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We love to take you on a ride, suckers. |
"The euro is not in the German national interest, but we need friends." - Helmut Kohl to US Sec. of State James Baker on Dec. 12, 1989
Oh Rishis of Munich, thank you for dispensing with computer lessons in your schools
Why are there beings at all,
instead of Nothing?
Martin Heidegger
Purohits and Rishis of Munich,
I am scribbling this in English for one simple reason: to spread wisdom wide and far to all sentient beings. Lo and behold, I am not touting mine here but your wisdom, oh learned and eminent purohits of humanistic education, exalted pandits. A wisdom that puts your esteemed excellence at the cusp of a paradigm shift and transcendental path towards greatness of this country Germany and the Wadlstrumpf province of Bavaria in particular.
While other countries have fallen for the apple of seduction, viz that contraption of vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and what do I know that, I have been told, mundane folks fancy to call 'computer', you, the Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Jedis of the Learned in bucolic Bavaria, the Rishi, have put paid to all this new-fangled stuff with your lightsaber: no computer lessons at your temple of learning in Munich!
As a father of a daughter in that tender age of 19 when these young buds are still so easy to be let astray in this oh so convoluted universe and still attracted to worldly things, your applied wisdom puts my mind at ease and allows me to find eternal sustenance. I now do know that I can recline in peace in my daily meditation, fully settled in transcendental moksha. May your wisdom prevail on earth and enlighten other mortal beings still wandering on the path of Saṃsāra.
Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ,
New old government in Greece and who is that mysterious yellow line?
OK, Greece is toast, but the ECB has just released the latest Target2 balances. Who is that mysterious yellow line hovering way up in the sky? This is supposed to be a monetary and economic UNION???
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Pro bono legal services quite a mouthful in Germany
Lord make me pure but not yet!
Augustine of Hippo
RE. Your honorable services in the domain of pro bono
Gentlemen, ladies
By chance I came across the website “Pro Bono Deutschland e.V.” and read with enthusiasm that its members are "committed to the principles of social justice, democracy and the rule of law and to the recognition of human rights in particular." Furthermore "strive to set an example and motivate other lawyers and law firms which have not yet become involved in pro bono work." That is quite a mouthful.
It is certainly good news and moreover euphonious that finally some eminent law firms in Germany purvey 'pro bono' services in the esteemed field of the law, IOW you.
Unfortunately, according to my personal and just recently empirically established experience, you seem to see this honorable endeavor as a sort of window dressing exercise, perhaps even resembling a Baudrillardian simulacrum.
While I can certainly understand in times when ordo and neoliberal environments govern much of the professional world, that an enquiry from a recipient of the unorthodox realm of governmental social support services, christened after a savoir vivant with the then delectable preference of Viagra-induced sexcapades on company costs, offers none of the flashiness, prestige and cachet a pro bono service for a charity or any other enterprise operating on other people's money affords, a simple canned email response would have done the trick of plain and professional courtesy. You sure must have such a thingy. Di niente.
Then again, the legal pursuit of free speech is quite often among lawyers in Germany met with ambiguity and the not so subtle deliberations in blog posts of where it ends and should it not be rather curtailed.
Be that as it may, what was intended to be an enquiry mutated to an impromptu empirical exercise and it would be daft to withhold the result of this study. So without further ado here it is: out of a total of four contacts, one contact responded, while three chose to abstain (1). IOW, a 25% response rate of admittedly weak statistical significance. I would venture though to guess that a larger survey sample would not have resulted in Simpson's paradox.
I am sure the Adhikari of the home of poets and thinkers will over time join the other countries that proffer these fine, and may I add, karmically beneficial acts, of Kantian provenance since years.
In this spirit, cheerio,
(1) the one who responded is not mentioned above
(1) the one who responded is not mentioned above
The conundrum of Lufthansa CEO Spohr: 'Bin i Manderl, bin i Weiberl'
Diese Zusammenfassung ist nicht verfügbar.
