
The Munich anti-discrimination agency AMIGRA is a smokescreen

The bucolic million-soul-metropolis of Munich, aka Wadlstrumpf-City, has of course a section on their website that details its efforts in terms of anti-discrimination. It has an agency for that which is called rather off-putting AMIGRA. (1) How could Munich not drape itself with the veil of openness? This is the 'Weltstadt mit Herz'.

So being against discrimination is just a given today, such as having the latest iPhone Super Sex, the BMW i8 with its E-mode range of a whopping 38 km, or a fatty Leberkassemmel.

It would however not be Munich if this whole anti-discrimantion thingy did not turn out to be somewhat ridiculous and pretentious. In Bavaria it goes like this:

Anti-Discrimination Unit for people with a migration background - AMIGRA (1)

Welcome to AMIGRA

AMIGRA - the Anti-Discrimination Unit for people with a migration background of the city of Munich is one for people who are discriminated against because of their ethnic origin, language, religion and / or belief.

Under 'More information' there is a link to a PDF

Flyer der Antidiskriminierungsstelle (0,7 MB, PDF) (German language)

It states among others:

Our mission

AMIGRA, the Anti-Discrimination Unit of the City of Munich stands as a contact and counseling center all people open facing discrimination because of their ethnic origin, their language, religion or belief - but also serves people who have witnessed a case of discrimination.AMIGRA is as an appeal body for discrimination cases initiated by the advisory committee for foreigners of the city of  Munich.

In this PDF contact addresses of Amigra are shown:

If you follow the URL you won't be lucky:

Oops, this is how Munich is OPEN!

It gets better, because this is the metropolis of the province of Bavaria where everything is slow and the beer a thin piss. Host mi!

I sent my first email with a complaint about the Jobcenter Munich to the email address given above on July 14, 2014.

There was no answer, so I sent a second email on September 12, 2014.

There was again no answer. Instead I found somewhere on the website of München.de this email address for Amigra:


So on September 19, 2014 I dispatched the third email to that ominous and rather shy Amigra. Guess what, there was again no answer. Stubborn as I am, I sent a fourth email on September 22, 2014.

The response was and still is a big nothing to date.

Munich, Fuck You!


(1) I was looking for the English version on the München.de website but could find nothing. About a month ago there was still an English version available on the website and the stunning detail was, that it did not feature any contact details as opposed to the German language site. Well, if you want to complain about some form of discrimination perhaps you better learn fucking German. This is Bavaria, the corruptest province in Germany.

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