
The 'German Qualified Precision-Screened Refugee' - Don't settle for less!

When other EU countries upon the influx of refugees from yonder were looking like a deer at the headlights, Queen Empress of Europe Merkel strode into action with her hallmark vengeance. She assessed the scenario and knew immediately she had to ... err ... äh ... öh ... oh yeah, act. What was the mantra again? Rrright, FACHKRÄFTE, FACHKRÄFTE, FACHKRÄFTE!

And with this in mind, act she did:

    •    Crispy clean new Immigration Laws (implemented one week earlier than planned),
    •    Vouchers instead of money (as if refugees without shelter and food would use the money to buy a motor bike or frequent game parlors),
    •    Readying a fleet of 50-year-old Transall transport planes to export some refugee crap,
    •    Transit zones (with Germany's experience gained 70 years ago easy beesy)
    •    Offering a quality product: the 'DE Qualified Refugee', selected with German Precision Screening,
    •    Proper packaging of this screened and ready-to-use product for immediate satisfaction.

the 'DE Qualified Refugee', selected with German Precision Screening

Look for this Seal of Approval:

German Seal of Approval 'Qualified Refugee'

and don't fall for fake Chinese stuff.


Warum arbeiten wir so viel?

Warum arbeiten wir so viel?
W. Streeck

Arbeitsproduktivität in Deutschland

direkte Auswirkung der Exportdependenz Deutschlands > Kapitalexport


Caravan - For Richard

the legendary canterbury scene


Can't Feel My Face, Angela, to which Baudrillard ...

© Robin Blair - Simulacra and Simulation
And I know she'll be the death of me, 
at least we'll both be numb
And she'll always get the best of me, 
the worst is yet to come

... adds a figurative  where  the  object  and  substance  have  disappeared. But let's first delve into the recent past.

Oh what a difference some months make. Four months ago a cocky Greece was successfully viciously assaulted, raped in broad daylight and thrown bleeding into the gutter. The German press applauding, just like they applauded 82 years ago. The European Reich Germany had made its point. You go against our policy of austerity, we crush you, we shut down your banks. The German public just loved it as could be seen in the Sportpalast du jour, the comments section of newspapers. The shakti had spoken. On to business as usual in the country of the Fachkräfte.

Wait a minute, what's that? Strange looking people came trickling in. Then more. Germans learned about some Greek islands perilously close to that disdained country Turkey. What started as a mild wave quickly turned into a stampede. A stampede one would have associated with Bharata 70 years ago. Midnight's Children. Yet this was Europe. "United in diversity".

As that former country became the playground of a benevolent Macedonian woman plying her self-serving trade in Kolkata, the country of refugees' choice in Europe granted itself the luxury of a woman, likewise from the east, whose hallmark was indecisiveness and much admired by her subjects therefore. Confronted with hundreds of thousands, scaremongerers even managed to come up with ever higher numbers every third day, of refugees on her queendoms' soil she followed the playbook of the Mother of Kolkata. Come ye all, my brothers and sisters, 'I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love'. Translated into German: 'Wir schaffen das'.

However, badly miscalculating the generosity of her subjects - a generosity that had already been stretched to its utmost limits with Greece - she was made to learn a widespread displeasure with her handling and admonished for her nebulous grasp of reality. 

Hesitatingly, a trait most becoming to a woman, she made the initiative to a raunchy love affair with a Frenchman of short stature, quickly passed some new immigration laws out of that boudoir when time would allow and topped that off, to the consternation of that short Frenchman one might add, with a Walk to Canossa Turkey for a prostration in front of the local emir, finally culminating in the decision to fast-track deport superfluous human imports on, oh those Germans, military transport planes.

It is here then that an eminent monsieur from France, a country Germany was hitherto at odds with, can shed a wise light on the ineptitude, subsequent chasse patate and other follies of this clumsy and so revered Führer of Teutonia:

When  the  real  is  no  longer  what  it  used  to  be,  nostalgia  assumes its  full  meaning.  There  is  a  proliferation  of  myths  of  origin  and  signs of  reality;  of  second-hand  truth,  objectivity  and  authenticity.  There is  an  escalation  of  the  true,  of  the  lived  experience;  a  resurrection of  the  figurative  where  the  object  and  substance  have  disappeared. And  there  is  a  panic-stricken  production  of  the  real  and  the  referential, above  and  parallel  to  the  panic  of  material  production.  This  is  how simulation  appears  in  the  phase  that  concerns  us:  a  strategy  of  the real,  neo-real  and  hyperreal,  whose  universal  double  is  a  strategy  of deterrence.

