
The Italian Job, or what are you planning next week?

Each year there are more bank robberies in Italy (approximately 3,000) than in the rest of Europe combined, with a 10 percent chance of victimization on average.

…The average robbery lasts 4.27 minutes and leads to a haul of approximately 16,000 euros. Given that more than half of all bank robberies involve two or more perpetrators, the average haul per criminal is approximately equal to 8,700 euros.

…only about 40 percent of all bank robbers disguise themselves when robbing a bank.

Those are some perplexing facts from the scientific study 'Optimizing Criminal Behavior and the Disutility of Prison' by Giovanni Mastrobuoni and David A. Rivers.

Here is the 'Abstract' should you be interested in optimizing your criminal behavior.
We use rich microdata on bank robberies to estimate individual-level disutilities of imprisonment. The identification rests on the money versus apprehension trade-off that robbers face inside the bank when deciding whether to leave or collect money for an additional minute. The distribution of the disutility of prison is not degenerate, generating heterogeneity in behavior. Our results show that unobserved heterogeneity in ability is important for explaining outcomes in terms of haul and arrest. Furthermore, higher ability robbers are found to have larger disutilities, suggesting that increased sentence lengths might effectively target these more harmful criminals.
How should you go about, what should you avoid?
Not surprisingly, traveling to the robbery by foot and targeting a bank with a security guard are both consistent with lower ability offenders. There is also evidence that higher ability robbers target banks in the late afternoon around closing time.
You don't want to be a low-ability offender, right? You might now be interested in your yearly earnings potential.
The median haul per robber is € 5,300. Data collected from the Milan police (Mastrobuoni, 2017), in which serial bank robbers are tracked over time, show that the median number of days between bank robberies is 10. Given that the overall arrest rate is 6.6 percent, the expected number of robberies in a year is approximately 14. For a robber with the median frequency of robberies and the median haul, the anticipated yearly haul is close to € 75,000, which is in line with the annual value of compensating variation that we find.
Ok, so far so good. However, there is also the other side of the equation you would need to put into perspective and that is
6.2 Deterrence
Given our estimates of disutility, we can ask the question, by how much would policy makers need to increase the disutility of prison in order to push the optimal robbery duration to zero. Using our estimates of the expected haul and hazard of police arrival, we calculate this for each observation by computing the value of the disutility D such that t∗ = 0 in equation (4). Letting this value be denoted as Dt=0, and letting Dt=t∗ be the estimated value corresponding to the observed duration, we have that the percentage increase in disutility needed for robbers with an observed t∗ > 0 to drive the duration to 0 is given by logDt=0 −logDt=t∗. We then compute the associated percentage increase in sentence length needed to drive t∗ to 0 for di erent values of the discount factor. (Note that for a discount factor of 1, the necessary percentage increase in disutility and sentence length are equivalent.)
Finally, if you are still interested in this career path some things should be considered. Like weapons, masks, yes or no, and not to be discounted whether you consider yourself to be a 'higher ability offender' and are able to cope with a higher disutility.
The estimates in Tables 3 and 4 identify the robbery characteristics that are most strongly associated with differences in hauls and apprehension rates. For hauls, the use of a weapon and/or a mask leads to larger hauls, as does targeting banks with fewer security devices and no guards. Regarding arrests, working in groups, wearing a mask, and targeting banks with no security guard and few employees are associated with a decreased likelihood of getting caught. Our estimates suggest that judges and lawmakers may want to target these robbery characteristics (in terms of sentence enhancements) in order to reduce the harm created by bank robberies. There is evidence that this is already occurring in Italy and elsewhere, for example in US state and federal legislation, particularly for crimes involving firearms, groups of offenders, and masks. One caveat to this is that our estimates reflect both the causal effects of these characteristics as well as the indirect effects of the ability of those individuals who select them. Robbers (particularly high ability ones) may respond to an increase in the penalty for certain robber characteristics by simply selecting different ones, as opposed to not committing a robbery, partially mitigating the deterrent effect. Ideally, one would like to target the high ability offenders directly, since these robbers cause the most damage (more money lost and more repeat offenses). This is challenging though because ability is unobserved. One additional benefit of our estimates is that they suggest that a broader policy instrument could have a similarly targeted impact. We find that higher ability offenders, in addition to having improved outcomes, have a larger disutility of prison, possibly due to a higher opportunity cost of imprisonment. As a result, they are likely to be more sensitive to increases in sentence length. By increasing sentences overall, an important implication is that high ability offenders are indirectly and disproportionately targeted.45
Not surprisingly, unobserved robberies lead "to systematically better outcomes". You might want to keep that in mind before we come to the
7 Conclusions
Using unique and detailed data on almost 5,000 Italian bank robberies, we estimate how the haul and likelihood of arrest vary with characteristics of each robbery, including the unobserved ability of the robbers. Using information on the observed robbery duration we estimate individual-specific values of the compensating variation of imprisonment. We find evidence of large differences across offenders. Our estimates provide strong evidence that unobserved ability of robbers leads to systematically better outcomes for these offenders: larger hauls and lower arrest probabilities. We also find that higher ability offenders have a larger disutility of prison, potentially due to the opportunity cost of being incarcerated.
So the only thing you would need now is a Mini Cooper and remember, "You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off !"


German Justice Minister Maas, Labor Minister Nahles, where is the difference that makes one Merkel-Nazi caricature a criminal offense?

Case 1 (of 3 - all brought on by German labor agencies infringing my right to free speech)

cc Labor Minister Nahles,

Dear Justice Minister Maas,

Politeness obliges me to first congratulate you on having joined the illustrious circle of literati as a purveyor of very fine prose. The reviews on Amazon so far are promising. The unfortunate departure of Karl-Theodor Maria Nikolaus Johann Jacob Philipp Franz Joseph Sylvester Buhl-Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg had had created a poignant intellectual vacuum. It has been more than replenished now. I feel inclined to say with Victor Hugo: "You invest the heaven of art with we know not what deadly rays; you create a new shudder".

From what I gather, you also seem to be the eminent authority on all things #hatespeech and you see it as your "responsibility to eradicate criminal content" on the internet. (1) (2)

Fair enough. The good news is, you are not alone in this endeavor as one overweight bloke and chief of your country's Labor Agency in Ingolstadt, Mr Manfred Jager,
Manfred Jager
& the "German Aryan Internet"
saw himself as the guardian of decent, clean and uncontroversial internet content - may I call it "German Aryan Internet"? - and filed a criminal complaint against me, a blogger, for reposting this then well-known Merkel-Nazi caricature. (Pic below)

Again​, it is obviously a caricature. This may have been lost on the German psyche as humor is not exactly the strong suit of your countrymen. Oops, forgot the women, politically incorrect that I am.

The occasion in 2012 was your country's attack on the free people of Greece with Weapons of Financial Mass Destruction (lasting to this very day and on) courtesy three "institutions". Other German news sites reported with a similar caricature. (see examples below)

However, it is to be assumed, Mr Jager either lacked the balls to file a complaint against them or wanted to silence a despicable blogger who dares to put in pixeltime against the inhuman Hartz 4 concept. Stupid and lacking any sort of refinement, Mr Jager backed it up with a ridiculous financial threat - some may call it blackmailing - by asking for € 10,000, thereby giving proof that he does not even know the basics of game theory.

