

The Pdf is from last week and with critiques and tweets about MMT coming from all sorts of quarters this is a good time to republish the essential parts. They simply are MMT in a nutshell. Here goes.

Groupthink In Economics
James Montier

Many of the negative articles I’ve read about MMT use the tried and tested method
of setting up a straw man purely for the purposes of knocking him down. So, to avoid confusion, I will lay out a simple and straightforward description of what MMT is, or at least what I believe the most important elements of MMT are.

1. Money is a creature of the state. Money is effectively an IOU. Anyone can issue money; the trouble is getting it accepted. The ability to impose taxes (or other obligations) makes a country’s ‘money’ valuable.

2. Understanding the monetary environment is vital. The monetary regime under which a country operates matters. Any country that issues debt only in its own currency and has a floating currency can be thought of as being monetarily sovereign. This means it cannot be forced to default on its debt (i.e. the U.S., Japan, and the UK, but not the Eurozone or most emerging markets).

3. An operational description of the monetary system is critical. Understanding that loans create deposits (which in turn create reserves, aka endogenous money) is a much more realistic starting point than the mainstream view that deposits create loans. For example, knowing that government deficit spending creates reserves and drives down interest rates is vital to understanding Japan’s bond market.

4. Functional finance, not sound finance. Fiscal policy is much more potent than monetary policy. Fiscal policy should be aimed at generating full employment while maintaining low inflation (rather than, say, achieving a balanced budget position). A Job Guarantee scheme is an example of a useful policy option to effect this outcome (acting like a buffer stock in a commodity market) in the eyes of MMT.

5. Limits are real resource and ecological limits. If any sector of the economy pushes it beyond the limits of capacity, then inflation will result. If a government spends too much or taxes too little, it can create inflation, but there is nothing unique about the government sector in this regard. These are the limits that matter – people, machines, factories – not ‘financing’ constraints.

6. Private debt matters. Even in a monetarily sovereign state, private debt matters. The private sector cannot print money to repay its debts. As such, it has the potential to create a systemic vulnerability. Think Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis: stability begets instability.

7. Macro accounting (Godley style) keeps us honest. One sector’s debt is another’s asset. So, the government’s debt is the private sector’s asset. Understanding how one sector relates to another using a sectoral balance framework is very helpful, as is understanding the Kalecki profits equation, or the way reserves work in a financial system. Accounting isn’t glamourous and identities shouldn’t be taken as behaviours, but they can help us spot unsustainable situations.

There you have it – my attempt to succinctly describe the core of MMT. Just under 400 words... hopefully short enough to satisfy even the most attention-challenged.

Full Pdf here.

Reading Lounge


Das Ansinnen des ledigen Fräuleins Martina Musati trägt alle Züge des #Aufschrei. Es ist intellektuell amorph, zickenhaft und lässt jegliche Sozialkompetenz vermissen. Oder ist Lobotomie der dernier cri mittlerweile bei Fräuleins?

Von Google kommend. Mehr hier:

Dieser Link beinhaltet defamierende und verleumende Aussagen Martina 
Musati's gegenueber (Z.Bsp: Auffallend ist des ledigen Fräulein Musatis 
Ermangelung an 'Cultural Capital', wie es der französische Sozialphilosoph 
Pierre Bourdieu erkenntniserweiternd formulierte, ..... das Fräulein Musati 
desavouiert sich in ihrem vierseitigen Erpresserbrief in für mich als 
Chevalier peinlich anmutendem Lapsus, wenn sie den Satz "Ist Martina Musati 
gar ein weiterer Beleg für die Validität des Dilbert Principle?" gelöscht 
sehen möchte..)

. . . . . . . . . . .

Otto Weininger
"A woman’s demand for emancipation and her qualification for it are in direct proportion to the amount of maleness in her."

Otto Weininger, Sex and character

“Wittgenstein was very much against women's suffrage for no particular reason except that 'all women he knows are such idiots'.” 

Ray Monk, Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius

Guten Tag bei Google,

Besten Dank für Ihre Email an uns in Sachen 'Removal' Antrag. Als literarischer Produzent des Blog Posts "Klage wg. Nötigung gg. Martina Musati. Mildernd ihr Mangel an Bourdieuschen Cultural Capital und damit Hindernis am Heiratsmarkt laut Harvard Studie" vom 29. Nov. 2017 erlaube ich mir dazu Stellung zu nehmen und tue dies, um so mehr als es das Sujet gebietet, selbstverständlich als Chevalier. Vorab jedoch gilt festzustellen:

Der Beschwerende will einen Blog Post gelöscht sehen, der eine Klage beim Sozialgericht München gegen eben diesen Beschwerenden beinhaltet und sonst keinen weiteren Inhalt aufweist! Hier sollten die Alarmglocken schrillen.

Die Klage basiert in essentiell literarischen Teilen auf 'Masculine Domination - Pierre Bourdieu (Translated by Richard Nice)' und als Pdf auf den galaktischen Interrohren zu finden. Empfehlenswert für arrivierte Internet-Proletarier ist hier Google; Deutsche bevorzugen, wie mir gesagt wurde, den europäischen Suchmaschinengigant 'Quaero', doch ich mag mich irren.

