
Heiko Maas, about that unrelenting Nazi propaganda shit on your German TV channels. Based on compulsory fee, that is!

Censorship in Germany
Dear Minister of Justice Mass,

We are writing to you about the unrelenting so-called documentaries on several German TV channels about the Nazi era. TV, that is funded by a compulsory fee! Not even Goebbels came up with that idea.

To our knowledge these documentaries are being aired since at least 15 years. We, that is my daughter and I, had the questionable pleasure to be introduced to these documentaries since 2006. At first we thought this to be a temporary episode, but you Germans just can't let go. This is a 'Dauerbrenner' of epic proportions.

As much as we try, we can not see let alone understand, in what way these so-called documentaries could possibly explain the real reasons for the rise of National-Socialism in Germany. As a matter of fact, we view them as a latent glorification of that time.  I consider FA Hayek's 'The Socialist Roots  of Naziism' much more to the point and convincing. Of course, it makes for very inconvenient TV coverage. The truth is sometimes so obvious and in your party face. This excerpt of Hayek's treatise covers important historical facts that explain the rise of National-Socialism:
What, then, caused  these views held by  a reactionary  minority finally  to  gain  the support of' the  great majority  of Germans  and  practically  the  whole of Germany's youth?  It was not  merely  the  defeat,  the  suffering,  and the wave  of nationalism  which  led to their  success.  Still  less was  the  cause, as so  many people  wish  to  believe, a  capitalist reaction  against the advance of socialism. On  the  contrary,  the  support  which  brought these  ideas  to power came precisely  from  the socialist camp.  It was certainly not through  the  bourgeoisie,  but rather through  the  absence  of a strong  bourgeoisie,  that  they  were  helped to power.  The doctrines  which had guided  the  ruling  elements in  Germany for  the  past  generation  were  opposed  not to the socialism  in  Marxism  but to the liberal  elements  contained  in it, its internationalism  and its  democracy.  And as it became  increasingly  clear that it  was  just  these elements  which formed obstacles to the realization  of socialism, the socialists of  the  Left approached more and  more  to  those  of  the Right. It was  the  union  of  the  anticapitalist forces  of  the  Right and  of the Left, the fusion of  radical and  conservative socialism,  which drove out from  Germany  everything  that  was  liberal.
We do understand that makes for uncomfortable reading. Granted, watching fat Goering waddle along in a splendid white uniform beats Liberace hands down and gazing along Speerian monumental granite buildings leaves Zara Hadid in the lurch. But hey, don't you think enough is enough and some truth would be in order?

Just a couple months back on a Saturday or Sunday at around 4 PM I learned in one episode that "the French army was still adhering to LINEAR war tactics while the German army was much more ... whatever". I could not care less, Minister. On May 1, 2016, exactly at 3:15 PM on Ntv, I could listen to some splendid logical bullshit: "You could view the war as a stepping stone towards what we call today 'Emancipation of women'". The context being that all male where in the army and the women had to work in munitions factories. Pardon my French, but are you Germans fkn nuts? We both know, this is a classic post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.

Well, we do know a couple of guys at the Bavarian courts who really, really love this Nazi shit. One Munich prosecutor even had the audacity to explicitly forbid me criticizing those NS documentaries, because they all contribute to educating and explaining those dreadful times, he claimed. Apparently, when you are a prosecutor in a court system with a certain documented Neonazi affinity, a rational argument can easily be replaced by a mere statement.

These commenters on Spiegel do not seem to agree with the Bavarian view. The general tenor of the comments being, it's enough, real clarification of facts would be something else, jumping the shark, mere space filler, making money.

It does not quite make sense when rigged Bavarian courts, in order to shut down a critical blog, invoke the article 86a STGB while at the same time airwaves and newspapers just can't get enough of cool Hitler, Himmler, Goering.

We are expecting your answer on these issues ASAP! Because your fucking courts' computer confiscations get on our fucking nerves. That thing we treasure is called Free Speech! Have you heard of it? The next email is in the works.


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