Subsequently, my computer was confiscated for 25 months and I was convicted in a court case that was rigged from the very start by the judge and my colluding court appointed lawyer and crook Aglaia Muth from Munich. One of your lieutenants, Dr. Franz, preferred to display his cold shoulder towards me. Fritzling things away and keeping quiet worked quite well in Nazi times and the Germans stick to it, or so it seems. (3)

Anyhoo, Justice Minister & Labor Minister of Germany, could you kindly explain to me (and perhaps some readers of this post) why does my posted Merkel-Nazi caricature contravene § 86 a STGB and the others do not?

Perhaps critical bloggers are considered by your Bavarian kangaroo courts as
  • Pariahs and second-rate people in Germany, or
  • potentially mentally retarded as Munich Judge Grain phrased it in a letter, or
  • forfeit automatically their right to free speech once they feel the generous comforts of Hartz 4, or
  • just prove the Turkish president Erdogan and his Foreign Minister's assessment correct, that Germany is "a totally repressive system" and "all practices resemble those of the Nazi era." After all, he is a contract partner of your government and should know.
I am looking forward hearing from you and would like to add that in light of so far three separate  instances of infringement of my right to free speech, all perpetrated by staff of German labor agencies, I will have to call on you again shortly. This time with regard to a decision by the 'Bundesgerichtshof 1StR622/16 of March 21, 2017' pertaining to a law that seemed to interest judge Grain and my court appointed lawyer Aglaia Muth absolute fuck. You do have strange courts.

Thank you for your time.


(1) a domain btw where Germany is an absolute ZERO.
(2) your legal framework is not exactly well received in knowledgeable circles like media law expert Prof. Dr. Marc Liesching who calls it fittingly the "Free-speech-fighting law" that will be overturned by the Constitutional Court.
(3) I should be in a position to judge as I have a German birth certificate. However, that is all there is to my "German-ness" and I feel no need for a pretentious German 'Leitkultur'. It's other peoples and their way of life and culture that interest me. Besides, I have no problem with a fucking burka. I do have a problem though with your unrelenting and constant Nazi "documentaries" on your boring German TV, financed by a mandatory Goebbels-Propaganda-Fee. All under the guise of education. Oh, and I have a problem with fucking Christian missionaries in South Asia. Saw those assholes under various guises almost daily. No Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim ever tried to convert or coax me. They have style and personality.

German Labor Minister Nahles, reign in your criminals. Stop the Nazi methods! Have you heard of free speech and Article 6 ECHR?

German Labor Minister Nahles condones
criminal conduct.
Case 1 (of 3 - all brought on by German labor agencies infringing my right to free speech)

Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS)

Wilhelmstraße 49 (vormals Sitz des Reichsministeriums für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda unter Führung von Joseph Goebbels)
10117 Berlin

May 31, 2017

German Labor Minister Nahles,

Sitting on the sidelines and remaining mum despite various calls on you concerning criminal activities by staff from public authorities under your domain won't do. No matter who you are, or believe to be, your comportment is completely unacceptable.

Having said that, I want to make some points absolutely clear to you:
  • Nofuckingbody from any public authority under your Ministry's domain ever blackmails me! Is that fucking understood?
  • Absofuckinglutely nobody infringes my right to free speech! Do you fucking dig that?
This overweight dude, chief of the Labor Agency Ingolstadt Manfred Jager pictured here (on the right)
Manfred Jager demands take-down of blog post,
or payment of € 10,000.
had the audacity to demand euro ten thousand unless I delete a blog post.

Told the idiotic bloke to take a fucking hike in a nearby forest, or strangle a couple ducks in the city park, perhaps bang his secretary on the photocopier, whatevs. Oh wait, I guess I phrased it slightly more philosophical.

Then he sent a criminal complaint about this Merkel-Nazi caricature to the police in Munich.

German Labor Ministry et al. irked by this Merkel-Nazi caricature.

Surprisingly not regarding these here, and they are just two examples.

As I told you in a letter dated Jan. 31, 2017 and subsequently in a second letter dated Feb. 28, 2017 which you did not consider necessary to respond to, there is a 19-page letter from Manfred Jager mailed​ to the police in Munich.

This letter is deliberately held back by the court in Munich, the crooked lawyer Aglaia Muth from Munich, the sender himself, and YOU! There must be a reason for the refusal to disclose it and indeed there is:

The letter is the smoking gun !!!

Once this letter sees the light of day, the whole trial and verdict against me will be blown apart.

Andrea Nahles, make sure I get that fucking letter! You are covering a criminal! Secondly, you are in breach of EU law, Article 6 ECHR to be precise! You seem to care shit.

The whole court case against me was a plot from A to Z and led to the confiscation of my computer for 25 months. With regard to the plot, Justice Minister Maas will receive a letter detailing the law-breaking conduct of judge Grain from Munich and crooked lawyer Aglaia Muth.

Crooked lawyer Aglaia Muth, Munich
You seem to believe Hartz 4 recipients forfeit the right to free speech. You could not be more wrong. You Ugly Germans might want to acquaint yourselves with the concept of free speech. Have you personally heard of it, Minister?

Seriously, don't fuck with my right to free speech and do not send me a bullshit letter like the last one from one of your little whippersnappers, that Mr Thomas Grünthal.

OK, this is Case 1. A letter concerning Case 2 and the Jobcenter Munich's useful idiot Jurgen 'Sexypants' Sonneck will come within a week and I can tell you upfront, Case 3 will be so fucking awesome that I have labelled it with the German file name DFBD 'Deutsche Faschistische Behörden-Drecksau', or in plain French 'German Fascist Public Authority Shitface'. Trust me, it's gonna blow the readers' pants off. Oh, the Interior Min. de Maizière will be asked for help in a request with Deutsche Telecom to get that person's true identity disclosed.

I am well aware though, that the Ugly German has a primitive trait, Minister. So no surprise on my side as to what measures German government agency staff are able to resort to. And do not forget the letter!

Best regards,


"Angela, you can shove your Climate Accord up your ass and, for the record, freeloading is over!"

Angie, I am The Donald and not a fucking politician.
Here is why, Angela:

Power Generation in Germany: Where does the energy come from?

Coal has the largest share of electricity generation. In Germany, most of the electric energy is still being extracted from coal. Coal is burned in hard coal or lignite-fired power plants, the resulting heat allows water to evaporate, which drives a turbine.

More than 40 percent of the electricity generated in Germany came from coal-fired power stations in 2014: 18 percent were made of hard coal and 25.6 percent were produced from Braukohle. The problem with electricity generation from fossil fuels is their limited availability and climate-friendliness through the emission of CO2. This also applies to other fuels such as oil or gas.

Power generation in Germany
There is even more sobering news in your papers:

By 2020, German greenhouse gas emissions should fall by 40 percent compared to 1990 levels. This probably will not happen - and is mainly due to one area.
I get increasingly the feeling, Angie, you are trying to fool me. The Donald does not take that lightly, capisce!

I hear you Germans are also big time into solar in cloudy Germany. Well, let the sun shine up your ass. You first might want to come clean before you talk to me, understood! In your spare time you could read a little about 'The Merchandising of Virtue'.

Secondly, have you heard of Dieselgate or are you on permanent Hypocrisy Kool-Aid?

Lastly, security in Europe costs money. Mostly our money. You still seem to be under the DDR illusion when you could rely on the USSR for a security umbrella.

One more thing, you ain't seen nothing yet. Just wait for July 7/8 in Hamburg.


