
National Socialist Underground trial in Munich was a smashing success

The FAZ blokes were wondering (in their idiocy) about

The price of justice

and were apparently not aware that money talks and bullshit walks. In addition, they did not get the rules sheet obviously.

Hedge fund manager cum judge Manfred Götzl had 65 million euro under management which points to some sizable investors in the recent days as the German ZDF on its website spoke of 26 millions euro on July 11. Scroll a little down on their page and the total investment has swelled to 30 million. Give or take 4 million, that is peanuts. It just showed they had no clue. And who gives a shit when the verdict had already been fixed at the onset.

What counts is there was a shitload of money to be invested because Mutti had promised a bumper harvest. Actually she termed it something along the lines "full and unconditional solving of the case". Whatevs. Blow me.

To this end Mutti had made sure the dough would be administered by an ace money manager with a reputation. A kinda German Steve Cohen. Oh wait, make that Bernie Madoff to give the whole story the right slant. Well then, no better way than set up company in Bavaria's capital village Munich. It is here that the real rightists' mindset thrives.

It was rough going in the beginning as some Southern European journalists insisted on being able to attend and report. Shitheads, we will show you. Did not go down well with the Germans and their press, finally Karlruhe had to intervene. Something like 'press freedom' or so. That was five years ago and nobody cares a rat's ass anymore. It is not even mentioned these days. Foreigners, you know.

Anyhoo, what counts is hedge fund manager cum judge Manni Götzl more than delivered, he excelled. After five years and in total 438 gruelling day trading sessions - some say they resembled somewhat court hearings -, attended and watched in awe by some spectators in a high security setting, he delivered excellent ROI performance and bang for the buck. Sorry, make that euro.

Outside everything had been set up for entertainment. In a splendid white tent horsd'œuvre were served and washed down with discounter Prosecco. Gosh, it was a blast of provincial proportions. Only Bavarians can organize such shindigs.

From the onset it was made more than sure that the carefully devised trial trading sessions would ultimately be super profitable. After all, Munich just offers the surrounding, the mindset and the nonchalance conducive to literally guarantee a pre-planned performance.

Ace investor Man-Fred Götzl devised a short strategy and went all in with Truth Puts, File Obliteration Futures and a tiny portion BS CDS. Evidence Futures, Caprice Calls, CDS-like hedges such as KCDS* rounded up the investment strategy.

As usual, there are always some sophomoric lawyers/traders who feel "anger about the" performance. Basically they naively bought the sales pitch, fell for the glossy prospectus and had a ticket for Mutti's Delusion Train.

A little too late they realized, "A second NSU can arise again at any time, if it does not already exist."

"Ein zweiter NSU kann jederzeit wieder entstehen, wenn es ihn nicht schon gibt."

So be prepared for a sequel when it was this good. What's not to like?

* Kangaroo Court Default Swaps

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