
Ladies in Burka garb, what is so difficult to adapt to our Western Values?

Seriously, why do you hide your whole body including your, I assume, beautiful face, and here I quote one highly esteemed German paper - one could quote any paper for that matter, because they all write the same -, in a sartorial contraption that "is not only a piece of cloth" but evidently a "textile prison"?

Not a textile prison
"Therefore, the fundamental question is wrongly put in the debate already. It's not about whether we can ban the burqa. If we want to, we can."

The last sentence is a threat, you understand that? You may by now have realized, this is not just about the burka, this is about you as a Muslim. It is about your religion that is so deeply despised and automatically equated with terrorism. Just like that.

Chief hate monger de Maizière.
You should not have trust in the state.

The papers are full of rants against Muslims, every day and the comments section is disabled. In order to suppress so-called hate speech and thus avoid the impression that Germany is what it is, a racist country, the Ministry of Justice has even teamed up with the notorious Amadeu Foundation which is run by a former Stasi member and is funded among others by the Ministry for Family Affairs.

There is more good news for you, you are henceforth Germany's new Jews. Of course we can not say this openly, that's why we have our dependable and trusted press and it goes like this:

"We must begin to formulate the basic question differently: Can we allow women a bag is thrown over the head and they are separated from their environment and taken out of human and social interaction? At this point you do not come with security considerations, but the caring responsibilities of the State, beginning with Article 1 of the Basic Law: Human dignity is inviolable."

Western human dignity. Give it a try.

IOW, we have now entered the sphere of our 'Western Values' and since we are Germans, we know what we are talking about. After all, we are the peoples of poets and thinkers, human rights and what not. Boom, take that.

The German press is even so brazen to ask whether you might be more prosperous economically, if you would ditch your religion.

"Islam itself does not hurt the economy"
Religious conflicts selling investors Shariah prevents confidence. As the Middle East could still come forward economically, the economist and Islam expert Timur Kuran said in an interview.
Why are you not like these Germans and show the splendor of your astral body and decency?

Down and out at the Oktoberfest. Now that's culture.

Remember, Article 1 of the Basic Law: Human dignity is inviolable", but you can suck pupils dicks in Germany and be protected by a court.

Odenwald School
Besides, the burka discussion is only a pretense to create a division within German society, a scare tactic based on mongering hatred in order to push through various measures to stifle free speech. In addition, it serves to further alienate Germans from the refugees that are selected based on their usefulness as a cheap third labor force (the second being the Hartz 4 caste) to stay in Germany and serve as a suppressor of wage hikes.

One-euro jobs are usually capped at two years duration, yet the Ministry of Labor has implemented plans to nix this and even allow this kind of slave labor for ten years. Welcome to Germany, refugees.

Integration is not in the cards, as the Turkish people in Germany can attest. The recent huge pro-Erdogan demonstration of Turks in Germany has clearly shown the divide. This would not have happened in the USA. Where was Germany when thousands of Lhotsampas were trapped for years in the camps in the humid and hot Terai in Nepal? America accepted tens of thousands.

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