(Baudrillard - Simulations and Simulacra)


Sabine Nowack, Jobcenter München, du bist mir ja a rechts Luder. Ja mi leckst am Arsch.

Bild US

Wer sich schlagen lässt,
verdient es, ausgepeitscht werden.

Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch


wenn ich der visuellen Fakultäten noch ausreichend mächtig bin und deutsche Prosa leidlich zu lesen verstehe, dann sind unter deiner Ägide ja jede Menge Fucker-Upper zu konstatieren im Stadtteil-Jobcenter zu München. Ohne den Anspruch einer Wertung der Depravation seien hier lax angeführt:
  • Fehlende Stellungnahme des, ehem, Unternehmensberaters des JC München, der dubiosen Fa. KIZ Prowina (Oktober 2012) (http://meinjobcenter.blogspot.ie/2013/11/alexander-amann-ich-bitte-um-zusendung.html) trotz Aufforderung.
  • Behauptung in Antwort an meinen Anwalt (!) mein Businessplan fehle, obwohl er belegt durch Email-Protokoll dem JC als Anhang vorliegt.
  • In einem zu 100% erlogenen Brief von Elisabeth Baum, Jobcenter München, vom 10. Dez. 2012 an meinen Anwalt steht, dass ich an einer KIZ München Veranstaltung nicht teilgenommen habe, obwohl es einen Bericht darüber auf diesem Blog und eine Email gibt.
  • 23. Jan. 2013 Lüge von Elisabeth Baum: “Aufgrund der sehr geringen Einnahmen aus der selbständigen Tätigkeit wurde Herrn … im Juli 2012 das Weiterführen der Selbständigkeit nur noch als Nebentätigkeit gestattet.” Fakt ist: Es gibt einen solchen Brief oder Mitteilung nicht!
  • Anlässlich meiner Klage vor dem Sozialgericht sendet E. Baum mir per 'Förmliche Zustellung' am 15. Januar 2013 ein entscheidendes Schreiben, das mein Anwalt jedoch erst am 20. Februar 2013 erhält. Durch diesen primitiven Taschenspielertrick Fristversäumnis! Ein klarer Verstoss gegen den § 7 des Verwaltungszustellungsgesetz (VwZG) und den § 13 Abs. 3 Satz 1 SGB X. Siehe u.a.: Das OLG Dresden (Beschluss vom 16.02.2009 - Ss (OWi) 15/09)
Kommentar meines Anwaltes aus seinem Schreiben vom 29.10.2013:

"Es handelt sich hier, und dies ist tatsächlich mehr als bedauerlich, um einen Trick der Behörde, dass unter Ausserachtlassung meiner Zusetellungsbefugnis eine Zustellung nur an Sie erfolgte und mich die Ablehnung des Bescheides nicht rechtzeitig erreichte." (1)
  • Im Monat Dezember 2014 schleicht ein JC Mitarbeiter an unserem Briefkasten vorbei und wirft ein Schreiben mit extrem kurzer Frist ein, um bei mir Fristversäumnis zu provozieren. Habe diesen Lümmel in meiner bekannt schneidenden Art auf meine Trebuchet gesetzt. Normalerweise gibts da Fargo.
  • Im März 2014 baggert ein Jobcenter Mitarbeiter namens Jean-Marc Vincent in schleimender Art meine Tochter, die im ersten Jahr eine FOS besucht, an und unterstellt in primitiv rassistischer Manier die Vermutung von Dummheit bei ihr. Ausserdem will er ohne rechtliche Grundlage ihr Zeugnis sehen.
  • Nicht genug damit versucht er weiters in hinterhältiger Absicht, eine Anmeldung bei der drittklassigen Jobbörse der BA zu erreichen.
  • Nach meiner Veröffentlichung der Details dieser ungeheuerlichen Frechheit dieses JC Mitarbeiters auf meinem Blog, erhebt der stellvertr. GF des kriminellen und rassistischen JC München Jürgen Sonneck Anzeige.
  • Die bayerische Justiz, bekannt für neo-nazistische Affinität und institutionellen Rassismus, verurteilt mich durch alle Instanzen, so dass wir Verfassungsbeschwerde einreichen müssen wegen Eingriffs des Jobcenter München in die grundgesetzlich garantierte Meinungsfreiheit.
  • Sabinchen toppt die Chose noch und sorgt für Beseitigung von einem belastendem Brief in dieser Angelegenheit.
  • Sabinemaus, bei deiner rassistisch-kriminellen Organisation muss eine 19-jährige Jugendliche das Bundesverfassungsgericht anrufen. Sei gewiss, lehnt das BVerfG unsere Beschwerde ab, gehen wir vor den EGMR.
(1) man muss natürlich als Anwalt unter diesen Umständen entweder dämlich sein oder schlicht kein sonderliches Interesse zeigen.


