"The euro is not in the German national interest, but we need friends." - Helmut Kohl to US Sec. of State James Baker on Dec. 12, 1989
Tweets mit Sprecher der Bundesregierung über diesen von Polizei/Münchner Justiz gedeckten Behörden-Typen Jürgen Sonneck in den Abwasserkanälen der Anonymität hausierend
Come to think of it, a public employee (Beamter) from the Jobcenter Munich gets the fucking stupid idea to send an online criminal complaint @PolizeiMuenchen using a FALSE NAME. Here is the demented person, former co-CEO Jürgen Sonneck. Now @StadtMuenchen pic.twitter.com/5WCWwGM6cr— Straussian Obfuscator (@ErebusSagace) November 30, 2018
The Jobcenter Munich's Useful Idiot Jürgen Sonneck was so sure the Munich Court/Police would cover his ass until he ran smack into the law of diminishing marginal utility.— Straussian Obfuscator (@ErebusSagace) November 30, 2018
The computer of my Tibetan daughter who went to school at that time and needed it was DELIBERATELY DAMAGED by the rotten Munich Court. A bunch of lying judges and cunning, sophomoric prosecutors.— Straussian Obfuscator (@ErebusSagace) November 30, 2018
It does not stop here. Two emails to Dr. Katharina Henschen, Head of your Public Relations in Berlin, stayed unanswered. Keeping things clandestine, a tried and tested historical brown tradition.— Straussian Obfuscator (@ErebusSagace) November 30, 2018
This from @Spiegel Bento does not contravene Criminal Code 86a. pic.twitter.com/SolZF5EtGg
— Straussian Obfuscator (@ErebusSagace) November 30, 2018
This Merkel-Nazi pic is legal. You got to love the Joker Boyz in Karlsruhe. Was it Wehner or Ehmke who called them "the assholes in Karlsruhe"? pic.twitter.com/ZJ5aCIlA9u— Straussian Obfuscator (@ErebusSagace) November 30, 2018
Is there more? You betcha, these criminal freaks from the Labor Agency Munich. Covered and protected as well by ... Well, you guessed it by now. Freaks demanded blog posts to be deleted, or pay € 10,000. (Bockes/Bechheim/Jäger) pic.twitter.com/mv7iETyH7r
— Straussian Obfuscator (@ErebusSagace) November 30, 2018
With your permission I have tagged this 'GermanMinistriesSocialNetworkBlockerNazis' as the @BMAS_Bund blocked me as well in 2017 as did socialist justice minister Kathy Barley recently. After all, ze Germans have a zing wiz monster compound words, I've been told. pic.twitter.com/ArT9Z7sXZA— Straussian Obfuscator (@ErebusSagace) November 30, 2018
You Germans need a serious lesson in Free Speech. pic.twitter.com/VNbIRZM1Fb
— Straussian Obfuscator (@ErebusSagace) November 30, 2018
computer confiscation,
criminal code 86a,
free speech,
internet meme,
jobcenter münchen,
Jürgen Sonneck,
kangaroo court,
Referat für Bildung und sport München
Reading Lounge
1. Congolese Cover-Up
3. Musical talent hampered by 'seizures triggered by certain notes'
4. Kira has the coordinates of the dead drop and photos of the location where the speed is hidden on her phone.
5. How David Lynch Manipulates You: A Close Reading of Mulholland Drive
3. Musical talent hampered by 'seizures triggered by certain notes'
4. Kira has the coordinates of the dead drop and photos of the location where the speed is hidden on her phone.
5. How David Lynch Manipulates You: A Close Reading of Mulholland Drive
Lektion Nr. 6 für AG, LG und OLG München: Richterin Basslers verquere Auslassung ist typischer ignoratio elenchi
Gemeint ist dies: "Es ist bei dem Bild auch nicht erkennbar, dass sich der Angeklagte eindeutig gegen den Nationalsozialismus ausspricht".
Beispiel Godwin's law im unteren Bild.
Peirce's Theory of Signs
The sign
In one of his many definitions of a sign, Peirce writes:
The Object
Just as with the sign, not every characteristic of the object is relevant to signification: only certain features of an object enable a sign to signify it. For Peirce, the relationship between the object of a sign and the sign that represents it is one of determination: the object determines the sign. Peirce's notion of determination is by no means clear and it is open to interpretation, but for our purposes, it is perhaps best understood as the placing of constraints or conditions on successful signification by the object, rather than the object causing or generating the sign. The idea is that the object imposes certain parameters that a sign must fall within if it is to represent that object. However, only certain characteristics of an object are relevant to this process of determination. To see this in terms of an example, consider again the case of the molehill.
The sign is the molehill, and the object of this sign is the mole. The mole determines the sign, in as much as, if the molehill is to succeed as a sign for the mole it must show the physical presence of the mole. If it fails to do this, it fails to be a sign of that object. Other signs for this object, apart from the molehill, might include the presence of mole droppings, or a particular pattern of ground subsidence on my lawns, but all such signs are constrained by the need to show the physical presence of the mole. Clearly, not everything about the mole is relevant to this constraining process: the mole might be a conventional black color or an albino, it might be male or female, it might be young or old. None of these features, however, are essential to the constraints placed upon the sign. Rather, the causal connection between it and the mole is the characteristic that it imposes upon its sign, and it is this connection that the sign must represent if it is to succeed in signifying the mole.
The Interpretant
Although there are many features of the interpretant that bear further comment, here we shall mention just two. First, although we have characterized the interpretant as the understanding we reach of some sign/object relation, it is perhaps more properly thought of as the translation or development of the original sign. The idea is that the interpretant provides a translation of the sign, allowing us a more complex understanding of the sign's object. Indeed, Liszka (1996) and Savan (1988) both emphasize the need to treat interpretants as translations, with Savan even suggesting Peirce should have called it the translatant (Savan 1988, 41). Second, just as with the sign/object relation, Peirce believes the sign/interpretant relation to be one of determination: the sign determines an interpretant. Further, this determination is not determination in any causal sense, rather, the sign determines an interpretant by using certain features of the way the sign signifies its object to generate and shape our understanding. So, the way that smoke generates or determines an interpretant sign of its object, fire, is by focusing our attention upon the physical connection between smoke and fire.
For Peirce, then, any instance of signification contains a sign-vehicle, an object and interpretant. Moreover, the object determines the sign by placing constraints which any sign must meet if it is to signify the object. Consequently, the sign signifies its object only in virtue of some of its features. Additionally, the sign determines an interpretant by focusing our understanding on certain features of the signifying relation between sign and object. This enables us to understand the object of the sign more fully.
Although this is a general picture of Peirce's ideas about sign structure, and certain features are more or less present, or given greater or lesser emphasis at various points in Peirce's development of his theory of signs, this triadic structure and the relation between the elements is present in all of Peirce's accounts. In what follows, we shall see three of Peirce's attempts at giving a full account of signs and signification, the corresponding sign typologies, look at the transitions between these accounts, and examine some of the issues that arise from them.
Recall that Peirce thought signs signify their objects not through all their features, but in virtue of some particular feature. By 1903, for reasons related to his work on phenomenology, Peirce thought the central features of sign-vehicles could be divided into three broad areas, and consequently, that signs could be classified accordingly. This division depends upon whether sign-vehicles signify in virtue of qualities, existential facts, or conventions and laws. Further, signs with these sign-vehicles are classified as qualisigns, sinsigns, and legisigns respectively.
Examples of signs whose sign-vehicle relies upon a quality are difficult to imagine, but a particularly clear example, used by David Savan, is this:
An example of a sign whose sign-vehicle uses existential facts is smoke as a sign for fire; the causal relation between the fire and smoke allows the smoke to act as a signifier. Other cases are the molehill example used earlier, and temperature as a sign for a fever. Any sign whose signvehicle relies upon existential connections with its object is named, by Peirce, a sinsign.
And finally, the third kind of sign is one whose crucial signifying element is primarily due to convention, habit or law. Typical examples would be traffic lights as sign of priority, and the signifying capability of words; these sign-vehicles signify in virtue of the conventions surrounding their use. Peirce calls signs whose sign-vehicles function in this way legisigns.
As with the sign-vehicle and the object, Peirce thought we could classify signs in terms of their relation with their interpretant. Again, he identifies three categories according to which feature of the relationship with its object a sign uses in generating an interpretant. Further, as with the classification of the sign in terms of the sign-vehicle and the object, Peirce identifies qualities, existential facts, or conventional features as the basis for classifying the sign in terms of its interpretant. ...
Das Sign ist Godwin's law und das Hakenkreuz als Verbildlichung. Das Object sind die Leute im Bild. Die Leute im Bild bestimmen das Sign insofern, als sie für die Umsetzung des "Gesetzes" Voraussetzung sind. Die Leute verbildlichen die Diskutanten, den Diskussionsverlauf. Der Interpretant ist das Verständnis, das wir von der Zeichen-Objekt-Beziehung erreichen.
Richterin Basslers interessiert verquere Auslassung "es ist bei dem Bild auch nicht erkennbar, dass sich der Angeklagte eindeutig gegen den Nationalsozialismus ausspricht" wäre auch bei diesem Beispiel wie beim Marissa Mayer Meme ein typischer ignoratio elenchi. Simpler und überzeugender kann man es auch beeindruckende und hintertriebene Idiotie nennen.