"Donald, please! I am a woman of integrity. How would Melania react?"

Italia - Amore Infinita

Felici e perdenti

Trump: "How do you like my props? Had them flown in from allover Old Europe."

Me, in my New York state of mind.

Well, except that dude with the brown shoes and slit eye. Anyhoo, had a total blast. Taormina is great, it's YUGE. They all adore me.

Delegated some work to my secretary from Germany. I am a doer, not a writer.
Angela is great. Very meticulous hand writing. Love the Germans.
Love Italy. Totally different than Brussels. A hellhole. Them asses over there are rude, totally rude. It's terrible, really bad. Had to deal with some shitface from Montenigger or something like that. Scumbag tried to block me. Told him I am Diogenes. Still, asshole didn't budge. Not with The Donald!


Yemen cutta connection dub

Remember Norbert Haering's bullshit/click bait post about demonetization in India? Turned out​ a little different.

I do like to read Norbert Haering's blog posts. Particularly entertaining is his insistence/endeavor to pay for the Mandatory German Goebbels-TV-Propaganda-Fee in, get this, CASH. He has no problem with the propaganda fee as such. A true German.

A couple months ago he claimed that India would be on a huge demonetization move. He managed to get those two posts published on various other blogs and my impression about those blogs changed a little after that because it made no sense whatsoever.

When I first read his article, I thought being in a reality distortion field. I have no idea how anybody in his right mind could even think about such a move in India. The Indian economy would grind to a crushing halt without cash. 80% of UBER transactions in India are cash based, and that concerns the middle class. Cash is an absolute must in the villages. India going ex cash would be like Pornhub without porn.

Here are excerpts of his two blog posts. They read like a James Bond script:

A well-kept open secret: Washington is behind India’s brutal experiment of abolishing most cash

The article starts off like a thriller. Suspense is in the air. Deep state ...
In early November, without warning, the Indian government declared the two largest denomination bills invalid, abolishing over 80 percent of circulating cash by value. Amidst all the commotion and outrage this caused, nobody seems to have taken note of the decisive role that Washington played in this. That is surprising, as Washington's role has been disguised only very superficially.
US-President Barack Obama has declared the strategic partnership with India a priority of his foreign policy. China needs to be reigned in. In the context of this partnership, the US government’s development agency USAID has negotiated cooperation agreements with the Indian Ministry of Finance. One of these has the declared goal to push back the use of cash in favor of digital payments in India and globally.
Not satisfied, a followup article put the heat back on.

More evidence of early US involvement in Indian demonetisation
To fully understand the following, it is important to be aware of the Better Than Cash Alliance (BTCA), formed in 2012 to push back the use of cash globally. Founding members are US-institutions who stand to gain most. Those are notably the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Microsoft), Visa, MasterCard, Citigroup and Omidyar Network (eBay). Funding members are also the notorious Ford Foundation and the US government’s development agency USAID. Do keep in mind the acronym BTCA, as it will show up a lot in brackets to flag its members, as their role in Indian demonetisation is described.
You are probably dying to hear about the show-down. Goes like this and it is directly from India.

So how did that demonetisation thing work out in India?
What we do know
But how do we know (ii) that the money has got back into the system without much gain for the government? That is easy. Remember that initially, the government was counting on black money not returning to the banks at all, so that the RBI could then invalidate the unreturned money and find a way to transfer that sum as a bonanza to the government. But once it was clear that most of the money was indeed coming back, the government panicked and brought in a new voluntary disclosure of income scheme that allowed black money holders to declare their ill-gotten money by paying a 50 % tax on it, and keeping another 25% in the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana at no interest as a fixed depo¡ñksit for four years. This scheme for voluntary disclosure closed on March 31, 2017. 
So if we know how much tax was paid under this scheme, we know exactly how big a price was paid by the fat cats to get their illegal money converted into legal white. Thankfully, we do know the figure. Take a guess what that number could be? Bear in mind that someone like Jagdish Bhagwati, the numero uno economist who had put his weight behind the demonetisation move, had quoted a figure of Rs 5 lakh crore as the extent of currency held in black, in a co-signed article in a business newspaper. Assuming that all of that Rs 5 lakh crore had returned to the system, contrite and now willing to pay a 50 % tax, government’s coffers should have puffed up by Rs 2.5 lakh crore. Compared to that, how much did the government actually collect as penalty and tax? Rs 2 lakh crore? Rs 1 lakh crore? May be Rs 50,000 crore? Nope. The government collected a grand royal sum of about Rs 2,300 crore under the scheme.
Here is the full article on Scroll. And yes, that's how India works.
For those not familiar with India, one lakh = 100,000 and one crore = 100 lakh or 10 million.

Enjoy the Third Reich with Frank Sanazi



And now for something completely different.

The German Justice Minister Maas asshatted 'Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz' and the fact checkers

Heiko Maas sees a whole lotta stuff on the
internet that needs to be deleted.
To be sure, this new law will never ever pass the German Constitutional Court nor the ECHR. It is one of those lukewarm farts the Justice Min. is known for.  Besides, he has never worked a single day as a lawyer. Media lawyer Prof. Dr. Marc Liesching completely dismantles this law in a well-argued article in German language.

Anyway, the first paragraph of the law reads: (Google translate)
A. Problem and goal 
At present, a massive change in the social discourse in the network, especially in the social networks, is to be found. The debate culture in the network is often aggressive, hurtful and not infrequently hateful. Through hate criminality and other criminal offenses, anyone can be defamed based on opinion, skin color or origin, religion, gender or sexuality. Hate criminality and other criminal offenses that can not be effectively combated and prosecuted is a major threat to the peaceful coexistence of a free, open and democratic society. After the experiences in the US election campaign, the fight against criminal fake news ("fake news") has also gained a high priority in social networks in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is therefore necessary to improve the enforcement of the law in social networks in order to immediately remove objectively punishable content such as incitement, insult, slander or disturbance of public peace by pretending criminal offenses.
Read the last part of the last sentence again. "Pretending a criminal offense" is punishable. So if someone says I am now going to rob that bank over there, hear Heiko Maas' handcuffs click. No fucking around in Germany. There is more of such lax phrasing in the minister's law.

The blockbuster movie 'Suck my dick' convinced the Justice Minister
of the irresistible artistic talent of Natalia. Is she into weightlifting?

On page 3 it says:
In addition, the social networks are obliged by § 3 to provide effective and efficient complaints management. In particular, they are obliged to delete an obviously unlawful content within 24 hours of receipt of the complaint. Violations of this obligation may be punished with a fine. In this area, a considerable number of advertisements are expected to be received by the Federal Office of Justice. In the case of social networks, it is estimated that at least 500,000 complaints from the Federal Republic of Germany are reported annually because of hate criminality and other criminal contents. Deleted or blocked, however, is only a fraction of that. A large number of users who reported alleged hate criminality or other criminal offenses could be asked to submit their unsuccessful complaint to the Federal Office of Justice. It is estimated that this occurs in 5 percent of all unsuccessful complaints, ie in about 25 000 cases. However, since these advertisements are largely unfounded, an annual volume of proceedings of 500 fines can be expected in the field of complaint management.

Let's leave aside that something considered to be "obviously unlawful" is the sole business of a court to decide and not a law, here is a very recent study about the problems of fact checking. After all, the not so able minister's goal is to clean up the internet to German standards - "On the net much too little is deleted" in FAZ - and at the same time educating people to follow those standards. His way of thinking is simple, once it's gone, it's gone. Who cares?

