
Wittgenstein probably would have smashed a couple of TV sets in Germany these days

With so-called Nazi time documentaries airing on fucking boring German TV at least three days a week every week, Wittgenstein would certainly lose his temper. He could be pretty tense.

Contrary to him, I do like the British anthem as I like the Russian and American, and the French is fresh and airy. Play the German anthem and I am gone or turn off the sound. I hate it beyond description.

Wittgenstein was a great fan of Western movies.
"By the late 1930s, however, his taste had broadened to include musicals. His favourite actresses, he told Malcolm, were Carmen Miranda and Betty Hutton. Exhausted and disgusted by his lectures, he would invariably go to see a ‘flick’ after them, accompanied by Malcolm, Smythies or one of his other friends from the class. He would always sit at the front of the cinema, where he could be totally immersed in the picture. He described the experience to Malcolm as ‘like a shower bath’, washing away his thoughts of the lecture.
It was the custom at that time to play the national anthem at the end of the film, at which point the audience was expected to rise to their feet and stand respectfully still. This was a ceremony that Wittgenstein could not abide, and he would dash out of the cinema before it could begin. He also found the movie newsreels, which used to be shown between films, unbearable. As war with Germany approached, and the newsreels became more and more patriotic and jingoistic, Wittgenstein’s anger increased. Among his papers there is a draft of a letter addressed to their makers, accusing them of being ‘master pupils of Goebbels’. It was at this time that his friendship with Gilbert Pattisson, of ten years’ standing, came to an end, when he perceived in Pattisson’s attitude to the war something he took to be jingoism. His friendship with Norman Malcolm was threatened by a similar issue."
Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius - Ray Monk

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