Memes as Visual Rhetoric
The visual rhetoric approach combines elements of the semiotic and discursive approaches to analyze the persuasive elements of visual texts. Visual rhetoric understands visual texts as created to construct meaning (Foss, 2004, p. 304). Rhetoric is also considered to be persuasive. Blair (2004) notes that visual arguments have a unique ability to draw viewers into the argument’s construction via the viewer’s cognitive role in completing “visual enthymemes” to fill in the unstated premise (p. 59). Rhetoric relies heavily on stylistic devices—such as metaphor—for persuasive purposes (Kenney, 2002, p. 57). Edwards (2004) examines the manner in which iconic images become a type of metaphor for national sentiment; these images can be recontextualized for “symbolic association ... by metaphor or allegory” (p. 189). By considering memes as discourse and analyzing the semiotic elements in memes, researchers can examine how memes operate as rhetoric. A comparison of the semiotic, discursive and rhetorical approaches can be seen in Table 1.
Memes are more than internet humor; research shows them to function by appropriation and resistance to dominant media messages. By examining how memes can operate in subversive and representational ways, this paper offers scholars a framework for the study of memes as symbolic, persuasive texts. Just as the application of visual rhetoric expands general rhetorical theory by acknowledging “the role of the visual in our world” (Foss, 2004, p. 310), examining memes as a form of rhetoric can expand understanding of the way memes function in a participatory media culture.
Subversive Memes: Internet Memes as a Form of Visual Rhetoric
Heidi E. Huntington - Colorado State University
Memes in a Digital World: Reconciling with a Conceptual Troublemaker
Limor Shifman
Department of Communication and Journalism, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 91905, Israel
I suggest looking at Internet memes not as single ideas or formulas that propagated well, but as groups of content items that were created with awareness of each other and share common characteristics. Going back to Dawkins’ original idea—that memes are units of imitation—I find it useful to isolate three dimensions of cultural items that people can potentially imitate: content, form, and stance.
The first dimension relates mainly to the content of a specific text, referencing to both the ideas and the ideologies conveyed by it. The second dimension relates to form: This is the physical incarnation of the message, perceived through our senses. It includes both visual/audible dimensions specific to certain texts, as well as more complex genre-related patterns organizing them (such as lip-synch or animation). While ideas and their expression have been widely discussed in relation to the meme concept, the third—communication-related dimension—is presented here for the first time. This dimension—which relates to the information memes convey about their own communication—is labeled here as stance. Expanding Englebertson’s (2007) definitions, I use ‘‘stance’’ to depict the ways in which addressers position themselves in relation to the text, its linguistic codes, the addressees, and other potential speakers. Like form and content, stance is potentially memetic; when re-creating a text, users can decide to imitate a certain position that they find appealing or use an utterly different discursive orientation.
Since I use stance in this context as a very broad category, I wish to clarify it by breaking it into three subdimensions, drawing on concepts from discourse and media studies: (1) participation structures -who is entitled to participate and how, as conceptualized by Phillips (1972), (2) keying -- the tone and style of communication, as defined by Goffman (1974) and further developed by Blum-Kulka et al. (2004), and (3) communicative functions, as conceptualized by Roman Jakobson (1960). Jakobson identified six fundamental functions of human communication, concisely presented as follows: (a) Referential communication, which is oriented toward the context, or the ‘‘outside world’’; (b) emotive, oriented toward the addresser and his/her emotions; (c) conative, oriented toward the addressee and available paths of actions (e.g. imperatives); (d) phatic, which serves to establish, prolong, or discontinue communication; (e) metalingual, which is used to establish mutual agreement on the code (for example, a definition); and (f) poetic, focusing on the aesthetic or artistic beauty of the construction of the message itself.
This analytic framework, consistent with the three memetic dimensions (content, form, and stance),
as well as the three subdimensions of the latter dimension (participation structures, keying, and communicative functions) will be developed and applied in the following section to the analysis of a successful YouTube meme, featuring one somewhat upset fan. ...
Explanation in Table 1 page 369.
Beispiel Godwin's law im unteren Bild.
Peirce's Theory of Signs
The sign
In one of his many definitions of a sign, Peirce writes:
I define a sign as anything which is so determined by something else, called its Object, and so determines an effect upon a person, which effect I call its interpretant, that the later is thereby mediately determined by the former. (EP2, 478)What we see here is Peirce's basic claim that signs consist of three inter-related parts: a sign, an object, and an interpretant. For the sake of simplicity, we can think of the sign as the signifier, for example, a written word, an utterance, smoke as a sign for fire etc. The object, on the other hand, is best thought of as whatever is signified, for example, the object to which the written or uttered word attaches, or the fire signified by the smoke. The interpretant, the most innovative and distinctive feature of Peirce's account, is best thought of as the understanding that we have of the sign/object relation. The importance of the interpretant for Peirce is that signification is not a simple dyadic relationship between sign and object: a sign signifies only in being interpreted. This makes the interpretant central to the content of the sign, in that, the meaning of a sign is manifest in the interpretation that it generates in sign users. Things are, however, slightly more complex than this and we shall look at these three elements in more detail.
The Object
Just as with the sign, not every characteristic of the object is relevant to signification: only certain features of an object enable a sign to signify it. For Peirce, the relationship between the object of a sign and the sign that represents it is one of determination: the object determines the sign. Peirce's notion of determination is by no means clear and it is open to interpretation, but for our purposes, it is perhaps best understood as the placing of constraints or conditions on successful signification by the object, rather than the object causing or generating the sign. The idea is that the object imposes certain parameters that a sign must fall within if it is to represent that object. However, only certain characteristics of an object are relevant to this process of determination. To see this in terms of an example, consider again the case of the molehill.
The sign is the molehill, and the object of this sign is the mole. The mole determines the sign, in as much as, if the molehill is to succeed as a sign for the mole it must show the physical presence of the mole. If it fails to do this, it fails to be a sign of that object. Other signs for this object, apart from the molehill, might include the presence of mole droppings, or a particular pattern of ground subsidence on my lawns, but all such signs are constrained by the need to show the physical presence of the mole. Clearly, not everything about the mole is relevant to this constraining process: the mole might be a conventional black color or an albino, it might be male or female, it might be young or old. None of these features, however, are essential to the constraints placed upon the sign. Rather, the causal connection between it and the mole is the characteristic that it imposes upon its sign, and it is this connection that the sign must represent if it is to succeed in signifying the mole.
The Interpretant
Although there are many features of the interpretant that bear further comment, here we shall mention just two. First, although we have characterized the interpretant as the understanding we reach of some sign/object relation, it is perhaps more properly thought of as the translation or development of the original sign. The idea is that the interpretant provides a translation of the sign, allowing us a more complex understanding of the sign's object. Indeed, Liszka (1996) and Savan (1988) both emphasize the need to treat interpretants as translations, with Savan even suggesting Peirce should have called it the translatant (Savan 1988, 41). Second, just as with the sign/object relation, Peirce believes the sign/interpretant relation to be one of determination: the sign determines an interpretant. Further, this determination is not determination in any causal sense, rather, the sign determines an interpretant by using certain features of the way the sign signifies its object to generate and shape our understanding. So, the way that smoke generates or determines an interpretant sign of its object, fire, is by focusing our attention upon the physical connection between smoke and fire.
For Peirce, then, any instance of signification contains a sign-vehicle, an object and interpretant. Moreover, the object determines the sign by placing constraints which any sign must meet if it is to signify the object. Consequently, the sign signifies its object only in virtue of some of its features. Additionally, the sign determines an interpretant by focusing our understanding on certain features of the signifying relation between sign and object. This enables us to understand the object of the sign more fully.
Although this is a general picture of Peirce's ideas about sign structure, and certain features are more or less present, or given greater or lesser emphasis at various points in Peirce's development of his theory of signs, this triadic structure and the relation between the elements is present in all of Peirce's accounts. In what follows, we shall see three of Peirce's attempts at giving a full account of signs and signification, the corresponding sign typologies, look at the transitions between these accounts, and examine some of the issues that arise from them.
Recall that Peirce thought signs signify their objects not through all their features, but in virtue of some particular feature. By 1903, for reasons related to his work on phenomenology, Peirce thought the central features of sign-vehicles could be divided into three broad areas, and consequently, that signs could be classified accordingly. This division depends upon whether sign-vehicles signify in virtue of qualities, existential facts, or conventions and laws. Further, signs with these sign-vehicles are classified as qualisigns, sinsigns, and legisigns respectively.
Examples of signs whose sign-vehicle relies upon a quality are difficult to imagine, but a particularly clear example, used by David Savan, is this:
[…] I use a color chip to identify the color of some paint I want to buy. The color chip is perhaps made of cardboard, rectangular, resting on a wooden table etc., etc. But it is only the color of the chip that is essential to it as a sign of the color of the paint. (Savan 1988, 20)There are many elements to the colored chip as a sign, but it is only its color that matters to its ability to signify. Any sign whose sign-vehicle relies, as with this example, on simple abstracted qualities is called a qualisign.
An example of a sign whose sign-vehicle uses existential facts is smoke as a sign for fire; the causal relation between the fire and smoke allows the smoke to act as a signifier. Other cases are the molehill example used earlier, and temperature as a sign for a fever. Any sign whose signvehicle relies upon existential connections with its object is named, by Peirce, a sinsign.
And finally, the third kind of sign is one whose crucial signifying element is primarily due to convention, habit or law. Typical examples would be traffic lights as sign of priority, and the signifying capability of words; these sign-vehicles signify in virtue of the conventions surrounding their use. Peirce calls signs whose sign-vehicles function in this way legisigns.
As with the sign-vehicle and the object, Peirce thought we could classify signs in terms of their relation with their interpretant. Again, he identifies three categories according to which feature of the relationship with its object a sign uses in generating an interpretant. Further, as with the classification of the sign in terms of the sign-vehicle and the object, Peirce identifies qualities, existential facts, or conventional features as the basis for classifying the sign in terms of its interpretant. ...
