
Open email to the German Ministry of Education re. Jobcenter Munich

Dear Minister of Education Wanka, 

Recent events with an institution entrusted to guarantee low-wage jobs induce me to write to you in an open email. Allow me to quote from the home page of your ministry's website:
"The educational advancement of young people must not fail due to financial barriers." 
and on this page
"Education is the most important investment in the future. This is true for each individual and for society as a whole. Each child and every young person should receive the best possible educational opportunities in Germany, irrespective of their cultural or social origin or physical possibilities of his parents' house." 
Unfortunately this seems to have not yet transpired to the institution, which according to the Giessen Administrative Court strives to attain a 'touch of authority', and in this particular case the Jobcenter of Munich in the province of Bavaria. 

It is said Jobcenter, where I and my daughter, who has just completed her first eleven months of coming of legal age - meaning the age of majority according to the BGB and not the justice system SGB this questionable agency Jobcenter works on - and insofar as she is of Asian-German provenance, therefore consequently in those rather wooden German semantics runs under the term 'migrant' (is this perhaps a Baudrillardian simulacrum?) - feel compelled to notice, that "the most important investment in the future" is quite ostensibly viewed by this agency as rather a cost that must be avoided 'By all Means' including circumventing the law and arbitrary application of the law. 

Your Ministry of Education's website assesses correctly: 
"In Germany almost four million children are under the age of 18, more than a quarter of this age group in at least one social, financial and cultural risk situation, which detracts from their educational opportunities." 
yet said institution for State Guaranteed Poverty Management, aka Jobcenter, shows a startlingly inventive repertoire of counter-measures in such a consistent way of more or less persistent breaches of law with the impressive result that my daughter can already proudly look at three legal actions before the Social Court in Munich against this government institution.

It is shrouded in opaqueness for me as a parent what "positive means for their education" 
adolescents could distill out of these deeply questionable dealings of a government institution. A state should not be surprised by an emotional disassociation of young people and ultimately a decision to emigrate to better shores.

Would it not be wiser and certainly more honest, especially since the dealings of said agency are well-known since years, to even more circumvent the German basic law in Germany's quest for cheap labor and pass additional legislation perhaps stating along these lines:

"Children, who belong to the community of Hartz IV recipients, have the right to education up to secondary school. An education beyond this level would strain public finances and also overtax these children." 

This had the additional benefit for the Jobcenter Munich to legally continue breaking laws unabated, arbitrary application of laws, the refusal to cover the costs for the school bus and, last but not least for this seedy agency, stealing the pay of my daughter's vacation job.

It would also alleviate the managing director of the Jobcenter Munich, whose full name according to the Attorney General of Munich is Martina Monika Musati, of the plight to force me to take down a blog post or face a penally of € 10,000 (euro ten thousand in words) some two years ago. An endeavor that left me in a bout of raucous laughter.

Furthermore, it would render it unnecessary that a dude from that agency writes a slimy letter to my daughter demanding to see her school midterm card without any legal basis, connive to get her email address and mobile phone number and ultimately trying to coax her out of school and into a low-paying job. For good measure he manages to add a decent amount of discriminating prejudice by suggesting she might need some tuition.

I fully agree with the BMBF when it states: 
"Good education - from kindergarten to school, training and study through to education - is the key to participation and social advancement." 
Sadly this assessment is not being shared at the Jobcenter Munich. In their eminent offices everything is done to curtail a comprehensive education in order to meet their pre-established numbers and earn a bonus.

Of course this is understandable, when an institution can present such an elitist intellectual talent as its CEO Martina Musati, a lady of mind boggling eloquence and a commanding grasp of the German language, who manages on a sparsely printed DIN A5 page to repeat the word 'integration' ten times and subsequently sparked a learned discussion about redundancy in the republic that helped to bring about a paradigm shift. Wittgenstein can now sit back and relax. 

I feel much obliged for your attention and remain 


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