c/o Dr. K. Franz
11015 Berlin
cc "Lawyer" Aglaia Muth, Munich (by Email)
cc via Twitter to Mr Uniyal (Gatestone Institute)
AZ: RB1 - AR (2016) - RB 113/2016
March 9, 2017
Dear Undersecretary Dr. Franz,
With your permission I choose to answer in English as the Gatestone Institute fortuitously published a pertinent article titled "Germany's Jihad on Freedom of Speech" and penned by the Indian gentleman Mr Uniyal on the subject of free speech in Germany, or rather the increasing lack of it (1). Saliently, the article touches the heavy-handed actions of German authorities when Chancellor Merkel is mocked. An experience I can confirm firsthand.
Thank you for your short reply to my letter dated Feb. 18, 2017 with regard to infringement of free speech, the subject having been a picture of chancellor Merkel clad in a Nazi uniform with swastika on the 2012 occasion of the vicious and atrocious attack of EU Financial Forces of Mass Destruction under the Führership of Germany reported and displayed in major news outlets all over the world. A letter, in which I particularly took issue about how my complaints about my court appointed crooked "defense lawyer" Ms Aglaia Muth from Munich were brushed off by two arbitration boards in Munich and Berlin.
In your letter you reaffirmed the decisions of those arbitration boards and I quote your letter here:
Dear Mr ...,
Thank you for your letter to Mr Heiko Maas, Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection, in which you informed him that the Office of the Federal Prosecutor had referred you to the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, because this had legal oversight on the arbitration body of the lawyer's office. You describe a legal issue in which you were represented by a Munich attorney. Mr. Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection has asked me to answer you.
The Supervision of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection extends as a pure legal oversight to the fact that the conciliation agency complies in its - independent of the content and not subjected to a review - activity with the legal requirements of § 191f of the Federal Law on Public Prosecution. I can not infer from your letter any indications for an unlawful activity of the arbitration body which does not comply with legal requirements. I therefore ask for your understanding that I will not continue to work on the matter you have described. (edited Google translate)Your assessment is puzzling in that I had described in detail my crooked "lawyer's" total and complete disinterest to defend me in any form whatsoever. Furthermore, I clearly indicated how this cunning lawyer colluded with the court and even refused to disclose the complaint letter sent to Munich police by Mr Manfred Jäger, a rather primitive bully and blackmailer, and presently head of the federal labor agency Ingolstadt. In plain terms, "lawyer" Muth is a criminal, covered by the 'Arbitration Board of Lawyers' in Berlin. Taking money without providing a service is fraud! In that sense, the 'Arbitration Board of Lawyers' in Berlin is condoning fraud!
Firstly, this constitutes a clear breach of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights of which Germany is a signatory and secondly, interesting to see how a head of a local government agency feels compelled to question the legality of a picture of Merkel posted by a blogger when he obviously had no such reservations about like pictures in German news outlets as shown below.

Strong objections though from bully Jäger (his 19-page letter to police still held back by the rotten Munich Court and crooked and conniving "lawyer" Muth and, of course, the blackmailer himself!) against this picture to the right below.
![]() |
Merkel - persona non grata |
I am even more surprised that you did not comment on my "Report to EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS on relentless infringements of free speech by German Jobcenter in collusion with Munich Court" sent to the ECHR in Strasbourg in Oct. 2016. A report, in which I describe the concerted efforts of law enforcement agencies, government agencies and conniving lawyer(s) to quell free speech and confiscate all our IT equipment!
In addition, you gave the impression of being unconcerned about concerted actions against me by way of financial destruction of a blogger with intended subsequent imprisonment due to forced default!
As I mentioned above, the Gatestone Institute published an article on March 6, 2017 under the headline "Germany's Jihad on Freedom of Speech" by Vijeta Uniyal.
It starts off with the following statement:
In Merkel's Germany, you are allowed to walk free after setting fire to a synagogue, but not for mocking the Chancellor's "sacred" refugee policy.
The article paints a picture that is all too familiar to me in that the Munich Kangaroo Court - steadfastly refusing a retrial of the sham court hearing -, government agencies and Munich police are in bed together to shut me down as a blogger and get me finally imprisoned by financial attrition. Even by breaking EU law!
Picture: Merkel behind bars.
The Carnival parade float from Bad Bergzabern, Germany, that triggered an investigation by the police and State Attorney, showing Chancellor Angela Merkel behind prison bars, with the caption: "This is how traitors end up." (Image source: SWF video screenshot)
. . . . . . . .
Criticizing Germany's notorious Jobcenters as criminal agencies for the provision of cheap labor and poverty and Germany's heinous actions against Greece has to be cracked down upon with all force.
If memory serves me right, your Ministry has harnessed the services of a questionable foundation, whose head has had Stasi connections and which is funded among others by the German Ministry for Family Affairs, to quell free speech, or "hate speech" as the trope goes. As a father I feel a tad irritated.
I can not help but agree with Turkish President Erdogan and his Foreign Minister Cavusoglu when the latter recently assessed Germany as "a totally repressive system" and "All practices resemble those of the Nazi era." Theodor Adorno was so right in his warning back then.
I might add that these commenters here do not see the 'Arbitration Board of Lawyers' in Berlin, which is under the supervision of your Ministry, in a good and trustworthy light. I can only second their statements based on my own experience in two instances. It is a front organization and a sham.
As I already indicated, I shall send another letter as soon as I get the scandalous verdict in writing of the mendacious judge Bassler from the LG Munich Kangaroo Court in the latest case against me - filed by a person of the Jobcenter Munich under a FALSE name - infringing yet again my right to free speech and subsequently followed up by confiscation of my smartphone WITHOUT court approval and all IT equipment! Since Feb. 15, 2017 I refer to the Bavarian judiciary only under the moniker 'Bavarian Roland Freisler Courts'. I am afraid, there is no free speech in Germany!
(1) The second reason for writing in the English language is your country's propensity to request deletion of content that is not liked from the internet. I strongly believe in the First Amendment.
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