The paper shows that the minister has no idea what he is talking about, how it works, what it entails and what you get at the end of the day.

Checking How Fact-checkers Check (Pdf)

Chloe Lim
Department of Political Science Stanford University

May 16, 2017
Fact-checking has gained prominence as a reformist movement to revitalize truth-seeking ideals in journalism. While fact-checkers are often assumed to code facts accurately, no studies have formally assessed fact-checkers’ performance. I evaluate the performance of two major online fact-checkers, Politfact at Tampa Bay Times and Fact Checker at Washington Post, comparing their interrater reliability using a method that is regularly utilized across the social sciences. I show that fact-checkers rarely fact-check the same statement, and when they do, there is little agreement in their ratings. Approximately, 1 in 10 statements is fact-checked by both fact-checking outlets, and among claims that both outlets check, their factual ratings have a Cohen’s κ of 0.52, an agreement rate much lower than what is acceptable for social scientific coding. The results suggest that difficulties in fact-checking elites’ statements may limit the ability of journalistic fact-checking to hold politicians accountable.
The whole study makes for pretty sobering reading.
4 Conclusion
Previous literature on fact-checking focuses on testing the corrective effects of fact-checks (Garrett et al. 2013; Jamieson and Gottfried 2010). Some found that fact-checking discourages politicians from promoting false or misleading claims, while others have argued that fact-checks have little to no effect in changing the behavior of political figures. Rather than revisiting how the performance of politicians or citizens has changed due to fact-checking, I evaluate the performance of fact-checkers themselves. More specifically, I examine two of the main factors which fact-checkers suggest make fact checking powerful: 1) overlap and 2) high consensus rate among major fact-checkers. My findings suggest that fact-checkers rarely fact-check the same statement and when they do, there is little agreement on its factual accuracy. This may weaken fact-checkers’ ability to provide credible information to readers and voters. The surprisingly low rate at which different fact checkers agree when evaluating the same statements suggests that providing objective information about candidates’ honesty is quite difficult. The lack of consensus between the two major online fact-checkers could also explain the mixed findings of the previous literature on the effects of fact-checking. A low consensus rate among fact checkers might encourage candidates to repeat false claims, because low credibility makes it less costly for candidates to dismiss the fact-checkers’ corrections. Moreover, the lack of consistency in how different fact-checkers choose and evaluate political claims may hinder the fact-checkers’ mission to fulfill the democratic ideal of political watchdog by disabusing readers of mistaken beliefs and preventing political lying.

Then again, why should a politician be prevented from lying? It is the basis of their job.


That's how you confront a politician or government official

This guy gets straight to the point. No bullshit. Hard hitting. Here the subject is health care but no matter what subject, never mince words with a fucking politician.

via LP Syll

"Oh Angela, I yearn to suck your toes."

Tout est bon quand il est excessif.


EU Pope JC Juncker miraculously heals long lost son Martin Schulz from political arousals and bizarre delusions with wet papal kiss.

JC Juncker granted audience to fallen son afterwards.

Ekelerregend vollgefressene Arbeitsministerin Nahles zum BGE: „Es widerstrebt mir persönlich. Ich möchte unabhängig sein.“

Wer sagt denn, dass hellblau
nicht schlank macht? Beine auseinander,
das Biotop muss gelüftet werden.
Nahles sagte wörtlich: „Es widerstrebt mir persönlich. Ich möchte unabhängig sein.“ 

Noble Einstellung. Sehen wir nach, wie der Double Baggy es selber hält.

In der Abiturzeitung gab sie als Berufswunsch „Hausfrau oder Bundeskanzlerin“ an.

Die Selbstentfaltungskräfte der Hausfrauen sind legendär, die Unabhängigkeit der Hausfrau ein Magnet für Millionen Frauen, diese begehrte Karriere einzuschlagen.
Sie studierte Politik, Philosophie und Germanistik an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn. Den Abschluss Magistra Artium in den Fächern Neuere und Ältere Germanistik sowie Politikwissenschaft erreichte sie bei Jürgen Fohrmann.
Während ihres Studiums war sie Mitarbeiterin eines Bundestagsabgeordneten. 2004 wurde sie Doktorandin am Germanistischen Seminar, der Arbeitstitel ihrer geplanten Doktorarbeit lautete Walter Scotts Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des historischen Romans in Deutschland. Mit ihrem Wiedereinzug in den Bundestag 2005 stellte Nahles jedoch die Arbeit an ihrer Promotion ein.
SPD-Politikerin seit 1988.

Fazit: Die fette Schabracke hat immer auf Steuergelder gelebt. Mit einem CV, dass schon bei der Personalabteilung mittlerer Firmen einen glasigen Blick bewirkt.

Neuer Antrag auf Wiederaufnahme basierend auf BGH Beschluss . Übergewichtiger Erpresser der Agentur für Arbeit Manfred Jäger gedeckt durch vollgefressene Arbeitsministerin Nahles.

Amtsgericht München
Nymphenburgerstr. 16
80335 München

13. Mai 2017

AZ: 18 Ns 112 Js 203869/12

Antrag auf Wiederaufnahme

Ich stelle hiermit Antrag auf Wiederaufnahme unter Berufung auf

  • den Beschluss des BUNDESGERICHTSHOFS 1 StR 622/16 vom 21. März 2017
  • und § 359 Abs. 5 STPO

Gleichzeitig beantrage ich sofortige Aussetzung der anfallenden Strafzahlungen.

In einem Telefongespräch gleich nach der Akteneinsicht teilte mir meine damalige Pflicht"verteidigerin" RAin Aglaia Muth sinngemäss mit:
'Ich habe mit Richter Grain gesprochen und ich muss sagen, ich tendiere in seine Richtung.'
Dass also die Merkel-Nazi Karikatur gegen den § 86 a STGB verstosse. Dieses Telefongespräch kann ich zwar nicht beweisen, aber ich denke, die Pflicht"verteidigerin" und Kungeltante Aglaia Muth hat denkbar schlechte Karten ebenso wie die Münchner Justiz, als sie doch beide aus gutem Grund den 19-seitigen Brief von Manfred Jäger, derzeit Chef der Agentur f. Arbeit Ingolstadt, an die Münchner Polizei nicht herausrücken. Das ist leicht nachvollziehbar, denn

Der Brief von Manfred Jäger ist die SMOKING GUN !!!

Auf diesen Brief stützt sich mein Antrag in Bezug auf § 359 Abs. 5 STPO.

Der § 243 STPO Absatz 4 lautet:
(4) Der Vorsitzende teilt mit, ob Erörterungen nach den §§ 202a, 212 stattgefunden haben, wenn deren Gegenstand die Möglichkeit einer Verständigung (§ 257c) gewesen ist und wenn ja, deren wesentlichen Inhalt.
Das Gespräch mit Richter Grain wird in dem Protokol der Verhandlung vor dem AG München nicht erwähnt. Das schriftliche Urteil des AG München wird diesen Anforderungen auch nicht gerecht und verstösst damit gegen § 243 STPO. Richter Grain hielt es nicht einmal für nötig zu bekunden, ob Erörterungen stattgefunden haben.