Is free speech the only problem German Justice Minister Heiko Maas has, or ...

does he also fear an increasing image problem for Germany in the world? Perhaps riots?

The SPIEGEL has a report

Suspected sedition: State prosecutor is investigating Facebook Manager

Facebook is due to its dealing with hate messages in the criticism. Now determined the prosecution Hamburg to SPIEGEL ONLINE information against three managers of the group - on suspicion of sedition.

Facebooks controversial handling of hate comments could lead to proceedings against representatives of the group. Prosecutors Hamburg determined by information obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE against three Facebook managers on suspicion of sedition.
Affected are the CEO of Facebook Germany GmbH. A lawyer from Würzburg had shown, among other things because of the intentional facilitation of sedition. The investigation had been received and forwarded files after the first exam to the police, confirmed a spokeswoman for the prosecutor's office.
It's about hate messages that users have published on the social network and are not deleted by Facebook wurden.Das network has long been criticized because it does not consistently take action against incitement, insults and violence Views. In the course of the refugee crisis, complaints have tightened to practice Facebooks.
Multiple authors of Facebook entries were for sedition last convicted. It is new that is now determined to representatives of the group itself.
Affected are, inter alia, the international CFO Facebook in Dublin, Shane Crehan, and two other representatives who are registered in California.They operate in the commercial register as a managing director of Facebook Germany GmbH, which is based in Hamburg.

The SPIEGEL is concerned explicitly about this post in bold:

Attorney Jun, however, had the Group submitted on the registration form more than 60 posts, which he considers to inciting, defamatory or calls for violence. Most of them stopped on the grounds that it does not violate the Community Guidelines. Including about this comment to refugee crisis, "Give the security forces finally firearms and shoot these pseudo-refugees." Similar experiences have made numerous users who have reported hate messages on Facebook.

(via Google translate)

Before commenting on this, it might be a good idea for the German Justice Minister to read this piece from 18 months or so ago:

France's censorship demands to Twitter are more dangerous than 'hate speech'

"If only this were still the 18th century! We can't delude ourselves any longer that free speech is the privilege of pure citizens in some perfect Enlightenment salon, where all sides of an argument are heard and the most noble view will naturally rise to the top. Speech now takes place in a digital mixing chamber, in which the most outrageous messages are instantly amplified, with sometimes violent effects . . . 
"We keep thinking that the solution to bad speech is more speech. But even in the widest and most robust network, common sense and liberal-democratic moderation are not going to win the day, and it's foolhardy to imagine that, say, homophobic tweets are best mitigated with gay-friendly ones.
"Digital speech is new territory, and it calls for fresh thinking, not the mindless reapplication of centuries-out-of-date principles that equate a smartphone to a Gutenberg press. As Vallaud-Belkacem notes, homophobic violence – 'verbal and otherwise' – is the No 1 cause of suicide among French teenagers. In the face of an epidemic like that, free speech absolutism rings a little hollow, and keeping a hateful hashtag from popping up is not exactly the same as book-burning."

