
Criminal complaint against Andrea Nahles (Federal Minister for Labour and Social Affairs and writer manqué) for aiding and abetting criminal conduct.

To be presented with the ECHR in Strasbourg

Prosecutor Berlin
10548 Berlin

Oct. 2, 2016

C R I M I N A L     C O M P L A I N T

Accused: Mrs Andrea Maria Nahles (Federal Minister for Labour and Social Affairs and writer manqué)

Address: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), Wilhelmstrasse 49 (formerly the seat of the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda headed by Joseph Goebbels), 10117 Berlin.

  • § 258 STGB obstruction of justice in connection with
  • Infringement of Article 5 Basic Law
  • Infringement of § 147 StPO right to inspect records, and in violation of
  • Art. 6 (3) of the Convention (right to inspect files)
When and where:  2016 in Berlin, Germany


In a letter of August 13, 2012 (Appendix 1) the then Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) Munich, Mr. Manfred Jäger (presently head of the BA in Ingolstadt), refers to a cease and desist letter to me for, as he put it, a defamatory post on the Internet. The C&D letter threatened with a fine of € 10,000.00 (ten thousand) in the event of non-compliance!

Even the Munich Prosecutor quickly recognized this as a classic case of the Dunning-Kruger effect of Manfred Jäger. Instead, what displeased the Munich Prosecutor was the 'Merkel Nazi' image (on the occasion of the German austerity war against Greece in 2012) in a blog post of mine.

I lost in all instances, ably "defended" by my court-appointed "attorney" crooked Ms Aglaia Muth from Munich, who excelled in being non-committal throughout and persistently quiet. I was denied access of files by all involved: judges, prosecutor and my crooked "attorney" Aglaia Muth! A request by my daughter was brushed off by the bald prosecutor Peter Preuss in typical unsophisticated Bavarian fashion.

The whole trial was - as is obvious in hindsight - rigged from the start. Interestingly, a request for reinstatement of early August 2016 has not yet been answered. A blogger must be brought to silence by all means!

After an intensive search on the Internet, I finally discovered the decisions of the ECHR in the cases 'Foucher v. France', 'The Fortum Corporation v. Finland' and 'SUOMINEN v. FINLAND'.  Under Article 6 (3) of the Convention any person who is charged with a criminal offence has the right to access evidence in their case-files.

Only after I referred to these cases, the court in Munich finally relented after more than three years of dodging!

In May 2016 I was given access to the case file which mysteriously did not include the whole correspondence of Mr Jäger. As you can read on page 1 of Mr. Jäger's letter to the police he mentions three sets of papers. Appendix 1 consisting of 10 pages, Appendix 2 with 5 pages, and Appendix 3 comprising 4 pages.

These total of 19 pages were missing from the file for mysterious reasons. It is likely that some pages are dicey.

Despite my encouragement to hand over said documents, Mr. Jäger chose to remain silent and I finally turned to the Minister of Labor Ms Nahles because the Federal Employment Agency is a federal corporation under public law with self-government, which is subject to legal supervision by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (§ 393 Abs. 1 SGB III).

A Sept. 12, 2016 email to Ms. Nahles and one on Sept. 25, 2016 with a deadline to provide the release of the 19 pages by Sept. 30, 2016 went unanswered. (Appendix 2 and 3)

As already demonstrated in previous contacts, Minister Nahles seems to be averse communicating with shudras of the Hartz IV caste and rather seems to entertain the opinion that Hartz IV recipients are legal fair game. The minister displays and conveys a strange understanding of democracy.

Manfred Jäger and the Munich Court intervened in my right to freedom of expression. Minister Nahles is aiding and abetting criminal conduct. Full access to the case file is essential in order to assess legal action against Manfred Jäger. It is as well of importance for a comprehensive and detailed complaint letter with the European Court of Human Rights regarding all three cases filed by the Jobcenter and the Federal employment Agency against us and all concerning the infringement of free speech. One is inclined to the impression that the neo-liberal economic and labor policies in Germany dispense from obligations to democratic norms.

I therefore ask to initiate proceedings against Minister Nahles in this matter.


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