Das ist kein Wunder, dachten doch beide Parteien, einen Hartz 4 Vollidioten in meiner Person vor sich zu haben, den man so en passant abservieren kann. Ich schicke mich nun an mit der Bitte an die bayerische Justiz, das werte Antlitz auf diese Passagen des o.g. Beschlusses des BGH zu fokussieren:

BUNDESGERICHTSHOF BESCHLUSS 1 StR 622/16 vom 21. März 2017
12  2.  Eine Verletzung der Mitteilungspflicht des § 243 Abs. 4  Satz 1 StPO liegt vor.   
13 a)  Nach dieser Vorschrift hat der Vorsitzende nach Verlesung des Anklagesatzes und vor Belehrung  und  Vernehmung  des  Angeklagten  mitzuteilen, ob  Erörterungen  nach  den  §§  202a,  212  StPO  stattgefunden  haben,  wenn  deren  Gegenstand  die  Möglichkeit  einer  Verständigung  (§  257c  StPO)  gewesen ist  und  wenn  ja,  deren  wesentlichen  Inhalt.  Die  Mitteilungspflicht  aus  §  243 Abs.  4  Satz  1  StPO  greift  bei  sämtlichen  Vorgesprächen  ein,  die  auf  eine  Verständigung  abzielen  (vgl.  BGH,  Urteil  vom  13.  Februar  2014  –  1  StR  423/13, NStZ 2014,  217  mwN). 
b)  Demzufolge  musste  der  Vorsitzende  im  Rahmen  seiner  Mitteilungspflicht  nach  §  243  Abs.  4  Satz  1  StPO  auch  nähere  Angaben  zu  den  Erörterungen  unmittelbar  vor  der  Hauptverhandlung  am  23.  Juni  2016  machen,  denn entsprechend  der  Protokollierung  diente  das  stattgefundene  Gespräch  der  Verfahrensverständigung.  Solche  Angaben  sind  nicht  erfolgt.  Insbesondere  genügte  es  für  die  Mitteilungspflicht  über  den  Inhalt  der  Erörterungen  vom  23.  Juni 2016  nicht,  dass  der  Vorsitzende  darauf  hinwies,  dass  „nochmals  ausgehend von  dem  Vorgespräch  vom  18.  Mai  2016“,  dessen  Inhalt  im  Einzelnen  mitgeteilt worden  war,  ein  weiteres  Gespräch  geführt  worden  ist.  Diesem  Erklärungsinhalt der  Mitteilung  ist  jedenfalls  nicht  zu  entnehmen,  dass  die  Erörterungen  vom 23.  Juni  2016  (lediglich)  den  gleichen  Inhalt  –  so  die  dienstliche  Stellungnahme des  Vorsitzenden  –  wie  die  Besprechung  vom  18.  Mai  2016  hatten.  Es  hätte dann  zumindest  der  Mitteilung  bedurft,  dass  die  Gespräche  vom  18.  Mai  2016 und  vom  23.  Juni  2016  den  gleichen  Inhalt  hatten  und  dass  sich  hinsichtlich  der von  den  Verfahrensbeteiligten  eingenommenen  Standpunkte  keine  Veränderung  ergeben  habe. 
16 a)  Bei  Verstößen  gegen  die  Mitteilungspflicht  aus  §  243  Abs.  4  Satz  1 StPO  ist  regelmäßig  davon  auszugehen,  dass  das  Urteil  auf  diesem  Verstoß beruht;  lediglich  in  Ausnahmefällen  ist  Abweichendes  vertretbar  (vgl.  nur  BGH, Urteil  vom  13.  Februar  2014  –  1  StR  423/13,  NStZ  2014,  217  mwN).  Wie  das Bundesverfassungsgericht  in  seinem  Urteil  vom  19.  März  2013  –  2  BvR 2628/10  (NJW  2013,  1058,  1065)  im  Einzelnen  dargelegt  hat,  hält  der  Gesetzgeber  eine  Verständigung  nur  bei  Wahrung  der  umfassenden  Transparenz- und  Dokumentationspflichten  für  zulässig,  weshalb  das  gesetzliche  Regelungskonzept  eine  untrennbare  Einheit  aus  Zulassung  und  Beschränkung  von  Verständigungen  bei  gleichzeitiger  Einhegung  durch  Mitteilungs-,  Belehrungs-  und Dokumentationspflichten  darstellt  (BVerfG,  Urteil  vom  19.  März  2013  –  2  BvR 2628/10,  NJW  2013,  1058,  1066).  Dies  hat  zur  Folge,  dass  jeder  Verstoß  gegen  solche  gesetzlichen  Vorschriften  die  Verständigung  insgesamt  „bemakelt“ und  damit zur Rechtswidrigkeit der Verständigung  führt.

Meine Pflicht"verteidigerin" Muth versagte bewusst und kungelnd bei den simpelsten prozessrelevanten Anforderungen und Sie kannte nur ein Ziel: "Kohle" abschaufeln. Ich fordere hiermit eine Wiederaufnahme der Verhandlung vor dem AG München. Ich stelle nochmals dezidiert fest:

Niemand greift in mein Recht der freien Meinungsäusserung ein und schon überhaupt nicht ein übergewichtiger Erpresser einer Agentur für Arbeit !



Psy is back. This time with Piko Taro.

May I introduce my new girlfriend

via LP Syll

They will have a great time in Berlin with Macron

"Young people who have never
been to the opera may,
through advocacy and accompaniment,
soak more classical music and,
 for some, develop a passion."
This makes for a perfect weekend read.

CULTURE according to Emmanuel Macron.

Great interview for classiquenews (Google translate)


What values ​​do you think culture should preserve and transmit? 
Your question is fundamental. Culture constitutes the formation of an individual and of every society. Culture is inseparable from the values ​​of freedom, emancipation and openness to the world. When one encourages creation, one encourages that part of dreams that is in each of us, but also a way of reinventing everything and thinking of one's relationship to the other. I wish to reconnect with the founding project of Malraux, which was to "make accessible to the greatest possible number the most important works of mankind, and first of all France", so that everyone can share a common culture. Finally, culture is essential to the exercise of democracy: it is the condition for access to free and critical thought, outside of which there is no real citizenship.

Schäuble will love this:
"Finally, I intend to give new meaning to the European ideal by placing culture at the heart of European policies."

More personally, what is your composer and / or favorite opera? Have you a shot of musical lightning?
I have great admiration for Rossini . It occupies to me an essential place in the history of music. His freedom, his own life and his genius have always impressed me. He released the opera its shackles by offering new freedom to voice he totally reinvented the opera. From Barber to travel to Reims.through Cenerentola, he created an irresistible style - but I'm also sensitive to his serious operas, like Moses or Maometto II , which gives so rarely. In a completely different genre, I grant a special price Bach. It meant a lot to me. His work for keyboard (organ, harpsichord) and cello is a precision which does not prevent the spiritual elevation, but as it promotes it. I hear less mathematical coolness a musical discourse carting all possible emotions. Bach is an intermediary between several worlds, indefinable and great.
As you may know, I am particularly sensitive to the piano music - I myself have played a lot and tries to play again as soon as I have time. The work of Schumann occupies a special place: it carries images and feelings that I find nowhere else, with a variety of single tones. I also have a great attachment to Liszt, this European major modern solved rooted in the great tradition: the glow of the Years of Pilgrimage remains intact after so many years.
It goes on in similar vein. The guy is an absolute intellectual nutcase. I wonder how fast he will flame out.

Original article in French


BGH: Alles muss auf den Tisch - Münchner RAin Aglaia Muth und Münchner Justiz: Alles muss unter den Teppich gekehrt werden.

