
Has the man. dir. of the Jobcenter München Martina Musati's et al. loyalty to the constitution been vetted?

Open email

Dear Minister of Justice Maas,

After several incidents which strain the mind of a Democrat - in the original sense -, I see indications at a facility, which according to the Giessen Administrative Court strives to give itself the 'touch of a government agency' and which is commonly known and trading under the rather euphemistic term 'Jobcenter', of a lawless space and a display of neglect, which ultimately induce me to pose some questions: 

Has the loyalty to the constitution of the manager of the Jobcenter Munich, whose full name according to a letter from the Attorney General's Munich office dated Sept. 8, 2014 is Martina Monika Musati (hereafter 'Triple M'), and the staff Silke Strama and Jean-Marc Vincent been vetted? Is there assurance that said people are not racists and/or not acting discriminatory?

Me and my daughter, whose status in those rather crude German semantics is that of a 'migrant' - Germans have an historically proven peculiar way of sorting out people, I might add -, feel increasingly being subjected to quite a substantial collection of violations of the law and arbitrary applications of the law, culminating in a just recent illegal appropriation of funds which in lay terms is called theft.

Even the instigation of collusion during the court case S 22 AS 1949/13 at the Social Welfare Court in Munich appears to be part of the repertoire of Triple M. After just eleven months into attaining her legal age - which has been compromised in contradiction to basic law for receivers of Hartz IV via the SGB - my daughter is looking at a proud record of three law suits before the Social Court against this law-breaking government agency 'Jobcenter'. 

In addition, two years ago said Managing Director Triple M alias Martina Musati had the audacity to demand from me the take-down of a blog post or face a penalty of € 10,000 (in words: Euro ten thousand). The effect was my prompt attention to Gelotology and a temporary enuresis due to my rocking laughter. Even a Dilbert quote struck apparently negatively on her Apparatus digestorius. Quelle horreur! In the free economy, this person would long ago have been terminated without notice. 

It touches me as dégoûtant, to see my daughter badgered by a slimy letter demanding to see the school midterm report card in order to be able to purvey an "exactly fitting" job counseling, despite this gov agency knowing that she is attending school. A request for legal basis remains unanswered to this day by Triple M.

The overbearance came to a head when this nosy person offered to sign her up for the third-class jobs website of the German Federal Labor Agency. Is the right for higher school education now being curtailed for Hartz IV receivers?

The absolute last straw was the theft of my daughter's earnings from a job performed during the school summer vacation? 

Thus the question arises: Which adolescent wants to have contact with such creatures of dubious provenance? Which worldview is being formed in an adolescent when a seedy government agency is breaking laws on an almost persistent basis? I almost freeze in horror at the thought of how many migrants, not firm in the german language, are being defrauded by this heinous agency, the Jobcenter München.

Yet there is good news: My daughter will leave this country in the coming years and she will also relinquish the German citizenship. I do not want to see my daughter tainted with a citizenship of a racist and discriminating low-wage country. A country, that pushes millions of young European people into unemployment and lack of opportunities by waging a war of wage deflation. We had that decades ago and it did not turn out well.

Allow me to conclude by expressing my hope that you soon may hold the algorithm of the company Google in your hands. It will certainly make for good reading and perhaps the Americans are so upbeat they will shove in the Coke formula for good measure.


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