![]() |
Godwin's law |
Richterin Basslers interessiert verquere Auslassung "es ist bei dem Bild auch nicht erkennbar, dass sich der Angeklagte eindeutig gegen den Nationalsozialismus ausspricht" wäre auch bei diesem Beispiel wie beim Marissa Mayer Meme ein typischer ignoratio elenchi. Simpler und überzeugender kann man es auch beeindruckende und hintertriebene Idiotie nennen.
Memes as Visual Rhetoric
The visual rhetoric approach combines elements of the semiotic and discursive approaches to analyze the persuasive elements of visual texts. Visual rhetoric understands visual texts as created to construct meaning (Foss, 2004, p. 304). Rhetoric is also considered to be persuasive. Blair (2004) notes that visual arguments have a unique ability to draw viewers into the argument’s construction via the viewer’s cognitive role in completing “visual enthymemes” to fill in the unstated premise (p. 59). Rhetoric relies heavily on stylistic devices—such as metaphor—for persuasive purposes (Kenney, 2002, p. 57). Edwards (2004) examines the manner in which iconic images become a type of metaphor for national sentiment; these images can be recontextualized for “symbolic association ... by metaphor or allegory” (p. 189). By considering memes as discourse and analyzing the semiotic elements in memes, researchers can examine how memes operate as rhetoric. A comparison of the semiotic, discursive and rhetorical approaches can be seen in Table 1.
Memes are more than internet humor; research shows them to function by appropriation and resistance to dominant media messages. By examining how memes can operate in subversive and representational ways, this paper offers scholars a framework for the study of memes as symbolic, persuasive texts. Just as the application of visual rhetoric expands general rhetorical theory by acknowledging “the role of the visual in our world” (Foss, 2004, p. 310), examining memes as a form of rhetoric can expand understanding of the way memes function in a participatory media culture.
Subversive Memes: Internet Memes as a Form of Visual Rhetoric
Heidi E. Huntington - Colorado State University
Memes in a Digital World: Reconciling with a Conceptual Troublemaker
Limor Shifman
Department of Communication and Journalism, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 91905, Israel
I suggest looking at Internet memes not as single ideas or formulas that propagated well, but as groups of content items that were created with awareness of each other and share common characteristics. Going back to Dawkins’ original idea—that memes are units of imitation—I find it useful to isolate three dimensions of cultural items that people can potentially imitate: content, form, and stance.
The first dimension relates mainly to the content of a specific text, referencing to both the ideas and the ideologies conveyed by it. The second dimension relates to form: This is the physical incarnation of the message, perceived through our senses. It includes both visual/audible dimensions specific to certain texts, as well as more complex genre-related patterns organizing them (such as lip-synch or animation). While ideas and their expression have been widely discussed in relation to the meme concept, the third—communication-related dimension—is presented here for the first time. This dimension—which relates to the information memes convey about their own communication—is labeled here as stance. Expanding Englebertson’s (2007) definitions, I use ‘‘stance’’ to depict the ways in which addressers position themselves in relation to the text, its linguistic codes, the addressees, and other potential speakers. Like form and content, stance is potentially memetic; when re-creating a text, users can decide to imitate a certain position that they find appealing or use an utterly different discursive orientation.
Since I use stance in this context as a very broad category, I wish to clarify it by breaking it into three subdimensions, drawing on concepts from discourse and media studies: (1) participation structures -who is entitled to participate and how, as conceptualized by Phillips (1972), (2) keying -- the tone and style of communication, as defined by Goffman (1974) and further developed by Blum-Kulka et al. (2004), and (3) communicative functions, as conceptualized by Roman Jakobson (1960). Jakobson identified six fundamental functions of human communication, concisely presented as follows: (a) Referential communication, which is oriented toward the context, or the ‘‘outside world’’; (b) emotive, oriented toward the addresser and his/her emotions; (c) conative, oriented toward the addressee and available paths of actions (e.g. imperatives); (d) phatic, which serves to establish, prolong, or discontinue communication; (e) metalingual, which is used to establish mutual agreement on the code (for example, a definition); and (f) poetic, focusing on the aesthetic or artistic beauty of the construction of the message itself.
This analytic framework, consistent with the three memetic dimensions (content, form, and stance),
as well as the three subdimensions of the latter dimension (participation structures, keying, and communicative functions) will be developed and applied in the following section to the analysis of a successful YouTube meme, featuring one somewhat upset fan. ...
Explanation in Table 1 page 369.
Nachhilfeunterricht Nr. 5 für AG, LG und OLG München: Internet Memes und Glaube an Grüne Männchen vom Mars
What makes a meme successful? Selection criteria for cultural evolution
Francis HEYLIGHEN - CLEA, Free University of Brussels
Echauffierend! Überall Nazi Propaganda. Wie wärs z.B. mit
Elon Musk: ‘Dang, turns out even Hitler was shorting Tesla stock’
Similarly, Deacon (1999) argues:
Oder im damaligen aktuellen politischen Bezug in Canada. Selbst wenn man sich von Hitler distanziert, geht das nicht gut bei manchen.
From Hitler memes to 9/11 truthers, Ontario NDP candidate controversies grow as party enters spotlight
As a general rule, any time someone running for public office has to clarify that they don't support Adolf Hitler, it's not going well.
Schlussendlich J. Habermas:
Political Communication in Media Society: Does Democracy Still Enjoy an Epistemic Dimension? The Impact of Normative Theory on Empirical Research
Hört jemand zu in den Katakomben der Nymphenburger Strasse?! Insbesondere dieser immer noch vorherrschende braune Miefgestank im ersten Stock gleich beim Treppenaufgang.
Francis HEYLIGHEN - CLEA, Free University of Brussels
To be assimilated, the presented meme must be respectively noticed, understood and accepted by the host. Noticing requires that the meme vehicle be sufficiently salient to attract the host's attention. Understanding means that the host recognizes the meme as something that can be represented in his or her cognitive system. The mind is not a blank slate on which any idea can be impressed. To be understood, a new idea or phenomenon must connect to cognitive structures that are already available to the individual. Finally, a host that has understood a new idea must also be willing to believe it or to take it serious. For example, although you are likely to understand the proposition that your car was built by little green men from Mars, you are unlikely to accept that proposition without very strong evidence. Therefore, you will in general not memorize it, and the meme will not manage to infect you.
Echauffierend! Überall Nazi Propaganda. Wie wärs z.B. mit
Elon Musk: ‘Dang, turns out even Hitler was shorting Tesla stock’
Es war schon schlimmer. Hitler hasst Rebecca Blacks Song 'Friday'.Dang, turns out even Hitler was shorting Tesla stock … https://t.co/RLM1VQ5O3K— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 5, 2018
Similarly, Deacon (1999) argues:
A meme is a sign: some physical thing which, by virtue of some distinctive feature, can be recruited by an interpretive process within a larger system as re-presenting something else, conveying information into that system and reorganising it with respect to that something else.(Internet memes as internet signs: A semiotic view of digital culture, Sara Cannizzaro, Lincoln School of Film and Media)
Oder im damaligen aktuellen politischen Bezug in Canada. Selbst wenn man sich von Hitler distanziert, geht das nicht gut bei manchen.
From Hitler memes to 9/11 truthers, Ontario NDP candidate controversies grow as party enters spotlight
As a general rule, any time someone running for public office has to clarify that they don't support Adolf Hitler, it's not going well.
At a news conference attended by B’nai Brith Canada this morning, @GilaMartow and @ToddSmithPC stated that a candidate for the @OntarioNDP has been “caught praising Adolf Hitler online.” #onpoli pic.twitter.com/wlvBrdiMNK— B'nai Brith Canada (@bnaibrithcanada) May 25, 2018
Schlussendlich J. Habermas:
Political Communication in Media Society: Does Democracy Still Enjoy an Epistemic Dimension? The Impact of Normative Theory on Empirical Research
I first compare the deliberative to the liberal and the republican models of democracy, and consider possible references to empirical research and then examine what empirical evidence there is for the assumption that political deliberation develops a truth‐tracking potential. The main parts of the paper serve to dispel prima facie doubts about the empirical content and the applicability of the communication model of deliberative politics. It moreover highlights 2 critical conditions: mediated political communication in the public sphere can facilitate deliberative legitimation processes in complex societies only if a self‐regulating media system gains independence from its social environments and if anonymous audiences grant a feedback between an informed elite discourse and a responsive civil society.
"Likewise, litigants do not stop going to court, irrespective of what law professors observe and pronounce about the indeterminacy of laws and the unpredictability of legal decisions. The rule of law and the practice of adjudication would break down, were participants not to act on the premise that they receive fair treatment and that a reasonable verdict is passed down."
Hört jemand zu in den Katakomben der Nymphenburger Strasse?! Insbesondere dieser immer noch vorherrschende braune Miefgestank im ersten Stock gleich beim Treppenaufgang.
"“Science is interesting, and if you don't agree you can fuck off."
Reading Lounge
1. First gene-edited babies claimed in China
3. NYC Taxi Drivers
4. The guy who discovered things fall
5. Panic rooms
6. Indian Officials Encourage Farmers to Chant Vedic Hymns to Improve Crop Yields
7. Desk used to record Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven up for sale
8. Meanwhile in Vancouver
3. NYC Taxi Drivers
4. The guy who discovered things fall
5. Panic rooms
6. Indian Officials Encourage Farmers to Chant Vedic Hymns to Improve Crop Yields
7. Desk used to record Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven up for sale
8. Meanwhile in Vancouver
Assortative Mating and Inequality
"I then show that changes in the degree of assortative mating accounts for a sizeable amount of the increase in family wage inequality across these family cohorts."
