
We do not find any strong support for the hypothesis that exposure to images of half-naked women impact economic preferences in men

This is somewhat disappointing. I was expecting some juicy findings. Candy was appreciated by men, though not significantly different from women. Pity, they did not do a study with stark naked women as the pictures are a little lame.

Undressed for Success? The Effects of Half-Naked Women on Economic Behavior
Images of half-naked women are in many societies ubiquitous in advertising and popular culture. Yet relatively little is known about the potential impacts of such images on economic decision making. In this paper, we examine how exposure to images of half-naked women affect risk taking, willingness to compete and math performance. We perform a lab experiment with a total of 648 participants of both genders, randomly exposing participants to advertising images including either women in bikini or underwear, fully dressed women, or no women. Exposure to images of half-naked women could potentially have effects on economic preferences and performance through channels such as arousal, cognitive load and stereotyping. Following a pre-registered pre-analysis plan, we find no treatment effects on any of the outcome measures for female participants. For male participants, we also find no effect on willingness to compete or math performance, but suggestive evidence that men take more risk after having been exposed to images of half-naked women compared to images including no women. We thus do not find any strong support for the hypothesis that exposure to images of half-naked women impact economic preferences, but given the suggestive evidence for risk taking future studies should explore this further.
For men, the difference in math performance between the control group and T2 is very small and insignificant, yet the share of men competing increases by 9.8 percentage points.

Bonus trivia
B.4 Treatment effects on willingness to take candy
Figure B.3 illustrates the share of participants taking candy, by gender and treatment. Men are 4.0 percentage points more prone to take candy in T2 compared to C (42.7 % vs. 38.8 %), while women are 1.7 percentage points less prone to take candy. None of these differences are statistically significant.
Pdf here

Frau Farrenkopf, ich gestatte ich mir eine Anfrage bzgl. der Arbeitszeiten von JC München Mitarbeitern

Frau Farrenkopf,

Im Zusammenhang mit meiner Klage gegen das JC vom November 2017 wegen Schadensersatzes in der misslichen Sache 'Online Anzeige unter Angabe eines falschen Namens im Mai 2015' mit dem Az. beim LG München I 15 O 4865/18 (SG München Az. S 42 AS 2950/17) gestatte ich mir eine Anfrage bzgl. der Arbeitszeiten von JC Mitarbeitern.

Ich gehe von den üblichen Arbeitszeiten aus, komme jedoch in Schwulitäten, ob 19:57:40 Uhr (laut Polizeiprotokoll) noch zur Arbeitszeit eines engagierten JC Mitarbeiters gerechnet werden kann insbesondere unter dem Aspekt, dass die IP-Adresse der Email nicht zum JC gehört.

Würde dies ausserhalb der Arbeitszeit liegen, läge meiner Laieneinschätzung nach eher eine Klage gegen Privat vor.

Darf ich um zügige Antwort bitten. Selbstverständlich dünkt mich, ein helfendes Händchen von Hubertus Heil zu erhalten. Zur Not vom Bundesjustizministerium und Kanzleramt.

Mit den vorzügligsten Aufwartungen

Also today in 1945. The new Fuhrer

By popular demand and who are we to not dutifully succumb. The History Channel.


Still, "Could you give me a Heil Doenitz just so I could say I had one??"

In case some German frigtards take offence, here is my totally awesome disclaimer. Happy now?


Something happened today in 1945. The question needs to be raised: Were the Germans really the Baddies?

To be sure, "Marching under a rats anus I'd be a lot less worried... ".

More here on that historic day.

Some misinterpretations still exist today.

In case some German frigtards take offence, here is my totally awesome disclaimer. Happy now?

Declining Sexual Activity and Desire in German Men. A Hartz 4 side effect?

Declining Sexual Activity and Desire in Men—Findings From Representative German Surveys, 2005 and 2016

From 2005? That's the start of the Hartz 4 government poverty concept. Could be one reason. If so, let's look at the positive side. Less fornication of Hartz 4 recipients means less chance of impregnation, means less children born into the lower class, means declining poverty (?).

Another reason could be that watching porn has increased. Third reason that men have become more quality conscious and that women just do not live up to expectations. Oops!



Surveys have indicated an increase of sexual activity in aging men; recently, however, a decrease of sexual activity has been reported in young men. 

To assess (i) sexual activity and desire and their determinants across the age range in a population-based male sample and (ii) their changes over 11 years.


Sexual activity was assessed as having been intimate with someone in the past year; frequency of sexual desire was evaluated within the past 4 weeks.


The great majority of men cohabiting with a partner in 2016 was sexually active and indicated sexual desire until 70 years of age; half did so at an older age. Across the age range, men living without a partner reported considerably less sexual activity and desire. Compared with 2005, fewer men reported living with a partner. The overall proportion of men reporting sexual activity deceased from 81% to 73% in 2016 and absent sexual desire increased from 8% to 13%.

Clinical Translation

The findings highlight the relevance of living with a partner for sexual activity and desire. We advocate using a measure of sexual activity that encompasses many variants of intimate behavior.

Strengths and Limitations

Large and methodologically comparable population-based samples were compared. However, interpretations are limited by the absence of longitudinal data. We did not assess the effect of having a partner living elsewhere.


Sexual activity and desire decreased, especially in the young and middle-age groups. The decrease of men living with a partner contributed to this decreased sexual activity and desire. There was a generation effect, with younger and middle-age men living without a partner becoming less sexually active and experiencing less desire compared with the previous survey. The findings unveil changes in sexual activity and desire in a short time span.

More here

Reading Lounge

1. A new TOR attack

2. The Federal Job Guarantee Is Not Just “Better” Than a Universal Basic Income. It’s the Only Reasonable Option. Universal Basic Income Is Sinister

3. Similar to the trend in the US, sexual activity and sexual desire have declined considerably among young and middle aged men in Germany. 

4. Trump’s Path to the Nobel Prize

5. The Media Narrative Around Amazon Is Out of Control

Indeed. A market cap of $814 billion compares to net income, over the past 12 months, of $3.9 billion.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

26 April 1889 - 29 April 1951

He considered Confessions to be possibly ‘the most serious book ever written’. He was particularly fond of quoting a passage from Book I, which reads:
‘Yet woe betide those who are silent about you! For even those who are most gifted with speech cannot find words to describe you’, 
but which Wittgenstein, in discussing it with Drury, preferred to render:
‘And woe to those who say nothing concerning thee just because the chatterboxes talk a lot of nonsense.’
In conversation with Waismann and Schlick the text was translated even more freely:
‘What, you swine, you want not to talk nonsense! Go ahead and talk nonsense, it does not matter!’
Ray Monk - Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius


Behind every Financial Times is an enquiring head

Merkel's talks with Trump went like a breeze until ...

During the joint presser Americans were dazzled as Merkel spoke in fluent German, unlike that Frenchman who spoke in English. That shows provincial Uckermarkian class. Can't beat that.

Trump, ever the caring charmeur, sent Dear German Leader on her way back home with a doggy bag of last Saturday's state dinner with Sun King Macron.

In summary, a total success for Stasi Bush.


Facebook's ad effectiveness solidly based on guess work.