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Wittgenstein - raising the ceiling by 3 cm made all the difference
Two of my favorite books
Unsere Verfassungsbeschwerde bzgl Klage des rassistischen Jobcenter München
Die Verfassungsbeschwerde von mir und meiner Tochter nach Anzeige durch den siebten stellvertretenden GF Jürgen Sonneck der rassistischen Bundesbehörde Jobcenter (hier das Boudoir in München), die staatlich beauftragt, zur zwangsweisen Verpflichtung von Billig-Lohn-Jobbern und operierend unter einer verfassungswidrigen Paralleljustiz unter der Ägide einer neo-liberalen Wirtschaftspolitik zur vermeintlichen Garantie der, diesmal nonmilitaristischen, Dominanz in Europa und damit der Unterdrückung nicht konkurrenzfähiger Staaten, die dem brutalen Lohndiktat Deutschlands unterliegen, massgeblich beiträgt.
Nota bene, im Rassistenland Deutschland muss sich eine 19-jährige Migrantin (was für ein dreckiges deutsches Wort) an das Bundesverfassungsgericht wenden (mit einer geringen Chance der Beschwerdeannahme), um ihr Recht auf freie Meinungsäusserung und freie Entfaltung gesichert zu sehen und tagtäglich gefährdet durch die kriminelle deutsche Bundesbehörde Jobcenter.
Nota bene, im Rassistenland Deutschland muss sich eine 19-jährige Migrantin (was für ein dreckiges deutsches Wort) an das Bundesverfassungsgericht wenden (mit einer geringen Chance der Beschwerdeannahme), um ihr Recht auf freie Meinungsäusserung und freie Entfaltung gesichert zu sehen und tagtäglich gefährdet durch die kriminelle deutsche Bundesbehörde Jobcenter.
The Wonder That Was India - The Rotten Continent That Is Europe
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India-Pakistan separation |
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India-Pakistan separation |
Roughly 70 years later:
The Rotten Continent That Is Europe
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Refugees Europe |
Why is Germany surprised about the influx of refugees? After all, it is the exports champ.
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German weapons exports |
One dominant area of German exports is weapons. For example, brace yourself, weapons exports to Syria.
Here is a smorgasbord of countries Germany delivers weapons to.
There is no way Germany can control, let alone wants to control, where those weapons ultimately end up. After all, Germany is deliriously proud of that surplus.
Weapons delivered to an African country can easily be passed on to Somalia, Yemen, Tunesia or to ISIS. Iraq is like a sieve, weapons can go anywhere.
So with all these refugees coming from mostly Syria, but also other places like Yemen and Afghanistan, Germany finally gets her ROE, her return on equity. It is questionable whether the ultimate ROI is worth it. Forced migration is never a pleasant experience. Who cares, it's the export surplus Germans are so proud of. Now deal with it.
Obnoxious critical bloggers have to be silenced and Munich judge Bassler sees to it - Part 2
Munich judge Bassler totally blows her cover of being a democrat when she speaks of "permissible forms of communication" in the court's verdict.
This time I brought along my daughter. The reason being that she gets a taste of how screwed and corrupt a court can be in Germany, and especially in racist Bavaria. She was not being disappointed by this creepy court.
When I introduced her to the court after some time into the court hearing, judge Bassler visibly jerked a little. That was not exactly according to her plan.
Parents who want to provide their children a better education from the outset both in elementary school and later at a high school, have to submit an application with the Higher SS and Police Leaders. - Himmler
It is interesting to see how the Kangaroo Court Munich is in cahoots with the criminal German government agency Jobcenter, because it is low-wage workers that Germany craves and anything needs to be done to crush dissent or critique of said seedy agency.
1. Judge Bassler plays stupid: the Himmler quote needs an explanation. As if it is not self-explanatory.
On page 4 judge Bassler laments that by posting the Himmler image cum quote I fail to discuss neither the quote nor Himmler himself.
Well, dear judge, the purpose of a quote is to "provide important pieces of evidence and lend fresh voices and perspectives to your narrative". It is then important to provide the reader with the context for the quotation. A quote is a concise distillation of a thought or opinion. Should you prefer a German explanation of the purpose of using a quote in writing, you might want to consult this person.
