
Extortion (§ 253 Criminal Code) by the Managing Director of the Jobcenter Munich Martina Musati

This is a condensed summary of a post in German which shows to what lengths the Jobcenter Munich goes in order to silence a critical blogger. It is about extortion. It is about extortion by a government agency. It is about blatant extortion by a government agency that has all the legal tools to press people into jobs that do not allow a humane living, let alone save for retirement, or provide for a good education of your kid(s). This agency is part of the machine that contributes to the export surplus about which Germany is so proud. However, it will cost Germany dearly, because a permanent export surplus is unsustainable.

The extortion letter is dated August 2012 (I had already answered it here back then in German in a fairly humorous manner as the letter was plain bullshit and entertained me a lot, and I mean A LOT. The tenor was to shove it where the sun does not shine). 

In that letter of August 2012 she demands the takedown of a blog post that features my open email to the German Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

However recent events - and not so recent ones, such as her attack on my right of free speech in 2012 leading to the confiscation of my computer and just weeks ago in 2014, do not leave me as a democrat and liberal (in the original sense) any other option than to publish the criminal activities of the Jobcenter Munich. namely:

Extortion (§ 253 Criminal Code) by the Managing Director of the Jobcenter Munich Martina Musati

The evidence is shown in five copies of the letter here where the man dir. Martina Musati seemed to be cocksure this would work. Well think again, babe.

Note the logo on the letter! It shows the logo of the Jobcenter Munich, the German federal employment agency and the city of Munich. So in other words, the managing director of the Jobcenter Munich sends an extortion letter in representation of said three entities. What can you say? Panache Panache! Or just  totally fucked up?

The stupidity and conceitedness of the managing director reaches a climax when she even demands a reference to the famous Dilbert Principle to be deleted.

It appears she is under the impression that the Jobcenter Munich shall determine the admissibility of Internet publications. Publications shall rely exclusively on approval from the Jobcenter.

In addition, Martina Musati considers critical posts as harmful to the business (sic!) of the National Institute for Guaranteed Poverty, aka Jobcenter. Parts of my post, which are a little onerous and put her in a bad light, she cleverly omits and Martina would not be the Bavarian suffragette of the Jobcenter were she not able to dig up an appropriate article:

§ 1004 of the disposal and injunctive relief:
(1) If the property affected in other ways than by dispossession or withholding of possession, the owner of the interferer may require the removal of the interference. Are other impairments, the owner may sue for an injunction.
(simple Google translate)

So Martina Musati deems the Jobcenter Munich as her property. That's bold. Rookie lawyer, that Martina is, she has naturally established a "risk of repetition" which:

"... Can only be eliminated by making a declaration under penalty clause jurisprudence".

In the manner of blackmail she sets the punishment at

€ 10,000.00 (ten thousand euros)

The man. dir of the Jobcentre Munich has blatantly incorporated the judiciary powers, pretending to have balls.

Unfortunately, her letter did not elicit a single Rupee from my side but a polite invitation to GFY.

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