That's at least according to the study

A Comparison of Approaches to Advertising Measurement: Evidence from Big Field Experiments at Facebook
Measuring the causal effects of digital advertising remains challenging despite the availability of granular data. Unobservable factors make exposure endogenous, and advertising’s effect on outcomes tends to be small. In principle, these concerns could be addressed using randomized controlled trials (RCTs). In practice, few online ad campaigns rely on RCTs, and instead use observational methods to estimate ad effects. We assess empirically whether the variation in data typically available in the advertising industry enables observational methods to recover the causal effects of online advertising. This analysis is of particular interest because of recent, large improvements in observational methods for causal inference (Imbens and Rubin 2015). Using data from 15 US advertising experiments at Facebook comprising 500 million user-experiment observations and 1.6 billion ad impressions, we contrast the experimental results to those obtained from multiple observational models. The observational methods often fail to produce the same effects as the randomized experiments, even after conditioning on extensive demographic and behavioral variables. We also characterize the incremental explanatory power our data would require to enable observational methods to successfully measure advertising effects. Our findings suggest that commonly used observational approaches based on the data usually available in the industry often fail to accurately measure the true effect of advertising.
In this paper, we have analyzed whether the variation in data typically available in the advertising industry enables observational methods to substitute reliably for randomized experiments in online advertising measurement. We have done so by using a collection of 15 large-scale advertising RCTs conducted at Facebook. We used the outcomes of these studies to reconstruct different sets of observational methods for measuring ad effectiveness, and then compared each of them with the results obtained from the RCT. 
We find that across the advertising studies, on average, a significant discrepancy exists between the observational approaches and RCTs. The observational methods we analyze mostly overestimate the RCT lift, although in some cases, they significantly underestimate this lift. The bias can be high: in 50% of our studies, the estimated percentage increase in purchase outcomes is off by a factor of three across all methods. With our small number of studies, we could not identify campaign characteristics that are associated with strong biases. We also find that observational methods do a better job of approximating RCT lift for registration and page-view outcomes than for purchases. Finally, we do not find that one method consistently dominates. Instead, a given approach may perform better for one study but not another.
Our paper makes three contributions. The first is to shed light on whether—as is thoughti n the industry—sophisticated observational methods based on the individual-level data plausibly attainable in the industry are good enough for ad measurement, or whether these methods likely yield unreliable estimates of the causal effects of advertising. Results from our 15 studies support the latter: the methods we study yield biased estimates of causal effects of advertising in a majority of cases. In contrast to existing examples in the academic literature, we find evidence of both underand overestimates of ad effectiveness. These biases persist even after conditioning on a rich set of observables and using a variety of flexible estimation methods.
Pdf here in case you care about uncle Zuck's main revenue source.

Reading Lounge

1. This is Russia’s new North Pole base

2. THE MEDIA CLOSED SHOP - Posh journalists

3. Why German-Style Apprenticeships Are Not an Easy Fit in the United States

4. This Tibetan monk visited India in 1934 and wrote a book about sex that rivals the ‘Kama Sutra’

5. Dreams of Imperial Descent Drive Chinese to DNA Testing

6. Was Finland’s Universal Basic Income Program A Failure?


Latest about Heiko Maas

- "A well-styled Nato-young male prostitute Heiko Maas" who feels "to be able to trample on any legality and the Basic Law".

„ein gut gestylter Nato-Strichjunge Heiko Maas“ und meinte, „jede Rechtmäßigkeit und das Grundgesetz mit Füßen treten zu können“. - Diether Dehm (Die Linke)

- The Venn diagram overlap of Heiko Maas and slutty bitches is growing.

- 'My investment in Auschwitz paid off. I am Foreign Minister now, bitches!'

- A typical Heiko Maas - Natalia Wörner exchange:

'You are loose down there.'
'You are too small.'

- Heiko Maas, or the Pussyfication of men.

- Heiko Maas' OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and occurs when a person gets caught in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images or urges that trigger intensely distressing feelings.

And here his, so far, biggest load of bullshit. The utility of Jews is almost without limits for a German politician.

Reading Lounge

1. What did Hannah Arendt really mean by the banality of evil?

2. The Man Who Brought Down Lance Armstrong

3. Bank of Japan’s QE strategy is failing

4. Sex wearable is coming to track your performance and judge you

It's basically a Fitbit for your man bits that tracks thrust speed and velocity. But don't be too hard on yourself.

No idea, if live tweeting is included.


Is this the best way to stimulate startup activity in the EU?

SG München, nicht den Nötiger Manni Jäger so offensichtlich decken! OK?!

Sozialgericht München
Richelstr. 11
80634 München

22. April 2018

Sehr geehrtes Gericht,

Ich hatte diese Klage schon einmal mit Schreiben vom 30. Okt. 2017 eingereicht. Damals wurde sie abgebügelt durch einen Reg. Inspektor Fochler mit Schreiben vom 06.11.2017 unter Az. S 24 SV 59/17. Auf dieses Schreiben anwortete ich am 19. Nov. und 20. Dez. 2017 und bat um Stellungnahme, die, typisch für deutsche Behörden, ausblieb. Ich dulde keine unbeantworteten Schreiben!

Ich erhebe hiermit nochmals unter Bezug auf Artikel 13 EMRK


gegen Manfred Jäger, Agentur für Arbeit Ingolstadt, 85037 Ingolstadt

wegen Nötigung § 240 STGB mit der impliziten Intention, mir und meiner tibetischen Tochter Schaden zuzufügen und verbunden mit der
  • Verletzung der Grundrechte Art. 5 Abs. 1; Art. 3 Abs. 1; Art. 6 Abs. 1,
  • Verletzung des Artikels 10 EMRK,
  • § 193 STGB und
  • § 226 BGB.
Der Art. 13 EMRK garantiert das Recht auf wirksame Beschwerde
Jede Person, die in ihren in dieser Konvention anerkannten Rechten oder Freiheiten verletzt worden ist, hat das Recht, bei einer innerstaatlichen Instanz eine wirksame Beschwerde zu erheben, auch wenn die Verletzung von Personen begangen worden ist, die in amtlicher Eigenschaft gehandelt haben.
Dieses Recht wurde und wird mir und meiner Tochter seid Jahren durch die bayerische Justiz genommen, als ausnahmslos ALLE unsere Strafanzeigen und Widersprüche konsequent abgelehnt wurden und ebensowenig Verweise auf BGH Entscheidungen gewürdigt wurden. Desweiteren wurde von der Münchner Justiz mehrere Male PKH abgelehnt. Daher diese und weitere Klageeinreichungen vor dem SG München, denn die bislang ergangenen Strafanzeigen stammen ausnahmlos von staatlichen Behörden involviert in das Hartz 4 Regime und kriminell bestrebt, einen Blogger mundtot zu machen. Die ganze kriminelle Korruptheit getoppt durch den Frigtard Jürgen Sonneck mit Online Anzeige unter falschem Namen!


Mit  Schreiben vom 13. August 2012 machte der damalige Stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Geschäftsführung der Agentur für Arbeit München Manfred Jäger 'Beseitigungsanspruch und  Unterlassungserklärung' wegen, wie er es nannte, diffamierender Beiträge im Internet geltend (siehe Anlage 'Manfred Jäger - Unterlassungserklärung') und forderte die Löschung eines Blog Posts (siehe Anlage 'Blog Post BMAS') oder einer Vertragsstrafe in Höhe von € 10.000,- entgegenzusehen.

Die am gleichen Tag aufgegebene Strafanzeige (siehe Anlage 'Manfred Jägers Strafanzeige 2012') wurde mir von der Justiz, "Anwältin" und Betrügerin Muth sowie vom BMAS bis Juli 2017 vorenthalten. Erst unter Hinzuziehung meiner Anwältin, die auch die Verfassungsbeschwerde und nachfolgend die Beschwerde an den EGMR in einem ähnlichen Fall, instigiert durch das rassistische Jobcenter München, aufgesetzt hatte, erhielt ich Einsicht in 53 (!) Seiten aus der Fallakte.

Aus diesen 53 Seiten etablierte sich, dass die Agentur für Arbeit München insgesamt drei Personen (Bechheim, Bockes und Jäger) abgestellt hatte, um in massiver, klandestiner und krimineller Weise gegen mich und mein Recht auf freie Meinungsäusserung vorzugehen. Eine Konnotation zur 'Aktion Arbeitsscheu Reich' von Nazi Heinrich Himmler drängt sich auf. Die Zurückhaltung dieser Seiten stellt einen Verstoss gegen Art. 6 EMRK dar und ist Beleg für ein Komplott zwischen Justiz, Agentur für Arbeit, BMAS, sowie der "Anwältin" und Betrügerin Aglaia Muth.

Ferner destilliert sich aus diesen 53 Seiten, dass dieser Manfred Jäger einen Artikel über dubiose Kreditvermittlungsfirmen, protegiert vom Jobcenter München, gelöscht sehen wollte (S. 10 bis 12 der Fallakte). Ebenso missfiel ihm ein Artikel, der die Situation an Schulen und Kindergärten ansprach (S. 13 und 14 der Fallakte).

