
Who of these unelected pompous blokes looks the most ridiculous?

This question literally tormented me when I heard about the decision of the UK Supreme Court on PM Boris Johnson's suspension of parliament. This, based on my totally biased conviction that anything, literally anything, has to be done to get out of the fucking EU. Away from ze Germans and Merkel which is the EU.

Suspending parliament is one of the lamest options. After all, it is a place of vacuous talk. Well, let them talk at home in the kitchen if they wish so, over popcorn on the couch ...

So here is the crew of the UK.

UK Supremo Court
That is hard to beat. John Galliano came to my mind, but who am I to judge? This UK blogger knows them better. So let's listen in.

Here is a take on their decision before it was taken by a UK professor of law Richard Ekins, and here after their decision.

Who else is competing? Oh yes, Naziland, oops, ze Federal Republic of Teutonia and its Bundesverarschungsgericht in Karlsruhe.

Ze German Constitutional Court

Crikey, we've seen that color before. Roland??? Still around? Just kidding. Chief of staff Andy Kotzvuhle is fourth from left. Ready for a oneliner from Andy? Here goes:

"Es gehört zum Selbstverständnis und zur Dignität vieler herausragender Juristen, 
sich nicht selbst anpreisen zu müssen."

Obviously, Andy is not referring to himself, he is just one pompous and fucking conceited dude. Part of it can certainly be blamed on those ridiculously tacky red robes.

Here now the upper echelon of jurisdiction, the European Court of Human Rights, aka the Euro Clowns, in Strasbourg with its often played card of 'Margin of Appreciation' and those totally democratic Single-judge Decisions.

The ECHR crew
The jury is out and, boy, it is tough. Unelected they are all.

These gentlemen run out of the competition.

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