember, our request concerned 'free speech' and so it appears the Christian selected the wrong canned email. It would indeed be a little odd to call 'free speech' something where "you must be connected to projects or initiatives internally and substantially" ("dass man mit Projekten oder Initiativen innerlich substantiell verbunden sein muss"). I love such BS.

According to the wisdom of Götz Werner 'free speech' can be seen as a 'project' and/or 'initiative'. Why not. Thing is, he just does not have the time to acquaint himself with that thought.

So here you have a billionaire who, for heaven's sake does he ever get tired, writes also a blog with inspiring posts like "What is missing when everything is there?" or "With willpower to your goal", yet free speech and a blog that criticizes a German government agency responsible for the supply of cheap labor and poverty, no that's not to the professor's liking. Reading a little more on his website you soon realize this guy is into drivel. More on that later when it gets really funny.

At this point it would be fair to ask why does he, who was the owner of the biggest drugstore chain, do all that when he cares so much about others? Why run a charity in the first place? If he were really serious he could set up a fund that disburses every Christmas € 10,000, 15,000 or 20,000 to every full-time employee as Xmas bonus. €5,000 for the cleaning ladies. He could offer 1% interest mortgages to his workers etc. etc. No, it has to be a charity and for a reason. Nothing gets close in terms of prestige. Even idiotic athletes now have one. Oh, and how do you like the Clinton Foundation?

You can not mention the name Götz Werner without saying at the same time 'Unconditional Basic Income'. That's his hallmark. However, once you start reading some posts about the UBI on his website you soon realize, the authors have no idea about economics, it is at times naive drivel and sometimes blatant nonsense. Like this sentence for example:

Mit den Gütern und Dienstleitungen entsteht das Geld, mit dem sie gekauft werden können. Dafür ist das Geld da. Es gibt so viel Geld, wie es käufliche Werte gibt. Sonst könnte man sie nicht kaufen.

It says 'with goods and services money is created (sic), with which they can be purchased. That's what money is for. There is as much money as there are goods. Otherwise you could not buy them.' You start wondering why is there inflation or deflation?

Some place else you read:

"Maschinenarbeit dagegen wird heute subventioniert, weil sie keine [der Lohnsteuer] vergleichbare Steuer zahlen muss, sondern eher durch degressive Abschreibungen gepuscht wird."

Google translate: 'Machine work on the other hand is subsidized today, because they have to pay no [income tax], but rather is pushed up by declining balance depreciation.' These weird reasonings made me stop reading after three posts.

Here is another goody:

"Wenn wir radikal auf Mehrwertsteuer umstellen wird das Land ein Arbeits-, Steuer- und Investitionsparadies." (Götz Werner, 2006) Basically it says, if we switch radically to VAT, the country will become a paradise of work, taxes and investments". It does sound somewhat eery, does it not?

Why does the replacement of one tax with another tax render a country to a paradise for investments?

It is obvious that G. Werner has never read Keynes and his law of consumption explained here:

The Keynesian concept of consumption function stems from the fundamental psychological law of consumption which states that there is a common tendency for people to spend more on consumption when income increases, but not to the same extent as the rise in income because a part of the income is also saved. The community, as a rule, consumes as well as saves a larger amount with a rise in income.

Abba Lerner puts it very plain what effect taxes have:

“The rational procedure is to judge all actions only by their effect and not by any vague notions of their propriety or impropriety. “By their fruits shall ye know them.” The effects of a tax are two fold. It increases the money in the hands of the government and, by decreasing  the money left in the taxpayer’s hands, it makes him spend less. The first effect is unimportant…..The important effect is the second, and the question of taxing or not taxing should be governed entirely by whether the effect on spending by the individual taxpayer is desired or not…”

Here the last quote from the Götz Werner website:

Auf die gesunkenen Preise kommt die höhere Mehrwertsteuer. Damit bleiben die Preise für den Verbraucher im Schnitt auf einem gleichen Niveau wie zuvor, und ein Grundeinkommen für alle ist in die Bedingungslosigkeit transferiert.

The decline in prices is offset by the increase in VAT. Thus, the prices for the consumer remain on average on a same level as before, and a basic income for all is transferred to the unconditional.

After this I gave up and instead searched if the word 'inflation' was mentioned somewhere and I came out empty. It is beyond me how anyone can seriously write about the UBI or in German the BGE without mentioning inflation.

This German here has clearly understood the mistake: Götz Werner buys someone a drink. (article in German)

Götz Werner could learn something from these guys and 16 Reasons Matt Yglesias is Wrong about the Job Guarantee vs. Basic Income.