That's from a paper from the US but first let's look at Germany where the discourse about equal pay and parity is gaining momentum.
Germany’s Big Pay-Gap Problem
Assortative Mating and Inequality
Alparslan Tuncay
That's from a paper from the US but first let's look at Germany where the discourse about equal pay and parity is gaining momentum.
Germany’s Big Pay-Gap Problem
Despite Merkel’s status as one of the world’s most powerful women and German politics peppered with strong female leaders, the role of women in the corporate world is limited. While the #MeToo movement has drawn widespread attention to sexual harassment and assault, the pay gap is in many ways anchored in German culture, with the term “Frauenberufe” (women’s jobs) used to refer to lower paid careers such as social work, hairstyling and nursing.
Even in fields dominated by women, such as medical assistants, men can get paid 40 percent more. The lower pay, along with more part-time work for women, mean they earn about 50 percent less over their working lives than male peers, according to a 2017 study by the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin.
The institutional challenges were evident in a rare pay-gap dispute last year before the new law took effect. A reporter with German broadcaster ZDF lost a discrimination suit against her employer after a Berlin court ruled that employment conditions of a better-paid male colleague weren’t comparable. Without legal backing, German women at best can hope for the goodwill of employers or support from works councils, which represent staff interests inside German companies.Here is a paper from the US that puts this inequality into some perspective and gives reasons for this perceived inequality and how it is driven.
Assortative Mating and Inequality
Alparslan Tuncay
This paper studies the evolution of assortative mating based on the permanent wage (the individual-specific component of wage) in the U.S., its role in the increase in family wage inequality, and the factors behind this evolution. I first document a remarkable trend in the assortative mating, as measured by the permanent-wage correlation of couples, from 0.3 for families formed in the late 1960s to 0.52 for families formed in the late 1980s. I show that this trend accounts for more than one-third of the increase in family wage inequality across these family cohorts. I then argue that the increased marriage age across these cohorts contributed to the assortative mating and thus to the rising inequality. Individuals face a large degree of uncertainty about their permanent wages early in their careers. If they marry early, as most individuals in the late 1960s did, this uncertainty leads to weak marital sorting along permanent wage levels. But when marriage is delayed, as in the late 1980s, the sorting becomes stronger as individuals are more able to predict their likely future wages. After providing reduced-form evidence on the impact of marriage age, I build and estimate a marriage model with wage uncertainty, and show that the increase in marriage age can explain almost 80% of the increase in the assortative mating.
This paper investigates the evolution of assortative mating based on permanent wage in the U.S. since the late 1960s; quantifies its impact on rising family-wage inequality; and, finally, tries to understand the factors behind this evolution. It documents a significant increase in assortative mating, as measured by couple’s permanent-wage correlation, between families formed in the late 1960s and in the late 1980s. I then show that changes in the degree of assortative mating accounts for a sizeable amount of the increase in family wage inequality across these family cohorts. This finding shows focusing on the time trends in permanent-wage inequality is not enough to understand the mechanics of increasing family wage inequality. Note, this finding does not rule out a feedback mechanism. It might be that increasing family wage inequality incentivized individuals to care more about their spouse’s wages, causing a higher degree of marital sorting along permanent wage, which in turn mechanically increased family wage inequality.
However I then argue that the increase in the marriage age can explain most of the increase in assortative mating. I first show a positive association between the degree of assortative mating and years of work experience previous to marriage. This finding is complemented with a structural model that quantifies the impact of increased marriage age on assortative mating. I show that the increase in marriage age can explain most of the increase in assortative mating and thus accounts for a significant part of the increase in family wage inequality.
It is important to keep in mind that marriage age is not exogenous as assumed in the model. A large literature already documents the exogenous factors behind the increase in marriage age. The effect I attributed to the marriage age in my analysis, thus, should be understood as the indirect effect of all these factors on assortative mating through increasing marriage age. Going forward, an interesting extension of the model would be to allow individuals to choose when they marry. With this extension, one can discuss the link between these factors and assortative mating in a more transparent way and might even be able to quantify the role of each of these factors separately.
Another interesting extension of my analysis could be an examination of fiscal policy implications of assortative mating.Full paper here
Why You Should Care About the Julian Assange Case
Cross-posted from Rolling Stone
Forget Jim Acosta. If you’re worried about Trump’s assault on the press, news of a Wikileaks indictment is the real scare story
Forget Jim Acosta. If you’re worried about Trump’s assault on the press, news of a Wikileaks indictment is the real scare story
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who has been inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London since the summer of 2012, is back in the news. Last week, word of a sealed federal indictment involving him leaked out.
The news came out in a strange way, via an unrelated case in Virginia. In arguing to seal a federal child endangerment charge (against someone with no connection to Wikileaks), the government, ironically, mentioned Assange as an example of why sealing is the only surefire way to keep an indictment under wraps.
“Due to the sophistication of the defendant and the publicity surrounding the case,” prosecutors wrote, “no other procedure is likely to keep confidential the fact that Assange has been charged.”
Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack told Rolling Stone he had “not been informed that Mr. Assange has been charged, or the nature of any charges.”
Pollock and other sources could not be sure, but within the Wikileaks camp it’s believed that this charge, if it exists, is not connected to the last election.
“I would think it is not related to the 2016 election since that would seem to fall within the purview of the Office of Special Counsel,” Pollack said.
If you hate Assange because of his role in the 2016 race, please take a deep breath and consider what a criminal charge that does not involve the 2016 election might mean. An Assange prosecution could give the Trump presidency broad new powers to put Trump’s media “enemies” in jail, instead of just yanking a credential or two. The Jim Acosta business is a minor flap in comparison.
Although Assange may not be a traditional journalist in terms of motive, what he does is essentially indistinguishable from what news agencies do, and what happens to him will profoundly impact journalism.
Reporters regularly publish stolen, hacked and illegally-obtained material. A case that defined such behavior as criminal conspiracy would be devastating. It would have every reporter in the country ripping national security sources out of their rolodexes and tossing them in the trash.
A lot of anti-Trump reporting has involved high-level leaks. Investigation of such leaks has reportedly tripled under Trump even compared to the administration of Barack Obama, who himself prosecuted a record number of leakers. Although this may seem light years from the behavior of Wikileaks, the legal issues are similar.
Although it’s technically true that an Assange indictment could be about anything, we do have some hints about its likely direction. Back in 2014, search warrants were served to Google in connection with Wikileaks that listed causes of criminal action then being considered. Google informed Wikileaks of the warrants. You can see all of this correspondence here.
full article here
The benefit of lifelong physical exercise
This is a stunning study on lifelong physical exercise, although not surprising.
Cardiovascular and Skeletal Muscle Health with Lifelong Exercise
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of lifelong aerobic exercise (LLE) on VO2max and skeletal muscle metabolic fitness in trained females (n=7, 72±2y) and males (n=21, 74±1y), and compare them to old healthy non-exercisers (OH; females: n=10, 75±1y; males: n=10, 75±1y), and young exercisers (YE; females: n=10, 25±1y; males: n=10, 25±1y). LLE males were further subdivided based on intensity of lifelong exercise and competitive status into performance (LLE-P, n=14) and fitness (LLE-F, n=7). On average, LLE exercised 5d/wk for 7h/wk over the past 52±1y. Each subject performed a maximal cycle test to assess VO2max and had a vastus lateralis muscle biopsy to examine capillarization and metabolic enzymes (citrate synthase, β-HAD, and glycogen phosphorylase). VO2max had a hierarchical pattern (YE>LLE>OH, P<0.05) for females (44±2>26±2>18±1 ml•kg-1•min-1) and males (53±3>34±1>22±1 ml•kg-1•min-1), and was greater (P<0.05) in LLE-P (38±1 ml•kg-1•min-1) than LLE-F (27±2 ml•kg-1•min-1). LLE males, regardless of intensity, and females had similar capillarization and aerobic enzyme activity (citrate synthase and β-HAD) as YE, which were 20-90% greater (P<0.05) than OH. In summary, these data show a substantial VO2max benefit with LLE that tracked similarly between the sexes, with further enhancement in performance trained males. For skeletal muscle, 50+ years of aerobic exercise fully preserved capillarization and aerobic enzymes, regardless of intensity. These data suggest that skeletal muscle metabolic fitness may be easier to maintain with lifelong aerobic exercise than more central aspects of the cardiovascular system.
Reading Lounge
1. The life and times of Arniko
2. Robert Dawson’s Trompe L’œil Ceramic Works
3. Car eye candy
4. The Triple Jeopardy of a Chinese Math Prodigy - Thriller
5. Plausible Disavowal
6. The million-dollar drug
7. That Andaman island thread
2. Robert Dawson’s Trompe L’œil Ceramic Works
3. Car eye candy
4. The Triple Jeopardy of a Chinese Math Prodigy - Thriller
5. Plausible Disavowal
6. The million-dollar drug
7. That Andaman island thread
Klage basierend auf Informationsfreiheitsgesetz zwecks Einsicht in Jürgen Sonnecks Personalakte, um Licht in pestilenten Jobcenter/Polizei/Justiz Modder zu bringen
Sozialgericht München
Richelstr. 11
80634 München
24. Nov. 2018
Ich reiche hiermit Klage ein gegen
das Jobcenter München, Orleansplatz 11, 81667 München und die Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Bildung und Sport, Bayerstraße 28, 80335 München
unter Bezug auf § 15 Abs. 1, 2 und 3 SGB I sowie § 1 Abs. 1 und 2, § 2, insbesondere § 5 Abs. 1 und § 11 Abs. 2 IFG - Informationsfreiheitsgesetz.