Before getting to the merits of all this, I must say: I simply do not understand how someone who decides to become a journalist then devotes his energy to urging that the government be empowered to ban and criminalize certain ideas and imprison those who express them. Of all people who would want the state empowered to criminalize ideas, wouldn't you think people who enter journalism would be the last ones advocating that?
The article concludes thus:
Farago replies in comments, here. Most of the responses to him below his comment express the objections I would have: in sum, the notion that you can ban opinions by labeling them "incitement" rather than "ideas" is just semantics and could easily be used to justify any and all forms of censorship. Indeed, as demonstrated above, that's precisely the theory relied upon by autocrats to justify imprisoning their critics: they're not expressing opinions but are engaged in "incitement".
Now let us return to that particular post the SPIEGEL quotes: 
"Give the security forces finally firearms and shoot these pseudo-refugees."
Who is this angry person addressing? Obviously security forces. Whose? It can be assumed the German government's. What is/are the duty/duties of the government's security forces? Exactly, provide security. As everybody knows that can and in some cases does imply force up to the implementation of lethal force.
Is he angry at all refugees? No, only the pseudo ones. Does this idiot incite ordinary citizens to take up arms and go on a rampage? Clearly no. Is he a fucking asshole? Yes! Is he a racist? Excuse me, I did not get the middle part.
This is not the first time Germany has a serious problem with free speech and it just can not get to grips with this AMERICAN internet. This is what it hates. Then the bad image Germany is getting and oh those Canadians dare to put out a travel warning for the east of Germany. As always, the German loves state control. Well, you had oodles of state control 75 year back. Did not turn out so good, did it?
It might be a good idea the German Justice Minister gets used to it. It will get much more violent. However, censorship will not stop that violence and neither will the new EU member Turkey.
The SPIEGEL article then toned everything down:
In the show "Günther Jauch" said Justice Minister Maas on Sunday evening, he would appeal to Facebook, its social responsibility when dealing with incitement to meet. The company did not, however, commit a crime in his eyes.
There you go.

Empire EU - What took you so long, Angela?

Empire EU

What took you so long, Angela?

That I can't feel my face?

Pro bono Anwalt gesucht für Klage gegen Jobcenter München MA Jürgen Sonneck

Fall # 2

Pro bono Anwalt gesucht für Klage gegen Jobcenter München MA Jürgen Sonneck

Jürgen Sonneck, alias C. Paucher, bevorzugt
den dunklen Siff der Anonymität.
Insbesondere auf dem Internet.
Hier ist er links zu sehen.
Meine Tochter und ich suchen einen verlässlichen Anwalt, der auf Pro Bono Basis arbeitet. Der stellv. GF des Jobcenter München Jürgen Sonneck (links in take-no-prisoner pose) steht offensichtlich mit dem Recht auf freie Meinungsäusserung auf dem Kriegsfuss. 

Wir beabsichtigen gegen diesen MA und aviden 6.200.000 Millimeter Läufer des JC München Klage zu erheben wegen Eingriffs in die freie Meinungsäusserung.

Nach Anbaggerung meiner Tochter und dem schleimigen Versuch durch JC München Mitarbeiter Jean-Marc Vincent, sie von der Fachoberschule mit rassistischen Unterstellungen zu locken, verfasste ich hierzu mehrere Blog Posts. 

Einem Post vorangestellt war ein Himmler Foto in NS-Uniform sowie ein zum Sujet passendes Zitat von dem adretten Herrn Himmler und entnommen der Website der öffentlich-rechtlichen Medienanstalt RBB in Berlin.

Nachdem ich in allen Instanzen von der Münchner Justiz wegen Verstosses gg. den § 86 a STGB verurteilt wurde, habe ich nun Verfassungsbeschwerde eingelegt.

Ich verwahre mich gegen jedes rassistische Unterfangen und insbesondere gegen eine rassistische und kriminelle Bundesbehörde wie das Jobcenter München. Das JC München und die berüchtigte Münchner Justiz legen insbesondere Wert auf die Löschung des besagten Blog Postes mit fantastisch passendem Zitat diesen Herren Himmler. Es wurde sogar der Polizist, der unseren Computer in 2013 beschlagnahmte, zum Gerichtstermin nach der Existenz dieses Posts vor den Schöffen befragt!