Ich unterstelle aus dem Kontext emanierend, die Beschwerde stammt aus der Feder des ledigen im prä-menopausalen Lebensalter sich befindenden Fräuleins Martina Musati, bis ca. Juni 2015 Chefin der neoliberalen Billig-Lohn Kaschemme Jobcenter München und hernach Wechsel zur Agentur für Arbeit in Daimler-Town.

Es schmerzt mich als Chevalier und glühender Proponent der 50%igen Frauenquote ungemein vernehmen zu müssen, dass besagter Blog Post "defamierende und verleumende Aussagen Martina Musati's gegenueber" enthalte. Man sollte meinen, eine solch verkürzte Sichtweise ist heutzutage obsolet, belegt sie doch wieder einmal des österreichischen Philosophen Otto Weiningers Einschätzung in "Sex and Character":
"... it is always the case that the female expects from man the clarification of her data, the interpretation of her henids. It is almost a tertiary sexual character of the male, and certainly it acts on the female as such, that she expects from him the interpretation and illumination of her thoughts."
So solls denn sein. Des französischen Philosophen, Soziologen und Anthropologen Pierre Bourdieus Konzept des "Social" und "Cultural Capitals" als diffamierend zu bezeichnen, zeugt von peinlicher Ignoranz und national-teutonischer Bigotterie. Und Bourdieu kennt den Grund für dieses "petite bourgeoisie" Modikum:
"Continuously under the gaze of others, women are condemned constantly to experience the discrepancy between the real body to which they are bound and the ideal body towards which they endlessly strive. Needing the gaze of others to constitute themselves, they are continuously oriented in their practice by the anticipated eval­uation of the price that their bodily appearance, their way of bearing and presenting it, may receive (hence the more or less marked propensity to self-denigration and to the embodiment of social judgement in the form of physical embarrassment and timidity)."
Und das ist nicht so einfach mit fortschreitendem Alter und Ablauf des weiblichen Mindest-Haltbarkeitsdatums. Zum Thema "Cultural Capital" gibt Bourdieu zu bedenken:
"Possession of strong cultural capital is not enough in itself to give a woman access to the conditions of real economic and cultural autonomy with respect to men."
Des Fräuleins völlige Misrepresentierung des Inhalts des Blog Posts (eine Klage bei Gericht wohlgemerkt!) basierend auf intellektueller Atrophie, im Übrigen typisch bei Beamten, bestätigt einmal mehr den genialen Philosophen der Alpen-Republik Otto Weininger:
"A being like the female, without the power of making concepts, is unable to make judgments. In her “mind” subjective and objective are not separated; there is no possibility of making judgments, and no possibility of reaching, or of desiring, truth."
Wenn attraktive Mit-Fünfzigerin (?) den Satz "Ist Martina Musati gar ein weiterer Beleg für die Validität des Dilbert Principle?" gelöscht sehen möchte, dann lässt zunächst einmal Betteridge's Law grüssen und weiters ist das Dilbert Principle ein anerkanntes Business Prinzip/Phänomen, das vielleicht noch nicht in den Schrebergarten der flotten Dame gedrungen ist.

Das Ansinnen des Beschwerenden trägt alle Züge des #Aufschrei. Es ist intellektuell amorph, zickenhaft und lässt jegliche Sozialkompetenz vermissen. Oder ist Lobotomie der dernier cri mittlerweile bei Frauen? Es bestätigt den Lindy Effect (Taleb 2007) des ledig seins über einen solchen Zeitraum. Das ledige Fräulein Martina belegt in ihrer Ignoranz von Bourdieu einmal mehr unwissend eine weitere Observation von Otto Weininger:
"The vast majority of women have never paid special attention to art or to science, and regard such occupations merely as higher branches of manual labour, or if they profess a certain devotion to such subjects, it is chiefly as a mode of attracting a particular person or group of persons of the opposite sex."
Unter 'Conclusion' in 'Masculine Domination' antizipierte Pierre Bourdieu korrekt:
"When a scientific analysis of a form of domination is made pub­licly available, this necessarily has social effects, but they may run in two opposing directions: it may either symbolically rein­ force domination, when its findings seem to confirm or inter­ sect with the dominant discourse (whose negative verdicts often take the appearance of a pure constative recording), or help to neutralize it, rather like the revelation of a state secret, by favouring the mobilization of the victims. It is therefore exposed to all kinds of misunderstandings, easier to foresee than to dispel in advance."
Um diese Fallgruben des Missverstehens, so typisch für Frauen, zu umgehen, sind wir Männer da:
“Why become well-versed in science and the arts if not to impress a lovely little woman?” ― Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Venus in Furs. 
In diesem Sinne lade ich die ledige Mamsell Martina zu einem erkenntniserweiternden Pläuschchen bei Platenkuchen und Muckefuck über Bourdieu und cis-gendered Themata.

Salvatorische Klausel: Sollte ledige Dame auf einer Löschung des Blog Posts insistieren, sollte sie Klage oder Strafanzeige einlegen.