Ich sandte per Email am 26. Sept. 2018 eine Anfrage zur Akteneinsicht an das Jobcenter und die Stadt München (Anlage 1) bzgl. der urplötzlichen Demotion des Jürgen Sonneck Mitte Juli 2017. Der wackere Streiter im Beamtengewand war schliesslich bis dahin auf einer beeindruckenden Trajektionskurve als stellv. GF dieser neoliberalen Arbeitsbehörde trotz oder wegen einer rapide fortschreitenden Alopezie.
Mitte Juli 2017 wurde hastig Jürgen Sonnecks Karriereleiter umgestellt und er darf seither zur Jahnschen Körperertüchtigung beim 'Referat für Bildung und Sport München' seinen Beitrag leisten. Diese Chronologie ist seltsam auffällig, denn zufälligerweise deckt sich dieser Zeitraum mit einigen dezidiert scharfen und konzertierten öffentlichen Kommunikationsriposten meinerseits im Juni/Juli 2017 mit Bundesministerien in Berlin sowie dem Polizeipräsidenten von München in Bezug auf eben jenen sinistren Recken Jürgen Sonneck alias "C. Paucher". Kommunikationen, in denen ich eine Untersuchung dieser Person forderte. Daraufhin wurde J.S. als "zu heiss" befunden für diese Behörde Jobcenter. Ein Nützliche Idioten oft ereilendes Schicksal basierend auf dem Grenznutzenwert.
Schon im Februar 2017 schwante dem LG München ob meiner geforderten Ladung des "dringend Tatverdächtige(n) der Sendung der Email am 07. Mai 2015 unter falschem Namen basierend auf auffälligen Indizien" nichts Gutes und es sah von einer Ladung des Verbrechers (Verleumdung) Jürgen Sonneck ab. Zu gross schien wohl die Gefahr, das Behörden-Dummerchen würde sich verplappern. Siehe auch meine Beschwerde beim EGMR und in Englisch hier.
Solche Vorgänge - insbesondere wenn es sich um behördeninterne (JC und SM als kommunaler Träger) als auch behördenlaterale Personalverschiebungen geht - werden natürlich in schriftlicher Form begleitet. Umso mehr, wenn diese Personalverschiebung einer Karrieredisruption gleichkommt. Diese schriftlichen Begleitungen des Vorgangs begehrte ich einzusehen unter Verweis auf rechtliche Bestimmungen. Das Begehren fusst sittlich auf der festen und kompromisslosen Überzeugung, dass mir und meiner Tochter keine charakterlich kontaminierte Behörden-Type aus den modernden Abwasserkanälen der Anonymität bewaffnete Polizei ins Haus schickt und dabei auch noch von Münchner Polizei und Justiz gedeckt wird! Schon überhaupt nicht, um meine tibetische Tochter von Polizei körperlich durchsuchen zu lassen! Gleichwohl Deutschland für seinen Institutionalisierten Rassismus international bekannt ist.
Mein Begehren fusst u.a. auf § 5 Abs. 3 IFG:
(3) Das Informationsinteresse des Antragstellers überwiegt das schutzwürdige Interesse des Dritten am Ausschluss des Informationszugangs in der Regel dann, wenn ... der Dritte als Gutachter, Sachverständiger oder in vergleichbarer Weise eine Stellungnahme in einem Verfahren abgegeben hat.J. S. hat offensichtlich mit seiner völlig verblödeten Online Anzeige eine "Stellungnahme in einem Verfahren" abgeben und diese behördentypisch verlogen und verleumderisch ("hier wird doch wohl Hetze betrieben").
In Absatz 2 des gleichen Paragraphen werden "Dienst- oder Amtsverhältnis" und insbesondere "Berufs- oder Amtsgeheimnis" als Ausschlussgründe für eine Informationsfreigabe angeführt. Dann allerdings würde sich die Frage aufdrängen, welches "Berufs- oder Amtsgeheimnis" des so tapsig agierenden Jürgen hätten die Behörden JC München und Stadt München zu hüten und warum?
In einem Beschluss des Bundesverfassungsgerichts mit Az. 2 BvR 1568/12 heisst es:
3. Ein verfassungsrechtlicher Anspruch auf effektive Strafverfolgung kann auch in Betracht kommen, wenn der Vorwurf im Raum steht, dass Amtsträger bei der Wahrnehmung hoheitlicher Aufgaben Straftaten begangen haben oder wenn sich Personen in einem strukturell asymmetrischen Rechtsverhältnis zum Staat befinden und diesem - wie etwa im Maßregel- oder Strafvollzug - eine spezifische Fürsorge- und Obhutspflicht obliegt.Nicht zuletzt, sondern inbesondere weise ich auf den Art. 6 Abs. 3 b und d EMRK hin.
Einem im Schreiben des JC vom 23. Okt. 2018 monierten "fehlenden Identitätsnachweises" fehlt es zum einen an jeglicher Logik, denn schliesslich schrieb mir das JC, obwohl meine Identität nicht nachgewiesen war, aber weit überzeugender ist ein Beschluss des SG München v. 04.05.2018 – S 46 EG 130/17
Rn 17 Gründe für einen Zweifel an der Identität der Klägerin sind dem Gericht nicht ersichtlich.
Rn 19 Ein Leistungsausschluss wegen allgemeiner Zweifel an der Identität bzw. am Identitätsnachweis des Antragstellers besteht im BEEG nicht.Es handelt sich hier zwar um das BEEG, doch sind in dem vom JC angeführten IFG unter § 7 auch keine solchen Identitätsnachweis-Voraussetzungen angeführt.
Weiters sei auf ein farblich ansprechend gestaltetes Pdf der Bundesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit hingewiesen, das jeglichen Zweifel ausräumt:
Info 2 - Informationsfreiheitsgesetz des Bundes - Text und Erläuterungen - Stand: Mai 2018An keiner Stelle ist darin ein Hinweis auf Identitätsnachweis zur Erlangung von Rechtsgültigkeit zu finden.
Zuguterletzt sei noch dem Jobcenter Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg das Wort gegönnt:
"Vorliegend steht auch ohne weiteres fest, dass der Gesetzgeber im IFG nicht die Herausgabe von lnformationen an beliebige nicht identifizierbare Personen regeln wollte. Dies ergibt sich schon aus dem Zweck des Informationsfreiheitsgesetzes, welches namlich u.a. dem Einzelnen Zugang zu amtlichen lnformationen gewahren möchte. Soll dieser Zweck erreicht werden, setzt dies voraus, dass ein Antrag tatsachlich von einer real existierenden Person bezogen auf eine lnformation gestellt wurde. Hierdurch wird auch sichergestellt, dass das lnformationsfreiheitsgesetz nicht dadurch zweckentfremdet wird, dass eine Person unter verschiedenen Pseudonymen einen Antrag mehrfach stellt, obgleich der Zweck des Gesetzes bei Herausgabe der ersten lnformation bereits erfüllt war. Dies wiederum setzt den Nachweis voraus, dass eine bestimmte konkretisierbare natürliche Person im Sinne des § 1 Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB) als ein Subjekt van Rechten und Pflichten nach § 1 Abs. 1 IFG zugeordnet werden kann."Zu diesem Behuf vergewisserte ich mich nochmals mit einem Blick in den Spiegel und gefiel mir eitel im Gefühl, eine "konkretisierbare natürliche Person im Sinne des § 1 Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB)" zu sehen. Ecce homo!
Meine letzte Email vom 30. Okt. 2018 (Anlage 3) blieb bislang unbeantwortet. Die Stadt München enthielt sich bockig in bayerischer Provenienz restringiert-muffelicher Elokution jeglicher Kommunikation. Was haben diese Behörden in Sachen Behörden-Schnullifuzzi "Jürgen Sonneck" zu verbergen?! Einsicht in seine Personalakte könnte Licht in diesen Modder bringen, sofern nicht schon eine salvatorische Editierung vorgenommen wurde.
computer beschlagnahme,
jobcenter münchen,
Jürgen Sonneck,
landgericht münchen,
Referat für Bildung und sport München,
Richterin baßler
BREAKING! Firmeninterne IT Expertise des Jobcenter München konnte wohl russische Hacker Attacke neutralisieren.
Sozialgericht München
Richelstr. 11
80634 München
24. Nov. 2018
Hiermit nehme ich die Klage mit dem Datum vom 21. Nov. 2018 bzgl. des Bewilligungsbescheids vom 06.11.2018 (mit Bewilligungszeitraum vom 01. Dez. 2018 bis 31. Okt. 2019) zurück, da ich am 24.11.2018 ein anonymes Schreiben vom JC erhielt, das auf meinen Widerspruch einging.
So das JC zuvor noch € 143,- Einnahmen pro Monat zu sehen meinte, sind diese dem Änderungsbescheid vom 21.11.2018 zufolge nun auf Null zurückgegangen.
Meinen unmassgeblichen Vermutungen nach, scheinen hier russische Hacker das JC Computersystem kompromittiert zu haben. Ich freue mich, dass firmeninterne IT Expertise diese Attacke neutralisieren konnte.
Russische Hacker kompromittierten Jobcenter München Daten? Ominöse EUR 143 pro Monat tauchen in Einnahmen auf. OH!
Sozialgericht München
Richelstr. 11
80634 München
21. Nov. 2018
Ich reiche hiermit wiederum Klage gegen das Jobcenter München, Orleansplatz 11, 81667 München ein wegen
- fortgesetzten bandenmässigen Betrugs § 263 Abs. 3 Satz 1 und 3 StGB und
- Verstoss gegen Artikel 103 Abs. 1 und 3 GG und Artikel 19 Abs. 4 GG.