In Artikel 10 der EMRK heisst es:
(1) Jede Person hat das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung. Dieses Recht schließt die Meinungsfreiheit und die Freiheit ein, Informationen und Ideen ohne behördliche Eingriffe und ohne Rücksicht auf Staatsgrenzen zu empfangen und weiterzugeben.
Manfred Jäger stellt sich ausserhalb einer demokratischen Rechtsnorm und scheint von der bayerisch-bukolischen Eitelkeit besessen, nach der Adipositas seinem dümmlichen Schreiben juristische Validität garantiert und ein Hartz 4 Rezipient bei einer aus der Luft gegriffenen Forderung von € 10.000,- in Schockstarre verfällt. Liest man Manfred Jägers Strafanzeige an die Polizei vom 13. Aug. 2012, muss man sich Sorgen um seinen Geisteszustand machen. Er führt allen Ernstes den § 111 STGB an!
§ 111 STGB Öffentliche Aufforderung zu Straftaten 
(1) Wer öffentlich, in einer Versammlung oder durch Verbreiten von Schriften (§ 11 Abs. 3) zu einer rechtswidrigen Tat auffordert, wird wie ein Anstifter (§ 26) bestraft.
In Manfred Jägers Brief 'Beseitigungsanspruch und  Unterlassungserklärung' stellt die Behauptung  der Diffamierung allein schon eine pathologische Aversion zur freien Meinung dar, handelte es sich bei dem Blog Post um eine offene Email an das Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, die sich auf tatsächliche und belegbare Ereignisse bezieht. Daneben ist auch nicht der volle Inhalt des Posts auf meiner Website angegeben (siehe Anlage seines fünfseitigen Briefes und der tatsächliche Blog Post).

Manfred Jäger outet sich in seinem fünfseitigen Erpresserbrief als Provinz-Tölpel, wenn er den Satz "Ist Martina Musati gar ein weiterer Beleg für die Validität des Dilbert Principle?" gelöscht sehen möchte. In seiner schlagenden Dummheit ist ihm Betteridge's law unbekannt und ebenso, dass Dilbert in top US Finanzmedien abgedruckt wurde/wird.

Seine erpresserische Aufforderung den Blog Post zu löschen oder “unter Ausschluss der Einrede des Fortsetzungszusammenhangs” eine “fällig  werdende  Vertragsstrafe in Höhe von 10.000 € (in  Worten: zehntausend Euro)” zu zahlen, grenzt an Wegelagerei garniert mit primitiver Dummdreistigkeit.

Die offene Email wurde zu einem Zeitpunkt geschrieben, als das rassistische Jobcenter München die monatlichen Hartz IV Zahlungen drastisch gesenkt hatte für mich und meine damals sechszehnjährige Tochter und auf keinerlei Kontaktersuchen reagierte. Ich musste schlussendlich einen Anwalt für eine erfolgreiche Klage beim Sozialgericht bemühen.

Manfred Jäger scheint der Ansicht zu sein, freie Meinungsäusserung und eine Zugehörigkeit zur Kaste Hartz 4 schliessen einander aus im neoliberalen Wirtschaftssystem.

Nach der Anzeige wurde mein Computer für 25 Monate beschlagnahmt aufgrund eines richterlichen Beschlusses OHNE (!) Unterschrift des Richters und mein Geschäft bewusst durch das Jobcenter München/Arbeitsagentur schwer geschädigt. Für diesen Nutzungsausfall des Computers fordere ich selbstverständlich Schadensersatz.

Das Anliegen dieser Person Manfred Jäger war keineswegs irgend ein Recht gewahrt zu sehen, sondern es ging dieser Behörde in Zusammenrottung mit dem Jobcenter München ausschliesslich um die Unterdrückung von Berichten und Erlebnissen mit einer neoliberalen staatlichen 'Behörde für die Bereitstellung wohlfeiler Humanresourcen zur Promotion des Exportsurplusses' und die Knebelung eines Bloggers im Verbund mit einer Justiz und einer verbrecherischen Anwältin. Der § 226 BGB erklärt die Ausübung eines Rechts für unzulässig, wenn sie nur den Zweck haben kann, einem anderen Schaden zuzufügen.

Ich verlange daher, ein Ermittlungsverfahren gegen diese Person einzuleiten!

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Dumpfbacke Manni Jäger


Contemporary Religious Tolerance and Intolerance

The anti-Muslim/Islam rants in Germany are sickening. Here are some thoughts on tolerance (how do you spell that in German?) from a paper.

Contemporary Religious Tolerance and Intolerance

Dr. Dion Peoples
College of Religious Studies,

4 April 2018 Mahidol University, Thailand


Philosophical discussion:

Teaching about tolerance or intolerance can fall into the trap of political correctness which suspends free-reflection and doesn’t allow for independent thinking. Teaching about tolerance then becomes an exercise in value-casting through whatever indoctrinating concepts our society is built upon.2 There are four types of tolerance: tolerance by permission (authority gives permission to minorities as long as peace is not disturbed), tolerance by coexistence (this is the avoiding of conflicts in a neutral perspective), tolerance by respect (when different groups respect the other groups and there is no general favoritism), and tolerance by esteem conception (this is like having the esteem, or high-regards for the other group, even though it is different from the individual’s belief).3 Most Southeast Asian nations probably, reluctantly – from the acknowledgement of diversity within national borders, give lip-service to tolerance by permission, and in a more multicultural setting – tolerance by coexistence.

Karl Popper noted that there was a paradox of tolerance, which ultimately collapses upon itself. Unlimited tolerance to various externalizations afflicting oneself or the society will ultimately lead to collapse or destruction. At what point is a defense-mechanism allowed to be initiated? Popper suggests, perhaps ignoring anything violent, to use rational-means and public-opinion as tools of suppression. This is similar to the Kesi Sutta which implies the silent treatment or exile as an effective tool against deviants and deviance. It’s when someone no longer able to use rational means, then violence becomes an option. Buddhists would suggest that hatred doesn’t end by hatred against whatever is creating the hate – otherwise there is a complete cycle of hate from everyone. Popper suggests then that there is the right to not tolerate the intolerant. Some people claim that even the intolerance against the intolerant, still makes a society intolerant, so even the intolerant must be tolerated – as a reflection of justice.

Slavoj Zizek wrote, “The rise of so-called ethnic and religious fundamentalism is a rebellion against this thick network of mores which anchors our freedoms in a liberal society. …I am not against tolerance per se; what I oppose is the (contemporary and automatic) perception of racism as a problem of intolerance. Why are so many problems today perceived as problems of intolerance, rather than as problems of inequality, exploitation, or injustice?

Why is the proposed remedy tolerance, rather than emancipation, political struggle, or even armed struggle? The source of this culturalization is defeat, the failure of direct political solutions…” Later, Zizek suggests respect for another demonstrates the form of the appearance of the opposite, of patronizing disrespect.

Elie Wiesel suggests tolerance is learning. Someone links compassion with tolerance, but the origin of this idea cannot be immediately sourced. Elie Wiesel later said the Talmud has a statement: “come and listen”, this sounds similar to the Buddhist slogan, of: “come and see”, equally remarkable, as a demonstration of compassion and tolerance in the structure of the dominant-discourse. Wiesel reminded the audience that when Jews were taken into captivity or sold into Roman slave-markets, the only items that were brought with them were books which taught them tolerance, or to be indifferent. He thinks tolerance teaches him the art of fighting indifference, that everyone has the right to be equal.

Again, for Popper, tolerance is intolerance; for Zizek tolerance is disrespect, and it’s seen that tolerance is a mere coping mechanism. Is the new social-religion called tolerance, tolerance as a nice social-character trait? What is the supreme authority that is supposed to be respected so that there is tolerance towards that or tolerance away from that, and if it is not respected, how much conflict can be expect to endure? Think about how to end arguments by an antagonist. Do you just say: “Whatever!”, or put a laughing-emoji in a comment-section on social-media-posts? Are you a moral coward for not engaging deeply into the conversation, such as not speaking to someone who is closed-minded? Speaking while using some traumatic language could incite the antagonist towards violence; while tolerance presupposes that it’s language is therapeutic as if responding to a disease.