Ich darf mein Bedauern ausdrucken, dass Google mit einer solchen Burlesque in der Merkelschen Bananen Republik bemüht wird.



Und auf Twitter:

Justice Minister Barley, I feel negatively intellectually assaulted by this still spouseless civil servant of an advanced age Missus Musati. It amounts to male harassment.

We have received an email from Google containing a request for the removal of two blog posts concerning Ms. Martina Musati

Here it is. BTW, she is still unmarried and that at an advanced age. Not saying more.


RE: [3-4154000025728] Benachrichtigung von Google

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir erhielten eine Beschwerde im Hinblick auf den folgenden von Blog/-post:


Der Betroffene behauptet, der Beitrag verletze ihn in seinen Rechten. Einen Auszug aus der Beschwerde fügen wir dieser Nachricht als PDF bei bzw. unten an. Sie haben nun sieben (7) Kalendertage Zeit, substantiiert darzulegen, inwiefern die beanstandete Rechtsverletzung nicht vorliegt.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass Google als Dienstanbieter, die Hintergründe des Falles nicht kennt. Wir möchten Sie daher darum bitten, explizit auf die einzelnen Beschwerdepunkte einzugehen, die von Ihnen aufgestellten Behauptungen auch in tatsächlicher Hinsicht konkret zu erläutern und gegebenenfalls weitere Informationen oder Nachweise zu übermitteln.

Alternativ können Sie Ihren Beitrag auch entsprechend editieren oder entfernen. Sollten wir nichts von Ihnen hören, sind wir gezwungen, Ihren Blog/-post zu entfernen. Wir sind daher auf Ihre geschätzte Mithilfe angewiesen. 

Bei rechtlichen Fragen zu dieser Benachrichtigung können Sie sich auch an Ihren Rechtsbeistand wenden.

Wir behalten uns vor, Ihre Antwort an den Beschwerdeführer weiterzuleiten, so dass dieser auch eine entsprechende Stellungnahme dazu abgeben kann.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr Google-Team

************ Beschwerde************ 
Dieser Link beinhaltet defamierende und verleumende Aussagen Martina 
Musati's gegenueber (Z.Bsp: Auffallend ist des ledigen Fräulein Musatis 
Ermangelung an 'Cultural Capital', wie es der französische Sozialphilosoph 
Pierre Bourdieu erkenntniserweiternd formulierte, .....as Fräulein Musati 
desavouiert sich in ihrem vierseitigen Erpresserbrief in für mich als 
Chevalier peinlich anmutendem Lapsus, wenn sie den Satz "Ist Martina Musati 
gar ein weiterer Beleg für die Validität des Dilbert Principle?" gelöscht 
sehen möchte..) 

Dieses auf Google veroeffentlichte Bild zeigt mein volles Gesicht mit dem 
Titel : Fifty Shades of Martina Musati und verletzt mein 
Persoehnlichkeitsrecht . Daher entfernen Sie es bitte. Es ist defamierend 
und verletzend und mein Gesicht ist ohne meine Erlaubnis veroeffentlicht. 
Bitte ändern Sie beim Antworten auf diese Nachricht nicht den Betreff. Eine Änderung des Betreffs kann bewirken, dass wir Ihre Nachricht nicht erhalten und Sie eine automatisierte Nachricht erhalten, dass Ihre E-Mail nicht zugestellt werden konnte. Wenn Sie eine solche Unzustellbarkeitsnachricht erhalten, senden Sie Ihre Nachricht bitte erneut, indem Sie auf die ursprüngliche E-Mail antworten und dabei den Betreff unverändert lassen. Sollten Sie auch bei dieser Vorgehensweise eine automatische Antwort erhalten, reichen Sie bitte über unsere Formulare unter http://support.google.com/legal einen neuen Antrag ein.

The response is due shortly. Stay tuned, will ya.

So much upfront, one blog post will not be removed. The other has been removed and the complainant will be contacted on possible artistic enhancements on the concerned meme. After all, the still unmarried Martina was depicted in a rather beguiling way.

Here the answer with regard to the allegedly defaming blog post.

Let The Good Times Roll


Jobcenter München Anette Farrenkopf, get fucking going!

Jobcenter München

Betreff: Verfahren S 42 AS 2994/16 (Ferienverdienst meiner Ausländer-Gesindel (1) Tochter und S 42 AS 165/17 (Bewerbungskosten meiner Migranten (2)-Gesocks (1) Tochter

29. März 2019

Frau Farrenkopf, Nowack, Preukschat et al.,

Mir liegt die ‘Dienstliche Stellungnahme’ von Richter Ehegartner, gesandt an meine Anwältin, zum nunmehr anhängigen Fall S 31 SF 95/19 AB in oben genannten Angelegenheiten vor.

