
It's a deal! Erdogan grants Germany 20% Free Speech

Erdogan grants audience to a German minion.
Negotiations were tough. Both sides at loggerheads. About what, you ask? Er, a poem. That's right. A poem.

Queen Merkel had already offered Böhmermann's head on a plate to Great Mufti Erdogan. That did not go down so well with some of the  usually tranquile German Gartenzwerge public. So The Bitch did what she does best, change her position. Did not have much effect on Turkish El Doner.

The Sultan of Turkish Swing wanted the total nixing of that poem about his very personal pastimes and religious prefs. It's one thing to be a Banana Republic and quite another when you have made a pact with the devil because The Bungling Bitch could not get the borders shut and instead opted for some selfies together with a Syrian/Afghani/Tunese/whatever bloke. Until it dawned on her finally, somewhat, mayhaps that a country usually has a border, even if those borders have been Schengened.

Ok, back to that ominous poem. The Hamburg Court has finally decided that gentleman Böhmermann's poem is really almost in total awesome and covered by GG 5. Make that total about 20%, the 80% rest of the poem is not allowed under Teutonic Law. Stuff like "Schmähkritik" is totally not OK. Can you follow?

German lawyers relish such cases and delight in dissecting it from this view point and that and perhaps one should also bear in mind ... how about good conduct. Heck, how do we get out of this in a country that still has the silliest of laws, the § 185 STGB.

Here is one of those idiots. It's in German and if you care, read the comments as well. These guys know free speech when they see one, which is not often. Mostly they suck co..

The Süddeutsche's Mr Prantl has the best assessment. How the fuck can you declare part of a poem for legal and most of it contravening the law, he asks? Simple, you are the court of a Banana Republic that has sold out to a tyrant because you fucked yourself in the ass by keeping borders open and even inviting foreigners.

Now for the take from the USA. I second that.

Erdoğan and the European View of Free Speech

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