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©dpa - Labergroschen Götz Werner |
Aber zunächst wird doch der geneigte Leser interessiert fragen, Götz the fuck who???
Na, das ist doch ganz einfach DER Götz Werner, der Typ von der Drogerie Kette, der durch Ausbeutung von Tausenden von Mitarbeitern seine Milliarden gesichert hat. Jetzt schlürft er die Altruistik Kool-Aid und sabbert kontinuierlich über das Bedingungslose Grundeinkommen BGE bis zum Erbrechen. Hören wir einfach mal rein, was der Götz so im nüchternen Zustand volltrunken rüber bringt. Manege auf für ein bischen Götz Werner Sülze.
„Es gibt vier Mängel, vier Kardinalsünden in unserem Wirschaftssystem: Die erste besteht darin, dass wir Geld wie eine Ware betrachten, die zweite, dass wir Grund und Boden wie Ware betrachten, die dritte, dass wir Unternehmen wie Waren behandeln, und die vierte und wohl folgenreichste, dass wir Arbeit wie Ware betrachten. Arbeit ist aber an Menschen gebunden, kann also keine Ware sein. Grund und Boden können schon deshalb keine Waren sein, weil sie nicht beliebig vermehrbar sind. Unternehmen wie Waren zu verkaufen zu wollen, führt diese meist in die Überschuldung. Und das liebe Geld schließlich hat keinen unmittelbaren Gebrauchswert. Da wir diese vier Phänomene aber mental auf die gleiche Ebene wie die Güter und Dienstleistungen gestellt haben und vom Geldmarkt, Immobilienmarkt und Arbeitsmarkt reden, stecken wir in der Falle.“ Prof. Götz W. Werner in „Einkommen für alle“
Geld ist ein Zahlungsmittel. Wäre es eine Ware, dann wäre der Preis für die "Ware € 10,-" wie hoch, Götz? Götz, hallo?
Neben diesem offensichtlichen Schwachsinn, und Götz Werners Blog ist voll von schwachsinnigem Gelaber, ist Götz ja der Apostel des BGE.
Doch irgendwann werden Idioten wie Götz Werner ermüdend und da trifft es sich gut, Bekanntschaft mit Ellis Winningham zu machen. Z. B. sein jüngster Blog Post
On the Reason Why a Job Guarantee is Rejected in Favor of a Standalone Basic Income Guarantee
Da heisst es u. a.:Consider the US Dollar. At its very essence, the US Dollar is just a number, and numbers, as we know, are infinite. A Dollar exists only in one of three forms:
1.) Numbers in a reserve account at the Federal ReserveNa damit weiss man schon einmal, was Geld ist (1) ... und weiters
2.) Numbers in a security account, also at the Federal Reserve
3.) Cash – Federal Reserve notes and coins
The US Dollar is not just paper and metal coin. In fact, when it comes to federal spending, paper dollars have nothing to do with the subject. The federal government doesn’t print cash to fund its spending. Cash is but a physical manifestation of a certain number (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100) that was issued by the US Government. Today, paper US currency is issued to meet bank customers demand for cash. In other words, first the US Government spends by crediting bank accounts with numbers (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100). Those numbers sit on an electronic spreadsheet called a “reserve account”, and they move back and forth between reserve accounts held at the Federal Reserve, ensuring that payments clear. Bank customers demand cash, so the US Government (The Bureau of Engraving and Printing) prints paper dollars. When a bank like Chase requests $2 million in cash, the Federal Reserve deletes the number 2,000,000 from Chase’s reserve account and then ships $2 million in cash to Chase. Chase then sticks the $2 million in cash in its vaults and then hands the paper dollars to customers when they ask for cash. Put simply, the US Government converts numbers in reserve accounts into pieces of paper which enables bank customers to carry around that number and buy things.
The US Dollar is a monetary instrument.Warum sind Typen wie Götz Werner so wahnsinnig gagga auf das BGE und lassen den Garantierten Job (Job Guarantee -JG) unerwähnt? Ellis Winningham gibt die Antwort.
When you demand a federal Job Guarantee, you are threatening to peg something that they absolutely adore (US Dollars) to something that they absolutely despise (labor), and they are going to demand that the politicians on their payroll reject the Job Guarantee in favor of another scheme. In this case, that other scheme, which is far more palatable to corporate America, the 1% and Wall Street is the Basic Income Guarantee.Das BGE dreht die Welt auf den Kopf. Gewöhnlich erbringt man erst eine Leistung und wird dann bezahlt. Das BGE hingegen wird vorab gezahlt. Dabei ist ein BGE als solches durchaus anwendbar in Verbindung mit der JG wie Neil Wilson zeigt.