However, what really irks judge Bassler is that someone dares to criticize the German government agency charged with the job to pressure people into low-wage jobs, which are the cornerstone for the unsustainable dependency on ever higher export surplusses. It is a fact and has been reported in several papers of various international and national commissions that lower class youth are considerably less represented in higher education in Germany.
2. Next judge Bassler deplores the missing context between the Himmler quote, his education policy and any parallels to the policy of the Jobcenter.
Judge Bassler, you are missing the forest for the trees when I mentioned in my post:
3. Judge Bassler condemns that I do not distance myself from national-socialism in that Himmler image.
Judge Basler, show me any German newspaper that distances itself from national-socialism when they feature their never-ending stories about that time with Nazi images galore and show three times a week latently glorifying TV documentaries that even my 93-year old mother is sick to the stomach of it. Face it, judge Bassler, Germans love that shit and perhaps you can help THE SPIEGEL when it asks "How hitler is THE SPIEGEL?"
4. On page 8 of the court's verdict judge Bassler turns totally ridiculous and and unmasks herself in a mind-boggling way:
"§ 86a STGB serves the formal exclusion of certain symbols out of the permissible (sic!!!) forms of communication (tabooing), in order to prevent an effect of habituation".
This statement is so utterly deluded, reeks of a total contempt of anything factual and judge Bassler totally blows her cover of being a democrat, when she speaks of "permissible forms of communication".
Judge Bassler would not be true to her style, had she not twisted and sabotaged arguments from me. So my daughter was witness of the following tricks this judge resorted to in order to not give the two jurors (two absolutely dead bodies sitting on a chair) any doubts as to how they were supposed to decide:
5. I wanted to show nine pages of Nazi images from Germany media and was cut short by judge Bassler after the first page. My daughter was witness.
6. I referred to this picture
on the cover of The Spiegel on March 21, 2015 as yet another example of how freely the German media shows pictures with the Nazi swastika.
Judge Bassler had the audacity to claim the article in The Spiegel was explaining historic events of that time. It is a blatant lie as the article is a primitive piece of shoddy journalism that deals about the Nazi occupation of that time with one single sentence that says 'Manolis Glezos tricked Adolf Hitler' and this at a time when the German media ran the most primitive anti-Greece campaign against the Tsipras government.
The Spiegel piece reads the following: The Greek demands for Nazi-time reparations are an act of despair; high jobless rate being the fault of the Greeks; the powerless Greeks are making noise to get an audience. The rest of the article is neo-liberal nonsense claiming Germany never intended to dominate economically in Europe, it was just a coincidence. The ludicrous article ends by claiming the "Germans are the most respected peoples in the world".
Of course, judge Bassler has never ever read that article. As a judge in a corrupt system you have to get the jurymen on your side, no matter what lie is necessary. My daughter was witness.
7. The verdict also does not mention the second appearance of policeman Weritz who was again asked if the blog post was still online.
Judge Bassler wants critical blog posts deleted and a blogger to shut up for good. My daughter was witness.
8. A real cunning judge easily plays the jurymen
Judges like Bassler influence jurymen by calling as witness without any necessity a cop, who had confiscated our computer the first time in 2013. She then asks him what I responded to his call for interrogation without informing the jurymen that his written invitation did not firstly, inform me about my right to stay silent (like in civilized countries such as the USA with its Miranda rights) and secondly and most importantly, informing me about §163a STPO which says that a call to a police hearing entails no responsibility to appear. This is how a cunning judge plays jurymen and of course they fall for it as they are siting there like dead ducks.
However, a really cunning Bavarian judge does not stop here. Judge Bassler then continues to ask him in front of the jurymen if that blog post is still online and thus giving them the impression the post contravenes the law and that they are dealing here with a real criminal. This is not lost on the jurymen and this is how Bavarian courts rig and manipulate verdicts.
Jurymen are in the pocket of a judge anyway.
My lawyer Aiko Petersen was sitting the like a comatose bloke.
9. Judge Bassler explicitly left out the blog list of blogs I follow. Those are mainly international blogs dealing about economic issues. My daughter was witness.
This is (?) was the environment in Bavaria of judge Bassler: a Neonazi judge.
This time I brought along my daughter. The reason being that she gets a taste of how screwed and corrupt a court can be in Germany, and especially in racist Bavaria. She was not being disappointed by this creepy court.