Dieser Blog Post soll also verschwinden nach den Wünschen des Jobcenter München und der Münchner Justiz:

Heinrich Himmler Zitat zur Schulbildung - Stawa Peter Preuss fordert 5 Monate Gefängnis

Hier die Anzeige, Prosa in erlesener Blödheit, des Hof-Intellektuellen des Jobcenter München Pandit und Purohit Jürgen Sonneck.

Münchner Staatsanwalt Peter Preuss derweil eine passend zum institutionellen Rassismus der Justiz, insbesondere der bayerischen,  Aversion zur freien Meinungsäusserung zeigend, folgende Forderung in der Verhandlung im Januar 2015 stellte.

Münchner Staatsanwalt Peter Preuss fordert 2 Monate Gefängnis für Bezeichnung "schleimender Mitarbeiter".

Danach ist es in bayerisch-juristischer Denke kosher, wenn eine reichsdeutsche Bundesbehörde zur Akquise wohlfeiler Arbeitskörper entsprechend den Bedürfnissen der neoliberalen Wirtschaftspolitik jungen Menschen, die sie nie gesehen und mit denen sie nie gesprochen hat, Blödheit zu unterstellen, heuchlerisch Nachhilfeunterricht anzubieten und nicht genug damit noch die anrüchige Offerte an eben jene Jugendliche macht, die sich gerade entschlossen haben, eine weiterbildende FOS zu besuchen, doch bei der Anmeldung zur drittklassigen Jobbörse der Bundesagentur für Arbeit "hilfreich" Unterstützung zu leisten, um sofort Jobangebote zu erhalten. 

Selbstverständlich für diese Mitarbeiter dieser grundgesetzbrechenden Firma durchaus mit pekuniären Vorteilen und/oder arbeitsplatzsichernden persönlichen internen Bewertungspunkten honoriert entsprechend des Arbeitsethos' 'Mit allen Mitteln'.

Pro bono Anwalt/Anwälte gesucht für Klage gegen Jobcenter München - Fall #1

Fall # 1

Pro bono Anwalt/Anwälte gesucht für Klagen gegen Jobcenter München

Meine Tochter und ich suchen einen verlässlichen Anwalt, der auf Pro Bono Basis arbeitet. Dem Jobcenter München konveniert offensichtlich nicht meine Kritik an der Perversion neoliberaler Ökonomie durch die grundgesetzbrechenden Jobcenter. Mittels Anzeigen versucht diese kriminelle und rassistische Organisation in mein Recht der freien Meinungsäusserung massiv einzugreifen.

Die Münchner Justiz trägt hierbei zu einem genüsslichen Potpourri bei, sowohl in der Strafverfolgung als auch in konsequenter Abweisung jeglicher Anzeigen von mir und meiner Tochter gegen Mitarbeiter des Jobcenter München.
  • 2012 Anzeige des Jobcenter München wegen meiner Veröffentlichung des bekannten Merkel-Nazi Fotos (Foto war in allen Medien zu sehen) und eines Pornofotos zur Geschäftsverbindung der dubiosen Kreditvermittlungsfirma Auxmoney auf meinem Blog.
  • 2013 deswegen Computerbeschlagnahme.
  • Computer wurde für 25 Monate (!) beschlagnahmt, obwohl nichts ausser diesen 2 Fotos gefunden wurde.
  • dadurch u.a. Geschäftsverlust von US$ 85.000, da auf dem Mac wertvolle Vectordesigns für Teppiche und Cashmeredecken waren.
  • Bis heute weigert sich die Münchner Justiz, mir Einsicht in die Anzeige von 2012 wegen des Merkel-Nazi Bildes zu geben!
Dieses Foto fand nicht das ihm gebührende ästhetische Placet der Bundesbehörde zur Akquise wohlfeiler Arbeitskörper entsprechend den Bedürfnissen der neoliberalen Wirtschaftspolitik, vulgo auch unter 'Jobcenter' bei UPIK firmierend. Selbiges Foto war und ist in den bekannten Medien in Deutschland noch heute zu finden.