Danach ist das Verfahren in Sachen Ferienverdienst aus 2016 (!), ich zitiere wörtlich:
“mangels Übersendung der relevanten Aktenbestandteile durch den Beklagten bislang noch im Ermittlungsstadium”.
Ich zitiere weiter wörtlich:
“Gleiches gilt für das Verfahren S 42 AS 165/17, welches die Erstattung von Bewerbungskosten der Tochter des Klägers für eine Bewerbung im Februar 2014 zum Gegenstand hat.”
Hier ist mein Deal. Das JC München erhält von mir Frist bis zum Freitag, 12. April 2019, die relevanten Aktenbestandteile an das Gericht zu senden. Eine formlose Mitteilung an mich genügt.

Sollte der Termin verstreichen, starte ich eine Twitter Flut an sämtliche relevanten Ministerien in Englisch und bombardiere die Ministerien inklusive Kanzleramt mit Offenen Faxen.

1 “Ge” sind Kollektiv Präfixe (wie z.B. Gebirge, Gebüsch, Gebälk)
2 “Migrant” ist die staatlich deutsche rassistische und diskriminierende Kollektiv-Denominierung von nicht rein-deutschen Menschen.

Reading Lounge

1. Posh digs, Wirecard (must read)

2. Is gold a good hedge against inflation?

3. Household debt in India

4. Why Do Some Asian Accents Swap Ls and Rs in English?

The surrealist photographer once arrived at Condé Nast offices on a camel

In memory of the greatest fashion photographer ever. Guy Bourdin (2 December 1928 – 29 March 1991).
Guy Bourdin

Guy Bourdin - imagine the outcry these days
Inconceivable in today's PC world


Der Radfahrer Horror in München und Abzockerei - Brienner Strasse, oh fuck!

an die Verkehrsüberwachung


Guten Tag,

Ich erhielt als Radfahrer einen Strafzettel an der Wegelagerer-Stelle Brienner Strasse/Amiraplatz wegen Radfahrens auf dem dafür vorgesehen Gehweg. Dabei wurde mir zum Schluss noch ein DIN A4 Blatt zur Unterschrift gezeigt.

Daheim angekommen ... Ja, ich habe das Radfahren in München überlebt, es ist ein absoluter Horror ... kam mit dieses Blatt komisch vor.

Könnten Sie mit bitte dieses Blatt zusenden, um weitere eventuelle Schritte zu evaluieren. Es ist doch seltsam, neben einem Strafzettel noch ein separates Blatt zur eventuellen Unterschrift gezeigt zu bekommen.

Meine Adresse ist ...

Ich bin etwas in Schwulitäten, wenn es um das Verständnis von bayerischen Strassenkennzeichnungen geht. So lässt dieses angehängte Bild einen Radweg justament in der Brienner Strasse direkt nach dem Amiraplatz Richtung Odeonsplatz erkennen. Objektiv logisch betrachtet, mündet er vom "Gehweg" kommend in die Brienner Strasse. Ganz nebenbei schlagen wir uns schallend auf die sexy Schenkel, dass da wie so oft ein Auto parkt. Aber mein Gott, wir sind in Car Country.

Brienner Strasse "Radweg"
Wenn Sie dies bitte mit dem Radweg in der Höhe der Postbank in der Kaflerstrasse in Pasing (also das Areal bis hinunter zur Landsberger Strasse, wo aber auch alles in Sachen Verkehrsplanung in die Hose ging) vergleichen, so beginnt dort ein Radweg urplötzlich mitten auf der Strasse und ist nicht durch eine geschwungene Linie abgetrennt.

Kaflerstrasse "Radweg" aus dem Nichts
und endet nach 150 m wieder.

Ich darf mich bedanken.

Reading Lounge


Sir Humphrey Appleby II on ECHR Single-judge decisions and the "epistemological problems of sufficient magnitude" and "the fourth of the epithets"

Judge Potocki unperturbed by
"epistemological problems laid
upon the semantic resources"
Sir Humphrey conveys his reservations about the unfortunate Single-judge decision in Case 51482/18 to Judge Potocki:

"Unfortunately, although the answer decision was indeed clear, simple and straightforward, there is some difficulty in justifiably assigning to it Single-judge decisions the fourth of the epithets you applied to the statement inasmuch as the precise correlation between the information you communicated and the facts insofar as they can be determined and demonstrated is such as to cause epistemological problems of sufficient magnitude as to lay upon the logical and semantic resources of the English language a heavier burden than they can reasonably be expected to bear."

"I wonder if there's anything that might persuade you to consider recasting that sentence that Single-judge decision and transferring the emphasis from the specific instance to the abstract concept without in any way, impairing the conceptual integrity of the theme Court."

Yes Minister (1980) s01e02 Episode

"Well, it was a conversation to the effect that in view of the somewhat nebulous and inexplicit nature of your the ECHR remit Single-judge decisions and the arguably marginal and peripheral nature of your influence on the central deliberations and decisions within the political judicial process, that there could be a case for restructuring their action priorities in such a way as to eliminate your the (decision's) liquidation from their immediate agenda.

And to that end, I recommend that we set up an interdepartmental committee with fairly broad terms of reference so that at the end of the day we'll be in the position to think through the various implications (of Single-judge decisions) and arrive at a decision based on long-term considerations (and margins of appreciation) rather than rush prematurely into precipitate and possibly ill-conceived action which might well have unforeseen repercussions."