Ich sandte per Email am 09. Nov. 2018 (Anlage) meinen Widerspruch gegen den Bewilligungsbescheid vom 06.11.2018 (Anlage) an Frau Strama mit Beantwortungsfrist bis zum 16. Nov. 2018. Wie üblich, blieb von dieser Behörde, die bis Mitte Juli 2017 einen verleumdenden Verbrecher operierend unter falschem Namen und gedeckt von Münchner Polizei und Justiz beschäftigte, die Antwort aus.
In diesem Bescheid entdeckt die betrügende anonyme (!) Sachbearbeiterin Einnahmen von € 143,33 pro Monat (Anlage Bescheid). Diese Einnahmen sind perfid und betrügerisch erlogen, wie schon in meiner Klage vom 24. Mai 2018 bzgl. des Bewilligungszeitraums bis Ende Nov. 2018 unter Az. S 42 AS 1348/18 ausgeführt. In dieser Angelegenheit ist seit meinem letzten Schreiben vom 19. Juli 2018 kein Fortschritt zu erkennen.
Die Kungelei des Gerichts mit dem Jobcenter hat seit geraumer Zeit ohnehin schon abstossende Ausmasse angenommen. Dies bis hin zu Verstoss gegen das Grundgesetz durch die Richter Mayer, Herz, Tischler des LSG (siehe Beschluss L 7 AS 222/18 B ER vom 27. Sept. 2018) und etliche Klagen (Wahrn. Umgangsrecht, Feriengeld, Tabletkosten etc.) dümpeln vor sich hin, obwohl die Gesetzeslage kristallklar ist.
Ich gehe davon aus, diese Klage wird von einem anderen Richter bearbeitet als Richter Ehegartner. Es ist nicht hinnehmbar, wenn ein Richter seine Entscheidung auf ein BSG Urteil stützt, das das genaue Gegenteil seines Beschlusses belegt und auf ein weiter angeführtes Urteil überhaupt nicht eingeht! So sehr er auch noch die "Sphärentheorie" anzuführen sich bemüssigt fühlt (siehe unten), die im Übrigen überhaupt keinen Erklärungs- oder Begründungswert besass. Dies wurde klar und unmissverständlich in meiner Klage vom 24. Mai 2018 dargelegt.
Die Besorgnis der Befangenheit im Sinne des § 42 Abs. 2 ZPO / § 17 SGB X ist zu bejahen, wenn aus der Sicht des Ablehnenden die Unparteilichkeit des Richters nicht mehr gewährleistet erscheint. Für diese Besorgnis müssen Gründe vorliegen, die objektiv, d.h. bei vernünftiger Betrachtung vom Standpunkt des Ablehnenden geeignet sind, Zweifel an der Unvoreingenommenheit des Richters zu wecken. Für die Frage, welche Gründe es rechtfertigen, an der gebotenen Objektivität des Richters zu zweifeln, kann nur ein objektiver Maßstab gelten. Nicht erforderlich ist hingegen, dass der Richter tatsächlich befangen ist; ebenso unerheblich ist es, ob er sich für befangen hält. Entscheidend ist allein, ob aus Sicht des Ablehnenden genügend objektive Gründe vorliegen, die aus Sicht einer ruhig und vernünftig denkenden Partei Anlass geben, an der Unvoreingenommenheit des Richters zu zweifeln.Der Vollständigkeit halber sei diese staatliche Verbrecher-Behörde Jobcenter München, operierend mit einem Halunken unter falschem Namen, nochmals in das ihr gebührende Zwielicht gehoben:
Klare Evidenz der Täterschaft des damaligen stellv. GF des JC München Jürgen Sonneck wurde schlussendlich im Juni/Juli 2017 erbracht durch eine konzertierte öffentliche Medial-Riposte mittels Kommunikationen an den Polizeipräsidenten sowie etliche Bundesministerien in Berlin. Dies führte zu einer hastigen Nacht-und-Nebel-Aktion (historischer Kontext?) und kulminierte Mitte Juli 2017 in einer hurtigen Sanierung und Entkontaminierung des Nützlichen Idioten Jürgen Sonneck von einer wirtschaftlich wichtigen Arbeitsbehörde zu einer, nun ja, Behörde der Jahnschen Körperertüchtigung.
Schon im Februar 2017 schwante dem LG München ob meiner geforderten Ladung des "dringend Tatverdächtige(n) der Sendung der Email unter falschem Namen basierend auf auffälligen Indizien" nichts Gutes und es sah von einer Ladung des Verbrechers Jürgen Sonneck ab. Siehe auch meine Beschwerde beim EGMR und in englisch.
In meinem Widerspruch vom 09. Nov. 2018 monierte ich den für eine Verbrecher-Behörde typischen anonymen Bewilligungsbescheid vom 06.11.2018 als FALSCH! Der Bescheid ist eine simple Kopie des Bescheides vom 07.05.2018 und dieser war eine Kopie des Bescheides vom 05.04.2018. Die Einnahmen sind schlicht erlogen.
Der besagte Bewilligungsbescheid nimmt dem Klagenden seinen grundgesetzlich garantierten Anspruch auf Rechtsweggarantie durch bewusste finanzielle Atrophie und erfüllt den Tatbestand der Doppelbestrafung. Dies läuft dem Art. 103 Abs. 3 GG zuwider. Bislang hat das Gericht dem nicht Abhilfe geleistet und der Klagende hat den begründeten Verdacht, das Gericht handelt bewusst so! Hier eine Wiederholung einer Passage aus meiner Klage unter Az. S 42 AS 1348/18 vom Mai 2018:
"In seinem Beschluss vom 24. April 2018 mit Az. S 42 AS 860/18 ER unternimmt das Gericht auf Seite 4 einen Ausflug in einen Beschluss des BSG, um der Sphärentheorie das Wort zu reden. Der als Argument gedachte Verweis auf das Urteil des BSG - B 11 AL 4/09 R ist in Gänze unpassend. Wieso dieses Urteil und dann explizit noch Rz. 25 angeführt wird, erschliesst sich überhaupt nicht.Es stünde dem Gericht gut an, das Urteil genau zu lesen und nicht ex ante Ignoranz auf den Hartz 4 Stehplätzen zu unterstellen. Die Sphärentheorie wird in Rz. 8 und 24 angesprochen und weiters empfehlenswert zu lesen wären die Rz. 15, 23 und 24.
[15] Nähere Bestimmungen zur Berücksichtigung von Vermögen trifft die insoweit auf der Verordnungsermächtigung nach § 206 Nr 1 SGB III idF des AFRG beruhende Arbeitslosenhilfe-Verordnung (AlhiV 2002) vom 13. 12. 2001 (BGBl I 3734). Danach ist das gesamte verwertbare Vermögen des Arbeitslosen zu berücksichtigen, soweit der Wert des Vermögens den Freibetrag übersteigt (§ 1 Abs 1 Nr 1 AlhiV 2002). Freibetrag ist, soweit hier von Bedeutung, ein Betrag von 200,00 Euro je vollendetem Lebensjahr des Arbeitslosen, der jedoch 13 000,00 Euro nicht übersteigen darf (§ 1 Abs 2 Satz 1 AlhiV 2002 idF des Ersten Gesetzes für moderne Dienstleistungen am Arbeitsmarkt vom 23. 12. 2002, BGBl I 4607, mit Wirkung vom 1. 1. 2003). Für den am 23. 12. 1975 geborenen Kläger ergab sich demnach zu Beginn des streitigen Zeitraums (Alhi-Bezug ab 23. 7. 2003) ein Freibetrag von 5400,00 Euro (200,00 Euro x 27), weil er am 23. 12. 2002 das 27. Lebensjahr vollendet hatte."Ich darf nun das Gericht auffordern, dem Rechtsstaat in zügigem Procedere Genüge zu tun und die Nachzahlungen bzw. Berichtigung des Bewilligungsbescheids vom 06.11.2018 zu veranlassen.
Anlagen: Bewilligungsbescheid und Email Widerspruch
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Die Kaschemme JC schrieb heute. Anonym, wie das bei der Billig-Lohn-Mafia Fa. üblich ist.
Die EUR 143,- Einnahmen pro Monat existieren jetzt plötzlich nicht mehr.
Wenn man bei einer Drecksbehörde arbeitet, kann man das zumindest versuchen.
Klagerücknahme in dieser Sache.
Jobcenter sind Sammelbecken von Asozialen, Kriminellen, Faschisten, Rassisten und sexuell depraviertem Abschaum.
How to gently convey to your client you lost a dollar fifty or so of his/her money
You can't make this up. James Cordier of Optionsellers.com humbled by extreme market fluctuations in natural gas lost money of his investors. All . Of . The . Money! They invested in options, naked.
He seems to have some maritime tack.
“I am so sorry for not managing our ship and keeping her afloat,” Cordier said, fighting back tears. His firm could not be reached for comment.There is more here.
Friedrich Merz verheddert sich im populistischen Sumpf
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Friedrich Merz |
Exceed client expectations with my powerful portfolio presentations.
My Technology = Your Advantage
(slightly edited from BlackRock website)
Nachhilfeunterricht Nr. 4 für AG, LG und OLG München: Das Semiotische Dreieck für diese Provinz-Juristen
"Es ist bei dem Bild auch nicht erkennbar, dass sich der Angeklagte eindeutig gegen den Nationalsozialismus ausspricht."
