
German Finance Minister Schäuble’s suggestion to cut Hartz IV payments for refugees does not go far enough. How about all those fucking stupid babies?

The SPIEGEL reports:
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) calls for a debate on cuts for refugees who receive Hartz IV payments. It raises the question of whether people you would still need to be taught reading and writing still get exactly as much in welfare payments as unemployed persons who have worked 30 years. "Could not we deduct at least the cost of integration services?", Said Schäuble in Mechanical Engineering summit on Tuesday in Berlin. "We will have to discuss it."
Rrrright and on the spot he is. This needs to be discussed, pronto and ipso right here. 

Yet he stops short at the most pressing problem, all those fucking stupid babies. Their parents receive monthly 'child payments' of € 188.00 plus tax deductions. Still, they shit and scream, ofter for no apparent reason.

Now look for example at this full-blown idiot. This baby who can’t even figure out how to smile for a camera qualifies for financial support? Give me a break. You even do not want to know what the future will hold for him/her.

Hand him/her Hegel's 'The Phenomenology of Spirit' and all you will get is this Zombieland stare. Arrrrg! 

Compare that to a highly educated German working in digital enhanced dispatch services, vulgo courier services, for 30 years who masters the recitation of a BILD page fluently and simultaneously handles a Jaegermeister.

Schäuble could even point to scientific research that clearly demonstrates the embarrassing lack of the most basic mental and tactile sensibilities in those babies: Babies are Stupid.

Schäuble should get all the support and there can be only one solution:

Cuts, cuts, cuts > Black Zero

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