"I have been told by lawyers familiar with the ECHR that they have seen applications that did appear to present serious issues but which were, nevertheless, rejected as "manifestly unfounded"."

Here is an excerpt of "The European Court of Human Rights: What It Is, How It Works, and Its Future" by McKaskle, Paul L. (2005).

First, in the United States a judge and the law clerks hired by him or her develop an individual relationship that usually reflects the priorities (and even the biases) of the judge. In the Strasbourg Court, however, the Registrar's staff is answerable to the Registrar, and not to individual judges. The Registrar's staff prepares the initial analysis of all cases, is present in Chamber deliberations, and probably prepares most opinions of the Court. What effect this relationship has on the jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court is impossible for an outsider to know. For some judges the effect may well be minimal or non-existent. But it is possible that the staff views might have an effect on new judges or judges not entirely comfortable with the English or French language. 168 Extensive use of a central legal staff may also result in greater bureaucratic or institutional decision-making.

Second, in part, the legal staff (serving as the equivalent of an American law clerk) does carry out duties typical of the position, such as an analysis of each application filed with the Court as to whether it should be admissible because the allegations suggest that there has been a violation of the Convention. But the duties go further. Pursuant to Rule 22 of the Rules of Court, the Registrar or his designee is present during deliberations of a Committee, Chamber, or Grand Chamber. (171) The rules provide that "only judges shall take part in the deliberations,"' but it is not hard to imagine that many questions may well be put to the Registrar or other legal staff present, and thus the responses of staff constitute a de facto participation.

171. ECHR Rules, supranote 40, R. 22. Rule 22 also provides that "other officials of the Registry and interpreters whose assistance is deemed necessary" may also be present during deliberations. Id. In the United States Supreme Court, law clerks never participate in conferences, and such a practice is extremely rare in the California Supreme Court.


The Strasbourg Court, on the other hand, is presumably obligated to accept and decide any case presented to it that credibly alleges a violation of the Convention. This has led to an explosion in the number of cases considered by the Court. Further, this explosion in case numbers is exacerbated by the inability of the Court to decide cases on a summary basis and by the lack of a mechanism to remand to a national court for reconsideration based on Strasbourg court prior decisions.

Nevertheless, the use of the word "presumably" in the previous paragraph is done advisedly. Though there is nothing in the Convention or the Rules of the Court granting discretion to ignore what, prima facie, appear to be credible claims, some observers of the Court suspect that a substantial amount of discretion is exercised in rejecting cases. The ratio between the number of applications for relief filed with the Court and the number of cases actually taken gives some credence to this suspicion. For example, in 2004 there were decisions on admissibility on over 21,000 applications, but only 830 cases were deemed worthy of further consideration. While undoubtedly a fair number of applications are unfounded, it seems surprising that close to ninety-seven percent of them are unable to even allege a prima facie credible violation. (253) But without further information, questions about the Court's exercise of discretion in choosing which cases to hear are merely a matter of conjecture.

253. The vast majority of applications filed are rejected as being "manifestly ill-founded" (the term used when a case is rejected by a Committee). Convention, supranote 12, art. 35(3); Wildhaber, Oslo Speech, supranote 154, at 6 (noting that manifestly inadmissible cases constitute ninety percent of applications). It may be that some of the applications are made by lay individuals who have no knowledge of the scope of the Court's jurisdiction, but it would seem probable that many of the applications are made with the assistance of a lawyer who is acquainted with the relevant provisions of the Convention and would not file an application that had little or no chance of succeeding. So, it is at least surprising that the ratio of summary rejection is so high. Further, I have been told by lawyers familiar with the Court that they have seen applications that did appear to present serious issues but which were, nevertheless, rejected as "manifestly unfounded." While rejected applications are, in theory, available for public inspection, the procedure to see a file is tedious. A file has to be specifically requested in writing, and a time must be set up to examine it under the supervision of a member of the Registrar's staff and general requests for multiple files cannot be made. See European Court of Human Rights, Press, http:// www.echr.coe.int/ (follow "Press" hyperlink; then follow "Rules on access to case files" hyperlink). Further, applications may be written in any one of the thirty-seven languages used in the member states, and if rejected at an early stage, are not translated. WORKING METHODS REPORT, supra note 97, at 11. So, as a practical matter it is impossible to determine whether this occurs regularly or are isolated events-or are simply mistakes of the observers as to whether the rejected applications are, in fact, meritorious. Thus, at best it is only a suspicion that there currently exists at least some exercise of discretion in deciding whether the Court will consider a case. See also OVEY & WHITE, supra note 25, at 404 (expressing concern that summary rejection of applications by Committees without explanation will "no longer build up an easily consulted body of decisions clarifying the grounds of inadmissibility").