Intolerance, for some religions, is a virtue; as if it is a badge people wear within a brotherhood. People are taught to be intolerant towards those who have not yet converted into the religion, leave family and companions behind, since they have not seen the new path towards the newly contrived conception of alternate peace. Join the religion and be a part of the tolerant brotherhood – within there is tolerance, without there is intolerance, in some respects. In some sense, then is tolerance a luxury or a rhetorical [convincing] gesture, designed to cause pain or convince the antagonist? Is it better to give wrong opinions, and then have others argue against it – as a test towards those speaking? It seems that generations after generations of our societies have to have these same arguments or similar in regards to the content but with reflections upon new technologies or other advances – but generally the fundamental issues remain.


Religions once dominated societies before the advent of modern nation-states, and now many religions are intolerant towards impositions from the nation-state in areas where their control has overlapped. Religions teach tolerance but are opposed to the control by the nationstate. Nation-states now regulate religions as something that the people just believe and seem unwilling to give up, despite all of the functions of the state and programs offered by the state. People of some religions think they have special status over others, and impose their ideology even upon the state which was designed to originally treat everyone equally, but to avoid conflict must acquiesce to the cries of the oppressed who demand exemptions, or otherwise feel disrespected. This goes back to the term civilized, perhaps religious people have not become civilized. Modern civilization might be the new civilizing factor for the previously religious who are unable to cope with diversity. A society by definition is a collection of individuals, and likely there are many individuals that compose a society, a society where there is many traditions, or some with minority and majority factions – seldom is something monolithic, although a national party may aspire to such grandeur as equally as a religion supposes it can qualify as a universal truth. Some people have said: “Are you a religious person?”, and if the response is to the affirmative, a reply is: “How cute! You are unable to be an independent thinker.”

This article as seen many characteristics, functions, and manifestations of tolerance and intolerance, and the proximate causes also show that perhaps such thinking towards this issue is primitive, and there are higher-ideals to tend towards, such as our sufferings across societies. Our attentions should be towards improving our conditions, not fighting for some supreme ideal that ineffectively responds to conditions the tradition-founders could never fathom.

Germany could follow inventive ways to stifle internet freedom - like Tanzania's

Socialist midget Heiko Maas' NetzDG was a good start. After all, what do you expect from a fucking socialist on things free speech. Now that speedneedle baller is gone and has discovered his Jewish roots/props at the For. Min., socialist Justice Ministress Barley could take a deeper look at the T-option.
Repressive regimes across the world have found inventive ways to stifle internet freedom, from deleting posts to blocking service. But Tanzania’s government has come up with a scheme that could prove even more draconian: it plans to charge hundreds of dollars a year for the privilege of blogging.
As part of new online regulations, bloggers will be required to pay hefty registration and annual licence fees that add up to roughly $920 — prohibitive for most in a country with a nominal per capita income of under $900.
In proportion to GDP, the Tanzanian registration and licence fee would be the equivalent of asking Americans to pay nearly $60,000 to start a blog.
H/T Marginal Revolution

Reading Lounge

1. El­iz­a­beth Reed - one of the best live albums

2. Wes Anderson-Inspired Restaurant - super cool

3. ‘My Dearest Fidel’

"You may be the prime minister, but I’m a very important journalist. How dare you keep me waiting,”

4. The hidden world of the hikikomori

At the time when Elan photographed 34 year-old Ikuo Nakamura, he had been in his room for seven years.

5. The pink choice - homosexuals in Vietnam

6. Forget European reform – the Germans have anyway


Is there a more beautiful reason to be pro Second Amendment?


ECHR finally confirms: No free speech in Germany. Discrimination against migrants permissable for low-wage jobs. Court high on mood affiliation, plus glaring omission of a document (Case 35285/16)

First things first. It is my pleasure to point to my disclaimer in two languages. I am absolutely certain this to be the best disclaimer ever. Excelling and surpassing every expectation, today and beyond. Whether it meets the extravagant taste of the Munich police, who monitor my blog together with the Munich prosecution and who would love to get this blog purged once and for all, remains to be seen. After all, cosmopolitan diversity produces hypervigilant anxiety (I have ©ed that sentence, so don't!). One thing is certain in Germany: There is no free speech!

This is an OCR derived Pdf, so there may still be some minor typos. The ECHR has so far only published the press release (upon which some German lawyers commented. Go figure. Yes Udo Vetter, looking at your comments section. Oh Lordy, you seem to attract the intellectual crème de la crème).

This is a preliminary post. More will follow on particular subjects.

. . . . . . . .

The subject of contention was this image of Nazi Heinrich Himmler and his quote. Original blog post here.

Disclaimer for da hypocritic Germans.

Honorable Judges, It pains me immensely to relate there being unfortunately a couple of flaws in your reasoning based on misstatements and odd phrasing. AND a glaring omission of a vital document! Che ne dici.

Jürgen Sonneck, alias C. Paucher, perfers
den anonymity.
In particular on the Internet. Seedy as he is.
Here he is on the left.
Before I start, reader, keep this fucking freak in mind. Jürgen Sonneck, until mid 2017 deputy CEO of the Jobcenter Munich and the very one frigtard who filed the criminal complaint this case is based upon.

We will learn more about balding Jürgen below. He is quite a cunning and scheming delta-male and part of a censorship gang of the Munich labor agencies.

To learn more about the court proceedings in Munich back then, please read here 'Case 2' and about the judge Bassler here.

Let's first dig a little into the fallacy of mood affiliation with Tyler Cowen because the court is pretty heavy on it:
"It seems to me that people are first choosing a mood or attitude, and then finding the disparate views which match to that mood and, to themselves, justifying those views by the mood.  I call this the “fallacy of mood affiliation,” and it is one of the most underreported fallacies in human reasoning."
We have now formed a framework which might be helpful dissecting the reasoning of the Judges. Following here are a couple of their statements:
Judge Mose

1. "In January 2015 the Munich District Court convicted Mr Nix of, among other things, using symbols of unconstitutional organisations after posting the picture of Himmler. The decision was upheld on appeal."

In May 2017 Judge Burhoff reported on his popular law website:

'Stunned, if a jury court has for years no internal chamber distribution plan, or: Mia san mia?'

This was about the Landgericht München in 2015! Sure, it pertains to the jury court, but it can be pretty safely assumed for all Landgericht München courts. The very court where my appeals were held. So the start was auspicious.

Again, here are some details about the judge Mrs. Bassler from the LG Munich and her double standards.

There is even more. Judge Basler was the judge in ALL three cases against me. Could this be a 'FERRANTELLI AND SANTANGELO v. ITALY  (Application no. 19874/92), paragraphs 58-60 ("double circumstance") and here a Bavarian "triple circumstance"?

2. "In March 2014, the employment office sent a letter to his daughter, who is of German-Nepalese origin. It asked the daughter, who was eighteen and scheduled to complete her schooling in the summer of 2015 at the earliest, to complete a questionnaire on whether she intended to continue schooling beyond September 2014, or to commence vocational training or tertiary studies."

Oops, here comes a classic case of mood affiliation. The letter was an obvious red herring. The German judge Angelika Nußberger should have sensed that out of the context of my blog posts.

A Jobcenter staff will never ever mention the subject of tertiary studies because then he would run the risk of losing one of his most precious resources for earning points/bonuses/keeping his job, that guy sitting in front of him in his office, or the one he has invited. He/she is his asset and he will squeeze it, and that means into a job. Referring a young person into a job, any job, earns him more points than a 40 year old. At university that person is gone forever and is of no value to him. You refer some people to tertiary studies and you can be sure that your JC contract will not be renewed.

This is how German Jobcenters work, like crooks agencies: deceit, fraud, falsifications and cunning. The SPIEGEL has a good article: 'With all means available' (Mit allen Mitteln) in German (I will translate it sometime later).

Here is the timeline with exchange:

 In a letter dated March 5, 2014 to my daughter with the subject 'Your further career from September 2014' Jean-Marc Vincent, Jobcenter München - Employment Agency U25, requested among others the sending of the intermediate school certificate.

I was expecting such a contact after I had read two articles in DER SPIEGEL and deliberately played stupid, because that is often the best way the other side opens up.