Kungeltante Aglaia Muth
Tagchen RAin Aglaia Muth,

Da bin ich wieder. Ihre penetrante Nemesis. Lesen Sie Provinz-Anwältin ab und an BGH Beschlüsse?

Ich will gleich in Medias gehen, meine Gutste. In einem Telefongespräch gleich nach der Akteneinsicht, die Sie heruntergekommene Person mir ja noch immer verwehren, teilten Sie mir mit:
'Ich habe mit Richter Grain gesprochen und ich muss sagen, ich tendiere in seine Richtung.'
Dass also die Merkel-Nazi Karikatur gegen den § 86 a STGB verstosse. Dieses Telefongespräch kann ich zwar nicht beweisen, aber Sie haben denkbar schlechte Karten, als Sie doch aus gutem Grund den 19-seitigen Brief von Manfred Jäger, derzeit Chef der Agentur f. Arbeit Ingolstadt, an die Münchner Polizei nicht herausrücken. Die versiffte bayerische Justiz auch nicht.Das ist leicht nachvollziehbar, denn

Der Brief von Manfred Jäger ist die SMOKING GUN !!!

Sind Sie Provinz-Anwältin mit dem § 243 STPO vertraut und hier Absatz 4?
(4) Der Vorsitzende teilt mit, ob Erörterungen nach den §§ 202a, 212 stattgefunden haben, wenn deren Gegenstand die Möglichkeit einer Verständigung (§ 257c) gewesen ist und wenn ja, deren wesentlichen Inhalt.
Ihr Gespräch mit Richter Grain wird in dem Protokol der Verhandlung vor dem AG München nicht erwähnt. Das schriftliche Urteil wird diesen Anforderungen auch nicht gerecht! Oh la la, das stinkt aber gewaltig.

Kein Wunder, dachten Sie und die verrottete bayerische Justiz doch, einen Hartz 4 Vollidioten vor sich zu haben, den man so en passant abservieren kann.

Und nun richten Sie doch mal Ihre Glubscher auf das hier:

BUNDESGERICHTSHOF BESCHLUSS 1 StR 622/16 vom 21.  März  2017 

2.  Eine  Verletzung  der  Mitteilungspflicht  des  §  243  Abs.  4  Satz  1  StPO liegt  vor.   
a)  Nach  dieser  Vorschrift  hat  der  Vorsitzende  nach  Verlesung  des  Anklagesatzes  und  vor  Belehrung  und  Vernehmung  des  Angeklagten  mitzuteilen, ob  Erörterungen  nach  den  §§  202a,  212  StPO  stattgefunden  haben,  wenn  deren  Gegenstand  die  Möglichkeit  einer  Verständigung  (§  257c  StPO)  gewesen ist  und  wenn  ja,  deren  wesentlichen  Inhalt.  Die  Mitteilungspflicht  aus  §  243 Abs.  4  Satz  1  StPO  greift  bei  sämtlichen  Vorgesprächen  ein,  die  auf  eine  Verständigung  abzielen  (vgl.  BGH,  Urteil  vom  13.  Februar  2014  –  1  StR  423/13, NStZ 2014,  217  mwN). 
b)  Demzufolge  musste  der  Vorsitzende  im  Rahmen  seiner  Mitteilungspflicht  nach  §  243  Abs.  4  Satz  1  StPO  auch  nähere  Angaben  zu  den  Erörterungen  unmittelbar  vor  der  Hauptverhandlung  am  23.  Juni  2016  machen,  denn entsprechend  der  Protokollierung  diente  das  stattgefundene  Gespräch  der  Verfahrensverständigung.  Solche  Angaben  sind  nicht  erfolgt.  Insbesondere  genügte  es  für  die  Mitteilungspflicht  über  den  Inhalt  der  Erörterungen  vom  23.  Juni 2016  nicht,  dass  der  Vorsitzende  darauf  hinwies,  dass  „nochmals  ausgehend von  dem  Vorgespräch  vom  18.  Mai  2016“,  dessen  Inhalt  im  Einzelnen  mitgeteilt worden  war,  ein  weiteres  Gespräch  geführt  worden  ist.  Diesem  Erklärungsinhalt der  Mitteilung  ist  jedenfalls  nicht  zu  entnehmen,  dass  die  Erörterungen  vom 23.  Juni  2016  (lediglich)  den  gleichen  Inhalt  –  so  die  dienstliche  Stellungnahme des  Vorsitzenden  –  wie  die  Besprechung  vom  18.  Mai  2016  hatten.  Es  hätte dann  zumindest  der  Mitteilung  bedurft,  dass  die  Gespräche  vom  18.  Mai  2016 und  vom  23.  Juni  2016  den  gleichen  Inhalt  hatten  und  dass  sich  hinsichtlich  der von  den  Verfahrensbeteiligten  eingenommenen  Standpunkte  keine  Veränderung  ergeben  habe. 
a)  Bei  Verstößen  gegen  die  Mitteilungspflicht  aus  §  243  Abs.  4  Satz  1 StPO  ist  regelmäßig  davon  auszugehen,  dass  das  Urteil  auf  diesem  Verstoß beruht;  lediglich  in  Ausnahmefällen  ist  Abweichendes  vertretbar  (vgl.  nur  BGH, Urteil  vom  13.  Februar  2014  –  1  StR  423/13,  NStZ  2014,  217  mwN).  Wie  das Bundesverfassungsgericht  in  seinem  Urteil  vom  19.  März  2013  –  2  BvR 2628/10  (NJW  2013,  1058,  1065)  im  Einzelnen  dargelegt  hat,  hält  der  Gesetzgeber  eine  Verständigung  nur  bei  Wahrung  der  umfassenden  Transparenz- und  Dokumentationspflichten  für  zulässig,  weshalb  das  gesetzliche  Regelungskonzept  eine  untrennbare  Einheit  aus  Zulassung  und  Beschränkung  von  Verständigungen  bei  gleichzeitiger  Einhegung  durch  Mitteilungs-,  Belehrungs-  und Dokumentationspflichten  darstellt  (BVerfG,  Urteil  vom  19.  März  2013  –  2  BvR 2628/10,  NJW  2013,  1058,  1066).  Dies  hat  zur  Folge,  dass  jeder  Verstoß  gegen  solche  gesetzlichen  Vorschriften  die  Verständigung  insgesamt  „bemakelt“ und  damit zur Rechtswidrigkeit der Verständigung  führt.
Wie wird es weiter gehen? Nun, ich hatte Ihnen doch gesagt, dass ich gegen Sie lächerliche Person vorgehen werde. Ich nehme an, das Wetter am Muttertagwochenende ist bescheiden. Werde also einen Brief/Blog Post pixeln und den schicken an: Justizminister Maas, BMAS vollgefressene Nahles, BRAK, Kungelbuden RAK München und Schlichtungsstelle der Rechtsanwaltschaft, AG München und StA München. Selbstverständlich beantrage ich Wiederaufnahme.

Are we having fun yet, sweetheart?


Germany's 'Leitkultur' discussion 'Bowling for fascism'?

What a cruel male-dominated society
Germany's Interior Minister & Chief Anti-Muslim Hate Monger Tommi de Maizière had a stroke of genius over a cuppa coffee and Platenkuchen. Things were not exactly aligning with what a true teutonic German likes, ORDER and KULTUR. So he went into subcutaneous and subconscious ​ intellectual overdrive and penned a piece and called it "We are not Burka". Just so you know.