When I introduced her to the court after some time into the court hearing, judge Bassler visibly jerked a little. That was not exactly according to her plan.
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Himmler quote on education |
It is interesting to see how the Kangaroo Court Munich is in cahoots with the criminal German government agency Jobcenter, because it is low-wage workers that Germany craves and anything needs to be done to crush dissent or critique of said seedy agency.
1. Judge Bassler plays stupid: the Himmler quote needs an explanation. As if it is not self-explanatory.
On page 4 judge Bassler laments that by posting the Himmler image cum quote I fail to discuss neither the quote nor Himmler himself.
Well, dear judge, the purpose of a quote is to "provide important pieces of evidence and lend fresh voices and perspectives to your narrative". It is then important to provide the reader with the context for the quotation. A quote is a concise distillation of a thought or opinion. Should you prefer a German explanation of the purpose of using a quote in writing, you might want to consult this person.
However, what really irks judge Bassler is that someone dares to criticize the German government agency charged with the job to pressure people into low-wage jobs, which are the cornerstone for the unsustainable dependency on ever higher export surplusses. It is a fact and has been reported in several papers of various international and national commissions that lower class youth are considerably less represented in higher education in Germany.
2. Next judge Bassler deplores the missing context between the Himmler quote, his education policy and any parallels to the policy of the Jobcenter.
Judge Bassler, you are missing the forest for the trees when I mentioned in my post:
- the refusal of the Jobcenter to pay school transportation
- nobody has ever seen or had any contact with my daughter
- the government education package was of no benefit, instead we incurred higher costs
- the demand to see the term sheet has no legal basis
- the insinuation my daughter would need private tutoring without knowing anything about her
- proffering "help" to sign up to the German Labor Agency's jobs website.
3. Judge Bassler condemns that I do not distance myself from national-socialism in that Himmler image.
Judge Basler, show me any German newspaper that distances itself from national-socialism when they feature their never-ending stories about that time with Nazi images galore and show three times a week latently glorifying TV documentaries that even my 93-year old mother is sick to the stomach of it. Face it, judge Bassler, Germans love that shit and perhaps you can help THE SPIEGEL when it asks "How hitler is THE SPIEGEL?"
4. On page 8 of the court's verdict judge Bassler turns totally ridiculous and and unmasks herself in a mind-boggling way:
"§ 86a STGB serves the formal exclusion of certain symbols out of the permissible (sic!!!) forms of communication (tabooing), in order to prevent an effect of habituation".
This statement is so utterly deluded, reeks of a total contempt of anything factual and judge Bassler totally blows her cover of being a democrat, when she speaks of "permissible forms of communication".
Judge Bassler would not be true to her style, had she not twisted and sabotaged arguments from me. So my daughter was witness of the following tricks this judge resorted to in order to not give the two jurors (two absolutely dead bodies sitting on a chair) any doubts as to how they were supposed to decide:
5. I wanted to show nine pages of Nazi images from Germany media and was cut short by judge Bassler after the first page. My daughter was witness.
6. I referred to this picture
Judge Bassler had the audacity to claim the article in The Spiegel was explaining historic events of that time. It is a blatant lie as the article is a primitive piece of shoddy journalism that deals about the Nazi occupation of that time with one single sentence that says 'Manolis Glezos tricked Adolf Hitler' and this at a time when the German media ran the most primitive anti-Greece campaign against the Tsipras government.
The Spiegel piece reads the following: The Greek demands for Nazi-time reparations are an act of despair; high jobless rate being the fault of the Greeks; the powerless Greeks are making noise to get an audience. The rest of the article is neo-liberal nonsense claiming Germany never intended to dominate economically in Europe, it was just a coincidence. The ludicrous article ends by claiming the "Germans are the most respected peoples in the world".
Of course, judge Bassler has never ever read that article. As a judge in a corrupt system you have to get the jurymen on your side, no matter what lie is necessary. My daughter was witness.
7. The verdict also does not mention the second appearance of policeman Weritz who was again asked if the blog post was still online.
Judge Bassler wants critical blog posts deleted and a blogger to shut up for good. My daughter was witness.