352. In terms of the present caseload, it is possible that the Court is already exercising discretion in deciding whether to take cases which seem to present issues of "minor or secondary importance." The vast majority of applications filed are rejected as being " man- ifestly ill-founded'" (the term used when a case is rejected by a Committee). Id It may be that many of the applications are made by individuals who have no knowledge of the scope of the Court's jurisdiction, but it would seem probable that many of the applications are made with the assistance of a lawyer who is acquainted with the relevant provisions of the Convention and would be unlikely to file an application that had no chance of succeeding. So, it is at least surprising that the ratio of summary rejection is so high. Further, I have been told by lawyers familiar with the Court that they have seen applications that did ap- pear to present serious issues but which were, nevertheless, rejected as "manifestly ill- founded." Since rejected applications are not easily accessible for public inspection, it is impossible to determine whether this is a systematic occurrence or are isolated events-or are simply mistakes of the observers as to whether the rejected applications are, in fact, meritorious. Thus, at best there is only a suspicion that there is at least some exercise of discretion in deciding whether the Court will consider a case.

The problem is, Europe is a hodgepodge of very different participating countries that "do not share a common source of law and have major cultural differences. A substantial number are, at best, emerging democracies". Go figure!

B. The Caseload Problem May Be Far Worse than Officially Recognized 

 ... One cannot overemphasize the potential of future cases resulting from the admission of the newer member states as a major factor in the continuing increases in the caseload of the Court. At present the number of judgments against the recently admitted states is not great, (372) but this number may escalate. Most of the member states are, at best, emerging democracies and several have a recent history of violence and repression. (373)

Here is a further interesting read in the German Law Journal Vol. 19 No. 07

The Motivations of Individual Judges and How They Act as a Group
By Shai Dothan

D. People Who Are Not Judges

I. Legal Staff

It is easy to adopt the misleading view that judges are the only people who really matter in international courts. After all, judges are the ones who sign judgments, and therefore it is natural to assume that it is only judges who make important policy decisions. But this imaginary view is probably mistaken with regards to many international courts.

Scholars have noted that the ECHR has a very influential legal staff, partly because judges who are not proficient in English and French, the two official languages of the court, must rely very closely on staff members.58 In many international courts, especially criminal courts, the staff can number hundreds of experienced professionals.59 It is naïve to think that these experts do not affect judicial policy.

To the extent one believes the legal staff is diverse and unbiased, the substantial impact of this staff may be a blessing. It could mitigate the influence that biased judges have on the practices of the court. But if the legal staff is hierarchically controlled, the people on the top of the pyramid may form a danger of an entirely different magnitude. In the ECHR, for example, all the staff members answer directly to the Registrar. The Registrar, in turn, is under the authority of the court's President. If either the Registrar or the President are biased, this bias could echo throughout the entire legal staff.

If the staff or the people controlling it are biased, they may direct the entire court to suit their preferences. This suggests that empirical research should not stop at investigating the selection of international judges. It should also study the selection and promotion of other legal staff within international courts, and it should put special emphasis on the positions in the court that control the legal staff.

II. Lawyers and NGOs as Repeat Players

Courts do not work in isolation. They constantly interact with lawyers who bring cases to the court, argue before it, and significantly affect the content of its decisions. Research has shown that many of the lawyers who appear before international courts are "repeat players"—they litigate before the same court numerous times.60 These repeat players gain legal expertise and connections that give them a unique influence on the policy made by the court. Just like with the legal staff on the court, this influence may either mitigate or exacerbate the biases of the judges depending on the nature of the legal community surrounding the court.

And read this:

Importantly for the purposes of this paper, international courts are also advised to treat different states differently. States that enjoy a high-reputation for compliance with international law pose a greater threat to the court. Their non-compliance or even their criticism can significantly harm the court's reputation. To counter this threat, international courts treat high-reputation states more leniently than they do low-reputation states. They will reserve their most demanding judgments—especially those that are based on doctrinal novelties—to states that have a low-reputation.

Obviously, this form of behavior is a threat to judicial objectivity. To the extent that individual judges are pressured to serve the court's long-term interest in this way, it may make them far more biased than any personal incentive discussed above. Judges may use ingenious ways to profess evenhandedness even as they pursue the dangerous course that promises their court greater power in the future.

Finally the

F. Conclusion

The reader clearly realized by this point that this paper offers more questions than answers. The power of Judicial Behavior studies—at least for the purpose of this paper—is that it allows scholars of international courts to ask the right questions.

The finding that international judges are biased in favor of their home countries is incredibly robust.

Sir Humphrey Appleby II on ECHR Single-judge decisions and the "epistemological problems of sufficient magnitude" and "the fourth of the epithets"

Reading Lounge


The sexual arousal by blurred images

The media often blur images of people. Kids' images are invariably blurred, images of suspects often as well. The reason is to protect their identity and privacy. Fair enough, but this can have unintended consequences/side effects like potential sexual arousal.


A Comparison of Sexual Arousal in Men Exposed to Visual Stimuli With and Without Facial Blurring

the authors Leah Rosetti, Susan Curry, Lisa Murphy et al. find that "Arousal in response to blurred stimuli was significantly higher ...".
The role of the facial images in arousal and attraction has been examined before but never via penile plethysmography (PPG). This retrospective chart review aimed to determine the significance and magnitude of differences in arousal measured by PPG in 1,000 men exposed to slide stimuli with or without facial blurring in subjects of various ages. Arousal in response to blurred stimuli was significantly higher than nonanonymized stimuli with modest effect sizes for slides across age and gender categories. Facial blurring increased differences in arousal between adults and adolescents with a modest effect size. Our findings support the use of facial blurring to further protect the anonymity of models and limit the ethical and legal challenges of using slide stimuli with child models.
That is why bathing suits are much sexier than bikinis. They leave room for imagination ...