Auf dem Index des Jobcenter München


Sabine Nowack, Jobcenter München: "Sei denn mein Sklave, und wisse, was es bedeutet,in die Hände einer Frau geliefert zu werden."

Sabine Nowack (Jobcenter München) & Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch
"Sei denn mein Sklave,
und wisse, was es bedeutet,
in die Hände einer Frau geliefert zu werden."

Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch

So ich denn zu meinem Entzücken bei lüsterner Lektüre der 'Presseinformation Nr. 15, München, dortselbst zum sechsten Tage des zwölften Monats anno 2012 zum Behufe der manigfaltigen Replikation an die heimische Druckpresse gereicht und fortan unter dem literarisch wertigen Titel 'Mehr erreichen für Kinder' sich einer breiten Leserschaft erfreuend, erfuhr, geschätztes Fräulein Sabine Nowack als Geschäftsstellenleiterin des Stadtteil-Boudoirs zur Disseminierung pekuniär wohlfeil dotierter Beschäftigungen ihre Expertise angedeien lässt, dünkte mich opportun, un peu die Chronologie einer Historie recht eigentlich unschöner und wie ich in konservativ getünchter Manier zu denken pflege, einer Behörde eines Landes der Dichter und Denker doch recht unschicklich anstehenden Ereignisse zu reminiszieren.

Warum in Wissenschaft und Kunst versiert, wenn nicht, um eine reizende kleine Frau zu beeindrucken, sprach Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch zu mir und, wahrlich, es entfaltete sich ein Potpurri vor mir. Ein Schelm wäre ich, würde ich es vorenthalten und hiervon soll ein folgender Post Kunde tun.

Wohl denn

This world will be uncomfortable for the Germans, who for the sake of the euro will find themselves having to survive without the ‘Europe’ to which they had once looked to provide them with a safe dwelling place

On the occasion of Merkel in Turkey, the refugees influx, the killing of Schengen, the new immigration laws in Germany, the Dachau transit camps, a rogue deal with a country that up to weeks ago was deemed unsuitable to be a member of the EU, this excerpt quite catches it.

wolfgang streeck

A new system?

It has been a long time since we last heard positive arguments for the single currency, whether political or economic. The only grounds adduced by the defenders of the status quo against the abandonment of what Polanyi would doubtless have called a ‘frivolous experiment’ is that the consequences of a breakup, though not foreseeable, would be worse than a continuation of what has become a permanent institutional crisis. Underlying this is probably the fear of the European political class that voters might present them with the bill for having casually placed the prosperity and peaceful coexistence of the continent at risk.

Yet the costs of dismantling the single currency cannot survive much longer as an argument in favour of its continuation. The Northern hope of escaping from the current predicament with a one-off payment — or even a one-off deflation to bring about structural reform in the South — will evaporate, as surely as Southern hopes for long-term support for social structures ill-suited to a hard-currency regime. Meanwhile, the notion that a pan-European democracy might spring up out of the European Parliament and somehow ride to the rescue will turn out to be an illusion—and the longer the wait, the greater the disillusionment. Less feasible still is the dream of achieving such a democracy by dint of letting the Eurozone crisis drag on until ‘the pain’ becomes too great— not so much the economic pain in the South as the moral and political anguish in the North, above all in Germany.

More likely than a headlong rush into pan-European democracy is that the national polities will fall prey to aggressively nationalist parties. The only remaining supporters of euro-led integration, apart from politicians fearful of losing their seats, will be the middle classes of the South, who dream of achieving a social-democratic consumer paradise on the coat-tails of Northern capitalism, even as this implodes; and the Northern export industries, which want to preserve the credit-financed consumption of the Southerners as long as possible, together with the competitive advantages of an undervalued pan-European currency. However, if convergence in any real sense is definitively ruled out, and the full extent of the need for regular redistributive cash injections becomes evident, the current situation will no longer be sustainable in electoral terms, even in Germany.

