
Germany, what is it now? Headscarf or mandatory Wadlstrumpfe for immigrants?

I am experiencing some trouble on how to phrase this and not break out laughing. After all, Germany really, like totally really, wants to be an immigrant country. It even has a Willkommensportal 'Make it in Germany'. Whatever 'it' means.

Headscarf? No, er, we mean yes.
Yet there are some skid marks on the way to become one and not fall into the trap of looking ridiculous or somewhat clumsy. Like these here in red in the background.

Twelve years ago the German Federal Constitutional Court was not particularly enamoured with the scarf. Now in 2015 they took a fancy.

No idea what made them change their mind because I just don't feel like reading about it.

The whole discussion is so absolutely and totally German. But then again, Germans in all seriousness discussed the suggestion from Bavaria that foreigners living in Germany should speak German at home just a couple of months back. These are subjects that get a German mind all revved up.

However, I think I know what changed the mind of the red-robed.



I know you

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