This is what I wrote:

Good morning Jean-Marc Vincent,
My daughter xxx recently received a letter from you. In it you request the submission of the school interim certificate.
What is the purpose of this request? I look forward to an explanation.
Salut et au revoir,

(This is a Google translate and my deliberately naive tenor is lost in translation.)

This was J-M V.'s answer:

Good day, Mr. xxx,
Thank you for your first answer.
Within the scope of my consulting assignment according to SGB II, I am the contact person of your daughter xxx in the transition from school education to vocational training or studies.
For tailor-made advice, I need information on the current state of affairs (school interim certificate), in particular also on whether the desired school graduation is achieved in the summer, or whether, if necessary, tutoring funded by the Jobcenter should be offered. Therefore I ask you or xxx to present me the named documents.
Thank you and
Best regards
Jobcenter München Employment Agency U25

The Jobcenter had never cared about her, nobody had ever seen her but based on her migrant status a level of stupidity was assumed and her progress being questioned. So it was absolutely clear from the start, this ploy was about a job for my daughter instead of her continuing school. Besides, it is a little tough to get from offering tutoring to talk about tertiary studies. It was BS from the start.

3. "The post however did not contain any reference or visible link to the earlier posts and it had not been immediately understandable for a reader that it was part of a series of entries."

There is no visible link to connected posts? Oh yes, there is. You just did not bother to check. At the end of every post there are two links, 'newer post' and 'older post'. Clicking on 'newer post' leads to the following post about the incident and from that post as well to the next.

Secondly, my first post announces another follow-up post:

"... werde ich mich im nächsten Post mit Ihrem Nachsatz
insbesondere auch darüber, ob der angestrebte Schulabschluss im Sommer erreicht wird, oder ob gegebenenfalls ein vom Jobcenter finanzierter Förderunterricht angeboten werden sollte, beschäftigen"

"... I will be dealing in the next post with your postscript
in particular, whether the intended graduation is achieved in the summer, or whether, if appropriate, tutoring should be offered."

The screwd-up Jobcenter did not even cover the bus fare and now they pretended to offer tutoring because migrants are stupid.

4. "Furthermore, Mr Nix had made no reference to his daughter’s German-Nepalese origin or the fact that he himself received social welfare benefits."

Now that is two statements and they are both wrong! The judges should clearly scan their own phrasing and with regard to the first statement, logical thinking can be advantageous.

a) While it is true that I did not state her German-Nepalese origin (I was after all conversing with that Jobcenter bloke Jean-Marc Vincent in public), why should that matter? The fact that the Court himself wrote "that that institution intended to push his daughter, in a racist and discriminatory manner" makes is crystal clear that she is of either mixed origin or foreign origin. It is not possible for a German agency to act racist against a genuine German.

Besides, why would nationality matter in the first place? After all, it is about the push into a low-wage job. It is assumed that the esteemed judges in Strassbourg are aware of the sole function of Jobcenters in a neoliberal economy. It is about cheap labor for the benefit of Germany's exports industry. That should be known by the German judge, but then again, you want to keep your doormat clean, right.

b) Now to the biggest nonsense and another example of mood affiliation. "Mr Nix had made no reference to ... the fact that he himself received social welfare benefits."

I am sorry, but that hurts. I am clinging to my swivel chair and am biting into the desk, lest I fall to the floor. Gentlemen, lady, it is impossible that a daughter (at that time 18 years of age) going full time to school receives Hartz 4 and the father does not. It is logically implied that he does.

Judge Nussberger
How can such a misinformation be explained? The only explanation I could come up with, is the judges asked the German judge Angelika Nußberger about how Hartz 4 works. Working in the higher echelons of judicial society of Strasbourg over years in sometimes highly complex international court matters, a knowledge in legal paragraphs of the SGB (Social Legal Framebook) is not exactly a field of expertise required.
It also evades me why this should have mattered in the underlying case.

5. "It had not been clear why the request from the employment office staff member could be compared to what had happened in the Nazi regime."

No? That is fairly easy to explain. Let's look at Heinrich Himmler's quote again:
"Parents who want to provide their children from the outset a better education both in the elementary school and later at a secondary school, have to submit an application to the Higher SS and police leaders."
What was the Nazi regime's human resources requirement in those war years? Workers und soldiers.

What is the human resources requirement of the world leader in exports, Germany? A cheap labor supply. You achieve this by shortening the length of school attendance. Just read the Spiegel article, it explains it very well.

Is that all? No! Let's sprinkle in a little bit of economics. Keeping inflation low is important when purchasing power is diminished due to low wages. Hitler managed that with his SS. Simple and straightforward, and he had the benefit of a sovereign currency, read printing press, which Germany does not. (I could go on and bring in the Black Zero of then financial Zen Master Schauble.)

Germany achieves this via cheap labor costs and that is what Jobcenters are all about. Here is Paul Krugman with a graph.

Looks all like the Jobcenters' purpose is doing its job. That was not difficult, honorable judges.

6. "The Court largely endorsed the domestic courts’ approach, including their view of why Mr Nix had used the picture of Himmler with the swastika, in particular that it had been used as an “eyecatching device”. However, banning the use of such images in that way had been one of the aims of the national legislation criminalising the use of symbols of unconstitutional organisations."

So a picture of Nazi personality with the swastika is an "eye-catching device" which is not covered. Let us verify this bold statement.

I pointed to this magazine cover in the court of appeal!

This SPIEGEL cover raised some hackles.

There is nothing right in that pathetic article about Greece after 2012. It is an attack on Greece and the Greek people. Judge Bassler of the Munich court had the audacity to claim the article in The Spiegel was explaining historic events of that time. It is a blatant lie as the article is a primitive piece of shoddy journalism that deals about the Nazi occupation of that time with one single sentence that says 'Manolis Glezos tricked Adolf Hitler' and this at a time when the German media ran the most primitive anti-Greece campaign against the Tsipras government.

The Spiegel piece (German version) reads the following: The Greek demands for Nazi-time reparations are an act of despair; high jobless rate being the fault of the Greeks; the powerless Greeks are making noise to get an audience. The rest of the article is neo-liberal nonsense claiming Germany never intended to dominate economically in Europe, it was just a coincidence. The ludicrous article ends by claiming the "Germans are the most respected peoples in the world".

Of course, judge Bassler had never ever read that article. As a judge in a kangaroo court you have to get the jurymen on your side, no matter what lie is necessary.

These articles are by no means critical in any form, often they come across as pretty entertaining. The weekly so-called Nazi documentaries on TV (often 3-5 times a week) are subtle propaganda. At least Der SPIEGEL is honest about it: "Hitler always  sells" (see Spiegel article 'How hitler is the Spiegel?) and airing them is cheap.

How about my open letter to Munich prosecutor Steinkraus-Koch which the ECHR mentions in passing? "Does senior prosecutor Steinkraus-Koch know about the infinite Nazi pictures in German media?" All those pictures in there do not contravene criminal code 86 and mine did? That requires stretching perceptions to the limit.

ECHR decision (Case 35285/16) follow-up: Nazi pics as “eyecatching device” not covered by Art. 10. Let's fact-check.

7. "It then held that Mr Nix must have been aware of the legislation in question, not least because he had been convicted for publishing a picture of Chancellor Angela Merkel in Nazi uniform with a swastika armband and a painted Hitler moustache some six weeks before he had published the blog post at issue."

Oops, the judges should not have mentioned that case and certainly not as supporting evidence. Would the esteemed Court please explain to me why my post contravenes the German legislation (I will deal with this case in a special post later).

Merkel-Nazi on German TV

Merkel-Nazi in the newspapers

My blog post linked to RTonline

Seriously judges, you have to be kidding.

Read about the whole Munich Kangaroo Court case here ('Case 1').

Perhaps being a Straussian would help to understand the Court in Strasbourg, or I may be living a little too close to the First Amendment.

ECHR decision (Case 35285/16) follow-up: "... because he had been convicted for publishing a picture of Chancellor Angela Merkel in Nazi uniform with a swastika armband and a painted Hitler moustache some six weeks before"

The Court further stated in

47. In the light of their historical role and experience, States which have experienced the Nazi horrors may be regarded as having a special moral responsibility to distance themselves from the mass atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis (ibid., § 243, with further references). The Court considers that the legislature‘s choice to criminally sanction the use of Nazi symbols, to ban the use of such symbols from German political life, to maintain political peace (also taking into account the perception of foreign observers), and to prevent the revival of Nazism (see paragraph 30 above) must be seen against this background.