8. A real cunning judge easily plays the jurymen
Judges like Bassler influence jurymen by calling as witness without any necessity a cop, who had confiscated our computer the first time in 2013. She then asks him what I responded to his call for interrogation without informing the jurymen that his written invitation did not firstly, inform me about my right to stay silent (like in civilized countries such as the USA with its Miranda rights) and secondly and most importantly, informing me about §163a STPO which says that a call to a police hearing entails no responsibility to appear. This is how a cunning judge plays jurymen and of course they fall for it as they are siting there like dead ducks.
However, a really cunning Bavarian judge does not stop here. Judge Bassler then continues to ask him in front of the jurymen if that blog post is still online and thus giving them the impression the post contravenes the law and that they are dealing here with a real criminal. This is not lost on the jurymen and this is how Bavarian courts rig and manipulate verdicts.
Jurymen are in the pocket of a judge anyway.
My lawyer Aiko Petersen was sitting the like a comatose bloke.
9. Judge Bassler explicitly left out the blog list of blogs I follow. Those are mainly international blogs dealing about economic issues. My daughter was witness.
This is (?) was the environment in Bavaria of judge Bassler: a Neonazi judge.
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Neonazi judge in Bavaria (BILD image) |
computer beschlagnahme,
computer confiscation,
eingriff in freie meinungsäusserung,
free speech,
jobcenter münchen,
jobcenter munich,
Richterin baßler
Obnoxious critical bloggers have to be silenced and Munich judge Bassler resorts to lies, tricks and omissions
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The Carlsbad Decrees |
From the corruptest court in Germany, the court of Bavaria. Let's go live (well not exactly) to the Kangaroo Court of Munich.
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The famous Merkel-Nazi image from 2012 |
Verdict of judge Bassler of the Landgericht München (Nov. 11, 2014) page 6:
1. The above image appeared in all major news outlets and on TV during the anti-austerity demonstrations in Greece. So this image was about current affairs (in which case you can show Nazi swastikas).
Lie #1 of Munich judge Bassler: "...a coverage of current affairs is not given here."
2. The link below the image points to a report of the Russian news outlet RT.com about the demonstrations.
Lie #2 of Munich judge Bassler: "... the link to the Greek protests does not explain the context."
3. "unfuckable lard-arse" was an expression made by the then Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi about the German chancellor Merkel and was reported worldwide through in the media.
Lie #3 of Munich judge Bassler: "The libel (unfuckable lard-arse) next to the image is not a form of reporting."
I had explained the origin of this quote in my appeals. Judge Bassler does not give a fuck.
RE porn image here (click only if you are above 18, better yet above 87, this is Bavaria)
Verdict of Landgericht München page 7:
Lie #4 of Munich judge Bassler: "the image was accessible without any sign-in barrier and viewable for under 18-years old."
On page 3 of my appeals I had referred to the German Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag § 5 (3) where it says that SafeSearch functions of Google, Bing or Yahoo are sufficient safeguards.
Judge Bassler cares shit about this. A fucking blogger has to be silenced. Be it with lies, omissions, misstatements, or the blatant invention of a law that does exist. Like this:
Lie #5: On page 7 of the verdict it says: "Likewise unregulated uploads of pornographic pictures to the internet is prohibited."
There is no such law in Germany!
Judge Bassler just invents it. Who cares when a fucking dirty blogger has to be silenced. Any lie will do and it works in front of disinterested jurymen.
6. The verdict complains several times that these images and posts are still online. This naughty internet is not liked in Bavaria. Non-conform opinions must be purged.
7. As if to prove how rotten the Munich court is, judge Bassler suggested the return of the Mac computer on page 8 of the verdict. That was on Nov. 11, 2014. Totally empty words, as the Mac was returned in April 2015 and thus held against various decisions by the BGH and the Constitutional Court for 25 months. (1)
However, judge Bassler is not yet done, because when a criminal and racist German government agency, the Jobcenter, wants to pull an 18-year old out of school and into a low-paying job, it's perfectly fine for this judge to label said 18-year old as potentially stupid. Oh, no sweat for this judge Bassler.