Thus was born "The German Leitkultur Ten Points Program", aka the Constitution of the Willing, at the end of a cold month of April in the 17th year of 2000. In his tenets he waxes, not particularly eloquent I might add, about conduct and social capital that permeate​s the country Germany in his view.

Not that the subject Leitkultur had never been mentioned before, but only this time is was invested with some real though not tender flesh. Unless you are a diehard teutonic German, it makes for odd reading but then, the minister is not a gifted conversationalist to begin with.

As it so happened, I ventured across a Pdf on Nber.org with the intriguing title 'Bowling for fascism'. Now you got to be careful in fucking Bavaria and their courts because potentially just by mentioning this slightly funny sounding title you might run afoul of one of Germany's sick § 86 STGB laws. Mayhaps.

Anyway. This is a very interesting study, unless you believe in the rather crude and hairraising way of explaining the rise of fascism in Germany with Dear Leader Adolf just having been a cunning and drugged nutcase who conned his innocent subjects into something they actually and deep down really did not want to do, or how about the mesmerizing oratory feats of Jo Goebbels who put the people in his Charles-Manson-like spell, or the splendid swan-white uniform of Goering promising nirvana soon. The authors examine how social capital contributed to the rise of fascism in Germany.

I could not help but think of Tommi de Maizière's piece in Die Zeit with his odd and staid phraseology. A phraseology that smacks of bigotry, nationalism, of 'Schrebergarten' idyll, while at the same time sounding daft, churlish and unrefined.

So I picked out two of his ten points strong Leitkultur. Judge for yourself:
5. We are a nation of culture. Hardly any country is as shaped by culture and philosophy as Germany. Germany has greatly influenced the cultural development of the whole world. Bach and Goethe "belong" to the whole world and they were Germans. We have our own understanding of the importance of culture in our society. It is self-evident that music is played at a political ceremony or at a school anniversary. At the opening of a large concert hall - as a matter of course - the Federal President, representatives from government, parliament, jurisprudence and society are on the spot. Hardly a country has so many theaters per inhabitant as Germany. Every county is proud of its music school. Culture in a broad sense, our gaze on it and what we do for it is also part of us.
10. We have a mutual collective recollection of places and memories. The Brandenburg Gate and the 9th of November, for example, are part of such collective memories. Or win the world championships. In addition regional events: carnival, folk festivals. The native roots, the market places of our cities. The affinity with places, smells and traditions. Mentalities of territorial association, the sound of the language recognized by everybody, belongs to us and shape our country.

Here is the ABSTRACT of the study 'Bowling for Fascism'.

Social capital is often associated with desirable political and economic outcomes. This paper contributes to the literature exploring the “dark side” of social capital, examining the downfall of democracy in interwar Germany. We collect new data on the density of associations in 229 German towns and cities. Denser networks of clubs and societies went hand-in-hand with a more rapid rise of the Nazi Party. Towns with one standard deviation higher association density saw at least 15% faster Nazi Party entry. All types of societies – from veteran associations to animal breeders, chess clubs and choirs – positively predict NS Party entry. Party membership, in turn, is correlated with electoral success. These results suggest that social capital aided the rise of the Nazi movement that ultimately destroyed Germany’s first democracy. Crucially, we examine the question when a vibrant civic society can have corrosive effects. We show that the effects of social capital depended on the political context – in federal states with more stable governments, higher association density was not associated with faster Nazi Party entry.

On page 5

Relative to the existing literature, we make the following contributions: Our paper is the first to show  –  on the basis of detailed cross-sectional data – that social capital can undermine and help to destroy a democratic system. This adds a new dimension to the “dark  side” of social capital. Second, we demonstrate that the positive relationship between social capital and the rate of joining  an extreme party is not simply a reflection of preexisting differences in ideological outlook. Our  results are equally strong for bowling, singing, and animal breeding clubs, etc. This implies that  even civic associations without a militaristic agenda can have negative effects. Third, we find that  association density did not only  boost Nazi Party membership, but also helped the party win more  votes. Finally, we find an important interaction with political stability – the Nazi Party was  particularly successful at exploiting social capital in federal states with weak governance.

Here is their Conclusion

When is social capital beneficial?  Tocqueville pioneered the argument that social capital is crucial  for democracy. At the same time, he already  pointed out  that  “the  liberty  of association is  only  a  source  of  advantage  and  prosperity  to some  nations, it  may  be perverted …and … changed into a  cause  of  destruction”  (Tocqueville  1835, Vol.  I, Ch. 12).  Using  the case of  interwar  Germany,  we show  that  a vigorous  civic society  can  indeed help to undermine  the  existing  democratic  order. There, vibrant  networks  of  clubs  and associations  facilitated  the rise of  the  Nazi  Party.  New  data  on  associations  and clubs  in 229  German  cities  from  the  interwar  period  show  that  where there  were  more grass-root social  and  civic  organizations, the  Nazi  Party  grew  markedly  faster.  This  is  true  both for the  party’s  early  years  and during its  final  ascendancy  to  power, after  the  start  of  the  Great Depression.  Association  density  also  predicts  the NSDAP’s  electoral  success  –  in part because  a  strong  organizational  base  with hundreds  of  thousands  of  members  facilitated canvassing  during the  elections. Our findings  highlight  the  importance  of  personal, face-to-face interactions  for  the rise of  a radical  new  movement.  In this  way, dense  networks  of associations  contributed directly  to the  eventual  collapse  of  democracy, leading  to one  of history’s  most destructive  regimes.

Our  main  finding  is  in  stark  contrast to  an  earlier  literature  that blamed  Germany’s path to totalitarian rule  on a  “civic  non-age”  of  low  social  capital  (Stern 1972), and Nazi entry  on rootless,  isolated individuals  in a  modernized society  (Arendt  1973;  Shirer 1960).46  Our  study  also extends  the  important  findings  of  Acemoglu et  al. (2014)  by showing  that social  capital can  not only  be  built by  autocratic  leaders  to  entrench  their  rule – but  that  pre-existing  social  capital  can  foster  the  rise  of  undemocratic  regimes.  Why is  social  capital  associated with benign political  outcomes  in some  contexts, but not in  others?  We  examine  differences  in  political stability  at the  state  level.  Overall, Weimar  Germany’s  institutions  did  not  work  well  –  governments  were  weak and shortlived, economic  policy  often failed, and extremist  parties  blossomed (Bracher  1978). At the  same  time,  some  states  (including  Prussia)  were  bastions  of  well-functioning  republican institutions.  We  use  an indicator of  state-level  government  stability  to show  that  where governments  changed rapidly, the  link between association density  and Nazi  Party  entry was  much stronger  than in  stable states.  Where the  same parties  formed  stable governments, social  capital’s  corrosive  influence  disappears  in our  data. Therefore, the effects  of  social  capital  depend crucially  on the  political  and institutional  context. Rather than being  an unambiguous  force  for  good, our  results  suggest  that  social  capital  itself  is neutral  –  a tool  that  can be  used for  both  good or  ill.

(Pages 30/31)

Shanker Satyanath, Nico Voigtlaender, Hans-Joachim Voth

Working Paper 19201

1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
July 2013

Also of interest

Could Bowling Leagues and the PTA Breed Nazis?

What's on German TV? It's Hitler all you can eat.