ECHR Single-judge Decisions always lead to an Inadmissibility decision???

Color me ignorant but the way I understand it "this flow chart indicates the progress of a case by judicial formation" and the only way I can interpret it is indeed:

ECHR Single-judge Decisions always lead to an Inadmissibility decision.

ECHR Single-judge Decisions always lead to an Inadmissibility decision???

This means once a case is referred to a single judge the decision has already been made. There is no other logical way to see this differently.

Here is an excerpt from "The European Court of Human Rights: What It Is, How It Works, and Its Future" by McKaskle, Paul L. (2005).
In the Strasbourg Court, however, the Registrar's staff is answerable to the Registrar, and not to individual judges. The Registrar's staff prepares the initial analysis of all cases, is present in Chamber deliberations, and probably prepares most opinions of the Court. What effect this relationship has on the jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court is impossible for an outsider to know.
In footnote 253 it reads:
Further, I have been told by lawyers familiar with the Court that they have seen applications that did appear to present serious issues but which were, nevertheless, rejected as "manifestly unfounded." While rejected applications are, in theory, available for public inspection, the procedure to see a file is tedious.
It is not only tedious, it is purged from public view:

"shall not keep the file in its archives for more than one year from the date of this decision."

Judge André Potocki

"I have been told by lawyers familiar with the ECHR that they have seen applications that did appear to present serious issues but which were, nevertheless, rejected as "manifestly unfounded"."

In der verlausten Kaschemme der Puffmutter Rachou - München Edition

Ist natürlich abgekupfert von Brosa, aber irgendwie muss man doch Aufsehen erregen, ohne gleich ein Bild von seinem Schwanz senden zu müssen.

Die Kungelhütte Sozialgericht München braucht noch a weng - woast scho, gell -, um sich irgendwie zu äussern zu der

Klage gegen Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales wegen der Blockierung auf Twitter

vom 09. Februar 2019 und der

Klage gegen Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend wegen unmittelbarer Blockierung auf Twitter

vom 05. März 2019.

Hinter den Kulissen laufen/liefen da Telefongespräche. Irgendwie muss das doch im korrupten DE-Land zu biegen sein, schliesslich unterstehen die SGs dem BMAS. Ich hab das mal so auf 'Notification Mitte April' gelegt.

In der Zwischenzeit kann doch der demokratische Joseph Goebbels alias Steffen Seibert, gelernter Nachrichten-Ableser, für Unterhaltung sorgen.

Okt. 2015: Steffen Seibert zur - brüllendes Gelächter - Meinungsfreiheit in Deutschland.

April 2016 sabbert Steffen:

"Kanzlerin #Merkel: Dass Werte wie Presse- und Meinungsfreiheit für uns unverzichtbar sind, haben wir immer betont."
Und dann bringt das verlogene OLG München noch ne Wadlstrumpf Lachnummer zu Facebook:
Der Netzwerkkonzern darf nicht nach seinem Belieben Beiträge von Nutzern löschen. Er muss die Meinungsfreiheit achten wie der Staat. Das hat jetzt das Oberlandesgericht München entschieden.
Der Zynismus ist im stinkend korrupten Bayern nicht zu überbieten.

Generating and Tuning Realistic Artificial Faces

Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) are a relatively new concept in Machine Learning, introduced for the first time in 2014. Their goal is to synthesize artificial samples, such as images, that are indistinguishable from authentic images. A common example of a GAN application is to generate artificial face images by learning from a dataset of celebrity faces. While GAN images became more realistic over time, one of their main challenges is controlling their output, i.e. changing specific features such pose, face shape and hair style in an image of a face.

A new paper by NVIDIA, A Style-Based Generator Architecture for GANs (StyleGAN), presents a novel model which addresses this challenge. StyleGAN generates the artificial image gradually, starting from a very low resolution and continuing to a high resolution (1024×1024). By modifying the input of each level separately, it controls the visual features that are expressed in that level, from coarse features (pose, face shape) to fine details (hair color), without affecting other levels.

This technique not only allows for a better understanding of the generated output, but also produces state-of-the-art results – high-res images that look more authentic than previously generated images.

more here


In addition, confiscation of smartphone without court order no concern for "Euro clowns" at ECHR (Case 51482/18)

Great headline, right? Gathered it from Erik Voeten (more below):
"This scrutiny is sometimes targeted at individual judges. For example, the popular British tabloid The Sun individually singled out the “Euro clowns” it held responsible for the decision to stay the extradition of radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza to the United States.9 (Hamza claimed he faced the prospect of torture in a U.S. prison.)"
Here is a measured post about that SUN headline “Euro Clowns Let Hamza off the Hook,” August 7, 2008. Still, I like the moniker 'Euro Clowns' as the EU totally gets on my balls. Having outed myself again, here is the

Relevant excerpt from our complaint submitted to the ECHR:

Subject Art 8 ECHR

A confiscation of the smartphone was not mentioned in the Judicial Decision of October 8, 2015. Nevertheless, it was confiscated by the police and it can also be assumed, the same was planned with the smartphone of his daughter, as a policewoman was present. Despite this unlawfulness, Judge Birkhofer-Hoffmann showed a keen interest in the results of the evaluation of phone data. For Hartz 4 recipients no rights seem to apply.

