
"Specifically, we determine that there is a strong time-series momentum effect and that proxies for investor attention strongly forecast cryptocurrency returns."

A paper about that thing that solves no problem.

Risks and Returns of Cryptocurrency

Yukun Liu, Aleh Tsyvinski
"We establish that the risk-return tradeoff of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum) is distinct from those of stocks, currencies, and precious metals."
Precisely distinct in the sense that you might incur a total loss, or be hacked.
"Cryptocurrencies have no exposure to most common stock market and macroeconomic factors."
No, they exist in an environment of insiders.
"They also have no exposure to the returns of currencies and commodities."
Because they are neither.
"In contrast, we show that the cryptocurrency returns can be predicted by factors which are specific to cryptocurrency markets. Specifically, we determine that there is a strong time-series momentum effect and that proxies for investor attention strongly forecast cryptocurrency returns."
Simply find someone who buys at a higher price.
"Finally, we create an index of exposures to cryptocurrencies of 354 industries in the US and 137 industries in China."

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