As Merkel headed to Turkey to forge a deal with a dictator with the sole intention of keeping her country "safe" from nefarious welfare-seekers
refugees this last paragraph rings all the more true. Creating a EU Gitmo is worth a couple of billions euros and further perks.
The most plausible scenario for the Europe of the near and not-so-near future is one of growing economic disparities—and of increasing political and cultural hostility between its peoples, as they find themselves flanked by technocratic attempts to undermine democracy on the one side, and the rise of new nationalist parties on the other. These will seize the opportunity to declare themselves the authentic champions of the growing number of so-called losers of modernization, who feel they have been abandoned by a social democracy that has embraced the market and globalization. Furthermore, this world, which lives under the constant threat of possible repetitions of 2008, will be especially uncomfortable for the Germans, who for the sake of the euro will find themselves having to survive without the ‘Europe’ to which they had once looked to provide them with a safe dwelling place, surrounded by well-disposed neighbours.


Klaus Kinski - 18 October 1926

klaus kinski

Kinski on Herzog

Herzog is a miserable, hateful, malevolent, avaricious, money-hungry, nasty, sadistic, treacherous, cowardly creep...he should be thrown alive to the crocodiles! An anaconda should strangle him slowly! A poisonous spider should sting him and paralyze his lungs! The most venomous serpent should bite him and make his brain explode! No panther claws should rip open his throat--that would be much too good for him! Huge red ants should piss into his lying eyes and gobble up his balls and his guts! He should catch the plague! Syphilis! Yellow fever! Leprosy! It's no use; the more I wish him the most gruesome deaths, the more he haunts me. 
Nobody is going to buy the book if I say nice things about you, Werner.


My Best Fiend


Enjoy the weekend with this

The ‘European idea’—or better: ideology—notwithstanding, the euro has split Europe in two. As the engine of an ever-closer union the currency’s balance sheet has been disastrous. Norway and Switzerland will not be joining the eu any time soon; Britain is actively considering leaving it altogether. Sweden and Denmark were supposed to adopt the euro at some point; that is now off the table. The Eurozone itself is split between surplus and deficit countries, North and South, Germany and the rest. At no point since the end of World War Two have its nation-states confronted each other with so much hostility; the historic achievements of European unification have never been so threatened …

Anyone wishing to understand how an institution such as the single currency can wreak such havoc needs a concept of money that goes beyond that of the liberal economic tradition and the sociological theory informed by it. The conflicts in the Eurozone can only be decoded with the aid of an economic theory that can conceive of money not merely as a system of signs that symbolize claims and contractual obligations, but also, in tune with Weber’s view, as the product of a ruling organization, and hence as a contentious and contested institution with distributive consequences full of potential for conflict …

Now more than ever there is a grotesque gap between capitalism’s intensifying reproduction problems and the collective energy needed to resolve them … This may mean that there is no guarantee that the people who have been so kind as to present us with the euro will be able to protect us from its consequences, or will even make a serious attempt to do so. The sorcerer’s apprentices will be unable to let go of the broom with which they aimed to cleanse Europe of its pre-modern social and anti-capitalist foibles, for the sake of a neoliberal transformation of its capitalism. The most plausible scenario for the Europe of the near and not-so-near future is one of growing economic disparities—and of increasing political and cultural hostility between its peoples, as they find themselves flanked by technocratic attempts to undermine democracy on the one side, and the rise of new nationalist parties on the other. These will seize the opportunity to declare themselves the authentic champions of the growing number of so-called losers of modernization, who feel they have been abandoned by a social democracy that has embraced the market and globalization.
via Lars P. Syll

and now you deserve this:


Galgen . Merkel . Free Speech - Na, meine deutschen RAs

via Fire

Refugees, well trained, motivated, young looking … to be butcher, baker or painter in Germany

Bob: I don't want to leave. 
Charlotte: So don't. Stay here with me. We'll start a jazz band.

Lost in Translation

God, what a difference just four months make. The SZ screams:

Labor market and refugeesWell trained, motivated, young looking ...

and one thing is clear, IT'S PARTY TIME! The refugees are here, yeehah!