In a decision of February 4, 2005 - 2 BvR 308/04, the Federal Constitutional Court stated in paragraph 23 to 25 clear limits for a confiscation. On Nov. 22, 2016, the applicant filed a criminal complaint against police officer Carstens at the Munich Public Prosecutor's Office. Furthermore, he sent two Pdf to the police chief of Munich, which was allegedly handed to the prosecutor by the police according to their letter of April 26, 2017. The complainant has no correspondence with the file # 120 Js 119571/17, as was claimed by senior prosecutor Tilmann in the letter of June 1,2017 and again confirmed on Oct. 19, 2017. Everything was swept under the carpet.

To give that single-judge decision (Case 51482/18) the right twist we at the ECHR simply
"shall not keep the file in its archives for more than one year from the date of this decision."
There is an interesting paragraph in "The European Court of Human Rights: What It Is, How It Works, and Its Future" by McKaskle, Paul L. (2005) that explains the workings inside the ECHR and the national component. The pivot is the Registrar and his/her staff!
In the Strasbourg Court, however, the Registrar's staff is answerable to the Registrar, and not to individual judges. The Registrar's staff prepares the initial analysis of all cases, is present in Chamber deliberations, and probably prepares most opinions of the Court. What effect this relationship has on the jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court is impossible for an outsider to know. For some judges the effect may well be minimal or non-existent. But it is possible that the staff views might have an effect on new judges or judges not entirely comfortable with the English or French language. 168 Extensive use of a central legal staff may also result in greater bureaucratic or institutional decision-making.
Second, in part, the legal staff (serving as the equivalent of an American law clerk) does carry out duties typical of the position, such as an analysis of each application filed with the Court as to whether it should be admissible because the allegations suggest that there has been a violation of the Convention. But the duties go further. Pursuant to Rule 22 of the Rules of Court, the Registrar or his designee is present during deliberations of a Committee, Chamber, or Grand Chamber. (171) The rules provide that "only judges shall take part in the deliberations,"' but it is not hard to imagine that many questions may well be put to the Registrar or other legal staff present, and thus the responses of staff constitute a de facto participation.
171. ECHR Rules, supranote 40, R. 22. Rule 22 also provides that "other officials of the Registry and interpreters whose assistance is deemed necessary" may also be present during deliberations. Id. In the United States Supreme Court, law clerks never participate in conferences, and such a practice is extremely rare in the California Supreme Court.
Even more embarrassing is this part in a footnote:
 I have been told by lawyers familiar with the Court that they have seen applications that did ap- pear to present serious issues but which were, nevertheless, rejected as "manifestly ill- founded." Since rejected applications are not easily accessible for public inspection, it is impossible to determine whether this is a systematic occurrence or are isolated events-or are simply mistakes of the observers as to whether the rejected applications are, in fact, meritorious. 
The ECHR employs double standards in the form of leniency towards "high-reputation states", or make that EU paymasters.
Importantly for the purposes of this paper, international courts are also advised to treat different states differently. States that enjoy a high-reputation for compliance with international law pose a greater threat to the court. Their non-compliance or even their criticism can significantly harm the court's reputation. To counter this threat, international courts treat high-reputation states more leniently than they do low-reputation states. They will reserve their most demanding judgments—especially those that are based on doctrinal novelties—to states that have a low-reputation.

Here is ERIK VOETEN, Georgetown University, with "The Impartiality of International Judges: Evidence from the European Court of Human Rights"
"About one-third of all applications are dismissed for procedural reasons by the registry. Another 60% of applications are declared inadmissible by unanimous decision of a committee of three judges, most frequently because the applicant had not exhausted domestic judicial remedies. Admissibility decisions are based on the recommendation of a rapporteur, which is usually the national judge of the respondent government, granting that judge considerable leverage over national cases."
The myth of the independent judge.
"Cultural factors could also be responsible for the apparent national bias of international judges. For example, Hensley (1968) attributes national bias on the ICJ to “the more subtle influence of culturally inculcated values” (p. 568), although he does not specify a precise mechanism through which culture has such an effect. One plausible mechanism is that judges who are accustomed to political interference domestically are more likely to defer to the position of their government when serving on an international court."

And let's not forget the fucking stupid criminal civil servant Jürgen Sonneck alias "C. Paucher". Covered by Munich police and the rotten Munich Court. Roland Freisler would admire them blokes.

Hi, my name is Jürgen Sonneck.
I do not always use a false name but when I do, I make sure
I come come across as totally fucking bonkers.
ECHR Single-judge Decisions always lead to an Inadmissibility decision???

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