She is also perfectly cool when a douche bag of that German government agency Jobcenter questions the successful completion of the school year without ever having seen her, let alone having had a conversation with her. Hell why not, we are here in fucking racist Bavaria with a court well-known for its institutional racism.
IOW, let's move to the Munich judge Bassler when she totally blows her cover of being a democrat when she speaks of "permissible forms of communication" (sic!) because, you guessed it, there is more where that came from:
This time though I brought my daughter along. When you have to deal with these kind of judges and their primitive lies, you want at least one witness, don't you. In addition, it is a live opportunity to show your daughter how fucked up and corrupt Germany is and how brain-dead and disinterested jurymen are.)
(1) Immediately sold it as I did not fancy to deal with a government Trojan horse.
computer beschlagnahme,
computer confiscation,
eingriff in freie meinungsäusserung,
free speech,
jobcenter münchen,
jobcenter munich,
Richterin baßler
Ist der Rechtsanwaltskammer München die Funktion des Preises bekannt?
Sehr geehrter Herr Steike,
Danke für Ihren Brief vom 18.08.2015 in Sachen meiner damaligen Pflicht"verteidigerin" Aglaia Muth.
Ihr Brief besticht zunächst durch erfrischende Kürze; dennoch musste ich ihn mehrfach lesen. Schlussendlich war ich mir dann doch sicher aus der deutschen Prosa extrahieren zu können Ihre Nachfrage sei, was ich nun in der Auseinandersetzung mit dieser ""Rechtsanwältin" Aglaia Muth bezwecke.
Dies wiederum erweckte bei mir den Zweifel, die RAK München habe eventuell nicht meine Briefe/Emails erhalten, denn die sind eigentlich, so dünkte mich eitel, doch recht selbstredend. Ich darf mich vorab gleich entschuldigen, wenn ich eine konservative Einstellung zur Person 'Rechtsanwalt' habe.
Zudem entertaine ich auch noch den naiven Glauben an ein Recht der freien Meinungsäusserung, gekoppelt mit der Auffassung, der eine oder andere Rechtsanwalt würde dieses Grundrecht auch zu wahren gedenken und sah mich dann aber erstaunt, wie Rechtsdompteuse Aglaia Muth eher diese öfteren Probleme der Presse mit der Justiz in ihrem ersten Telefongespräch mit mir zu beklagen wusste.
Anders ausgedrückt: in erzkonservativer Manier halte ich, und viele andere tun dies erfolgreich in der Welt millionenhaft just in dieser Minute, den Preis für den realisierten Wert eines Gutes oder einer Dienstleistung. Eine Diskrepanz zwischen Preis und erbrachter Dienstleistung nennt man wie?
Wie dem auch sei, ich erlaube mir die essentiellen Kommunikationsopi in Sachen "Rechtsanwältin" Aglaia Muth aus meiner digitalen Feder kundenfreundlich in Pixelform darzubringen hier:
Mit den besten Grüssen
Danke für Ihren Brief vom 18.08.2015 in Sachen meiner damaligen Pflicht"verteidigerin" Aglaia Muth.
Ihr Brief besticht zunächst durch erfrischende Kürze; dennoch musste ich ihn mehrfach lesen. Schlussendlich war ich mir dann doch sicher aus der deutschen Prosa extrahieren zu können Ihre Nachfrage sei, was ich nun in der Auseinandersetzung mit dieser ""Rechtsanwältin" Aglaia Muth bezwecke.
Dies wiederum erweckte bei mir den Zweifel, die RAK München habe eventuell nicht meine Briefe/Emails erhalten, denn die sind eigentlich, so dünkte mich eitel, doch recht selbstredend. Ich darf mich vorab gleich entschuldigen, wenn ich eine konservative Einstellung zur Person 'Rechtsanwalt' habe.
Zudem entertaine ich auch noch den naiven Glauben an ein Recht der freien Meinungsäusserung, gekoppelt mit der Auffassung, der eine oder andere Rechtsanwalt würde dieses Grundrecht auch zu wahren gedenken und sah mich dann aber erstaunt, wie Rechtsdompteuse Aglaia Muth eher diese öfteren Probleme der Presse mit der Justiz in ihrem ersten Telefongespräch mit mir zu beklagen wusste.