Noble words ... and here comes Bavaria with a Neonazi judge!! How is that for a change?!
"Maik B. worked for a year as a judge in Lichtenfels in Upper Franconia - although the Bavarian state security had been warned long before the active right-wing extremists. His cover as blown because the lawyer was in the wrong gym." - Sueddeutsche Zeitung

Marc B. - Neonazi judge in Bavaria

Hitler addresses ECHR. Debunks Germany’s “criminal sanctioning of use of Nazi symbols” as virtue signalling deflecting from him having been a true Keynesian

Now the biggest ECHR bummer

Lastly, and that is the most glaring shortcoming of the ECHR decision, why was the letter from Munich prosecutor Hummer not mentioned??? Was it deliberately kept under wraps? It smells a little ...

OLG Prosecutor Hummer letter

In that letter with File #: 15 Ss 340/15 of July 8, 2015 senior prosecutor Hummer from the OLG Munich (Higher Regional Court) in all seriousness expressly forbade me to criticize historic falsifications in TV documentaries about the Nazi era like in the movie 'The Rise of Evil' which  Spiegel magazine called "Hitler for dummies" and which Wikipedia described in German and English.

His letter contained the following incredible paragraph:
"Apart from that, comparisons between the act of the accused on the one hand and press and TV-coverage on the other hand are out of the question, because the latter regularly serve as political information, report on events of current affairs or history and therefore are according to § 86 no. 3 in conjunction with § 86 a no. 3 Penal Code exempted from the offense. The actions of the defendant, however, do not fall under that exception as the Court of Appeal has set out in detail and without any error of law (UA p.7)."
It is requested,
to reject the appeal of the accused against the judgment of the district court Munich I from 06.05.2015 by resolution according to § 349 exp. 2 StPO as unfounded subject to charge.
(Bold by me)

In German it says " "Im  Übrigen  verbieten  sich  Vergleiche ..." which literally translates to "Among others, it is forbidden in itself to compare ..."!

IOW, accept unquestioned what German TV (Germany has a mandatory media fee! You don't pay, you go to prison! Hello, my name is Joseph Goebbels, have you heard of me?) tells you and refrain from any critique.
. . . . . . . . . .

Concluding now with that public employee friggin' fucktard Jürgen Sonneck. 

Jürgen Sonneck, alias C. Paucher, perfers
den anonymity.
In particular on the Internet. Seedy as he is.
Here he is on the left.
On May 7, 2015 he sent another criminal complaint to the Munich police in typical Nazi-style secret informer manner by email. The Ugly Germans just have it in their DNA. You got to give them credit for that.

This time he used a false name because he felt absolutely sure to be covered yet again by the police and the Munich court. However, in the meantime I had discovered a way to gain access to the case file where I gleaned the most important information, the IP address from where the email had been sent!

Was not difficult to sniff that primitive bloke out. Contacted a couple of times the German Labor Ministry and the Justice Ministry in Berlin with damning evidence. Took them some time until even they realized it reeks too much of rotten shit and they could not hold on to slimeball Jürgen. He is no more deputy CEO at the Jobcenter Munich since mid 2017. Please read here about 'Case 3'.

No fuckingbody at the German Labor Ministry ever responded to my various letters and Pdf. It was all hushed up in typical German style. Welcome to fucking corrupt Germany.


As a World Citizen and in particular an Asiaphile, I take exception to Germany's attempt to put the swastika in a roundly negative light. I feel such an interpretation of a symbol that dates back to at least 5,000 years of history is a unilateral interpretation of a symbol and an indication of a Western cultural imperialism. It testifies to ignorance and presumptuous bigotry.

The swastika has historically occupied a double symbolism. The original and basic symbolism is that of a sign of happiness and wellbeing, and this since at least 5,000 years. The swastika is an integral part of Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.

To me, who has lived in Asia for a long time and regards this continent as his homeland, the swastika is a clearly religious symbol, pleasant to look at on temples and statues. The swastika is a symbol of daily life in South Asia, it is even used on company emblems, signboards of shops, design component in Tibetan carpets and other residential applications.

The Nazi usurpation of this symbol is a heinous travesty and only lasted a decade. The rapid decline of National Socialism in Germany is a testament to the power and ultimately benevolent energy of this symbol. For example, in 2005 the Hindu Forum of Britain and other states voted against a supercilious EU initiative to ban the swastika. An EU that will not even look back on one hundredth of the historic period of the swastika when it finally breaks apart.

My daughter plans to leave Germany and relinquish her German citizenship after all these experiences. It would be one of the happiest days of my life. What this country Germany needs is a First Amendment and the closure of the Munich Kangaroo Courts.

And to the ECHR, you can do better. I am sure.

Reading Lounge

1. The storytellers who read aloud to Cuban cigar rollers

2. Freeman Dyson on How Robert Oppenheimer Ran Hot and Cold

3. Losses Are the New Black

4. The fake holiday village ... and MOSSAD

5. FORÊT DE KIMONO - La bambouseraie de tissus multicolores à Kyōto


Lesbian couples have greater vulnerability to poverty


Alyssa Schneebaum and M. V. Lee Badgett
Poverty is a widely researched topic in economics. However, despite growing research on the economic lives of lesbians and gay men in the United States since the mid 1990s, very little is known about poverty in same-sex couple households. This study uses American Community Survey data from 2010 to 2014 to calculate poverty rates for households headed by different-sex versus same-sex couples. Comparing households with similar characteristics, the results show that those headed by same-sex couples are more likely to be in poverty than those headed by different-sex married couples. Despite that overall disadvantage, a decomposition of the poverty risk shows that same-sex couples are protected from poverty by their higher levels ofeducation and labor force participation, and their lower probability of having a child in the home. Lastly, the role of gender – above and beyond sexual orientation – is clear in the greater vulnerability to poverty for lesbian couples.
Interesting that lesbians live in more rural areas.
Increasing the benefits of characteristics that reduce poverty: 
The decompositions show that same-sex couples are more likely to be poor in the basic predictive model because they do not get as much protective value, or returns, to characteristics that reduce poverty. The one clear factor that hurts lesbians, in particular, is living in more rural areas, where people may have more negative attitudes toward LGBT people.
Unmarried different-sex couples more likely to be poor.
Lesbians are most likely to be in poverty, confirming the expectations laid out earlier in the paper; they are 2.4 percentage points more likely to be in poverty than different-sex married couples. Gay couples are 1 percentage point more likely to be in poverty than different-sex married couples. Unmarried different-sex couples are 2.1 percentage points more likely to be poor than married different-sex couples.
more here

Invitation to a river

See also on Chase.

Reading Lounge

1. Dazzling Elements of Ancient Islamic Architecture We Still See Today

2. Deutschland gebrochen


4. Crime in Japan

5. International marriages in Japan

6. The Feynman Lectures on Physics, The Most Popular Physics Book Ever Written, Is Now Completely Online

7. Hans Asperger, National Socialism, and “race hygiene” in Nazi-era Vienna - a little help for his Nazi friends

8. If you don’t like trade deficits – tax the rich? - Must read, except for Germans who don't get it.


You know you're not the first

Reading Lounge

1. More Open, More Anxious: China’s Changing Sex Lives

2. And more on sex from China - The Shanghai Sex Shop Selling More Than Just Toys


Dear Leader knew the answer and here.

4. The definitive explanation of why Bitcoin is stupid.

5. Shocking revelation that Straussian professor Cowen does not know how to use digital maps.

My first Twitter rencontre with German Labor Minister Heil about an unfortunate event with the Jobcenter Munich. Remedy is wished for.