LG München Richterin Baßler zu diesem Meme unten
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Wir wenden uns aus den intellektuellen Niederungen der Nymphenburger Strasse in der Provinz zur Einstimmung zu ein wenig Anspruchsvollerem, um dann etwas näher auf besagtes Meme einzugehen:
Submitted by Heidi E. Huntington - Department of Journalism and Media Communication
"Memes may be understood as representational discourse by considering them through the lens of visual rhetoric, which analyze visual artifacts as persuasive messages. Visual rhetoric expands on traditional rhetorical theory of spoken discourse (Foss, 2004) and understands such rhetorical artifacts to be created by individuals to construct meaning (Foss, 2004). Traditionally, rhetoric is “considered to be public, contextual, and contingent” (Kenney, 2002, p. 54), and these characteristics are present in memes. Memes’ visual nature lends itself to several specific rhetorical practices. These include such techniques as: The use of iconic images and intertextual references to multiple texts to create visual enthymemes, in which viewers are drawn into the construction of the argument by cognitively making a connection to fill in the image’s unstated premise (Blair, 2004); the use of tropes such as metaphor or typed personas (Lewis, 2012) across memes also fill an argumentative need; and dialogism through the rhetoric of irritation caused by the juxtaposition of incongruous images the brain must pause to understand (Stroupe, 2004).
Visual communication, including rhetoric and discourse, has been influential to politics and the study of political communication for some time, especially from rhetorical and persuasive perspectives. Abraham (2009) examined editorial cartoons and argued that their visual qualities offer deep reflection on and can orient viewers to social issues. Abraham noted that editorial cartoons’ humor, far from being simple, derives from their ability to deconstruct complex ideas using symbolic images (p. 121). Neuberger and Krcmar (2008) argued that editorial cartoons are politically and ideologically charged, and experimentally demonstrated attitude change in participants who viewed such cartoons. Kjeldsen (2000) described how visual metaphor in a political advertisement could make a host of arguments about a candidate’s fitness for office.
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Meme forbidden in Germany.
Contravenes Criminal Code 86a
Hier noch einmal die Sequenzen von Daniel Ginsberg aus dem vorigen Post.
Object - Sign - Interpretant
Das 'Object' in dem Meme ist Heimarbeit (Work from Home)
Das 'Sign' ist Nein (das ambivalente 'Nine' als Verballhornung als auch als Alludierung auf den nine-to-five job)
Der 'Interpretant' ist Marissa Mayer als Hitler (siehe Tineye), natürlich mit Swastika (das tausendfach bekannte Hitler Meme), denn es gilt eine Message zu unterstreichen.
Wie Daniel Ginsberg es ausführt: "The way it works is that the interpretant-object relation mirrors the sign-object relation."
"Es funktioniert so, dass die Interpretant-Objekt-Beziehung die Zeichen-Objekt-Beziehung widerspiegelt."
Daniel Ginsberg weiter: "The versatility of these memes arises because, combined with object labeling, they can capture an entire semiotic relation in one image."
Und nun kommts: "As long as "It's semiotics" doesn't become the new "Time for some game theory," it's all good." MAW, solange nicht wieder Nonsense kommt.
Alles klar auf den billigen intellektuellen Rängen im Kangaroo Court München? Die lächerliche Münchner Polizei bleibt da ganz draussen. Hoffnungsloser intellektueller Horizont. Mir fiel bei denen immer der Begriff 'Intellektuelle Legasthenie' ein und siehe da, nachdem ich durch Zufall gegoogelt habe, ob es da was gibt ... und da ist es.
. . . . . . . . .
"As for me, I’d rather spread memes than genes anyway."
Um den Zirkel zu schliessen, bietet sich an, so zu schliessen wie begonnen, mit durchtriebener Dummheit aus dem Kangaroo Court München:
"Die festgestellte Verwendung und Gestaltung der verfahrensgegenständlichen Bilder unter Verwendung von Symbolen der NS-Gewaltherrschaft lässt vielmehr vielgestaltige Interpretationen zu, auch eine Interpretation, die gerade nicht als Distanzierung anzusehen ist."
OStA Weiß - OLG München
In diesem Sinne, Gute Nacht.
In diesem Sinne, Gute Nacht.
Ob diese Geistesbolzen überhaupt so etwas wie ein Verkehrsschild verstanden haben???
Free Assange NOW...
Cross-posted from Mike Norman
Mike came across this during a search but when Iheclicked on the link YouTube had removed it. So he put the title into a search and found a Russian site with it embedded in.
Mike came across this during a search but when Iheclicked on the link YouTube had removed it. So he put the title into a search and found a Russian site with it embedded in.
Reading Lounge
1. The papercup artist
2. English School Bans Expensive Coats To Prevent “Poverty Shaming”
3. In Bed: The Mattress as Art
4. The Dawn Cafe - Pop-Up Café In Tokyo Will Allow Severely Disabled to Work Using Robotic Avatars
5. Nationalize Amazon
6. Japan's coal
2. English School Bans Expensive Coats To Prevent “Poverty Shaming”
3. In Bed: The Mattress as Art
4. The Dawn Cafe - Pop-Up Café In Tokyo Will Allow Severely Disabled to Work Using Robotic Avatars
5. Nationalize Amazon
6. Japan's coal
The Absurdity of Egalitarianism
Cross-posted from Law and Liberty
Egalitarians believe that inequality is unjust and justice requires a society to move steadily toward greater equality. This is the aim of proportional taxation, equal opportunity programs, and the various anti-poverty policies of a welfare state. These policies cost money. The egalitarian approach to getting it is to tax those who have more in order to benefit those who have less. The absurdity of this is that egalitarians suppose that justice requires ignoring whether people deserve what they have and whether they are responsible for what they lack. They suppose that it is just to ignore the requirements of justice.
Here is a consequence of egalitarianism. According to the Statistical Abstract of the United States, men’s life expectancy is on the average about seven years less than women’s. There is thus an inequality between men and women. If egalitarians really mean that it would be better if everyone enjoyed the same level of social and economic benefits, then they must find the inequality between the life expectancy of men and women unjust. Following their reasoning, it ought to be a requirement of justice to equalize the life expectancy of men and women. This can be done, for instance, by men having more and better healthcare and working shorter hours than women.
Moreover, an inequality that follows from the unequal life expectancy of men and women is that men are less likely to benefit after retirement from Social Security and Medicare. As things are, men and women are required to contribute an equal percentage of their earnings to these programs. This is clearly unjust from the egalitarian point of view: Why should men be required to subsidize the health and wealth of women? The egalitarian policy this suggests is to decrease the levy on men, or increase it on women. There is much that egalitarian policies could do to reduce the inequalities flowing from the disparate life expectancy of men and women.
Why Not Government-Sponsored Pleasure Centers?
There remains the question of how to compensate the present generation of men for the injustice of having shorter lives than women.
full article here
Egalitarians believe that inequality is unjust and justice requires a society to move steadily toward greater equality. This is the aim of proportional taxation, equal opportunity programs, and the various anti-poverty policies of a welfare state. These policies cost money. The egalitarian approach to getting it is to tax those who have more in order to benefit those who have less. The absurdity of this is that egalitarians suppose that justice requires ignoring whether people deserve what they have and whether they are responsible for what they lack. They suppose that it is just to ignore the requirements of justice.
Here is a consequence of egalitarianism. According to the Statistical Abstract of the United States, men’s life expectancy is on the average about seven years less than women’s. There is thus an inequality between men and women. If egalitarians really mean that it would be better if everyone enjoyed the same level of social and economic benefits, then they must find the inequality between the life expectancy of men and women unjust. Following their reasoning, it ought to be a requirement of justice to equalize the life expectancy of men and women. This can be done, for instance, by men having more and better healthcare and working shorter hours than women.
Moreover, an inequality that follows from the unequal life expectancy of men and women is that men are less likely to benefit after retirement from Social Security and Medicare. As things are, men and women are required to contribute an equal percentage of their earnings to these programs. This is clearly unjust from the egalitarian point of view: Why should men be required to subsidize the health and wealth of women? The egalitarian policy this suggests is to decrease the levy on men, or increase it on women. There is much that egalitarian policies could do to reduce the inequalities flowing from the disparate life expectancy of men and women.
Why Not Government-Sponsored Pleasure Centers?
There remains the question of how to compensate the present generation of men for the injustice of having shorter lives than women.
full article here
Reading Lounge
1. A Holiday by Gaslight: A Victorian Christmas Novella, by Mimi Matthews – A Review
2. Gender Identity in Weimar Germany
3. Lotti recalls the investor saying that if she wanted Lashify to succeed, quality didn’t matter, nor did customer satisfaction—only influencers.
4. and there is a new diet
5. Curious cats bring fame to Japanese museum
6. A Dying Art
7. Honeywell Kitchen Computer
2. Gender Identity in Weimar Germany
3. Lotti recalls the investor saying that if she wanted Lashify to succeed, quality didn’t matter, nor did customer satisfaction—only influencers.
4. and there is a new diet
5. Curious cats bring fame to Japanese museum
6. A Dying Art
7. Honeywell Kitchen Computer
The lack of equilibrium at Verfassungsblog.de deserves to be addressed
"Verfassungsblog is a journalistic and academic forum of debate on topical events and developments in constitutional law and politics in Germany, the emerging common European constitutional space and beyond."
That is the byline of the pro EU blog of pretty slanted opinion. Like jibes against the election of a right-wing government in Italy. Before that ridicule against the Catalan Independence Movement. Or take this piece "Electing Constitutional Judges in the US and Germany".
"Verfassungsblog is a journalistic and academic forum of debate on topical events and developments in constitutional law and politics in Germany, the emerging common European constitutional space and beyond."
That is the byline of the pro EU blog of pretty slanted opinion. Like jibes against the election of a right-wing government in Italy. Before that ridicule against the Catalan Independence Movement. Or take this piece "Electing Constitutional Judges in the US and Germany".
"The German constitutional system stipulates that the right to nominate candidates for the Office of Justices at the Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) lies with different bodies, hence balances the power."She could not be wronger, candidates are negotiated between the ruling political parties. Every weekend Maxe Steinbeis adds his mustard to recent events. Events he considers newsworthy. IOW, there is a lack of equilibrium and that should be addressed.
