
Blackmailing by German Jobcenter? No problem for Tacheles

From the popular series 'Parallel economy Hartz IV in Germany'

or how do I suck up, yet keep complaining and wailing in good German fashion. All of course in measures and not offending.

This extortion letter received the following response from the chief honcho of Tacheles eV (a private social help center):

You have sent a mail to various people, so I do not really see myself compelled to respond. Otherwise, if you act tough and below the belt, do not complain when you get headwind. For me there is only one thing, currently looking for a lawyer to represent you and think about your appearance for the future
Yours sincerelyHarald Thomé Tacheles eV / jobless and welfare association

So finally good, solid, german advice from Harald, who by the way got cold feet uploading telephone lists of German Jobcenters and stopped. That's what you call a total baller in Germany. I didn't ask for a lawyer, Harald had that wrong. Anyway.

Remember, polite subtle complaints are accepted in good ol', otherwise bear the consequences.

More about Harald Thome with an accent aigu? Just google "Tacheles Hartz IV". That's called Parallel Economy. The man makes a business out of Hartz IV.

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