
Warum Hartz IV ultimativ scheitern wird

Irgendwann werde ich mich dem Thema dezidierter zuwenden. Dies hier geht klar entlang der Linie, warum Hartz IV nicht auf Dauer bestehen kann.

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Market Chaos and the Fatal Silence of Politics

Much of the general confusion can be explained by the fact that we live in an era of deflation – and deflation is not well understood. As we have said hundreds of times during the last two years, the main problem is that the phalanx of experts including the most powerful central banks refuses to give up the view that inflation and deflation are monetary phenomena. The correct and evidence based view holding that inflation and deflation are the result of wage growth overshooting or undershooting the growth rate of productivity is tabooed in mainstream economics as it questions the core idea of the neoclassical-neoliberal paradigm, namely the efficiency of labour markets. While wages during the 1970s were too high compared to productivity causing inflation they are now too low causing deflation. The failure by the vast majority of experts and politicians to accept this is precisely what fuels conspiracy theories in the view of the wider public. The few politicians that are capable of looking at what is really going on (in the German government, for example, there is nobody), do not dare to oppose the economic mainstream and propose constructive policies. This silence could be fatal for the chances of a European, and global, economic recovery.

(Hervorhebungen durch mich)

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