
Labor Minister Nahles, extortion now new business field of the Jobcenter Munich?

Dear Minister Nahles,

The Federal Employment Agency BA belongs to your ministry's portfolio while the German Jobcenters are jointly operated by the BA and the respective community they are operating within. So in other words, the Jobcenters are within the realm of your Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs.

A citizen of a democratic country generally expects that government agencies abide by the law of their democratic state. In addition, Jobcenters carry a further responsibility based on humanistic and moral standards, providence. Providence even more so when kids are involved.

One of the fundamental human rights of a democratic state is the freedom of expression and in Germany this is guaranteed in the Basic Law. This one can and must expect from a government agency without any exception.

The Jobcenter Munich under the management of a certain Martina Musati does not seem to value this democratic right. In August 2012 a blackmail letter was sent to me because of a blog post which featured an open email to the BMAS, i.e your ministry, published in May 2012. 

This blog post had been phrased deliberately along Betteridge's Law lines. Unfortunately, this was lost on the parochial managing director Martina Musati and she failed to comprehend. Said lady also displayed an aversion to a quote of the well known US satirist 'Dilbert'. Well, you can not always satisfy the elitist pretensions of the august Bavarian ivory tower. 

Please take a look at her letter (printed on a letterhead bearing the logos of the BA, Jobcenter Munich and the City of Munich) mailed to me with the highly entertaining demand of € 10,000 (in words: ten thousand) if I do not delete said blog post

I take the liberty to add that in the private sector such a person would be summarily dismissed. 

In addition, I had contacted the Co-CEO of the Federal Employment Agency BA, Frank-Jürgen Weise in this awkward matter a few weeks ago. I think he is still occupied applying the final touches to his response. 

In the coming days I will send you two more messages that pertain to an interference with the freedom of expression, also perpetrated by that particular Jobcenter Munich. Interferences, which are anathema to a democratic state. 

Thank you for your attention and your time. 


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