
Germany has one of the largest low-wage sectors in Europe.

Following is a snippet from the post 'MAKE GERMAN POLITICS INTERESTING AGAIN' by Christian Odendahl, Sophia Besch. It deals mainly with the, oh so boring, election campaigns of Merkel and Slow Train Schulz. None of my interest, although this will be the first time in decades that I am going to vote. Pure and untainted protest vote.

This here is interesting and it essentially explains why the SPD (it has nothing to do with Schulz) will never win the 2017 election nor the next. The SPD is THE embodiment of the Hartz 4 concept.

  • Germany has one of the largest low-wage sectors in Europe. A whopping 23 per cent work for wages of less than €10.50 an hour (in Sweden, barely 3 per cent do). Instead of a liberalising 'Agenda 2010' along the lines of the Schröder reforms, the SPD should put together a bold new 'Agenda 23 per cent' that aims to halve the number of people on low wages. 
In addition, the poverty rate keeps rising.

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