Let's listen in:
As Obaidah AlSaleh came to Munich two years ago, the Syrian did not know anyone in the city and did not speak German. After half a year integration course he began to work as a warehouse worker and packers in a company for beauty products. After a few months he was in the company take orders and went up to deputy foreman.The 32-year-old has an apartment in Munich found and speaks fluent German.
Well, what did I tell you, a total success ... until you read the next sentence:
In Syria AlSaleh had studied agronomy. His aim was a training or study in the technical field.
Oops, what happened, Germany. I thought it's FACHKRÄFTE you are so desperately looking for? Germany, what did you not understand? He studied agronomy! Are you trying to tell me plants in Syria grow from left to right and agriculture there is totally different from European?
That at present many politicians and media figures spread, how high the rate of illiterate or less extensive among the refugees are holding Social Officer Meier for a doomsday scenario. She speaks instead of a "huge opportunity" for the city of Munich. It was particularly remarkable how many were just the young refugees often highly motivated.
Anette Farrenkopf, Jobcenter München - Foto: Felix Magin
Sounds awesome this "huge opportunity" and this would be the right time to call in the Madonna of Low-wage Jobs. Let's give a big hand to Anette Farrenkopf, all-new man. director Jobcenter Munich. Well hello, ma sweet blonde babe.

What did Anette think of all those foreigners and refugees flocking to bucolic Bavaria just four months ago in June and BTW without ever having talked to or met one?

Well, Ms. Anette chose a very intellectual newspaper, the AZ, to spread her wisdom and that goes like this:
However Farrenkopf understands the refugee influx by no means purely as a burden on her agency. On the contrary: "These are very studious people," she says, especially artisanal interested.
Cool, can we have more? Studious sounds great. Artisanal, oh, get's me all revved up. So I am getting really curious here, Anette.
Many would want to be butcher, baker or painter. 
Oh gee, Ms. Farrenkopf, that is a bummer. You sure? How the heck did that happen? Just a minute ago you were all gaga and elated about their studious traits and their artisanal expertise, and now this. Any explanation mayhaps from ze lady?
These are the professions for which our young people are interested in no longer," says the job center boss.
No shit? Is that so? Please bear with me, sweet buxom lady of low-line jobs, as I am experiencing some bumps on the road following the whole mantra of the labor minister, the BA dudes and many other people in the business of pretending to know stuff, but it still keeps resonating in my ear that Germany is in dire needs of FACHKRÄFTE. So here you have young people, eager and interested, and you want to funnel them into shit jobs that, and for a reason, no young German people want to do?

There is even more to it, sweet lady, you sound fucking racist and in doing so, you blew the cover of what that job of yours, the German Labor Agency BA and the refugee laws is: syphoning off enough refugees to fill low-wage jobs and kick the rest out of the country. On trains I hear.

Quotes via Google translate


Monsieur, einen Slippery Nipple für RAin Aglaia Muth zur neuen Website bitte


RechtSAnWäLTIn Aglaia Muth hat eine neue Website. Ein wenig megaloman.

RA Aglaia Muth website
So sieht die Skyline auf Google Maps aus. War im Übrigen vor einigen Monaten noch nicht verpixelt.

Palais RA Aglaia Muth auf Google Maps
Take it from the horse's mouth:

Rechtsanwalt ist aber nicht gleich Rechtsanwalt, nicht jeder Anwalt ist automatisch in der Lage, eine Strafverteidigung kompetent zu führen. ...

Ohne jedweden Zweifel, Aglaia

Seit Beginn meiner beruflichen Tätigkeit als Rechtsanwältin im Jahr 1992 bin ich ausschließlich im Strafrecht tätig, im Jahr 1998 wurde mir die Fachanwaltsbezeichnung „Fachanwalt für Strafrecht" verliehen. Dadurch ist die Grundlage meiner Beratung ein fundiertes Fachwissen, das zum einen auf meiner langjährigen Erfahrung als Rechtsanwalt für Strafrecht in München, und zum anderen auf stetigen und zahlreichen Fortbildungen basiert.

oh, iss nich wahr ...

Mittlerweile habe ich meine Tätigkeit auch auf die Nebenklagevertretung und den Opferschutz ausgeweitet.

Den hat man bei dir auch nötig, Aglaia...

und hier ist Rechtsanwältin Aglaia Muth voll bei der Sache.