
President Gauck, are we really all Charlie?


Dear President Gauck, 

I saw you on TV a few days ago on the occasion of the Charlie Hebdo massacre. You made then, and I am referring to the article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the following statement: 

"We stand for freedom of assembly and religious freedom as well - for freedom altogether"

I interpret this to mean that you included the freedom of expression with 'freedom'. Some contemporaries of the local press have unfortunately reduced this term to freedom of the press in a vain and limited assessment of their position.

The Spiegel Magazine quoted you as follows: 

"I join the millions of people who profess around the world: 'We are Charlie'!"

My daughter and I would gladly be inclined to agree with you, were it not for a 'State Agency for Guaranteed Poverty', commonly known as Jobcenter. There, political satire is not being tolerated but rather everything being done to get it prosecuted. 

Said Jobcenter Munich does not even shy away from criminal extortion for the paltry amount of € 10,000 to suppress a blog post. 

The CEO Martina Musati has no qualms to interfere with the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression and deems the satiric picture of a Greek artist shown below unacceptable and filed a suit against me at the Munich court.

According to the decision of the Munich court, a court infamously known for the infringement of free speech, ordered all IT communications gear to be confiscated. We had to be completely silenced. My computer is now since 23 months confiscated and I have been accused of sedition.

not accepted by government agency Jobcenter Munich

This picture was published in 2012 in almost the entire German press and TV.

I would appreciate a brief statement, because this terrible incident in Paris is not only about criticism of religion. It is about Free Speech in general, guaranteed by the Basic Law of Germany and all-encompassing. That at least is my understanding as a liberal (in the original, nonpartisan sense) of a real democracy.


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