Anders ausgedrückt: in erzkonservativer Manier halte ich, und viele andere tun dies erfolgreich in der Welt millionenhaft just in dieser Minute, den Preis für den realisierten Wert eines Gutes oder einer Dienstleistung. Eine Diskrepanz zwischen Preis und erbrachter Dienstleistung nennt man wie?
Wie dem auch sei, ich erlaube mir die essentiellen Kommunikationsopi in Sachen "Rechtsanwältin" Aglaia Muth aus meiner digitalen Feder kundenfreundlich in Pixelform darzubringen hier:
Mit den besten Grüssen
Nur wo Aglaia Muth drauf steht, ist auch Apathie drin - Keine Kompromisse!
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Nur wo Aglaia Muth drauf steht, ist auch Apathie drin |
Mein Name ist Aglaia Muth - richtig, die Aufgeweckten unter euch haben es erkannt, das ist der Name einer griechischen Göttin - und ich bin weltlicher Anwalt in München, daroselbst das Hauptdorf der Provinz Bayern.
Es ist meiner Aufmerksamkeit nicht entgangen, wieso erstaunt ein wenig mein inneres Ich, so ich gewöhnlich ein wenig feminin inattentiv bin, dass mission-critical Details meiner Professionalität und meines Avoirdupois kopiert wurden und unvermindert werden.
Mich dünkt dies zum einen inakzeptabel, zum anderen reprobat und eines modesten Menschen nicht ziemlich und zum dritten, was haltet ihr von erstens.
Dem höchsten Level der Professionalität verpflichtet, dem ehrwürdigen Dienst der Jus verschrieben, gab ich mir nun nolens volens das placet, meine Expertise trademarken zu lassen.
Rechtsanwältin AGLAIA MUTH™
- Ich widme mich Rechtsfällen. Allen. Schliesslich ist Justicia blind.
- Professionalität ist mein Mantra, Hingebung und Expertise figurieren dominant im Köcher meiner Qualitäten, ich spezialisiere mich auf Casi jenseits meiner cerebralen Widmungsfähigkeit.
- Ganz Frau vom Fuss bis Nippel ist Multitasking mein Elixir und Apathie mein Credo.
- Dem Gerichtssaal begegne ich ehrfürchtig. In meiner Stille ruht die Kraft. Still verweilend widme ich mich meinem Parikrama. Aah, diese Stille ...
- Mein 'Slide to Sleep' ist patentiert.
- Mein Mandant? Wer? Oh, mich dünkt, ihn irgendwo im Raum ephemer wahrgenommen zu haben.
- So mich ein Richter um mein Wort erfleht, entspreche ich mit verboser Kargheit und gleite flux wieder in meditative Bhumisparsha mudra.
- Fallrecherchen sind so gestern, Preparation ein Signum des pathetischen Pedanten. Frau improvisiert und ist entrückt.
- In Vertraulichkeit strickt enthalte ich Mandanten den Einblick in die Klageschrift. Diese Technikalitäten verwirren ihn unnötig.
- Sollte er/sie fragen? Verzeihung, ich vernahm Sie gerade akustisch nicht über meine summenden Gehirnwellen?!
- Schriftsätze für Klienten zu tätigen ist würdelos. Ob er nun gewinnt oder verliert ... ; bezahlt werde ich ohnehin.
- Die Position des Richters zu vertreten ist nicht nur opportun; nein, es gestattet mir auch ein Nickerchen.
- Der Presse möchte ich eine der Sache förderliche Zurückhaltung sich aufzuerlegen ins Gewissen reden. Zu oft kommen die Medien doch in Kontakt mit der Justiz.
- Fordere Mitmenschen heraus! Jeder kann einen Brief mit einer Adresse versehen ausliefern. Lass Stadt und PLZ weg und den Postboten ein wenig sich austoben.
- Anmassende Blogger sind so überflüssig wie die Periode.
- Ich bin eine hyper sexy Flamme.
Mein Gang ist nicht trademarked. Niemand kopiert mich, ohne die Balance zu verlieren.
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