Hi, I'm Adolf and they love me in Germany.
Germany has a mandatory monthly TV fee. That has to be paid regardless of actually owning a TV or not. You don't pay? Hello, there's prison time if push comes to shove.

With that in mind, let's turn to the programs they air. The German blogger Mister Ede has made the effort to check the generous offering of German state TV in April.

It is Hitler, Hitler and ... did I already mention Hitler?

Based on my own experience, that is basically going on since at least 10 years. I watch TV usually just for the news once a day as German TV is unwatchable. Pro cycling or snooker are exceptions.

These NS films are so called documentaries with a subtle tinge of admiration of the technological and tactical superiority of the Germans seeping through.

So here is a Google translate (unedited, so a little odd at times) of his blog post

"Does ZDFinfo mean Hitler TV?"

What plans ZDF director Thomas Bellut has for ZDFinfo is still unknown. However, there is much evidence that the documentary station of the Second German Television will be under Hitler TV. In terms of content, Bellut has the branch channel At least as much as a glance at the program.

On 27.4. (ZDFinfo / 01:10 clock) and then "Polish campaign: the attack" (ZDFinfo / 01:50 clock). Anyone who wanted to know how the course of the story was going on at the time was not disappointed by the new Nazi broadcaster of ZDF, because "Hitler's Blitzkrieg Teil 2" (ZDFinfo / 02:40), "Hitler's Blitzkrieg Teil 3" (ZDFinfo / 03:25 clock) and "Hitler's Blitzkrieg part 4" (ZDFinfo / 04:10 clock). After so much carnage, the new Hitler TV had a lot of sympathy with the audience and offered something more sensitive and human with "Hitler privat: Der Künstler" (ZDFinfo / 4:55), "Hitler privat: Der Soldat" (ZDFinfo / 05:40 clock) and "Hitler privat: the, leader '" (ZDFinfo / 06:20 clock). Do not ask me now please, why ZDFinfo exaggerated the "leader" in quotes, where a normal mortal with regard to Hitler's landscape paintings probably had the attribute "artist" packed into such. But it was the case, at least the audience had some rest from Adolf from the flickerboard - but only for about 24 hours. Because every viewer of ZDFinfo is given the opportunity to indulge in the past in which a bombing atmosphere prevailed in Europe, all the documentaries just described were simply repeated on the following afternoon. And because Nazi stories are so entertaining, Adolf-Info also sent "Hitler's private: The Warlord" (ZDFinfo / 7:30 pm), "Die Jahreschronik des Dritte Reichs Teil 1" (ZDFinfo / 20:15 (ZDFinfo / 21:45) and "Die Jahreschronik of the Third Reich Part 4" (ZDFinfo / 10:30 pm). And to whom that was not enough, the new Hitler TV offered to the morning hours of the 29.4. (ZDFinfo / 23:15), "The SS: The Power Fight" (ZDFinfo / 00:00), "The SS: Himmler's Wahn" (ZDFinfo / 01: The Nazi Night with " "The SS: The Waffen SS" (ZDFinfo / 02:45), "The SS: Myth Odessa" (ZDFinfo / 03:30), "The SS: Totenkopf" (ZDFinfo / 02:00) "The Atlantean Battle: Hunters and the Hunted" (ZDFinfo / 04:15) and "The Atlantean Battle: Graves of Steel" (ZDFinfo / 04:45).
But whoever now believes that these three days and nights were an exception, is deceptive. Thus broadcast ZDFnazi already on 26.4. The lovingly made real estate document "From fortresses and guide bunkers" (ZDFinfo / 22:25 clock) and on 30.4. Followed "The Nazi Secret of the Toplitzsee" (ZDFinfo / 01:20) and "Himmler's search for Atlantis" (ZDFinfo / 02:05 clock).

Now times Tacheles: Such a shipment composition is not publicly legal, but simply ill. For that too Reich radio posts To pay for radio broadcasts is a question. This is due to the fact that information on public law can not be used to justify such an election. Hours of Hitler's stories, and no documentary in the midst of the horrific expulsion and murder of Jewish people or, for example, euthanasia, the Third Reich can, of course, be transfigured.
If it is Bellut but simply to the compared with other shows slightly better ratings with Nazi-Dokus, then he should be run on ZDFinfo at night porn and sell this as enlightenment television.
In this respect, I would already be pleased to hear from the leadership headquarters of the Third Reich Television on the Obersalzberg - um, of course I am from the Directorate of the Second German Television on the Mainzer Lerchenberg. Even better I would, however, if the ZDF such a one-sided program designs would simply be omitted.

List of the Nazi-Dokus on ZDFinfo from 26. - 30.04.2017:

26.4.2017 - Broadcasts and broadcasting times according to ZDF-Mediathek
From fortresses and guide bunkers - ZDFinfo / 22:25 hrs

27.4.2017 - Broadcasts and broadcasts according to ZDF-Mediathek
Polish campaign: The nerve war - ZDFinfo / 01:10 clock
Polish campaign: The attack - ZDFinfo / 01:50 clock
Hitler's Blitzkrieg (2) - ZDFinfo / 02:40 h
Hitler's Blitzkrieg (3) - ZDFinfo / 03:25 h
Hitler's Blitzkrieg (4) - ZDFinfo / 04:10 clock
Hitler private: The artist - ZDFinfo / 04:55 h
Hitler private: The soldier - ZDFinfo / 05:40 clock
Hitler private: The "guide" - ZDFinfo / 06:20 clock

28.4.2017 - Shows and broadcasts online according to TVMovie online
Polish campaign: The nerve war - ZDFinfo / 13:30 clock
Polish campaign: The raid - ZDFinfo / 2:15 pm
Hitler's Blitzkrieg (2) - ZDFinfo / 3 pm
Hitler's Blitzkrieg (3) - ZDFinfo / 15:45 clock
Hitler's Blitzkrieg (4) - ZDFinfo / 4:30 pm
Hitler private: The artist - ZDFinfo / 17:15 hrs
Hitler private: The soldier - ZDFinfo / 6 pm
Hitler private: The "Führer" - ZDFinfo / 18:45 clock
Hitler private: The Warlord - ZDFinfo / 7:30 pm
The Chronicles of the Third Reich (1) - ZDFinfo / 20:15 Uhr
The Jahrschronik of the Third Reich (2) - ZDFinfo / 21:00 clock
The Chronicles of the Third Reich (3) - ZDFinfo / 21:45 Uhr
The Jahrschronik of the Third Reich (4) - ZDFinfo / 22:30 clock
The SS: Heydrich's rule - ZDFinfo / 23:15 clock

29.04.2017 - Broadcasts and broadcasting times according to TVMovie online
The SS: The Power Fight - ZDFinfo / 00:00 clock
The SS: Himmlers Wahn - ZDFinfo / 01:15 hrs
The SS: Totenkopf - ZDFinfo / 02:00 clock
The SS: The Waffen-SS - ZDFinfo / 02:45 clock
The SS: Myth Odessa - ZDFinfo / 03:30 clock
The Atlantean Battle: Hunters and Hunted - ZDFinfo / 04:15 Uhr
The Atlantean Battle: Graves of Steel - ZDFinfo / 04:45 Uhr

30.04.2017 - Broadcasts and broadcasts according to ZDF-Mediathek
The Nazi secret of the Toplitzsee - ZDFinfo / 01:20 Uhr
Himmlers search for Atlantis - ZDFinfo / 02:05 clock