Vielleicht ist dem Bayer. Landessozialgericht der Grundsatz 'ne bis in idem' und zum Überfluss auch der Artikel 103 Abs. 3 GG geläufig

Bayerisches Landessozialgericht
Ludwigstr. 15
80539 München

15. April 2018

Az L 7 AS 222/18 B ER (S 42 AS 2994/17 ER)

Beschwerde gegen Nichtzulassung

Guten Tag,

Ich erhielt eine Epistel vom LSG mit Datum 23.03.2018 und Förmlicher Zustellung am 28.03.2018 zusammen mit drei anderen Schreiben vom SG München mit gleichem Datum 23.03.2018. Auf mein Schreiben vom 03. April 2018 wurde nicht geantwortet!

Ihrem Schreiben vom 23.03.2018 fehlt es an den allerelementarsten Ansprüchen an ein Gericht in einem demokratischen Staat! Es wird darin einmal mehr belegt, dass L/SGs dem BMAS unterstehen und damit keine ordentlichen Gerichte sind.

Besagtes Schreiben versagt in drei Punkten jämmerlich: der Fristsetzung und der bewusst verschwiegenen Rechtsmittelbelehrung als auch der Nichtberücksichtigung des juristischen Grundsatzes des 'ne bis in idem'! Sie sollten sich schämen, aber so ist Bayern.

1. Das Gericht besitzt die Zumutung, mir "Stellungnahme bis zum 2.4.2018 (Eingang bei Gericht)" zu gewähren.

Sind sie in Bayern vertraut mit einem Kalender? Der 28.3. war ein Mittwoch, der 30.3. war der Feiertag Karfreitag, Samstag hat ein Gericht wohl geschlossen, der 1.4. war Ostersonntag und entsprechend der 2.4. der Ostermontag. Case closed!

2. Eine fehlende Rechtsmittelbelehrung

Der § 145 Abs. 1 SGG bestimmt
(1) 1Die Nichtzulassung der Berufung durch das Sozialgericht kann durch Beschwerde angefochten werden. 2DieBeschwerde ist bei dem Landessozialgericht innerhalb eines Monats nach Zustellung des vollständigen Urteils schriftlich oder zu Protokoll des Urkundsbeamten einzulegen.
3. Verbot der Doppelbestrafung

Ist dem LSG der Begriff 'ne bis in idem' geläufig oder zu allem Überfluss der Art. 103 Abs.3 Grundgesetz?

Der Beschluss vom 05. April 2018 fusst somit auf bewusstem Rechtsbruch.

Es ist unschwer zu erkennen, wie sowohl das SG als auch das LSG alles daran setzen den Erpresser Manni Jäger vor einem Gerichtsverfahren zu schützen. Ebenso die weiteren Mitglieder des Zensur-Trios Bechheim und Bockes, als auch die komplette Lachnummer, den ex stellv. GF des Jobcenter München Jürgen Sonneck.

Ich fordere das Gericht auf, Stellung zu nehmen zu dem von mir angeführten Beschluss des Finanzgerichts. Weiters fordere ich das Gericht auf, Stellung zu nehmen zum Grundrecht auf Internetzugang!

Schlussendlich lege ich dem Gericht dringend nahe, meine Klage genauestens durchzulesen (dies betrifft auch die vorige in gleicher Sache) unter dem Grundsatz 'ne bis in idem' und vielleicht ist dem Gericht auch der Artikel 103 Abs. 3 GG geläufig.

Ich empfehle mich auf das Vorzüglichste

Erstattung von Kosten für Tablet basierend auf Beschluss des SG Hannover, Az. S 68 AS 344/18 ER vom  06. Februar 2018

Sozialgericht München
Richelstr. 11
80634 München

16. April 2018

Sehr geehrtes Gericht,

Ich erhebe hiermit unter Bezug auf Artikel 13 EMRK


gegen das Jobcenter München, Orleansplatz 11, 81667 München

wegen Weigerung des finanziellen Ausgleichs von atypischen Bedarfs - hier aus der Beschlagnahme und mutwilligen Beschädigung des Computers meiner Tochter  - entsprechend der Regel des § 21 Abs. 6 SGB II mit explizitem Verweis auf den Beschluss des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom 09. Februar 2010 (1 BvL 1/09, 1 BvL 3/09, 1 BvL 4/09), wonach eine Gewährung von einmaligen Beihilfen auch für einmalige, erheblich vom Durchschnitt abweichende oder atypische Bedarfe eröffnet werden muss.

Der Art. 13 EMRK garantiert das Recht auf wirksame Beschwerde
Jede Person, die in ihren in dieser Konvention anerkannten Rechten oder Freiheiten verletzt worden ist, hat das Recht, bei einer innerstaatlichen Instanz eine wirksame Beschwerde zu erheben, auch wenn die Verletzung von Personen begangen worden ist, die in amtlicher Eigenschaft gehandelt haben.
Das Szenarium

Die Beschlagnahme fand statt auf der Grundlage einer Online Strafanzeige des Behörden-Lümmels und damaligen stellvertr. GF des Jobcenter München Jürgen Sonneck. Am 07. Mai 2015 sandte dieser niederträchtige Typ unter Angabe eines falschen Namens in typischer Nazi-Denunziantenart eine Monate vorher geplante Anzeige um kurz vor 20 Uhr, also ausserhalb der Bürostunden, an die Polizei München. Dies ist nicht als persönliches Vergehen zu werten, sondern als behördentypische Verrottetheit.

Alternativ könnte eine sexuelle Hörigkeit des Jürgen Sonneck gegenüber der ledigen damaligen GFin Martina Musati vorgelegen haben, sofern ich Otto Weiningers 'Sex and Character' als auch Bourdieus 'Masculine Domination' richtig deute.


Ich hatte am 06. März 2018 per Email ein Pdf an Frau Strama (siehe Anlage) gesandt mit der Aufforderung, den uns entstandenen Schaden zu ersetzen. Wie üblich bei dieser an Heinrich Himmlers 'Aktion Arbeitsscheu Reich 2.0' angelehnten Behörde blieb eine Antwort aus.

Selbst in der Provinz Bayern war zumindest ein Tablet für den Schulunterricht notwendig, obwohl das rassistische Jobcenter München ja nun wirklich alles erdenkliche sich ausgdacht hatte, um meine Tochter bestmöglich am schulischen Bildungsgang (genau wie es der Nazi Heinrich Himmler in einer bekannten Rede ausdrückte) zu behindern und sie in einen Pisser-Job zu locken mittels des französischen Baguettes Jean-Marc Vincent.

Ich verweise auf den Beschluss des Sozialgerichts Hannover mit Az. S 68 AS 344/18 ER vom  06. Februar 2018.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

The wreck called Hillary

H /T Wirecutter

Ist dem Jobcenter München der Begriff 'ne bis in idem' geläufig oder kommt es auf der intellektuellen Brennsuppe daher geschwommen?

Jobcenter München
Landsberger Str. 486
81241 München


Widerspruch gegen den Bescheid vom 05.04.2018

Frauen Strama, Farrenkopf, Nowack,

Der Bewilligungsbescheid bezieht sich auf meinen Antrag vom 06.11.2017. Wie verhält es sich mit meinem Antrag von Anfang März 2018? Sie unterstellen für den Zeitraum vom 01.12.2017 bis 31.05.2018 wissentlich falsch ein Einkommen von € 113,33 monatlich.

Auf mein Konto wurden im Zeitraum vom Juni 2017 bis Jan. 2018 kumuliert € 800,- eingezahlt. Dies geschah, weil das JC bewusst die Zahlungen eingestellt hatte und ich im Mai und Dez. 2017 beim SG München Einstweiligen Rechtsschutz beantragen musste. Es stinkt dieser neoliberal-faschistischen Behörde einfach die Existenz dieses Fundraisers.

Das JC München - unter GFschaft von Farrenkopf und Nowack, gegen die und andere MA ich Klage eingereicht hatte wegen Bandenmässigen Betrugs (1) und aus deren Umfeld der Schlawiner und ex stellvertr. GF Schnullifuzzi Jürgen Sonneck stammt, der in Nazi-Denunziantenart (oder war es sexuelle Hörigkeit gegenüber der vormaligen GFin, der ledigen Martina Musati? - zu eruieren mit Studium von Otto Weiningers 'Sex and Character' und Pierre Bourdieu) unter falschem Namen Anzeige bei der Polizei erstattete - sind monatliche Ausgaben von mir bekannt. Es handelt sich um € 85,- für Strafzahlungen und hinzu kommen die monatlichen Zahlungen für Strom und Internet. Dem JC ist bekannt, Internetzugang zählt laut United Nations zum Menschenrecht! Gerade diesen Zugang wollen JC/Agentur für Arbeit München/Justiz/Polizei unterbinden.