Basic Income is based on the principle that people should be paid first and then perhaps do something later if they feel like it. That is a complete reversal of the principle of contribution that is in place in society. Everywhere else you have to be of service to others and put them in your debt first, before you receive anything of real value in return.
Yet there is no need to overturn the entire structure of the current economy. If those people who really believe in Basic Income want to put it in place under a Job Guarantee system then they can do so. Just endow a charity to give money to people. If the recipients then decide to work for others (perhaps working for the charity) they will receive the Job Guarantee wage which will then, in effect, end up being the advance payment for the following period rather than an arrears payment for the previous one.
Neil Wilson fragt auch, ob das BGE nicht im Grunde genommen Diebstahl darstellt?
Zurück zu Ellis Winningham, der den 'Currency to labor peg' anspricht.
Zurück zu Ellis Winningham, der den 'Currency to labor peg' anspricht.
A standalone Basic Income Guarantee without a Job Guarantee as “the” solution, is a steaming hot plate of status quo served with a side of status quo. There is simply nothing progressive about the Basic Income Guarantee when it is used in this manner. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with a Basic Income Guarantee at all. The initiative can easily be combined with a Job Guarantee, but politicians refuse the proposal, because the Job Guarantee pegs the currency to labor.Hier folgt EWs Argumentationskette:
What is Employment?
Most people think of employment in terms of a person who has a job. And that would be correct. But there is another sense to the meaning of the word that we must understand. In terms of a currency peg, when we say “employment”, what we mean is “to be used”. For example, gold doesn’t clock in at Walmart, stock some shelves and then receive a paycheck. See what I mean here? When you peg the US Dollar to gold, you are employing gold as a currency anchor. Therefore, any and all gold that the US Government can get its hands on is 100% guaranteed to be put to use. Let’s clarify this realty using what we’ve discussed so far.
As we’ve mentioned, when you peg the US Dollar to gold, you need a supply of gold on hand at all times. You also must keep the amount of US Dollars in circulation consistent with the gold supply on hand at the fixed exchange rate. If the amount of gold on hand drops, then the amount of currency in circulation must also drop. If the amount of gold on hand increases, then you can increase the amount of currency in circulation. In other words, by pegging to gold, you automatically create a must-have situation for gold. Every ounce of gold that can be found must be put to use (employed), because it is the anchor for the currency that drives the monetary economy. Hence:
Pegging the US Dollar to gold means full employment for gold.
Pegging the US Dollar to British Pounds means full employment for the British Pound in the US.
Pegging the US Dollar to silver means full employment for silver.
Pegging the US Dollar to hamsters means full employment for hamsters.
Pegging the US Dollar to Kalamata olives means full employment for Kalamata olives.
And pegging the US Dollar to labor means full employment for humans.
Understand? Fantastic.
A Universal Basic Income, or a simple Basic Income Guarantee do not peg the US Dollar to anything. Essentially, they work to increase aggregate demand. They contain no inflation anchor, real or nominal. A Job Guarantee, on the other hand, actually pegs the US Dollar to labor. Human labor becomes the anchor for the currency, and as we now understand, should the US Government initiate a federal Job Guarantee, it would be pegging the US Dollar to labor, effectively forcing a situation of full employment in the United States. Now then, let us ask:
What’s one thing that corporate America, the 1% and Wall Street love more than anything?
US Dollars.
What’s one thing that corporate America, the 1% and Wall Street have a profound hatred for?
Full employment.
What’s one thing that corporate America, the 1% and Wall Street simply will not tolerate?
Say it with me: A situation of indefinite full employment.
Do you understand me?
When you demand a federal Job Guarantee, you are threatening to peg something that they absolutely adore (US Dollars) to something that they absolutely despise (labor), and they are going to demand that the politicians on their payroll reject the Job Guarantee in favor of another scheme. In this case, that other scheme, which is far more palatable to corporate America, the 1% and Wall Street is the Basic Income Guarantee.Die JG nimmt der Industrie die Möglichkeit, die Löhne unter den Level der JG Löhne zu drücken. Ja und genau das hat doch den Schlawiner Götz Werner reich gemacht.
(1) Leute die zwischen Bargeld und Giralgeld allen Ernstes in Deutschland unterscheiden, haben 'fiat money' nicht verstanden.
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