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GWF Hegel |
Anyhow, let's see how this blessed lawyer in the service of the corruptest province in Germany deals with such nefarious things like for example Free Speech in conjunction with the attempt of the notorious German Jobcenter to get my daughter out of school and into a low-paying fucker job and in particular how his Nobleness deals with fucking and obnoxious bloggers who, can you believe the pretense, happen to indulge in the luxury of having an own opinion.
Posting this following is ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED in Bavaria, corrupt province of Germany.
Sonntag, 23. März 2014
Jean-Marc Vincent offers "precisely fitting" integration into the Low-Wage country
Parents who want to provide their children a better education from the outset both in elementary school and later at a high school, have to submit an application with the Higher SS and Police Leaders.
"Einige Gedanken über die Behandlung der Fremdvölkischen im Osten" von Heinrich Himmler, 15. Mai 1940
Quelle: Kühnl, Reinhard
"Der deutsche Faschismus in Quellen und Dokumenten."
Köln, 1978
Bildquelle: Daily Mail
The blog post covers how a 60 year old (!) Jobcenter (which is the German government agency charged with purveying workers remunerated at, according to a latest IMF study, 30% below the wage rate of continuously employed workers) dude hits on my 18-year old daughter without ever having seen her and without knowing anything about her questioning her passing the school successfully. Goes on in his discriminatory rant and proposes private tutoring and tops it off by proffering his "Help to sign up with the German Jobs Portal".
I called him a "slimy staff" and the dude did not like this and sued for defamation. Defamation law suits are rampant in Germany and they infringe on free speech. That's how ridiculously screwed up laws are in Germany. The historical parallels are obvious.
Im Übrigen verbieten sich Vergleiche zwischen der Tat des Angeklagten einerseits und Presse-bzw Fernsehinhalten andererseits, da letztere regelmässig der staatsbürgerlichen Aufklärung, der Berichterstattung über Vörgänge des Zeitgeschehens oder der Geschichte dienen und daher gem. § 86 Abs. 3 i.V.m. § 86 a Abs. 3 STGB vom Straftatbestand ausgenommen sind. Dass das Handeln des Angeklagten hingegen nicht unter diese Ausnahmebestimmung fällt, hat das Berufungsgericht ausführlich und ohne Rechtsfehler dargelegt (UA S. 7).
Translated it says:
Apart from that, comparisons between the acts of the accused on the one hand and press and TV-coverage on the other hand are out of the question, because the latter regularly serve as political information, report on events of current affairs or history and therefore are according to § 86 no. 3 in conjunction with § 86 a no. 3 Penal Code exempted from the offense. The actions of the defendant, however, do not fall under that exception as the Court of Appeal has set out in detail and without any error of law (UA p.7).
You might as well translate "verbieten sich Vergleiche" with Comparisons are forbidden by itself or Comparisons are inherently forbidden or in colloquial parlance: Don't even think about comparing this, because free speech, well, fuck it!
- Chief prosecutor Hummer of the Munich court, do I interpret you correctly that falsifying historical events of the Nazi era is covered and protected by § 86 a section 3 STGB? Excuse me, come again.
- IOW, you Noble Protector of the Law Mr Hummer from the court of Munich in Bavaria deem it as contravening the law to point out historical falsifications on TV, aired on German TV on prime time on April 3, 2015 which can be read here and at SPIEGEL magazine? A Hitler-Hollywood-Melange the SPIEGEL calls "Hitler for stupid people".
- and you have the audacity to brush exactly these valid facts aside in my appeals?
- You show the temerity to FORBID an individual person to even question any publication/airing of Nazi-time documentaries by state media, which in Germany is being financed by a mandatory (!) fee, as to their latent glorification of that particular time in history?
- Your Exalted Enlightenment of Judicial Omniscience Mr. Hummer, have you perhaps heard of Article 5 German Basic Law? The last time I checked, it said something about Free Speech. Have you heard of it?
- Do you see anything vaguely critical, let alone explaining their opposition to the Nazi doctrine in all those articles in the German media and plastered with images from that time? Oh come on, Hitler sells.
- These never ending documentaries on German TV about the Nazi time, sometimes three days in a week? Get to grips with it, Mañjuśrī of German Law, the Germans love to see this shit and besides, these repetitions ad nauseam show the utter void of any ideas among the German TV makers and in addition it is cheap.
If memory serves me right, You Eminent Wielder of the Excalibur of Perfect Jurisprudence, if you guys at the Bavarian court do not like a blogger, you simply confiscate his computer for 25 months, right?
There is one thing though, Supreme Purveyor of Kanoon, I have lived 15 years in one of the corruptest countries in S. Asia, but what you guys offer here in Germany is beyond description.
Mr. Hummer, it's been a privilege communicating with you.
Mr. Hummer, have you heard by any chance of the European Court?
Unfortunately, Munich chief prosecutor Mr Hummer's Owl of Minerva never really spread its wings. http://t.co/FaOSZnSMG4 @JuraBlogs
— ErebusSagace (@ErebusSagace) August 6, 2015