I. Was die Strafzahlungen angeht, verweise auf ein Urteil des Finanzgerichts (FG) Düsseldorf vom 04.11.2016 - Az: 1 K 2470/14 L.

Zusammenfassend bei LTO heisst es:
In einem jetzt veröffentlichten Urteil hat das Finanzgericht (FG) Düsseldorf entschieden, dass die Übernahme von Verwarnungsgeldern wegen Falschparkens durch einen Paketzustelldienst nicht zum Arbeitslohn der angestellten Fahrer zählt – und damit auch nicht der Lohnsteuer unterliegt (Urt. v. 4.11.2016, Az. 1 K 2470/14 L).
Das zuständige Finanzamt hatte die Bezahlung der Verwarnungsgelder als Arbeitslohn der Fahrer eingestuft. Dagegen wehrte sich der Zustelldienst, der kostenpflichtige Ausnahmegenehmigungen zum Be- und Entladen in Halteverbots- und Fußgängerzonen erworben hatte. Wo solche Genehmigungen nicht zu haben waren, nahm das Unternehmen im Interesse eines reibungslosen Betriebsablaufs in Kauf, Verwarnungsgelder für das kurzfristige Falschparken der Fahrer zu kassieren.
Das FG gab der Klage des Zustelldienstes statt. Es fehle bereits am Zufluss von Arbeitslohn auf Seiten der Arbeitnehmer, auch hätte die Bezahlung der Verwarnungsgelder keinen Entlohnungscharakter. Der Zusteller erfülle mit der Bezahlung der Knöllchen vielmehr eine eigene Verbindlichkeit: Zwar hätten die Fahrer die Ordnungswidrigkeit begangen, die Verwarnungsgelder seien jedoch unmittelbar gegenüber dem Unternehmen als Halterin der Fahrzeuge festgesetzt worden. 
Zum besseren Verständnis wiederhole ich die essentiellen Aussagen zu unserem Fundraiser:
"Über diesen Fundraiser kam der Beschwerdeführer in Kontakt mit einer Person, die gewillt ist, in den juristischen Belangen als auch offenkundig instigierten Engpässen seitens deutscher Behörden finanziellen Einsatz zu leisten. Dieses Geld ist also nicht sein Geld! Es ist auch kein Einkommen. Es ist Teil eines virtuellen Legal Defense Funds gegen kriminelle deutsche Behörden und insbesondere kolludierende bayerische Justiz/Polizei."
Wenn also das JC dieses fremde Geld als Einnahmen berechnet, konstituiert dies Diebstahl. Die Folgen sind den Involvierten bekannt!

Nun zu dem Urteil des FG Düsseldorf und hier verweise ich auf die wesentlichen Punkte, die erklären, dass es sich um keine Einkünfte bei den Zahlungen aus dem Fundraiser handelt:
Maßgebend für die Entstehung der pauschalen Lohnsteuer ist insoweit die Verwirklichung des Tatbestandes des § 19 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 EStG, d.h. der Zufluss von Arbeitslohn, beim Arbeitnehmer.
II. An einem solchen Zufluss fehlt es im Streitfall (siehe unter 1.). Darüber hinaus erfolgt die Zahlung der Verwarnungsgelder im eigenbetrieblichen Interesse der Klägerin und nicht als Entlohnung für die Tätigkeit ihrer Arbeitnehmer (siehe unter 2.).
a) Bevor daher über die zwischen den Beteiligten streitige Frage zu entscheiden ist, ob ein geldwerter Vorteil aus einem ganz eigenbetrieblichen Interesse des Arbeitgebers bzw. als notwendige Begleiterscheinung betriebsfunktionaler Zielsetzungen zugewendet worden ist oder nicht, ist festzustellen, ob dem Arbeitnehmer überhaupt ein geldwerter Vorteil zugeflossen ist.
b) Die Befreiung eines Arbeitnehmers von einer gegen ihn bestehenden Verbindlichkeit – sei es durch unmittelbare Zahlung der Verbindlichkeit im Wege eines abgekürzten Zahlungsweges oder durch Erstattung der vom Arbeitnehmer getilgten Verbindlichkeit – führt bei diesem entweder zu einem geldwerten Vorteil oder zu einem unmittelbarem Zufluss von Arbeitslohn (vgl. BFH-Urteil vom 15. November 2007 VI R 66/03, BStBl II 2008, 375 m.w.N.).
c) Die Tilgung einer eigenen Verbindlichkeit des Arbeitgebers hingegen führt beim Arbeitnehmer nicht zum Zufluss eines geldwerten Vorteils. Der Arbeitnehmer erspart weder eigene Aufwendungen, noch wird ihm ein Vermögensvorteil „Befreiung von einer Verbindlichkeit“ zugewendet.
d) Die Klägerin erfüllt mit Zahlung der Verwarnungsgelder im Streitfall lediglich eine eigene gegen sie bestehende Verbindlichkeit.
2. Die Klage wäre jedoch auch dann begründet, wenn man abweichend von der hier vertretenen Auffassung den Zufluss eines geldwerten Vorteils in Höhe der von der Klägerin gezahlten Verwarnungsgelder bei den einzelnen Arbeitnehmern bejahen würde, da die Zahlung aus einem ganz eigenbetrieblichen Interesse der Klägerin erfolgt und keinen Arbeitslohn für eine Tätigkeit des Arbeitnehmers i.S.v. § 19 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 EStG darstellt.
a) Dem Tatbestandsmerkmal "für" ist nach ständiger Rechtsprechung zu entnehmen, dass ein dem Arbeitnehmer vom Arbeitgeber zugewendeter Vorteil Entlohnungscharakter für das Zurverfügungstellen der Arbeitskraft haben muss, um als Arbeitslohn angesehen zu werden. Dagegen sind u.a. solche Vorteile kein Arbeitslohn, die sich bei objektiver Würdigung aller Umstände nicht als Entlohnung, sondern lediglich als notwendige Begleiterscheinung betriebsfunktionaler Zielsetzung erweisen. Der BFH bejaht in ständiger Rechtsprechung ein solches ganz überwiegend eigenbetriebliches Interesse, wenn im Rahmen einer im Wesentlichen den Finanzgerichten als Tatsacheninstanz obliegenden Gesamtwürdigung aus den Begleitumständen der Zuwendung zu schließen ist, dass der jeweils verfolgte betriebliche Zweck im Vordergrund steht. In diesem Fall des "ganz überwiegend" eigenbetrieblichen Interesses kann ein damit einhergehendes eigenes Interesse des Arbeitnehmers, den betreffenden Vorteil zu erlangen, vernachlässigt werden.
II. Ist dem JC der Begriff 'ne bis in idem' geläufig oder zu allem Überfluss der Art. 103 Abs.3 Grundgesetz?

Ich gehe ausserdem davon aus, das JC ist vertraut mit den Artikeln 3 Abs. 3, 5 Abs. 1 und 19 Abs. 4 GG. Mit Einbehaltung der ausstehenden Gelder verstösst das JC gegen meine Grundrechte und begeht Diebstahl.

Ich fordere das Jobcenter auf, den Bewilligungsbescheid und die vorigen dahingehend zu berichtigen, dass offenkundig keine Einnahmen bestehen und erwarte Nachzahlungen bis zum 30. April 2018. Bei Verstreichen werde ich Klage wegen Betrugs und Verstoss gegen Art. 103 Abs. 3 GG einreichen.

Eine kurze abschliessende Frage sei noch gestattet. Hat das Jobcenter eventuell noch weitere primitiv ausgeschissene Attacken wie der Sonneckschen Provenienz gegen mich geplant oder in Auftrag gegeben in Nazi Manier oder ähnlichem Gedöns? Just asking, ya know.

(electronic signature)

(1) nachdem das SG sich unzuständig erklärend die Klage ans Landgericht München I reichte, fühlt sich das LG ebenso nicht zuständig.