In defence of equilibrium I sensed an unwarranted omission in the weekend post of this fine @Verfassungsblog of tendance teutonique. Perhaps by design?— Tribal Epistemologist (@ErebusSagace) November 20, 2018
Here the august & smug members of the Equipe of Karlsruhe. Ripped in blatant disregard of any © from FT Alphaville. pic.twitter.com/2qYnRtCKYk— Tribal Epistemologist (@ErebusSagace) November 20, 2018
— Tribal Epistemologist (@ErebusSagace) November 20, 2018
Reading Lounge
1. “riding a Forever bicycle [a close competitor of Flying Pigeon] gave you as much face as driving a Mercedes-Benz.”
2. One Euro, One Europe
3. Botox appointments spike around Thanksgiving and Christmas
4. What Was So Funny About 9/11?
2. One Euro, One Europe
3. Botox appointments spike around Thanksgiving and Christmas
4. What Was So Funny About 9/11?
Nachhilfeunterricht Nr. 3 für AG, LG und OLG München: Ein wenig Semiotik von Charles Sanders Peirce für die Provinz-Juristen
Das Problem - neben der Aversion zu Bloggern und Free Speech - in der Nymphenburger Strasse, dem Domizil des Kangaroo Courts München ist dies.
Weitere gibts auf Pinterest und Google, Bing etc. ohnehin.
Wie funktioniert ein Meme?
Daniel Ginsberg hat einen guten Thread zum Thema Semiotik, aufgemacht an einem der bekanntesten Memes. Erklärung zu C.S. Peirce Theorie unten.
Signs, according to Peirce, are “something[s] that represent something[s]” or “refer to a particular meaning”. If the meaning is based on a particular agreement or social convention, that sign is called symbols. So, every phenomenon that exists in the society, whether it is an object, behavior, even a thought, is seen as symbols that ‘represent’ or ‘refer to’ a particular meaning outside/beyond the sign itself.
The color, red, for instance; independently does not mean anything, except the color itself. But, if the color takes part as in culture, for example, is used in traffic lights (representative), then it will also represent “prohibition” (object) in human cognition. For its use in traffic lights, as a representative, the color red is related with ‘prohibition’ (object) is a result of social convention and even international convention.
Those who don’t understand the social conventions will not see the color ‘red’ that represents the meaning of ‘prohibition’. In Medan, Indonesia, a red flag means that ‘someone died’ (object). While in other places, a sign that represents a similar meaning is a yellow flag in Jakarta, and a white flag in Center Java. Those examples show how signs are cultural phenomenons that are bound to particular social conventions.
In relation to all, all natural and biological phenomenons can be seen as symbols. To those who believe, in a particular social convention, natural disasters (representative) are seen as symbols that refer to a meaning that says ‘God’s Wrath’ (object). A twitch on someone’s palm (representative) would mean symbols meaning he or she ‘is about to receive fortune’ (object). Some symbols and their meanings in Javanese Primbon that are usually taken from daily activities, or taken because a respected figure does or believe a certain value, are based on social conventions. Our society even calls it as a sign (either good or a bad sign). Meaning, all examples above are social and cultural phenomenon.
Those who do not participate in the social conventions and are not included in the related cultural environment, would not be able to understand of what was represented by a particular cultural or natural phenomenon. In other words, they will not be able to understand the meaning that exist on the phenomenon, or understand it along with the convention that it follows.
According to Peirce, signs exist because of a process that he called semiosis. This process starts with the insertion of an element of sign that exists on ‘outside’ into human’s senses, which is representative or ground, that might be compared Saussure’s signifier. If the process using our senses has already happened, then the next process inside human cognition process is a referencing of what is called object, which is a matter (meaning) that is represented by representative. For example, when we see a red light, because we already know the valid convention, the red light is considered to refer to a meaning ‘prohibition’ (object), which we may compare it to Saussure’s signified.
The next process is called interpretant, which when we create an interpretation related with the situation that we are in right now. If the red light is located on the streets as a road sign while we’re driving a car, we will interpret it as a law obligation to stop and then we will interpret it as a permission to proceed by law if the light changes into green. Interpretan affects our behavior during a particular situation.
The process of interpreting a sign’s meaning from representative, objects and interpretan that is called ‘semiosis’ happens really fast inside our mind. Because of what actually sensed is representative, often times representative is called a sign. It is interesting that Peirce saw the semiosis as a never-ending continous process (unlimited process). He thought that interpretans can be received by our mind and seen as a new sign, or a new representamen. Meaning, a red light that has been interpreted by human’s cognition is extended into a new representamen, for instance it becomes a ‘prohibition’ sign that refer as ‘sanctions for violators’ which then creates an interpretan as a law/prohibition that must not be violated.
Then, the new interpretan transforms into even newer representamen, for example becoming ‘a heavy financial sanction’ that creates another interpretan a sanction that would make us not afford to pay. This is how semiosis continues without an end.
Das zur Debatte stehende Meme ist dies.
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Meme forbidden in Germany.
Contravenes allegedly Criminal Code 86a
Wie funktioniert ein Meme?
Daniel Ginsberg hat einen guten Thread zum Thema Semiotik, aufgemacht an einem der bekanntesten Memes. Erklärung zu C.S. Peirce Theorie unten.
I think I know why: it's semiotics. https://t.co/nGne3tfjPP— Daniel Ginsberg (@NemaVeze) May 21, 2018
Some approaches to semiotics see it as basically a word, or other sign, that refers to some object in the world. Signifier, signified. It's a relationship of one thing to another thing. pic.twitter.com/onKSa3tl0B— Daniel Ginsberg (@NemaVeze) May 21, 2018
In technical terminology, this third piece is called the "interpretant." It's the result that comes about when the sign-object connection is made. pic.twitter.com/X9iXX5RlyH— Daniel Ginsberg (@NemaVeze) May 21, 2018
The versatility of these memes arises because, combined with object labeling, they can capture an entire semiotic relation in one image.— Daniel Ginsberg (@NemaVeze) May 21, 2018
Analysis on Internet Memes using SemioticsAs long as "It's semiotics" doesn't become the new "Time for some game theory," it's all good. https://t.co/LBoFun5tsN— Daniel Ginsberg (@NemaVeze) May 21, 2018
Signs, according to Peirce, are “something[s] that represent something[s]” or “refer to a particular meaning”. If the meaning is based on a particular agreement or social convention, that sign is called symbols. So, every phenomenon that exists in the society, whether it is an object, behavior, even a thought, is seen as symbols that ‘represent’ or ‘refer to’ a particular meaning outside/beyond the sign itself.
The color, red, for instance; independently does not mean anything, except the color itself. But, if the color takes part as in culture, for example, is used in traffic lights (representative), then it will also represent “prohibition” (object) in human cognition. For its use in traffic lights, as a representative, the color red is related with ‘prohibition’ (object) is a result of social convention and even international convention.
Those who don’t understand the social conventions will not see the color ‘red’ that represents the meaning of ‘prohibition’. In Medan, Indonesia, a red flag means that ‘someone died’ (object). While in other places, a sign that represents a similar meaning is a yellow flag in Jakarta, and a white flag in Center Java. Those examples show how signs are cultural phenomenons that are bound to particular social conventions.
In relation to all, all natural and biological phenomenons can be seen as symbols. To those who believe, in a particular social convention, natural disasters (representative) are seen as symbols that refer to a meaning that says ‘God’s Wrath’ (object). A twitch on someone’s palm (representative) would mean symbols meaning he or she ‘is about to receive fortune’ (object). Some symbols and their meanings in Javanese Primbon that are usually taken from daily activities, or taken because a respected figure does or believe a certain value, are based on social conventions. Our society even calls it as a sign (either good or a bad sign). Meaning, all examples above are social and cultural phenomenon.
Those who do not participate in the social conventions and are not included in the related cultural environment, would not be able to understand of what was represented by a particular cultural or natural phenomenon. In other words, they will not be able to understand the meaning that exist on the phenomenon, or understand it along with the convention that it follows.
According to Peirce, signs exist because of a process that he called semiosis. This process starts with the insertion of an element of sign that exists on ‘outside’ into human’s senses, which is representative or ground, that might be compared Saussure’s signifier. If the process using our senses has already happened, then the next process inside human cognition process is a referencing of what is called object, which is a matter (meaning) that is represented by representative. For example, when we see a red light, because we already know the valid convention, the red light is considered to refer to a meaning ‘prohibition’ (object), which we may compare it to Saussure’s signified.
The next process is called interpretant, which when we create an interpretation related with the situation that we are in right now. If the red light is located on the streets as a road sign while we’re driving a car, we will interpret it as a law obligation to stop and then we will interpret it as a permission to proceed by law if the light changes into green. Interpretan affects our behavior during a particular situation.
The process of interpreting a sign’s meaning from representative, objects and interpretan that is called ‘semiosis’ happens really fast inside our mind. Because of what actually sensed is representative, often times representative is called a sign. It is interesting that Peirce saw the semiosis as a never-ending continous process (unlimited process). He thought that interpretans can be received by our mind and seen as a new sign, or a new representamen. Meaning, a red light that has been interpreted by human’s cognition is extended into a new representamen, for instance it becomes a ‘prohibition’ sign that refer as ‘sanctions for violators’ which then creates an interpretan as a law/prohibition that must not be violated.
Then, the new interpretan transforms into even newer representamen, for example becoming ‘a heavy financial sanction’ that creates another interpretan a sanction that would make us not afford to pay. This is how semiosis continues without an end.
§86a stgb,
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