
Wenn es um Verfolgung von Nazi Verbrechern geht: “Nothing is too slow for German justice."

"Ach, jaaa", sie winkt ab und setzt sich in ihrem Stuhl auf. "Sehen Sie, das hatte ich vergessen, jaja. Eines schönen Tages hieß es: Leichen tragen. Und da hat man auch erst gesehen, wie viele Leichen da waren. Der Kramer, unser Kommandant, der hätte die nicht aufnehmen dürfen. Warum lässt der die Toten in sein Lager rein?"
Warum belässt es die ZEIT beim Nachnahmen dieser Nazi-Drecksau bei dem Initial 'M'. Der Name der Nazisau ist Hilde Michnia.
Gerry Gregg, a filmmaker, learned of the intended encounter and decided to record it. “Close to Evil,” which debuted here in September and had its United States premiere earlier this month at the Chicago Irish Film Festival, follows Mr. Reichental from his home in Dublin to Hamburg to meet the former guard, Hilde Michnia, now 93.
The would-be conciliation, however, took an unexpected twist. During their research into Ms. Michnia’s background, the filmmakers discovered a 2004 interview in which she was unapologetic for her role at the camp, where at least 52,000 people perished. Ms. Michnia then backed out of the film, Mr. Gregg said, because of an illness.
Wie gern würde man das ganze weiter unter den Teppich kehren. Die Zeit hat die Artikel aus der ausländischen Presse nach ein paar Tagen aufgegriffen (liess sich wohl nicht vermeiden). Nicht enden wollende TV Sendungen im deutschen zwangsfinanzierten über die Nazis. Das kommt gut an bei diesen Deutschen.
Hier der NYT Artikel

A Holocaust Survivor Tells of Auschwitz at 18 and, Again, at 90

Sie erzählt ihre Geschichte und der Artikel endet:
Last year, she was bitterly disappointed when one of the few surviving Auschwitz guards indicted at this late stage by German justice died in Pennsylvania, a day before an extradition order was to be executed. The deceased man, Johann Breyer, was born in her year, 1925, and she had wanted the chance to look him in the eye at trial and ask how he could have stood on the ramp.
 Now the German authorities are preparing to try another Auschwitz camp guard, Oskar Gröning, 93, in April. Her fervent wish is that he not die before her.
“Nothing is too slow for German justice,” she said, displaying gall for the first time. “They are doing everything so you won’t have a trial, because either the delinquent dies, or gets senile.”
Das ist die verlässliche deutsche Art und die bayerische Justiz wollte doch eigentlich diese gestohlenen Nazi Bilder weiter versteckt halten, oder? 

Aus Irland Tomi Reichental

Breaking Silence, Survivor Sets Out to Meet Holocaust Past

The man, Tomi Reichental, described seeing his grandmother’s body being thrown onto a cart overloaded with other corpses. He was only 9 years old.
Er erzählt seine Geschichte in Schulen in Irland.
It is never easy to hold the attention of hundreds of teenagers, but for a couple of hours Mr. Reichental did with his compelling story. He will be 80 on June 26, and with his companion, Joyce, at his side he drives around the country giving talks to schools twice a week. He is fully booked for the rest of 2015.
“People tell me I’m the fittest Holocaust survivor alive today,” he said, smiling.
The pupils here at Wilson’s Hospital School were the latest to fall under his spell. Even the self-styled tough guys hung on every harrowing word.
For Mr. Reichental it had started as bullying, with name calling at school escalating to physical abuse and ending with Bergen-Belsen. His message to the students is simple: “If you see someone being victimized, don’t be a bystander — stand up. If you see someone being treated badly, get involved.” Afterward, they gave him a standing ovation. Pupils and teachers then lined up to buy signed copies of his memoir, “I Was a Boy in Belsen.”
On Jan. 25, Mr. Gregg showed “Close to Evil” in Lüneburg, Germany, the city where Ms. Michnia was convicted after the war. After viewing it, a local historian, Hans-Jürgen Brennecke, who had contributed to the documentary as the son of a Nazi war criminal, filed a complaint against the former Bergen-Belsen guard for her role in the forced march, for which she was never tried.

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